Z3Ordering编码及查询c++实现 (GeoMesa翻译)

news2025/3/12 2:37:39

网上搜了很多Z3-Ordering实现没搜到,通过 sfcurve-master和geomesa-geomesa-3.2.2 得scala代码改编而来, 环境为C++, vs2015, 理论上windows和Linux都可以用. 不依赖任何库, 这项自身理解和翻译断断续续进行, 最近终于有一点进展,     本次放出Z3,  待全部实现完毕将直接挂出


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <functional>  
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <math.h>
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
#pragma region baseinterface
struct IndexRange {
	ull lower;
	ull upper;
	bool contained;

	IndexRange(ull a, ull b, bool c = true)
		:lower(a), upper(b), contained(c)

	IndexRange(const IndexRange& o)
		lower = o.lower;
		upper = o.upper;
		contained = o.contained;

	int operator ()(const IndexRange& o)const
		if (lower != o.lower) return lower > o.lower ? 1 : -1;
		if (upper != o.upper) return upper > o.upper ? 1 : -1;

		return 0;
/// 用于 std::sort 对结构体按指定成员比较
struct {
	bool operator()(const IndexRange &a, const IndexRange &b) const
		if (a.lower != b.lower) return a.lower > b.lower ? 1 : -1;
		if (a.upper != b.upper) return a.upper > b.upper ? 1 : -1;

		return false;
using SeqIndexRange = std::list<IndexRange>;
using dblbox = std::array<double, 4>;
using SeqBoxs = std::vector<std::array<double, 4>>;
using SeqTimes = std::vector<std::array<ull, 2>>;
struct XZSFC {
	short DefaultPrecision = 12;
	double LogPointFive = log(0.5);
struct ZRange {
	ull min = 0, max = 0, mid = 0, length = 0;

	ZRange(ull umin, ull umax)
		min = umin;
		max = umax;
		mid = (max + min) >> 1;
		length = max - min + 1;

	ZRange(const ZRange& o)
		min = o.min;
		max = o.max;
		mid = o.mid;
		length = o.length;
	bool contains(ull bits)
		return   bits >= min && bits <= max;
	bool contains(const ZRange& r)
		return contains(r.min) && contains(r.max);
	bool overlaps(const ZRange& r) {
		return  contains(r.min) || contains(r.max);
using ArrayZRange = std::vector<ZRange>;
class SpaceTimeFillingCurve {
	int FullPrecision = 64;
	int maxRanges = -1;
	virtual ull index(double x, double y, ull t, bool   lenient = false) = 0;
	virtual void invert(ull  z, double& x, double & y, ull&t) = 0;
	virtual  SeqIndexRange ranges(SeqBoxs seqboxs, SeqTimes seqtimes, int precision, int maxRanges) = 0;

	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, ull t1, ull t2)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		SeqTimes tseq;
		tseq[0][0] = (t1);		tseq[0][1] = (t2);
		ranges(d, tseq, FullPrecision, maxRanges);
	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, ull t1, ull t2, int precision)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		SeqTimes tseq;
		tseq[0][0] = (t1);		tseq[0][1] = (t2);
		ranges(d, tseq, precision, maxRanges);
	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, ull t1, ull t2, int precision, int maxRanges)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		SeqTimes tseq;
		tseq[0][0] = (t1);		tseq[0][1] = (t2);
		ranges(d, tseq, precision, maxRanges);

class SpaceFillingCurve {
	int FullPrecision = 64;
	int maxRanges = -1;

	virtual ull index(double x, double y, bool   lenient = false) = 0;
	virtual void invert(ull  z, double& x, double & y) = 0;
	virtual  SeqIndexRange ranges(SeqBoxs seqboxs, int precision, int maxRanges) = 0;

