
news2024/10/6 0:30:51


    • ❤️爱心代码❤️(C语言)
    • ❤️流动爱心❤️(html+css+js)
    • ❤️线条爱心❤️(html+css+js)
    • ❤️biu表白爱心❤️(html+css+js)
    • ❤️matlab爱心函数❤️(需安装matlab r2022)



#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>

int main()
    float x, y, a;
    for (y = 1.5; y > -1.5; y -= 0.1)
        for (x = -1.5; x < 1.5; x += 0.05)
            a = x * x + y * y - 1;
            putchar(a * a * a - x * x * y * y * y <= 0.0 ? '*' : ' ');
        system("color 0c");
    return 0;



  • HTML部分:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  <TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
  <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
  <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">
  <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
  <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
  html, body {
  height: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  background: #000;
canvas {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  <canvas id="pinkboard"></canvas>
 * Settings
var settings = {
  particles: {
    length:   500, // maximum amount of particles
    duration:   2, // particle duration in sec
    velocity: 100, // particle velocity in pixels/sec
    effect: -0.75, // play with this for a nice effect
    size:      30, // particle size in pixels
 * RequestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller
(function(){var b=0;var c=["ms","moz","webkit","o"];for(var a=0;a<c.length&&!window.requestAnimationFrame;++a){window.requestAnimationFrame=window[c[a]+"RequestAnimationFrame"];window.cancelAnimationFrame=window[c[a]+"CancelAnimationFrame"]||window[c[a]+"CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]}if(!window.requestAnimationFrame){window.requestAnimationFrame=function(h,e){var d=new Date().getTime();var f=Math.max(0,16-(d-b));var g=window.setTimeout(function(){h(d+f)},f);b=d+f;return g}}if(!window.cancelAnimationFrame){window.cancelAnimationFrame=function(d){clearTimeout(d)}}}());
 * Point class
var Point = (function() {
  function Point(x, y) {
    this.x = (typeof x !== 'undefined') ? x : 0;
    this.y = (typeof y !== 'undefined') ? y : 0;
  Point.prototype.clone = function() {
    return new Point(this.x, this.y);
  Point.prototype.length = function(length) {
    if (typeof length == 'undefined')
      return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
    this.x *= length;
    this.y *= length;
    return this;
  Point.prototype.normalize = function() {
    var length = this.length();
    this.x /= length;
    this.y /= length;
    return this;
  return Point;
 * Particle class
var Particle = (function() {
  function Particle() {
    this.position = new Point();
    this.velocity = new Point();
    this.acceleration = new Point();
    this.age = 0;
  Particle.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, dx, dy) {
    this.position.x = x;
    this.position.y = y;
    this.velocity.x = dx;
    this.velocity.y = dy;
    this.acceleration.x = dx * settings.particles.effect;
    this.acceleration.y = dy * settings.particles.effect;
    this.age = 0;
  Particle.prototype.update = function(deltaTime) {
    this.position.x += this.velocity.x * deltaTime;
    this.position.y += this.velocity.y * deltaTime;
    this.velocity.x += this.acceleration.x * deltaTime;
    this.velocity.y += this.acceleration.y * deltaTime;
    this.age += deltaTime;
  Particle.prototype.draw = function(context, image) {
    function ease(t) {
      return (--t) * t * t + 1;
    var size = image.width * ease(this.age / settings.particles.duration);
    context.globalAlpha = 1 - this.age / settings.particles.duration;
    context.drawImage(image, this.position.x - size / 2, this.position.y - size / 2, size, size);
  return Particle;
 * ParticlePool class
var ParticlePool = (function() {
  var particles,
      firstActive = 0,
      firstFree   = 0,
      duration    = settings.particles.duration;
  function ParticlePool(length) {
    // create and populate particle pool
    particles = new Array(length);
    for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++)
      particles[i] = new Particle();
  ParticlePool.prototype.add = function(x, y, dx, dy) {
    particles[firstFree].initialize(x, y, dx, dy);
    // handle circular queue
    if (firstFree   == particles.length) firstFree   = 0;
    if (firstActive == firstFree       ) firstActive++;
    if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;
  ParticlePool.prototype.update = function(deltaTime) {
    var i;
    // update active particles
    if (firstActive < firstFree) {
      for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)
    if (firstFree < firstActive) {
      for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)
      for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++)
    // remove inactive particles
    while (particles[firstActive].age >= duration && firstActive != firstFree) {
      if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;
  ParticlePool.prototype.draw = function(context, image) {
    // draw active particles
    if (firstActive < firstFree) {
      for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)
        particles[i].draw(context, image);
    if (firstFree < firstActive) {
      for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)
        particles[i].draw(context, image);
      for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++)
        particles[i].draw(context, image);
  return ParticlePool;
 * Putting it all together
(function(canvas) {
  var context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
      particles = new ParticlePool(settings.particles.length),
      particleRate = settings.particles.length / settings.particles.duration, // particles/sec
  // get point on heart with -PI <= t <= PI
  function pointOnHeart(t) {
    return new Point(
      160 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3),
      130 * Math.cos(t) - 50 * Math.cos(2 * t) - 20 * Math.cos(3 * t) - 10 * Math.cos(4 * t) + 25
  // creating the particle image using a dummy canvas
  var image = (function() {
    var canvas  = document.createElement('canvas'),
        context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    canvas.width  = settings.particles.size;
    canvas.height = settings.particles.size;
    // helper function to create the path
    function to(t) {
      var point = pointOnHeart(t);
      point.x = settings.particles.size / 2 + point.x * settings.particles.size / 350;
      point.y = settings.particles.size / 2 - point.y * settings.particles.size / 350;
      return point;
    // create the path
    var t = -Math.PI;
    var point = to(t);
    context.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
    while (t < Math.PI) {
      t += 0.01; // baby steps!
      point = to(t);
      context.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
    // create the fill
    context.fillStyle = '#ea80b0';
    // create the image
    var image = new Image();
    image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
    return image;
  // render that thing!
  function render() {
    // next animation frame
    // update time
    var newTime   = new Date().getTime() / 1000,
        deltaTime = newTime - (time || newTime);
    time = newTime;
    // clear canvas
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    // create new particles
    var amount = particleRate * deltaTime;
    for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
      var pos = pointOnHeart(Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI * Math.random());
      var dir = pos.clone().length(settings.particles.velocity);
      particles.add(canvas.width / 2 + pos.x, canvas.height / 2 - pos.y, dir.x, -dir.y);
    // update and draw particles
    particles.draw(context, image);
  // handle (re-)sizing of the canvas
  function onResize() {
    canvas.width  = canvas.clientWidth;
    canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
  window.onresize = onResize;
  // delay rendering bootstrap
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 10);



