0 安装
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
sudo -i -u postgres
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start # 开启
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop # 关闭
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart # 重启
- 首先安装公钥
curl https://www.pgadmin.org/static/packages_pgadmin_org.pub | sudo apt-key add
- 更新源
sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/ ( l s b r e l e a s e ] ( h t t p s : / / f t p . p o s t g r e s q l . o r g / p u b / p g a d m i n / p g a d m i n 4 / a p t / (lsb_release](https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/ (lsbrelease](https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/(lsb_release) -cs) pgadmin4 main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgadmin4.list && apt update’
- 安装pgAdmin4
sudo apt install pgadmin4
- pdAdmin4-web
sudo apt install pgadmin4-web
- 最后执行
sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/setup-web.sh
1 数据类型
| 名字 | 存储长度 | 描述 | 范围 |
| — | — | — | — |
| smallint | 2 字节 | 小范围整数 | -32768 到 +32767 |
| integer | 4 字节 | 常用的整数 | -2147483648 到 +2147483647 |
| bigint | 8 字节 | 大范围整数 | -9223372036854775808 到 +9223372036854775807 |
| decimal | 可变长 | 用户指定的精度,精确 | 小数点前 131072 位;小数点后 16383 位 |
| numeric | 可变长 | 用户指定的精度,精确 | 小数点前 131072 位;小数点后 16383 位 |
| real | 4 字节 | 可变精度,不精确 | 6 位十进制数字精度 |
| double precision | 8 字节 | 可变精度,不精确 | 15 位十进制数字精度 |
| smallserial | 2 字节 | 自增的小范围整数 | 1 到 32767 |
| serial | 4 字节 | 自增整数 | 1 到 2147483647 |
| bigserial | 8 字节 | 自增的大范围整数 | 1 到 9223372036854775807 | -
money 类型存储带有固定小数精度的货币金额。
numeric、int 和 bigint 类型的值可以转换为 money,不建议使用浮点数来处理处理货币类型,因为存在舍入错误的可能性。
名字 | 存储容量 | 描述 | 范围 |
money | 8 字节 | 货币金额 | -92233720368547758.08 到 +92233720368547758.07 |
- 字符类型
- 日期/时间类型
- 布尔类型
- 枚举类型
PostgtesSQL中的枚举类型类似于 C 语言中的 enum 类型。
与其他类型不同的是枚举类型需要使用 CREATE TYPE 命令创建。
CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM (‘sad’, ‘ok’, ‘happy’);
CREATE TYPE week AS ENUM (‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’, ‘Sun’);
- 几何类型
- 网络地址类型
PostgreSQL 提供用于存储 IPv4 、IPv6 、MAC 地址的数据类型。
用这些数据类型存储网络地址比用纯文本类型好, 因为这些类型提供输入错误检查和特殊的操作和功能。
- 位串类型
- 文本搜索类型
- UUID 类型
- XML 类型
使用函数 xmlparse: 来从字符数据产生 xml 类型的值:
XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT ‘<?xml version="1.0"?>
Manual …’) XMLPARSE (CONTENT ‘abcbarfoo’)
- JSON 类型
- 数组类型
2 创建表
- 创建数据库
postgres=# create database example;
postgres=# \l
postgres=# \c example
You are now connected to database “example” as user “postgres”.
创建数据库:create database example;
连接其它数据库:\c example;
删除数据库:drop database example;
- 创建数据表
create table_name(
Column_name data_type constraints
查询表:\d personl;(\dt只显示表)
删除表:drop table person;
example=# create table person(
id bigserial not null primary key,
name varchar(200) not null,
gender varchar(7) not null,
birthday date not null,
email varchar(250));
example=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | person | table | postgres
public | person_id_seq | sequence | postgres
(2 rows)
example=# \d person_
person_id_seq person_pkey
example=# \d person_
person_id_seq person_pkey
example=# \d person_id_seq
Sequence “public.person_id_seq”
Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache
bigint | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | no | 1
Owned by: public.person.id
example=# \d person
example=# \d person;
2 插入数据
- 查询
select (column_name)/* from table_name;
insert into table_name(column_name,…) values(‘column_value’,…);
example=# select * from person;
id | name | gender | birthday | email
(0 rows)
example=# insert into person (name, gender, birthday)values('dashabi','male','12-11-3')
example-# select * from person;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "select"
第2行select * from person;
example=# select * from person;
id | name | gender | birthday | email
(0 rows)
example=# insert into person (name, gender, birthday)values('dashabi','male','12-11-3');
example=# select * from person;
id | name | gender | birthday | email
1 | dashabi | male | 2012-11-03 |
(1 row)
example=# insert into person (name, gender, birthday)values('chsihi','male',date'12-11-3','ahha@131.com');
ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
第1行...er, birthday)values('chsihi','male',date'12-11-3','ahha@131....