	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		ranges(d, FullPrecision, maxRanges);
	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, int precision)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		ranges(d, precision, maxRanges);
	virtual SeqIndexRange ranges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, int precision, int maxRanges)
		SeqBoxs d;
		d[0][0] = x1; d[0][1] = y1; d[0][2] = x2; d[0][3] = y1;
		ranges(d, precision, maxRanges);


struct QueryWindow
	double xmin; double xmax; double ymin; double ymax;

	QueryWindow(double dxmin, double dymin, double dxmax, double dymax) :
		xmin(dxmin), xmax(dxmax), ymin(dymin), ymax(dymax)


	QueryWindow(const QueryWindow& o)
		xmin = o.xmin;
		ymin = o.ymin;
		xmax = o.xmax;
		ymax = o.ymax;
struct XElement
	double xmin; double xmax; double ymin; double ymax; double length;

	double xext = 0;
	double yext = 0;
	XElement() {}
	XElement(double dxmin, double dymin, double dxmax, double dymax, double dlength)
		:xmin(dxmin), xmax(dxmax), ymin(dymin), ymax(dymax), length(dlength)
		xext = xmax + length;
		yext = ymax + length;
	XElement(const XElement& o)
		xmin = o.xmin;
		xmax = o.xmax;
		ymin = o.ymin;
		ymax = o.ymax;
		length = o.length;
		xext = o.xext;
		yext = o.yext;
	XElement clone()
		return XElement(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, length);
	bool isContained(QueryWindow window)
		return window.xmin <= xmin && window.ymin <= ymin && window.xmax >= xext && window.ymax >= yext;
	bool overlaps(QueryWindow window)
		return 	window.xmax >= xmin && window.ymax >= ymin && window.xmin <= xext && window.ymin <= yext;
	std::vector<XElement*> children() {
		double xCenter = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0;
		double yCenter = (ymin + ymax) / 2.0;
		double len = length / 2.0;
		std::vector<XElement*> ret;
		XElement* c0 = new XElement(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, length);
		c0->xmax = xCenter;
		c0->ymax = yCenter;
		c0->length = len;
		XElement* c1 = new XElement(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, length);
		c1->xmin = xCenter; c1->ymax = yCenter; c1->length = len;
		XElement* c2 = new XElement(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, length);
		c2->xmax = xCenter; c2->ymin = yCenter; c2->length = len;
		XElement* c3 = new XElement(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, length);
		c3->xmin = xCenter; c3->ymin = yCenter; c3->length = len;
		return ret;
struct BitNormalizedDimension {
	double min, max;
	int maxIndex;
	double normalizer;
	double denormalizer;

	BitNormalizedDimension(const BitNormalizedDimension & o)
		min = o.min;
		max = o.max;
		maxIndex = o.maxIndex;
		normalizer = o.denormalizer;
		denormalizer = o.denormalizer;
	BitNormalizedDimension(double dmin, double dmax, int precision)
		if (!(precision > 0 && precision < 32))
		min = dmin;
		max = dmax;
		ull bins = pow(2, precision);// .toLong1 << precision;
		normalizer = bins / (max - min);
		denormalizer = (max - min) / bins;
		maxIndex = (bins - 1);

	//case class NormalizedLat(precision : Int) extends BitNormalizedDimension(-90d, 90d, precision)
	//case class NormalizedLon(precision : Int) extends BitNormalizedDimension(-180d, 180d, precision)
	//case class NormalizedTime(precision : Int, override val max : Double) extends BitNormalizedDimension(0d, max, precision)

	int normalize(double x) {
		if (x >= max)
			return maxIndex;
			return  floor((x - min) * normalizer);
	double denormalize(int x) {
		if (x >= maxIndex)
			return min + (maxIndex + 0.5) * denormalizer;
			return min + (x + 0.5) * denormalizer;
#pragma endregion

#pragma region ZNOrdering
struct ZPrefix
	ull prefix;
	int precision;
	ZPrefix(ull llprefix, int iprecision)
		prefix = llprefix;
		precision = iprecision;
		prefix = o.prefix;
		precision = o.precision;
  * N-dimensional z-curve base class
struct ZN {