  • HTML部分:
<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      <!-- css部分 -->
  body {
    background-color: #000;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    <!-- 绘画爱心 -->
    <canvas id="canvas" width="1400" height="600"></canvas>
    <!-- js部分 -->
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
// Initialize the GL context
var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');
if (!gl) {
    console.error("Unable to initialize WebGL.");
//Time step
var dt = 0.015;
var time = 0.0;
//************** Shader sources **************
var vertexSource = `
attribute vec2 position;
void main() {
	gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
var fragmentSource = `
precision highp float;
uniform float width;
uniform float height;
vec2 resolution = vec2(width, height);
uniform float time;
#define POINT_COUNT 8
vec2 points[POINT_COUNT];
const float speed = -0.5;
const float len = 0.25;
float intensity = 0.9;
float radius = 0.015;
//Signed distance to a quadratic bezier
float sdBezier(vec2 pos, vec2 A, vec2 B, vec2 C){    
	vec2 a = B - A;
	vec2 b = A - 2.0*B + C;
	vec2 c = a * 2.0;
	vec2 d = A - pos;
	float kk = 1.0 / dot(b,b);
	float kx = kk * dot(a,b);
	float ky = kk * (2.0*dot(a,a)+dot(d,b)) / 3.0;
	float kz = kk * dot(d,a);      
	float res = 0.0;
	float p = ky - kx*kx;
	float p3 = p*p*p;
	float q = kx*(2.0*kx*kx - 3.0*ky) + kz;
	float h = q*q + 4.0*p3;
	if(h >= 0.0){ 
		h = sqrt(h);
		vec2 x = (vec2(h, -h) - q) / 2.0;
		vec2 uv = sign(x)*pow(abs(x), vec2(1.0/3.0));
		float t = uv.x + uv.y - kx;
		t = clamp( t, 0.0, 1.0 );
		// 1 root
		vec2 qos = d + (c + b*t)*t;
		res = length(qos);
		float z = sqrt(-p);
		float v = acos( q/(p*z*2.0) ) / 3.0;
		float m = cos(v);
		float n = sin(v)*1.732050808;
		vec3 t = vec3(m + m, -n - m, n - m) * z - kx;
		t = clamp( t, 0.0, 1.0 );
		// 3 roots
		vec2 qos = d + (c + b*t.x)*t.x;
		float dis = dot(qos,qos);
		res = dis;
		qos = d + (c + b*t.y)*t.y;
		dis = dot(qos,qos);
		res = min(res,dis);
		qos = d + (c + b*t.z)*t.z;
		dis = dot(qos,qos);
		res = min(res,dis);
		res = sqrt( res );
	return res;
vec2 getHeartPosition(float t){
	return vec2(16.0 * sin(t) * sin(t) * sin(t),
							-(13.0 * cos(t) - 5.0 * cos(2.0*t)
							- 2.0 * cos(3.0*t) - cos(4.0*t)));
float getGlow(float dist, float radius, float intensity){
	return pow(radius/dist, intensity);
float getSegment(float t, vec2 pos, float offset, float scale){
	for(int i = 0; i < POINT_COUNT; i++){
		points[i] = getHeartPosition(offset + float(i)*len + fract(speed * t) * 6.28);
	vec2 c = (points[0] + points[1]) / 2.0;
	vec2 c_prev;
	float dist = 10000.0;
	for(int i = 0; i < POINT_COUNT-1; i++){
		c_prev = c;
		c = (points[i] + points[i+1]) / 2.0;
		dist = min(dist, sdBezier(pos, scale * c_prev, scale * points[i], scale * c));
	return max(0.0, dist);
void main(){
	vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy;
	float widthHeightRatio = resolution.x/resolution.y;
	vec2 centre = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
	vec2 pos = centre - uv;
	pos.y /= widthHeightRatio;
	//Shift upwards to centre heart
	pos.y += 0.02;
	float scale = 0.000015 * height;
	float t = time;
	//Get first segment
	float dist = getSegment(t, pos, 0.0, scale);
	float glow = getGlow(dist, radius, intensity);
	vec3 col = vec3(0.0);
	//White core
	col += 10.0*vec3(smoothstep(0.003, 0.001, dist));