example=# insert into person (name, gender, birthday,mail)values('chsihi','male',date'12-11-3','ahha@131.com');
ERROR: column "mail" of relation "person" does not exist
第1行insert into person (name, gender, birthday,mail)values('chsi...
example=# \d person;
example=# insert into person (name, gender, birthday,email)values('chsihi','male',date'12-11-3','ahha@131.com');
example=# \d person;
example=# select * from person;
id | name | gender | birthday | email
1 | dashabi | male | 2012-11-03 |
2 | chsihi | male | 2012-11-03 | ahha@131.com
(2 rows)
4 查询语句
4.1 mock数据
postgres=# create database mockdb;
postgres=# \c mockdb ;
You are now connected to database “mockdb” as user “postgres”.
mockdb=# \i /home/day3/person.sql
4.2 查询
mockdb=# select * from person order by id asc;
mockdb=# select * from person order by id desc;
mockdb=# select distinct birth_country from person order by birth_country;
mockdb=# select * from person where gender=‘Male’;
mockdb=# select * from person where gender=‘Male’ and birth_country=‘China’;
mockdb=# select * from person where gender=‘Male’ and (birth_country=‘China’ or birth_country=‘Poland’);
mockdb=# select 1=1;
(1 row)
mockdb=# select 1>1;
(1 row)
mockdb=# select 1<>2;
(1 row)
mockdb=# select ‘a’ > ‘b’;
(1 row)
mockdb=# select * from person limit 10;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
1 | Neville Catcheside | ncatcheside0@amazon.co.uk | Male | 1995-07-30 | Poland
2 | Pincus Jirus | pjirus1@mapy.cz | Male | 2017-10-08 | Portugal
3 | Flo Lanning | flanning2@mashable.com | Genderfluid | 2018-09-27 | Indonesia
4 | Giulio Eccleshall | geccleshall3@123-reg.co.uk | Male | 2004-09-24 | Serbia
5 | Dorothee Dunmore | | Female | 2018-03-08 | China
6 | Sinclair Giacometti | sgiacometti5@who.int | Male | 2001-12-09 | Philippines
7 | Adolphus Relf | arelf6@psu.edu | Agender | 2001-05-26 | South Africa
8 | Mattias Aloigi | maloigi7@miibeian.gov.cn | Male | 2014-07-11 | Greece
9 | Elsworth Hadfield | ehadfield8@google.com.hk | Male | 2006-02-13 | United States
10 | Fancy Lundon | | Female | 2010-02-27 | China
(10 rows)
mockdb=# select * from person limit 20;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
1 | Neville Catcheside | ncatcheside0@amazon.co.uk | Male | 1995-07-30 | Poland
2 | Pincus Jirus | pjirus1@mapy.cz | Male | 2017-10-08 | Portugal
3 | Flo Lanning | flanning2@mashable.com | Genderfluid | 2018-09-27 | Indonesia
4 | Giulio Eccleshall | geccleshall3@123-reg.co.uk | Male | 2004-09-24 | Serbia
5 | Dorothee Dunmore | | Female | 2018-03-08 | China
6 | Sinclair Giacometti | sgiacometti5@who.int | Male | 2001-12-09 | Philippines
7 | Adolphus Relf | arelf6@psu.edu | Agender | 2001-05-26 | South Africa
8 | Mattias Aloigi | maloigi7@miibeian.gov.cn | Male | 2014-07-11 | Greece
9 | Elsworth Hadfield | ehadfield8@google.com.hk | Male | 2006-02-13 | United States
10 | Fancy Lundon | | Female | 2010-02-27 | China
11 | Angel Epine | aepinea@time.com | Male | 2003-03-08 | Russia
12 | Clayson Darke | | Male | 2013-05-05 | China
13 | Crosby Plane | cplanec@cafepress.com | Polygender | 2012-02-26 | Russia
14 | Emmy Grocutt | | Female | 2006-09-05 | Luxembourg
15 | Dianemarie Edgson | dedgsone@comsenz.com | Female | 2014-05-10 | China
