
news2025/1/17 14:08:44



  What do you think is the most basic thing about assignment writing?Maybe everyone's answer will be format.After all,the most important thing to ensure for assignment writing is that the format is correct,especially for the format of literature review.If it is wrong,the consequences will be very serious.Let's briefly explain the format of assignment.

  Assignment的组成部分:由introduction,main body,conclusion,reference四部分组成全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距。

  Assignment component:It is composed of four parts:introduction,main body,conclusion,and reference.The full text uses times new roman font,small four and 1.5 times of line spacing.


  Please do not use I,we,our,you,your and other highly subjective first and second persons in Assignment.You can use passive voice or other sentence patterns instead


  1.Introduction(Note:the introduction is divided into two parts)


  The first part introduces the main content of Assignment as the central meaning of the overview of Assignment.


  The second part introduces the structure of this assignment.The assignment structure is introduced in the fixed form of first,second,and finally.You only need to list every point introduced in the body.

  2、main body,也就是Assignment的主体部分,把Assignment分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗,作为二级目录处理。

  2.The main body,which is the main part of the assignment,divides the assignment into several small points to discuss.Each point is written with a small title,bold,and treated as a secondary directory.

  3、Conclusion结论部分注意一点,就是一般都固定的以In conclusion开头。

  3.One thing to note about the conclusion of the conclusion is that it is usually fixed to start with In conclusion.


  4.References are the sources of the references in Assignment.They are written according to the author,year,title,address of the publishing house and the publishing house.Pay attention to the following points:


  1)Each reference is separated by one line;


  2)If a reference needs to be written in two lines,the second line is indented by 5 characters;


  3)The title of the book is in italics,and the first letter of each word in the title is capitalized,except for function words;


  4)Finally,sort each reference in the order of its first letter;


  5)Generally,four references are written for 1000 words,and so on;


  6)Each reference appearing in the reference section should be written to the corresponding reference section in the Assignment,so the references in the text and the following should correspond one by one.


  The following are some examples of Reference.You can see how to write it.

  Alan,M.(2006).Shifting Tides-Culture in Contemporary China.Beijing University Press.

  Ding Z.(2006).Research on the Development and Problems of Modern Insurance in China.Journal of Kaifeng University,20(1),pp 19-23.

  Jin H.and Xiu D.(2006).Shifting Tides-Culture in Contemporary China.Beijing University Press.

  Mulford D.C.(2005).Paper Presented at The Conference on Building A Vibrant Insurance Market in India.New Delhi:Taj Mansingh Press.





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