
news2024/10/6 2:46:35


一个读写 segy 格式地震数据的 python 和 c++ 工具。可以将 segy 格式文件读到内存或者直接转为二进制文件,也可以将一个 numpy 数据存储为segy格式的文件。


  • 快,底层使用c++实现
  • 可以在python中使用,使用了pybind11将c++包装为python可调用的库
  • 可以处理规则不规则的地震数据,比如工区不是一个矩形(有缺失)或数据间隔不为1
  • 可以使用已有的segy文件的道头进行创建新的segy文件

官方给的主要是在linux上的编译方式,在windows系统上没有详细说明。这里用visual studio 2019进行了编译,很容易就编译形成了静态库文件。其中用到了fmt格式化库




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "segy.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
    string filePath = R"(E:\test.sgy)";
    segy::SegyIO segyIO(filePath);
    fmt::print("texture header:n{}\n", segyIO.textual_header());
    fmt::print("meta information:\n{}\n", segyIO.metaInfo());

    return 0;



** Copyright (c) 2022 Roger Lee.
** Computational and Interpretation Group (CIG),
** University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
** @File: segy.h
** @Time: 2022/11/16 11:30:42
** @Version: 1.0
** @Description :

#ifndef CIG_SEGY_H
#define CIG_SEGY_H

#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
// #include <omp.h>

#include "mio.hpp"
#include "utils.h"

namespace segy {

struct MetaInfo {
  // count information
  int32_t sizeX; // same as time
  int32_t sizeY; // same as crossline
  int32_t sizeZ; // same as inline
  int64_t trace_count;
  int16_t sample_interval; // dt
  int16_t data_format;     // 1 or 5
  float Y_interval;        // crossline interval
  float Z_interval;        // inline interval
  int16_t start_time;
  int16_t scalar;

  int min_inline;
  int max_inline;
  int min_crossline;
  int max_crossline;

  bool isNormalSegy;

  float fillNoValue;

  // field information
  int inline_field = kDefaultInlineField;
  int crossline_field = kDefaultCrosslineField;
  int X_field = kDefaultXField;
  int Y_field = kDefaultYField;

  int inline_step = 1;
  int crossline_step = 1;

struct LineInfo {
  int line_num;
  uint64_t trace_start;
  uint64_t trace_end;
  int count;

struct TraceInfo {
  int inline_num;
  int crossline_num;
  int X;
  int Y;

class SegyIO {
  // read segy mode
  explicit SegyIO(const std::string &segyname);
  // create segy from memory
  SegyIO(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeZ);
  // create segy file from binary file
  SegyIO(const std::string &binaryname, int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeZ);


  inline int shape(int dimension) {
    if (dimension == 0) {
      return m_metaInfo.sizeX;
    } else if (dimension == 1) {
      return m_metaInfo.sizeY;
    } else if (dimension == 2) {
      return m_metaInfo.sizeZ;
    } else {
      throw std::runtime_error("shape(dim), dim can be only {0, 1, 2}");

  inline int64_t trace_count() { return m_metaInfo.trace_count; }

  inline void set_size(int x, int y, int z) {
    m_metaInfo.sizeX = x;
    m_metaInfo.sizeY = y;
    m_metaInfo.sizeZ = z;
    if (isReadSegy) {
      m_metaInfo.isNormalSegy = true;
      isScan = true;
      int64_t trace_count =
          (m_source.size() - kTextualHeaderSize - kBinaryHeaderSize) /
          (kTraceHeaderSize + x * sizeof(float));
      if ((int64_t)y * z != (trace_count)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("invalid shape. inline * crossline != "

  void collect(float *data, int *header);

  std::string textual_header();
  std::string metaInfo();
  inline std::vector<LineInfo> line_info() { return m_lineInfo; }
  inline MetaInfo get_metaInfo() { return m_metaInfo; }

  void setInlineLocation(int loc);
  void setCrosslineLocation(int loc);
  void setXLocation(int loc);
  void setYLocation(int loc);

  void setInlineStep(int step);
  void setCrosslineStep(int step);
  void setSteps(int istep, int xstep);

  // read segy
  void setFillNoValue(float noValue);
  void scan();
  void tofile(const std::string &binary_out_name);
  void read(float *dst, int startX, int endX, int startY, int endY, int startZ,
            int endZ);
  void read(float *dst);
  void read_inline_slice(float *dst, int iZ);
  void read_cross_slice(float *dst, int iY);
  void read_time_slice(float *dst, int iX);
  void read_trace(float *dst, int iY, int iZ);

  // binary header & trace header
  void get_TraceInfo(int n, int *traceinfo);

  // create segy
  void setSampleInterval(int interval);
  void setDataFormatCode(int fdormat);
  void setStartTime(int start_time);
  void setXInterval(float dz);
  void setYInterval(float dy);
  void setMinInline(int in);
  void setMinCrossline(int cross);

  void create(const std::string &segy_out_name, const float *src);
  void create(const std::string &segy_out_name);

  void close_file();

  bool isReadSegy{};
  bool isScan = false;
  mio::mmap_source m_source;
  mio::mmap_sink m_sink;
  std::vector<LineInfo> m_lineInfo;
  MetaInfo m_metaInfo;

  void scanBinaryHeader();
  void initMetaInfo();
  void initTraceHeader(TraceHeader *trace_header);
  void write_textual_header(char *dst, const std::string &segy_out_name);
  void write_binary_header(char *dst);
  void write_trace_header(char *dst, TraceHeader *trace_header, int32_t iY,
                          int32_t iZ, int32_t x, int32_t y);

  inline void _get_TraceInfo(uint64_t n, TraceInfo &tmetaInfo) {
    const char *field =
        m_source.data() + kTextualHeaderSize + kBinaryHeaderSize +
        n * (kTraceHeaderSize + m_metaInfo.sizeX * sizeof(float));
    tmetaInfo.inline_num =
        swap_endian(*(int32_t *)(field + m_metaInfo.inline_field - 1));
    tmetaInfo.crossline_num =
        swap_endian(*(int32_t *)(field + m_metaInfo.crossline_field - 1));
    tmetaInfo.X = swap_endian(*(int32_t *)(field + m_metaInfo.X_field - 1));
    tmetaInfo.Y = swap_endian(*(int32_t *)(field + m_metaInfo.Y_field - 1));

void read_ignore_header(const std::string &segy_name, float *dst, int sizeX,
                        int sizeY, int sizeZ, int format = 5);
void tofile_ignore_header(const std::string &segy_name,
                          const std::string &out_name, int sizeX, int sizeY,
                          int sizeZ, int format = 5);

void tofile(const std::string &segy_name, const std::string &out_name,
            int iline = kDefaultInlineField, int xline = kDefaultCrosslineField,
            int istep = 1, int xstep = 1);

void read(const std::string &segy_name, float *dst,
          int iline = kDefaultInlineField, int xline = kDefaultCrosslineField,
          int istep = 1, int xstep = 1);

void create_by_sharing_header(const std::string &segy_name,
                              const std::string &header_segy, const float *src,
                              int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeZ, int iline = 189,
                              int xline = 193, int istep = 1, int xstep = 1);

void create_by_sharing_header(const std::string &segy_name,
                              const std::string &header_segy,
                              const std::string &src_file, int sizeX, int sizeY,
                              int sizeZ, int iline = 189, int xline = 193,
                              int istep = 1, int xstep = 1);
} // namespace segy






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