DT MongoDB Plug -in description

news2024/9/24 9:20:29


DT MongoDB | Client

Create MongoDB Client

Connect By Url

Get Collection

DT MongoDB | Collection

Insert One

Insert Many

Delete One

Delete Many

Replace One

Update One

Update Many


Find One

DT MongoDB | Document

Create MongoDB Document

To MongoDB Document (MongoDB Oid)

To MongoDB Document (Json)

To MongoDB Document (MongoDB View)

To MongoDB Document (Map String)

To MongoDB Document (Map Int32)

To MongoDB Document (Map Int64)

To MongoDB Document (Map Float)

To MongoDB Document (Map Double)

To MongoDB Document (Map MongoDB Document)

To Map String (MongoDB Document)

To Map String (MongoDB Document)

Add Bool

Add String

Add Int 32

Add Int 64

Add Float

Add Double

Add Document

Add View

Add Bool Array

Add String Array

Add Int 32 Array

Add Int 64 Array

Add Float Array

Add Double Array

Add Document Array

DT MongoDB | View

Is Empty

Get Oid

To Json String (MongoDB View)

To Json Array String (MongoDB View Array)

Get Element

Is Undefined

Is Null

Is Max Key

Is Min Key

Is Double

Is String

Is View

Is Array

Is Binary

Is Oid

Is Bool

Is Date

Is Regex

Is DB Pointer

Is Code

Is Symbol

Is Code With Scope

Is Int 32

Is Timestamp

Is Int 64

Is Decimal 128

Get Double

Get String

Get View

Get Array

Get Binary

Get Object Id

Get Bool

Get Date

Get Regex

Get DB Pointer

Get Code

Get Symbol

Get Code With Scope

Get Int 32

Get Timestamp

Get Int 64

Get Decimal 128

DT MongoDB | Oid

Make MongoDB Oid

To String (MongoDB Oid)

DT MongoDB | Element

To String (MongoDB Element)

To String (MongoDB Element Array)

Is Empty

Is Undefined

Is Null

Is Max Key

Is Min Key

Is Double

Is String

Is View

Is Array

Is Binary

Is Oid

Is Bool

Is Date

Is Regex

Is DB Pointer

Is Code

Is Symbol

Is Code With Scope

Is Int 32

Is Timestamp

Is Int 64

Is Decimal 128

Get Double

Get String

Get View

Get Array

Get Binary

Get Oid

Get Bool

Get Date

Get Regex

Get DB Pointer

Get Code

Get Symbol

Get Code With Scope

Get Int 32

Get Timestamp

Get Int 64

Get Decimal 128

DT MongoDB | Client

Create MongoDB Client

* Create an MongoDB client object

Connect By Url

* ConnectB MongoDB server
* Param Url : mongoDB://account:password@ip:port e.g. mongodb://admin:123456@
*        or mongoDB://ip:port e.g. mongodb://

Get Collection

DT MongoDB | Collection

Insert One

* Inserts a single document into the collection. If the document is missing an identifier
* (_id field) one will be generated for it.
* Param MongoDB Document : The document to insert.

Insert Many

* Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing
* identifiers the driver will generate them.
* Warning This method uses the bulk insert command to execute the insertion as opposed to
* the legacy OP_INSERT wire protocol message. As a result, using this method to insert many
* documents on MongoDB < 2.6 will be slow.
* Param MongoDB Documents : Array of a documents to insert.

Delete One

* Deletes a single matching document from the collection.
* Param Filter : Document view representing the data to be deleted.

Delete Many

* Deletes all matching documents from the collection.
* Param Filter : Document view representing the data to be deleted.

Replace One

* Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
* Param Filter : Document representing the match criteria.
* Param MongoDB Document : The replacement document.

Update One

* Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
* Param Filter : Document representing the match criteria.
* Param MongoDB Document : Document representing the update to be applied to a matching document.

Update Many

* Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
* Param Filter : Document representing the match criteria.
* Param MongoDB Document : Document representing the update to be applied to matching documents.


* Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.
* Param Filter : Document view representing a document that should match the query.

Find One

* Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.
* Param Filter : Document view representing a document that should match the query.

DT MongoDB | Document

Create MongoDB Document

* Create an MongoDB document object

To MongoDB Document (MongoDB Oid)

* MongoDB Oid to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (Json)

* Json String to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (MongoDB View)

* DT MongoDB View to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (Map String)

* Map String to MongoDB document 

To MongoDB Document (Map Int32)

* Map Int to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (Map Int64)

* Map Int64 to MongoDB document 

To MongoDB Document (Map Float)

* Map Float to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (Map Double)

* Map Double to MongoDB document

To MongoDB Document (Map MongoDB Document)

* Map MongoDB document to MongoDB document

To Map String (MongoDB Document)

* MongoDB document to Map String

To Map String (MongoDB Document)

* MongoDB document to Json String 

Add Bool

Add String

Add Int 32

Add Int 64

Add Float

Add Double

Add Document

Add View

Add Bool Array

Add String Array

Add Int 32 Array

Add Int 64 Array

Add Float Array

Add Double Array

Add Document Array

DT MongoDB | View

Is Empty

Get Oid

To Json String (MongoDB View)

To Json Array String (MongoDB View Array)

Get Element

Is Undefined

Is Null

Is Max Key

Is Min Key

Is Double

Is String

Is View

Is Array

Is Binary

Is Oid

Is Bool

Is Date

Is Regex

Is DB Pointer

Is Code

Is Symbol

Is Code With Scope

Is Int 32

Is Timestamp

Is Int 64

Is Decimal 128

Get Double

Get String

Get View

Get Array

Get Binary

Get Object Id

Get Bool

Get Date

Get Regex

Get DB Pointer

Get Code

Get Symbol

Get Code With Scope

Get Int 32

Get Timestamp

Get Int 64

Get Decimal 128

DT MongoDB | Oid

Make MongoDB Oid

To String (MongoDB Oid)

DT MongoDB | Element

To String (MongoDB Element)

To String (MongoDB Element Array)

Is Empty

Is Undefined

Is Null

Is Max Key

Is Min Key

Is Double

Is String

Is View

Is Array

Is Binary

Is Oid

Is Bool

Is Date

Is Regex

Is DB Pointer

Is Code

Is Symbol

Is Code With Scope

Is Int 32

Is Timestamp

Is Int 64

Is Decimal 128

Get Double

Get String

Get View

Get Array

Get Binary

Get Oid

Get Bool

Get Date

Get Regex

Get DB Pointer

Get Code

Get Symbol

Get Code With Scope

Get Int 32

Get Timestamp

Get Int 64

Get Decimal 128





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