	// number of bits used to store each dimension
	int BitsPerDimension;

	// number of dimensions
	int Dimensions;

	// max value for this z object - can be used to mask another long using &
	ull MaxMask;

	// total bits used - usually bitsPerDim * dims
	int TotalBits;

	// number of quadrants in our quad/oct tree - has to be lazy to instantiate correctly
	double Quadrants;
	int DefaultRecurse = 7;
	ZN(int Dimensions)
		Quadrants = pow(2, Dimensions);
	  * Insert (Dimensions - 1) zeros between each bit to create a zvalue from a single dimension.
	  * Only the first BitsPerDimension can be considered.
	  * @param value value to split
	  * @return
	virtual ull split(ull value) = 0;

	  * Combine every (Dimensions - 1) bits to re-create a single dimension. Opposite of split.
	  * @param z value to combine
	  * @return
	virtual int combine(ull z) = 0;

	  * Is the value contained in the range. Considers user-space.
	  * @param range range
	  * @param value value to be tested
	  * @return
	virtual bool contains(ZRange &range, ull value) = 0;

	  * Is the value contained in the range. Considers user-space.
	  * @param range range
	  * @param value value to be tested
	  * @return
	bool contains(ZRange& range, ZRange value)
		return contains(range, value.min) && contains(range, value.max);

	  * Does the value overlap with the range. Considers user-space.
	  * @param range range
	  * @param value value to be tested
	  * @return
	virtual bool overlaps(ZRange& range, ZRange& value) = 0;

	  * Returns (litmax, bigmin) for the given range and point
	  * @param p point
	  * @param rmin minimum value
	  * @param rmax maximum value
	  * @return (litmax, bigmin)
	void zdivide(ull p, ull  rmin, ull rmax, ull& minz, ull&maxz)
		//: (Long, Long) = ZN.zdiv(load, Dimensions)(p, rmin, rmax)
	// virtual  SeqIndexRange ranges(SeqBoxs seqboxs, int precision, int maxRanges) = 0;
	virtual SeqIndexRange zranges(ArrayZRange & zbounds)
		return  zranges(zbounds, 64, -1, DefaultRecurse);
	virtual SeqIndexRange zranges(ArrayZRange & zbounds, int precision)
		return  zranges(zbounds, precision, -1, DefaultRecurse);
	virtual SeqIndexRange zranges(ArrayZRange & zbounds, int precision, int maxRanges)
		return  zranges(zbounds, precision, maxRanges, DefaultRecurse);
* Calculates ranges in index space that match any of the input bounds. Uses breadth-first searching to
* allow a limit on the number of ranges returned.
* To improve performance, the following decisions have been made:
*   uses loops instead of foreach/maps
*   uses java queues instead of scala queues
*   allocates initial sequences of decent size
*   sorts once at the end before merging
* @param zbounds search space
* @param precision precision to consider, in bits (max 64)
* @param maxRanges loose cap on the number of ranges to return. A higher number of ranges will have less
*                  false positives, but require more processing.
* @param maxRecurse max levels of recursion to apply before stopping
* @return ranges covering the search space
	struct   ZPrefix
		ull prefix;
		int precision;
	virtual SeqIndexRange zranges(ArrayZRange & zbounds, int precision = 64, int maxRanges = -1, int maxRecurse = 7)

		// stores our results - initial size of 100 in general saves us some re-allocation
		//val ranges = new java.util.ArrayList[IndexRange](100)
		std::list<IndexRange> ranges;
		// values remaining to process - initial size of 100 in general saves us some re-allocation
		//val remaining = new java.util.ArrayDeque[(Long, Long)](100)
		std::deque<std::pair<ull, ull>> remaining;
		// calculate the common prefix in the z-values - we start processing with the first diff
		ZPrefix tmpZPrefix = longestCommonPrefix(zbounds);
		ull commonPrefix = tmpZPrefix.prefix;
		int	commonBits = tmpZPrefix.precision;
		int offset = 64 - commonBits;