16 | Rollins Sporrij | rsporrijf@oaic.gov.au | Male | 2014-09-15 | Peru
17 | Mattheus Gawkroge | | Male | 2012-01-23 | Greece
18 | Cody Bwye | cbwyeh@deliciousdays.com | Male | 1995-12-22 | Tajikistan
19 | Gal Benditt | gbenditti@google.ru | Male | 2001-02-13 | Morocco
20 | Debbie Tregiddo | dtregiddoj@barnesandnoble.com | Female | 2016-04-23 | Belarus
(20 rows)
mockdb=# select * from person offest 10 limit 20;
ERROR: syntax error at or near “10”
第1行select * from person offest 10 limit 20;
mockdb=# select * from person offset 10 limit 20;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
11 | Angel Epine | aepinea@time.com | Male | 2003-03-08 | Russia
12 | Clayson Darke | | Male | 2013-05-05 | China
13 | Crosby Plane | cplanec@cafepress.com | Polygender | 2012-02-26 | Russia
14 | Emmy Grocutt | | Female | 2006-09-05 | Luxembourg
15 | Dianemarie Edgson | dedgsone@comsenz.com | Female | 2014-05-10 | China
16 | Rollins Sporrij | rsporrijf@oaic.gov.au | Male | 2014-09-15 | Peru
17 | Mattheus Gawkroge | | Male | 2012-01-23 | Greece
18 | Cody Bwye | cbwyeh@deliciousdays.com | Male | 1995-12-22 | Tajikistan
19 | Gal Benditt | gbenditti@google.ru | Male | 2001-02-13 | Morocco
20 | Debbie Tregiddo | dtregiddoj@barnesandnoble.com | Female | 2016-04-23 | Belarus
21 | Gillian Daville | gdavillek@liveinternet.ru | Female | 1998-09-25 | Russia
22 | Marven Cahill | mcahilll@g.co | Male | 1995-03-15 | China
23 | Arlyn Manicomb | amanicombm@goo.gl | Female | 2014-06-27 | China
24 | Stefania Bootes | | Female | 1995-03-27 | Azerbaijan
25 | Edan Yann | eyanno@narod.ru | Male | 2001-02-10 | Japan
26 | Garfield Lago | glagop@dmoz.org | Male | 2016-03-21 | China
27 | Abraham Petren | apetrenq@wordpress.com | Male | 2006-12-15 | China
28 | Merell Cranna | | Male | 2010-03-08 | Japan
29 | Kev Olorenshaw | kolorenshaws@1und1.de | Male | 2022-02-07 | Russia
30 | Elli Roman | eromant@tripadvisor.com | Female | 1996-09-05 | Jamaica
(20 rows)
mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘%ll’;
mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘__ll’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
(0 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘___ll’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
(0 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘____ll’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
(0 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘_____ll’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
(0 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘%ll’;
mockdb=# select * from person where name like ‘__________ll’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
158 | Erin Gostall | egostall4d@google.ca | Male | 2020-01-17 | Argentina
825 | Glen Snoxall | gsnoxallmw@go.com | Male | 2006-04-08 | Indonesia
(2 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where birth_country like ‘J%’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
25 | Edan Yann | eyanno@narod.ru | Male | 2001-02-10 | Japan
28 | Merell Cranna | | Male | 2010-03-08 | Japan
30 | Elli Roman | eromant@tripadvisor.com | Female | 1996-09-05 | Jamaica
115 | Alvie Hannay | ahannay36@1688.com | Male | 2018-05-18 | Jordan
