< template>
< view class = "dealBox" >
< view class = "txtBox padding10" >
< ! -- 查看协议 -->
< text class = "goToPrivacy" @click= "handleOpenPrivacyContract" > { { dealTxt} } < /text>
如您同意{ { dealTxt} } ,请点击“同意”开始使用[ 施工现场五星计划] 。如您拒绝,将无法进入。
< /view>
< view class = "row-me row-center space-between btnBox margin-top20" >
< view class = "width100Percent height80 refuseBtn" @click= "rejectClick" > 拒绝< /view>
< button id = "agree-btn" class = "wxagree-btn" open-type= "agreePrivacyAuthorization"
@agreeprivacyauthorization= "handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization" >
< /button>
< /view>
< /view>
< /template>
< script>
export default {
components: {
} ,
data ( ) {
return {
showBtn: '' ,//判断有没有进行授权
dealTxt: '' , //返回协议名称
} ,
// 页面加载
onLoad( e) {
// this.$refs .pop.show( ) ;
var that = this;
wx.getPrivacySetting( {
success: res = > {
console.log( res, 'resres--隐私协议-getPrivacySetting' )
this.showBtn = res.needAuthorization;
// 返回结果为: res = { needAuthorization: true/false, privacyContractName: '《xxx隐私保护指引》' }
if ( res.needAuthorization == true ) {
this.dealTxt = res.privacyContractName;
} else {
// this.showPrivacy = false ;
// this.dealTxt = '测试测试测试测试测试'
// 用户已经同意过隐私协议,所以不需要再弹出隐私协议,也能调用隐私接口
} ,
fail: ( ) = > { } ,
} )
} ,
// 方法
methods: {
// 点击拒绝-拒绝就是没有授权同意协议
rejectClick ( ) {
this.showBtn = true ;
} ,
// 点击同意
handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization ( ) {
console.log( '同意' )
var that = this;
// 用户点击同意按钮后
wx.requirePrivacyAuthorize( {
success: ( res) = > {
// 用户同意授权
// 继续小程序逻辑
that.showBtn = false ;
that.resolvePrivacyAuthorization( {
buttonId: 'agree-btn' ,
event: 'agree'
} )
} ,
fail: ( res) = > {
console.log( res, '22222222' )
} , // 用户拒绝授权
complete: ( res) = > {
console.log( res, '33333333333333' )
} )
} ,
// 点击查看协议
handleOpenPrivacyContract ( ) {
console.log( '点击了隐私协议' )
// 打开隐私协议页面
wx.openPrivacyContract( {
success: res = > {
console.log( 'openPrivacyContract success' , res)
} ,
fail: res = > {
console.error( 'openPrivacyContract fail' , res)
} )
} ,
< /script>