		// checks if a range is contained in the search space

		auto isContained = [&zbounds, this](ZRange& range)
			int i = 0;
			while (i < zbounds.size())
				if (contains(zbounds[i], range))
					return true;
			return false;

		auto isOverlapped = [&zbounds, this](ZRange& range)
			int i = 0;
			while (i < zbounds.size())
				if (overlaps(zbounds[i], range))
					return true;
			return false;


		auto  checkValue = [&offset, &isContained, &isOverlapped, &precision, &ranges, &remaining](ull prefix, ull  quadrant) ->unsigned int {
			ull min = prefix | (quadrant << offset);
			ull max = min | (1L << offset) - 1;
			ZRange quadrantRange = ZRange(min, max);

			if (isContained(quadrantRange) || offset < 64 - precision) {
				// whole range matches, happy day
				ranges.push_back(IndexRange(min, max, true));
			else if (isOverlapped(quadrantRange)) {
				// some portion of this range is excluded
				// queue up each sub-range for processing
				remaining.push_back(std::make_pair(min, max));
		std::pair<ull, ull> LevelTerminator = std::make_pair(-1, -1);
		auto  bottomOut = [this, &remaining, &ranges, LevelTerminator]() ->unsigned int {
			do {
				std::pair<ull, ull> minMax = remaining.front();
				auto min2 = std::get<0>(LevelTerminator);
				auto max2 = std::get<1>(LevelTerminator);
				if (minMax.first == min2 && minMax.second == max2)
					ranges.emplace_back(minMax.first, minMax.second, false);
			} while (!remaining.empty());

		// initial level - we just check the single quadrant
		checkValue(commonPrefix, 0);
		offset -= Dimensions;

		// level of recursion
		int level = 0;

		int rangeStop = maxRanges == -1 ? INT_MAX : maxRanges;
		int recurseStop = (maxRecurse == 7) ? (DefaultRecurse) : maxRecurse;

		do {
			auto next = remaining.front();
			if (next.first == LevelTerminator.first && next.second == LevelTerminator.second)
				if (!remaining.empty()) {
					level += 1;
					offset -= Dimensions;
					if (level >= recurseStop || offset < 0) {
					else {
			else {
				auto prefix = next.first;
				ull quadrant = 0L;
				while (quadrant < Quadrants) {
					checkValue(prefix, quadrant);
					quadrant += 1;
				// subtract one from remaining.size to account for the LevelTerminator
				if (ranges.size() + remaining.size() - 1 >= rangeStop) {
		} while (!remaining.empty());

		// we've got all our ranges - now reduce them down by merging overlapping values
		//std::sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end());

		auto current = ranges.front(); // note: should always be at least one range
		SeqIndexRange result;
		int i = 1;
		while (i < ranges.size()) {
			auto range = ranges.front();
			if (range.lower <= current.upper + 1) {
				// merge the two ranges
				current = IndexRange(current.lower, max(current.upper, range.upper), current.contained && range.contained);
			else {
				// append the last range and set the current range for future merging
				current = range;
			i += 1;
		// append the last range - there will always be one left that wasn't added

		return		  result;

	 * Cuts Z-Range in two and trims based on user space, can be used to perform augmented binary search
	 * @param xd: division point
	 * @param inRange: is xd in query range
	static SeqIndexRange g_empty;
	SeqIndexRange cut(ZRange &r, ull xd, bool inRange) {
		SeqIndexRange ret;
		if (r.min == r.max) {
			return g_empty;
		else if (inRange) {
			if (xd == r.min) { // degenerate case, two nodes min has already been counted
				ret.emplace_back(r.max, r.max);
			else if (xd == r.max) { // degenerate case, two nodes max has already been counted
				ret.emplace_back(r.min, r.min);
			else {
				ret.emplace_back(r.min, xd - 1);
				ret.emplace_back(xd + 1, r.max);
		else {
			ull litmax0, bigmin = 0;
			std::tuple<ull, ull> tup = zdiv(Dimensions, xd, r.min, r.max);

			ret.emplace_back(r.min, std::get<0>(tup));
			ret.emplace_back(std::get<1>(tup), r.max);