	//Pink glow
	col += glow * vec3(0.94,0.14,0.4);
	//Get second segment
	dist = getSegment(t, pos, 3.4, scale);
	glow = getGlow(dist, radius, intensity);
	//White core
	col += 10.0*vec3(smoothstep(0.003, 0.001, dist));
	//Blue glow
	col += glow * vec3(0.2,0.6,1.0);
	//Tone mapping
	col = 1.0 - exp(-col);
	//Output to screen
 	gl_FragColor = vec4(col,1.0);
//************** Utility functions **************
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);
function onWindowResize() {
    canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
    gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    gl.uniform1f(widthHandle, window.innerWidth);
    gl.uniform1f(heightHandle, window.innerHeight);
//Compile shader and combine with source
function compileShader(shaderSource, shaderType) {
    var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
    gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSource);
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw "Shader compile failed with: " + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
    return shader;
//From https://codepen.io/jlfwong/pen/GqmroZ
//Utility to complain loudly if we fail to find the attribute/uniform
function getAttribLocation(program, name) {
    var attributeLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, name);
    if (attributeLocation === -1) {
        throw 'Cannot find attribute ' + name + '.';
    return attributeLocation;
function getUniformLocation(program, name) {
    var attributeLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, name);
    if (attributeLocation === -1) {
        throw 'Cannot find uniform ' + name + '.';
    return attributeLocation;
//************** Create shaders **************
//Create vertex and fragment shaders
var vertexShader = compileShader(vertexSource, gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
var fragmentShader = compileShader(fragmentSource, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
//Create shader programs
var program = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
//Set up rectangle covering entire canvas 
var vertexData = new Float32Array([-1.0, 1.0, // top left
    -1.0, -1.0, // bottom left
    1.0, 1.0, // top right
    1.0, -1.0, // bottom right
//Create vertex buffer
var vertexDataBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexDataBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexData, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Layout of our data in the vertex buffer
var positionHandle = getAttribLocation(program, 'position');
    2, // position is a vec2 (2 values per component)
    gl.FLOAT, // each component is a float
    false, // don't normalize values
    2 * 4, // two 4 byte float components per vertex (32 bit float is 4 bytes)
    0 // how many bytes inside the buffer to start from
//Set uniform handle
var timeHandle = getUniformLocation(program, 'time');
var widthHandle = getUniformLocation(program, 'width');
var heightHandle = getUniformLocation(program, 'height');
gl.uniform1f(widthHandle, window.innerWidth);
gl.uniform1f(heightHandle, window.innerHeight);
function draw() {
    //Update time
    time += dt;
    //Send uniforms to program
    gl.uniform1f(timeHandle, time);
    //Draw a triangle strip connecting vertices 0-4
    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);



