💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现
💥1 概述
Battery cell total capacity refers to the total amount of charge that can be extracted from a fully charged cell. Knowledge of the present total capacity value is important to being able to calculate the maximum energy storage capability of a battery pack, the remaining energy in a battery pack, and as an indicator of the battery’s state of health. We show that traditional methods of estimating battery cell total capacity, which consider noises only in the accumulated ampere hour measurement, are biased. Battery cell total capacity must be estimated with knowledge of both the noises on the state of charge estimates and on the accumulated ampere hour measurements used to compute the total capacity estimate. We demonstrate how total least squares gives better results than traditional methods, and derive an approximate weighted total least squares algorithm that is suitable for implementation in an embedded battery management system.
The use of lithium batteries for power and energy-hungry applications has risen drastically in recent years. For such applications, it is necessary to connect the batteries in large assemblies of cells in series and parallel. With a large number of cells operating together, it is necessary to understand their intrinsic variabilities, not only at the initial stage but also upon aging. In this study, we studied a batch of commercial cells to address their initial cell-to-cell variations and also the variations induced by cycling. To do so, we not only tracked several metrics associated with cell performance, the maximum capacity, the resistance, and the rate capability but also the degradation mechanism via a non-invasive quantification of the loss of lithium inventory (LLI), the loss of active material (LAM) and the kinetic degradation on both electrodes. We found that, even with small initial cell-to-cell variations, significant variations will be observed upon aging because the cells degrade at a different pace. We also observed that these variations were not correlated with the initial variations.
lithium-ion battery degradation; intrinsic variability; cell screening; cell-to-cell variations
📚2 运行结果
%% Initializing the parameters for our simulation
Q_initial = 100; % true initial capacity [Ah]
I_max = 5*Q_initial; % must be able to measure current up to +/- maxI
I_sensor_bit = 2^10; % 10-bit precision on current sensor (number of combinations)
slope = -0.01; % rate of change of capacity
Q_nom = .99*Q_initial; % nominal capacity
SoC_max = 0.8; % max change in SOC between capacity estimates
SoC_min = -SoC_max; % min change in SOC (signed)
mode = 0.5; sigma = 0.6; % The mode and standard deviation of the measurement updates
socnoise = 0.01; % standard deviation of SOC estimates
gamma = 0.98; % forgetting factor (Range Between 0.9 -0.99 depending on the use case)
%% Computing the simulated data sets
n = 1000; % number of data points to use in computations/plots
Qreal = (Q_initial+slope*(1:n))'; % simulated true capacity as it (possibly) changes over time
x = ((SoC_max-SoC_min)*rand(n,1)+SoC_min); % simulated true change in SOC between measurements (z2-z1)
y = Qreal.*x; % true accumulated ampere hours over that interval
%% Add in some noise to both variables. (Generate Lognormal Random Number)
binsize = 2*I_max/I_sensor_bit;
mu = log(mode)+sigma^2;
m = 3600*lognrnd(mu,sigma,n,1);
del_y = binsize*sqrt(m/12)/3600; % the standard deviation of y (Current measurement noise)
del_x = socnoise*ones(n,1); % the standard deviation of x (SoC estimation noise)
%% Simulated Measured add the deviation (noise)
x = x + del_x.*randn(n,1); % add noise to true change in SOC
y = y + del_y.*randn(n,1); % add noise to accumulated ampere hours
%% To show the effect of using simple linear regression
title("Using regular regression");
%% kick off the algorithm with the measured parameters and the variance of the measurements (SD^2)
SigmaY = del_y.^2;
SigmaX = del_x.^2;
measX = x;
measY = y;
%% AWLTS Start
Qhat = zeros(length(measX),4); SigmaQ = Qhat; Fit = Qhat;
K = sqrt(SigmaX(1)/SigmaY(1));
% Initialize some variables used for the recursive methods.
🎉3 参考文献
•[1] Plett, G.L.,"Recursive Approximate Weighted Total Least Squares Estimation of Battery Cell Total Capacity" Journal of Power Sources 196(4), 2011
•[2] Devie, Arnaud, George Baure, and Matthieu Dubarry. 2018. "Intrinsic Variability in the Degradation of a Batch of Commercial 18650 Lithium-Ion Cells" Energies 11, no. 5: 1031.