	  * Calculates the longest common binary prefix between two z longs
	  * @return (common prefix, number of bits in common)
	ZPrefix longestCommonPrefix(ArrayZRange & values) {
		if (values.size() < 1)
			return ZPrefix();
		std::vector<ull> llu;
		for (auto& var : values)

		int bitShift = TotalBits - Dimensions;
		ull head = llu[0] >> bitShift;
		int tail = llu.size() - 1;
		for (int i = llu.size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
			ull v = llu[i] >> bitShift;
			if ((v == head) && bitShift > -1)
				bitShift -= Dimensions;
				head = llu[0] >> bitShift;

		bitShift += Dimensions; // increment back to the last valid value
		ZPrefix ret;
		ret.prefix = (llu[0] & (((ull)~((ull)0)) << bitShift));
		ret.precision = 64 - bitShift;
		return ret;
	//	case class ZPrefix(prefix : Long, precision : Int) // precision in bits
		/** Loads either 1000... or 0111... into starting at given bit index of a given dimension */
	ull load(ull target, ull p, int bits, int dim)
		auto mask = ~(split(MaxMask >> (BitsPerDimension - bits)) << dim);
		auto wiped = target & mask;
		return wiped | (split(p) << dim);

	  * Implements the the algorithm defined in: Tropf paper to find:
	  * LITMAX: maximum z-index in query range smaller than current point, xd
	  * BIGMIN: minimum z-index in query range greater than current point, xd
	  * @param load: function that knows how to load bits into appropraite dimension of a z-index
	  * @param xd: z-index that is outside of the query range
	  * @param rmin: minimum z-index of the query range, inclusive
	  * @param rmax: maximum z-index of the query range, inclusive
	  * @return (LITMAX, BIGMIN)
	//std::tuple<ull, ull> LevelTerminator = std::make_tuple(-1,-1);

	std::tuple<ull, ull> zdiv(int dims, ull xd, ull  rmin, ull rmax)
		//require(rmin < rmax, "min ($rmin) must be less than max $(rmax)")
		ull zmin = rmin;
		ull zmax = rmax;
		ull bigmin = 0L;
		ull litmax = 0L;
		//int dims = 2;
		auto bit = [&](ull x, int idx) {	return (int)((x & (1ULL << idx)) >> idx);	};
		auto over = [&](ull bits) {return  1L << (bits - 1); };
		auto under = [&](ull bits) { return  (1L << (bits - 1)) - 1; };

		auto i = 64;
		while (i > 0) {
			i -= 1;

			auto bits = i / dims + 1;
			auto dim = i % dims;
			auto a = bit(xd, i);
			auto b = bit(zmin, i);
			auto c = bit(zmax, i);
			if (a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 1)
				zmax = load(zmax, under(bits), bits, dim);
				bigmin = load(zmin, over(bits), bits, dim);
			else if (a == 0 && b == 1 && c == 1)
				bigmin = zmin;
				return std::make_tuple(litmax, bigmin);

			else if (a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 0)
				litmax = zmax;
				return std::make_tuple(litmax, bigmin);
			else if (a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 1)
				litmax = load(zmax, under(bits), bits, dim);
				zmin = load(zmin, over(bits), bits, dim);
		return std::make_tuple(litmax, bigmin);

