目 录
- 一、前言
- 二、位移边界
- 三、工况与组合
- 3.1 荷载工况
- 3.2 荷载组合
- 四、自重/设备/隔间
- 4.1 结构自重
- 4.2 设备荷载
- 4.3 隔间负载
- 五、显式荷载
- 六、环境荷载
- 6.1 点位信息 / Location
- 6.2 波浪数据 / Wave
- 6.2.1 规则波数据
- 6.2.2 一般波数据
- 6.3 洋流廓线 / Current Profile
- 6.4 风轮廓线 / Wind Profile
- 6.5 风潮荷载条件
- 6.6 土层参数
- 七、荷载显示
- 八、参考文献
SESAM (Super Element Structure Analysis Module)是由挪威船级社(DNV-GL)开发的一款有限元分析(FEA)系统,它以 GeniE、HydroD 和 DeepC 等模块为核心,主要用于海工结构的强度评估、波浪荷载计算和系泊系统分析等。 GeniE、HydroD 和 DeepC 分别是 Sesam 系统的固定式结构分析模块、漂浮式结构分析模块和系泊系统分析模块。GeniE is Sesam modules for fixed structures.
在弹性力学有限元中,为了获得问题的唯一解答,需要给边界条件,如位移边界条件。除了特征值分析(自由振动)外,结构也都受到各种荷载作用。给定边界(位移边界)与施加荷载(荷载边界)是进行结构分析的前提。在 GeniE 中,荷载主要有:显式荷载(Explit Load)、隔间负载(Compartment)和环境荷载(Environment)。
Sp1 = SupportPoint(Point(28 m,22 m,-2 m));
Sp1.boundary = BoundaryCondition(Free, Fixed, Fixed, Free, Free, Free);
Sp1.boundary = BoundaryCondition(Free, Fixed, Stiffness(100 kN/m), Free, Free, Free);
3.1 荷载工况
myLoadCase = LoadCase();
LCdummyHydro = DummyHydroLoadCase(WS1);
3.2 荷载组合
Load combination is used to combine (add) several loadcases or load combinations into one combination. Check the checkbox in front of the load case you want to include. Scale factor: The size of the loads in the loadcase are multiplied with the scale factor. Phase shift: Phase angle for complex load (load/result represented with Real + Imaginary parts). Scan case: When complex result case shall be scanned in connection with e.g. code check, i.e. loop for each 10 degrees steps to find maximum utilisation. Note that only one of the complex result cases being part of the combination may be selected to be scanned. Also note that in Genie V7.4 analysis results of complex loads must be imported from external result SIN file, see in Result SIN File.
myLoadComb = LoadCombination();
myLoadComb.addCase(LC2_list, 1);
myLoadComb.addCase(LC1_eqpm, 1);
myLoadComb.addCase(LC3_expl, 1);
myLoadComb.addCase(Comb_1, 1);
myLoadComb.addCase(LC1, 1);
4.1 结构自重
LC_grav = LoadCase();
4.2 设备荷载
设备(Equipment)用于在静态分析中对结构施加载荷或在动态分析中对结构添加质量的对象。设备不会增加结构的刚度。创建两个设备自重工况 LC_eqpm 和 LC_list,其中,LC_eqpm 上施加的设备自重由 GUI 创建,LC_list 上施加的设备自重由外部导入的 xml 文件创建。
4.3 隔间负载
Compartments are closed volumes with additional information such as content causing internal normal pressure loads and Wet Surface property that identifies surfaces exposed to hydrodynamic loads as computed by HydroD.(压载)
在 GeniE 中,显式荷载/直接荷载(explicit loads)主要有三类:点荷载(Point load)、线荷载(Line load)和面荷载(Surface load)。施加荷载前,需要激活相应的荷载工况。(Set LC_expl as the currently selected load case so that )
环境数据描述了风浪流载荷分析时结构所处的环境情况,例如风、海流、波浪和水深,以及重力和水密度等常数。(风-浪-流)环境数据的定义主要包括以下几个部分:Location、Current profile、Wind profile、Regular wave set 和 Wave load condition。
6.1 点位信息 / Location
The location includes: (1). In the Air tab: Density and Kinematic viscosity. (2). In the Water tab: Density, Kinematic viscosity and Waterline Z (that subtracted by Seabed Z (mudline) gives water depth). (3). In the Soil tab: Seabed Z (mudline), Seabed delta (Seabed Scour), soil layers (composed of Soil Clay, Soil Sand, Soil Curves and Soil Data) and Sublayers (subdivision of soil layers for more accurate calculations).