  • ❤️点这里下载biu爱心表白完整代码❤️
  • HTML部分:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/love.css">
		<div class="container" onselectstart="return false;" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select:none;">
			<div class="body_left">
				<img src="images/biubiubiu.gif" alt="" ondragstart='return false;'>
			<div class="body_center love">
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			<!-- <div class="copyright">
				<div id="version"><span>Version:</span>&nbsp;0.0.2</div>
				<div id="createTime"><span>Time:</span>&nbsp;2022/7/13</div>
				<div id="author"><span>&copy;&nbsp;</span>psw</div>
			</div> -->
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/love.js"></script>

❤️matlab爱心函数❤️(需安装matlab r2022)


function LoveFunc
hold on
grid on
axis([-3 3,-2 4])
text(0,3.3,'$f(x)=x^{\frac{2}{3}}+0.9(3.3-x^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}\sin(\alpha\pi x)$',...
for a=1:0.01:20
    Color=([1.0000 0.4902 0.6627]-[0.2118 0.4667 0.9961]).*(a/20)+[0.2118 0.4667 0.9961];

❤️❤️属于我们计算机的浪漫,快去分享给你心中最可爱的TA吧 ❤️❤️





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文章目录一、yum的背景知识1. 商业生态2. 开源生态3. 软件生态本土化二、yum 的基本使用1. 查看软件包2. 安装、卸载、搜索软件实现Windows下和Linux下文件互传三、vim的基本使用1. vim 的基本概念2. vim 的基本操作2.1.模式间切换2.2.插入模式2.3.命令模式2.4.底行模式四、vim…


一 ngx_http_access ① 基本描述 场景&#xff1a; 限制某些ip来源的访问;基于ip进行限制细节点&#xff1a; 基于$remote_addr进行判断的 ② allow deny ③ 官方案例 说明&#xff1a; 按照配置文件中allow|deny的先后顺序,只要匹配上则停止继续匹配 ④ 经典应用场…


Rust机器学习之ndarray 众所周知&#xff0c;Python之所以能成为机器学习的首选语言&#xff0c;与其丰富易用的库有很大关系。某种程度上可以说是诸如numpy、pandas、scikit-learn、matplotlib、pytorch、networks…等一系列科学计算和机器学习库成就了Python今天编程语言霸主…

Vue项目实战——【基于 Vue3.x + NodeJS】实现的课程表排课系统二(week-title)

文章目录基于 Vue3.x NodeJS实现的课程表排课系统&#xff08;二&#xff09;初始化样式封装axios处理数据表格头部&#xff08;周几&#xff09;子组件写入根组件App.vue浅拿一下数据基于 Vue3.x NodeJS实现的课程表排课系统&#xff08;二&#xff09; 初始化样式 src/ass…

当 AI 遇上 web3,会碰撞出什么火花?

2020 年之前&#xff0c;Web3 的路是创造者们铺好的。但 Web3 遇上了金融&#xff0c;这出乎了每个创造者的意料之外&#xff0c;稳定币、AMM 和借贷突其来地点燃了2020年的那个夏天。之后 Web3 又遇到了 NFT、游戏和元宇宙。不过因为技术限制&#xff0c;除了金融之外&#xf…


文章目录&#x1f44d; AVL树的概念先了解一下&#x1f601;AVL树节点的定义&#x1f60a;AVL树插入节点&#x1f91e;AVL树为什么要旋转&#x1f60d;AVL树的四种旋转左单旋右单旋左右双旋右左双旋❤️结语关于AVL树的讲解 &#x1f44d; AVL树的概念先了解一下 它的左右子树…


Scala中的数据结构和Java中一样&#xff0c;都有数组&#xff0c;列表&#xff0c;集合&#xff0c;映射。在Scala中与Java不同的是数组可以有可变数组&#xff0c;而不是一旦定义就不可以进行更改。我们来认识数组&#xff0c;并使用相应的代码去查看具体的实现效果。 目录 …

Linux命令从入门到实战 ----进程管理

文章目录kill终止进程pstree查看进程树netstat网络状态和端口占用信息crontab定时任务进程(process): 是正在执行的一个程序或命令&#xff0c;每一个进程都是一个运行的实体&#xff0c;都有自己的地址空间&#xff0c;并占用一定的系统资源 服务(service)&#xff1a;启动之后…

深度学习 Day 18——利用卷神经网络实现猫狗识别 Ⅱ

深度学习 Day 18——利用卷神经网络实现猫狗识别 Ⅱ 文章目录深度学习 Day 18——利用卷神经网络实现猫狗识别 Ⅱ一、前言二、我的环境三、前期工作1、导入依赖项并设置GPU2、导入数据四、数据预处理1、加载数据2、检查数据3、配置数据集并进行归一化处理4、可视化数据五、构建…