#pragma endregion

#pragma region Z3Ordering =Z3SFC.scala

enum class TimePeriod
struct BinnedTime

	//case TimePeriod.Day = > ChronoUnit.DAYS.getDuration.toMillis
	//case TimePeriod.Week = > ChronoUnit.WEEKS.getDuration.toMillis / 1000L
	//case TimePeriod.Month = > (ChronoUnit.DAYS.getDuration.toMillis / 1000L) * 31L
	// based on 365 days + 1 leap day, with a fudge factor of 10 minutes to account for leap seconds added each year
	//case TimePeriod.Year = > (ChronoUnit.DAYS.getDuration.toMinutes * 366L) + 10L
	static ull maxOffset(TimePeriod period)
		switch (period)
		case TimePeriod::eDay:
			return 86400000;

		case TimePeriod::eWeek:
			return 604800;

		case TimePeriod::eMonth:
			return	2678400;

		case TimePeriod::eYear:
			return 527050;


struct  Z3 :public ZN {
	int Dimensions = 2;
	int BitsPerDimension = 31;
	int TotalBits = 62;
	ull MaxMask = 0x1fffffL;
	ull z = 0;
	int d0 = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0;
	int DefaultRecurse = 7;
	Z3(int dim = 3) :ZN(dim)
		Dimensions = dim;
	Z3(ull z) :ZN(3)
		d0 = combine(z);
		d1 = combine(z >> 1);
		d2 = combine(z >> 2);
	Z3(int x, int y, int t) :ZN(3)
		ull z = (split(x) | split(y) << 1 | split(t) << 2);
		d0 = combine(z);
		d1 = combine(z >> 1);
		d2 = combine(z >> 2);
	//def < (other: Z3) = z < other.z
	//def >(other: Z3) = z > other.z
	//def >= (other: Z3) = z >= other.z
	//def <= (other: Z3) = z <= other.z
	//def + (offset: Long) = new Z3(z + offset)
	//def - (offset: Long) = new Z3(z - offset)
	//def == (other: Z3) = other.z == z
	//def decode : (Int, Int, Int) = (d0, d1, d2)

	int dim(int i)
		if (i == 0)	return d0;
		else if (i == 1)return  d1;
		else if (i == 2)return   d2;
		else {
			return 0;//throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid dimension $i - valid dimensions are 0,1,2")

	bool inRange(Z3 &rmin, Z3 &rmax)
		int x = d0; int  y = d1; int z = d2;
		return x >= rmin.d0 &&
			x <= rmax.d0 &&
			y >= rmin.d1 &&
			y <= rmax.d1 &&
			z >= rmin.d2 &&
			z <= rmax.d2;

	Z3 mid(Z3 &p)
		int x = d0; int  y = d1; int z = d2;
		int px = p.d0; int py = p.d1; int pz = p.d2;
		return  Z3((x + px) >> 1, (y + py) >> 1, (z + pz) >> 1);
	//toString 方法未实现
	//def bitsToString = f"(${z.toBinaryString.toLong}%016d)(${d0.toBinaryString.toLong}%08d,${d1.toBinaryString.toLong}%08d,${d2.toBinaryString.toLong}%08d)"
	//override def toString = f"$z $decode"
	//def unapply(z : Z3) : Option[(Int, Int, Int)] = Some(z.decode)
	/** insert 00 between every bit in value. Only first 21 bits can be considered. */
	virtual ull split(ull  value)
		auto x = value & MaxMask;
		x = (x | x << 32) & 0x1f00000000ffffL;
		x = (x | x << 16) & 0x1f0000ff0000ffL;
		x = (x | x << 8) & 0x100f00f00f00f00fL;
		x = (x | x << 4) & 0x10c30c30c30c30c3L;
		return (x | x << 2) & 0x1249249249249249L;