Location1 = Location(124 m, 0m);
Location1.gravity = 9.80665 m/s^2;
Location1.air.density = 1.226 kg/m^3;
Location1.air.kinematicViscosity = 1.462e-05 m^2/s;
Location1.water.density = 1025 kg/m^3;
Location1.water.kinematicViscosity = 1.19e-06 m^2/s;
Location1.seabed.normaldirection = Vector3d(0 m,0 m,1 m);
Location1.relativeSoilLayers = false;
Location1.seabed.seabedDelta = Scour1;
6.2 波浪数据 / Wave
6.2.1 规则波数据
规则波浪集主要各成份的正/余弦波构成,每个成份的波由周期、高度、相位角和方向角等数据唯一确定。规则波浪集为正/余弦波集合,它定义了结构在使用期间内可能承受的波浪的全部形态(傅里叶级数)。创建规则波浪集后,不需要再指定 Wave Frequencies、Wave Heights、Wave Phases 或 Wave Directions,因为这些数据直接在 “ Regular Wave Set” 对话框中指定。A Regular Wave Set is used for defining a Wave Load Condition.
WaveSet1.getWave(1).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(1).direction = 270;
WaveSet1.getWave(2).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(2).direction = 180;
WaveSet1.getWave(3).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(3).direction = 90;
WaveSet1.getWave(4).phase = 60;
6.2.2 一般波数据
6.3 洋流廓线 / Current Profile
CurrentProfile1_Elevations = Array(30,0,-44,-124);
CurrentProfile1_Directions = Array(0 deg,0 deg,0 deg,0 deg);
CurrentProfile1_Velocities = Array(1.1,1.1,0.5,0);
CurrentProfile1 = CurrentProfileRelDir(CurrentProfile1_Elevations,CurrentProfile1_Directions,CurrentProfile1_Velocities,dtAlongHeading);
6.4 风轮廓线 / Wind Profile
New Wind Profile is available by right-clicking the Environment | Air folder in the Browser. 在 GeniE 中,主要有 5 种 wind profile 计算公式可供选择,分别是:ABS、Extreme、Extreme API 21、General 和 Normal。
6.5 风潮荷载条件
Location 定义了点位的重力加速度、空气密度、水深等基本信息,波浪数据给出了波浪的基本情况,水流廓线(Current Profile)定义了水深与流速间的关系,风轮廓线(Wind Profile)给出了高度和风速间的关系。以上信息将在风浪荷载条件(Wave Load Condition)中组合起来,用于最终的结构分析。此外,Wave Model,即波浪理论,必须在下表中选择。
理论 | 描述 |
Airy | linear harmonic wave theory |
Cnoidal | cnoidal wave theory |
Stokes5 | Stokes’ 5th order wave theory |
StreamFunction | Dean’s stream function wave theory, in this case Order must also be set, the maximum value is 24 |
在 New Wave Load Condition 对话框中选取先前定义的规则波集(波浪数据),并辅以洋流、风和波浪理论,如上图所示。除了波浪理论之外,还有一个选项 CalmSea ,它通常作为浮力载荷工况作为表中的最后一行添加。除了采用规则波集,新建的 Wave Load Condition 还可基于一般波数据,如下图所示。所有的波浪方向、波浪频率和波浪高度都可参与组合。
6.6 土层参数
[1]. GeniE User Documentation
[2]. GeniE/Tutorials in Basics and Code Checking
[3]. GeniE/Tutorials Advanced Modelling
[4]. 关于风机 叶片/荷载/控制 方面的介绍请访问:https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1485646874003058688
[5]. 关于风机 有限元分析 方面的介绍请访问:https://blog.csdn.net/shengyutou
[6]. 联系作者 ,Email: liyang@alu.hit.edu.cn
[7]. 联系作者 ,WeChat/Weixin: 761358045