147 | Terrell Chimenti | tchimenti42@discovery.com | Male | 2016-05-13 | Japan
151 | Merci Albon | malbon46@zimbio.com | Female | 1997-05-27 | Japan
278 | Yankee Ecclesall | | Male | 2008-11-03 | Japan
286 | Marsiella Sillett | msillett7x@miibeian.gov.cn | Female | 1997-04-05 | Japan
319 | Lilla Rasch | lrasch8u@earthlink.net | Female | 2019-11-28 | Jordan
426 | Siward Ablewhite | | Male | 2021-01-09 | Japan
430 | Avivah Leivesley | aleivesleybx@pbs.org | Female | 2010-02-01 | Japan
549 | Georgeta Borit | gboritf8@mediafire.com | Female | 2012-07-23 | Japan
565 | Dasie Moehler | dmoehlerfo@prnewswire.com | Female | 1995-10-21 | Japan
623 | Jenica D’Onise | jdoniseha@fda.gov | Female | 2000-08-14 | Japan
746 | Murry Moulster | mmoulsterkp@example.com | Male | 2005-01-10 | Japan
868 | Lanita Mitrovic | lmitrovico3@elpais.com | Female | 1998-03-21 | Japan
871 | Osgood Bemlott | | Male | 1993-09-15 | Japan
878 | Jennine Gianelli | jgianelliod@twitter.com | Female | 2014-11-25 | Japan
934 | Julian Acres | jacrespx@mashable.com | Male | 2002-12-25 | Japan
975 | Dorian Howieson | dhowiesonr2@squidoo.com | Female | 2018-03-22 | Japan
(20 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where birth_country like ‘j%’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
(0 rows)mockdb=# select * from person where birth_country ilike ‘j%’;
id | name | email | gender | birthday | birth_country
25 | Edan Yann | eyanno@narod.ru | Male | 2001-02-10 | Japan
28 | Merell Cranna | | Male | 2010-03-08 | Japan
30 | Elli Roman | eromant@tripadvisor.com | Female | 1996-09-05 | Jamaica
115 | Alvie Hannay | ahannay36@1688.com | Male | 2018-05-18 | Jordan
147 | Terrell Chimenti | tchimenti42@discovery.com | Male | 2016-05-13 | Japan
151 | Merci Albon | malbon46@zimbio.com | Female | 1997-05-27 | Japan
278 | Yankee Ecclesall | | Male | 2008-11-03 | Japan
286 | Marsiella Sillett | msillett7x@miibeian.gov.cn | Female | 1997-04-05 | Japan
319 | Lilla Rasch | lrasch8u@earthlink.net | Female | 2019-11-28 | Jordan
426 | Siward Ablewhite | | Male | 2021-01-09 | Japan
430 | Avivah Leivesley | aleivesleybx@pbs.org | Female | 2010-02-01 | Japan
549 | Georgeta Borit | gboritf8@mediafire.com | Female | 2012-07-23 | Japan
565 | Dasie Moehler | dmoehlerfo@prnewswire.com | Female | 1995-10-21 | Japan
623 | Jenica D’Onise | jdoniseha@fda.gov | Female | 2000-08-14 | Japan
746 | Murry Moulster | mmoulsterkp@example.com | Male | 2005-01-10 | Japan
868 | Lanita Mitrovic | lmitrovico3@elpais.com | Female | 1998-03-21 | Japan
871 | Osgood Bemlott | | Male | 1993-09-15 | Japan
878 | Jennine Gianelli | jgianelliod@twitter.com | Female | 2014-11-25 | Japan
934 | Julian Acres | jacrespx@mashable.com | Male | 2002-12-25 | Japan
975 | Dorian Howieson | dhowiesonr2@squidoo.com | Female | 2018-03-22 | Japan
(20 rows)
group by。
mockdb=# select birth_country, count() from person group by birth_country;
mockdb=# select birth_country, count() from person group by birth_country having count(*) > 20;
birth_country | count
Indonesia | 112
Sweden | 28
Portugal | 40
France | 22
Philippines | 54
China | 182
Russia | 59
Brazil | 44
Poland | 35
(9 rows)mockdb=#
delete from person where id = 1