	/** combine every third bit to form a value. Maximum value is 21 bits. */
	virtual int combine(ull  value)
		auto x = z & 0x1249249249249249L;
		x = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x10c30c30c30c30c3L;
		x = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x100f00f00f00f00fL;
		x = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0x1f0000ff0000ffL;
		x = (x ^ (x >> 16)) & 0x1f00000000ffffL;
		x = (x ^ (x >> 32)) & MaxMask;
		return (int)x;// x.toInt

	virtual bool contains(ZRange& range, ull value)
		Z3 ztmp(value);
		int x = ztmp.d0, y = ztmp.d1, z = ztmp.d2;
		return x >= Z3(range.min).d0 && x <= Z3(range.max).d0 &&
			y >= Z3(range.min).d1 && y <= Z3(range.max).d1 &&
			z >= Z3(range.min).d2 && z <= Z3(range.max).d2;
	virtual bool overlaps(int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2)
		return  max(a1, b1) <= min(a2, b2);
	virtual bool overlaps(ZRange &range, ZRange& value)
		return overlaps(Z3(range.min).d0, Z3(range.max).d0, Z3(value.min).d0, Z3(value.max).d0) &&
			overlaps(Z3(range.min).d1, Z3(range.max).d1, Z3(value.min).d1, Z3(value.max).d1) &&
			overlaps(Z3(range.min).d2, Z3(range.max).d2, Z3(value.min).d2, Z3(value.max).d2);

  * Z3 space filling curve
  * @param period time period used to bin results
  * @param precision bits used per dimension - note all precisions must sum to less than 64
class Z3SpaceTimeFillingCurve :public  SpaceTimeFillingCurve {
	BitNormalizedDimension lat;// (-90, 90, precision);
	BitNormalizedDimension lon;// (-180, 180, precision);

	BitNormalizedDimension time;// (0, maxtime, precision);
	Z3SpaceTimeFillingCurve(TimePeriod period, int precision = 21)
		if (precision <= 0 || precision >= 22)
			printf("error Z3SpaceTimeFillingCurve Precision (bits) per dimension must be in [1,21]");
		lat = BitNormalizedDimension(-90, 90, precision);
		lon = BitNormalizedDimension(-180, 180, precision);
		double maxtime = BinnedTime::maxOffset(period);
		lon = BitNormalizedDimension(0, maxtime, precision);
		SeqTimes wholePeriod;
		wholePeriod[0][0] = time.min;
		wholePeriod[0][1] = time.max;

	virtual ull index(double x, double y, ull t, bool   lenient = false)

		if (x >= lon.min && x <= lon.max && y >= lat.min && y <= lat.max && t >= time.min && t <= time.max)
			return Z3(lon.normalize(x), lat.normalize(y), time.normalize(t)).z;
			return 0;

		//catch {
		//case _: IllegalArgumentException if lenient = > lenientIndex(x, y, t)

	ull lenientIndex(double x, double y, ull  t)
		double bx = 0; if (x < lon.min) { bx = lon.min; }
		else if (x > lon.max) { bx = lon.max; }
		else { bx = x; }
		double by = 0; if (y < lat.min) { by = lat.min; }
		else if (y > lat.max) { by = lat.max; }
		else { by = y; }
		double bt = 0; if (t < time.min) { bt = time.min; }
		else if (t > time.max) { bt = time.max; }
		else { bt = t; }
		return Z3(lon.normalize(bx), lat.normalize(by), time.normalize(bt)).z;
	virtual void invert(ull  z, double& x, double & y, ull&t)
		x = lon.denormalize(Z3(z).d0);
		y = lat.denormalize(Z3(z).d1);
		t = time.denormalize(Z3(z).d2);

	virtual  SeqIndexRange ranges(SeqBoxs seqboxs, SeqTimes seqtimes, int precision, int maxRanges)
		ArrayZRange az;
		for (int i = 0; i < seqboxs.size(); i++)
			ull min = index(seqboxs[i][0], seqboxs[i][1], seqtimes[i][0]);
			ull max = index(seqboxs[i][2], seqboxs[i][3], seqtimes[i][1]);
			az.emplace_back(min, max);

		Z3 zn(3);
		return zn.zranges(az, precision, maxRanges, 7);
#pragma endregion






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