EMQ X 集群部署

news2025/2/21 22:35:57

EMQ X 消息服务器集群基于 Erlang/OTP 分布式设计,集群原理可简述为下述两条规则:

MQTT 客户端订阅主题时,所在节点订阅成功后广播通知其他节点:某个主题(Topic)被本节点订阅。

MQTT 客户端发布消息时,所在节点会根据消息主题(Topic),检索订阅并路由消息到相关节点。

1. 集群架构 #

EMQ X 消息服务器同一集群的所有节点,都会复制一份主题(Topic) -> 节点(Node)映射的路由表,例如:

topic1 -> node-01, node-02
topic2 -> node-03
topic3 -> node-02, node-04


2. 集群部署规划 #

item node 1 node 2 node 3
node.name node-01@ node-02@ node-03@
mqtt:tcp:external 3000 3100 3200
mqtt:ssl:external 3010 3110 3210
mqtt:ws:external 3020 3120 3220
mqtt:wss:external 3030 3130 3230
http:management 3040 3140 3240
http:dashboard 3050 3150 3250
mqtt:tcp:internal 13000 13100 13200

3. 安装文件 #


请下载 ubuntu zip 版本

  • 以 4.3.10 版本为例:https://www.emqx.com/zh/downloads/broker/4.3.10/emqx-ubuntu20.04-4.3.10-amd64.zip

  • 其他版本下载:https://www.emqx.com/zh/try?product=broker


unzip emqx-ubuntu20.04-4.3.10-amd64.zip


4. 集群部署 #

4.1 创建文件目录 #

分别创建三个节点(node)目录,多个以此类推 node-N

cd /data

mkdir -p emqx/dc3/node-01 emqx/dc3/node-02 emqx/dc3/node-03


将解压的 emqx 文件放入到每个节点中,其他节点操作一致

cp -r emqx* emqx/dc3/node-01/

# pwd
# /data/emqx/dc3/node-01

# ls
# bin data dynlibs erts-11.1.8 etc lib log releases


4.2 配置文件 #

在每个节点的 etc 下配置文件 emqx.confplugins/emqx_dashboard.confplugins/emqx_management.conf

4.2.1 emqx.conf #
## EMQ X Configuration 4.3

## NOTE: Do not change format of CONFIG_SECTION_{BGN,END} comments!

## CONFIG_SECTION_BGN=cluster ==================================================

## Cluster name.
## Value: String
cluster.name = dc3-emqx-cluster

## Specify the erlang distributed protocol.
## Value: Enum
##  - inet_tcp: the default; handles TCP streams with IPv4 addressing.
##  - inet6_tcp: handles TCP with IPv6 addressing.
##  - inet_tls: using TLS for Erlang Distribution.
## vm.args: -proto_dist inet_tcp
cluster.proto_dist = inet_tcp

## Cluster auto-discovery strategy.
## Value: Enum
## - manual: Manual join command
## - static: Static node list
## - mcast:  IP Multicast
## - dns:    DNS A Record
## - etcd:   etcd
## - k8s:    Kubernetes
## Default: manual
cluster.discovery = manual

## Enable cluster autoheal from network partition.
## Value: on | off
## Default: on
cluster.autoheal = on

## Autoclean down node. A down node will be removed from the cluster
## if this value > 0.
## Value: Duration
## -h: hour, e.g. '2h' for 2 hours
## -m: minute, e.g. '5m' for 5 minutes
## -s: second, e.g. '30s' for 30 seconds
## Default: 5m
cluster.autoclean = 5m

## Cluster using static node list

## Node list of the cluster.
## Value: String
## cluster.static.seeds = emqx1@,emqx2@

## Cluster using IP Multicast.

## IP Multicast Address.
## Value: IP Address
## cluster.mcast.addr =

## Multicast Ports.
## Value: Port List
## cluster.mcast.ports = 4369,4370

## Multicast Iface.
## Value: Iface Address
## Default:
## cluster.mcast.iface =

## Multicast Ttl.
## Value: 0-255
## cluster.mcast.ttl = 255

## Multicast loop.
## Value: on | off
## cluster.mcast.loop = on

## Cluster using DNS A records.

## DNS name.
## Value: String
## cluster.dns.name = localhost

## The App name is used to build 'node.name' with IP address.
## Value: String
## cluster.dns.app = emqx

## Cluster using etcd

## Etcd server list, seperated by ','.
## Value: String
## cluster.etcd.server =

## The prefix helps build nodes path in etcd. Each node in the cluster
## will create a path in etcd: v2/keys/<prefix>/<cluster.name>/<node.name>
## Value: String
## cluster.etcd.prefix = dc3-emqx-cluster

## The TTL for node's path in etcd.
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1m, 1 minute
## cluster.etcd.node_ttl = 1m

## Path to a file containing the client's private PEM-encoded key.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.keyfile = etc/certs/client-key.pem

## The path to a file containing the client's certificate.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.certfile = etc/certs/client.pem

## Path to the file containing PEM-encoded CA certificates. The CA certificates
## are used during server authentication and when building the client certificate chain.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.cacertfile = etc/certs/ca.pem

## Cluster using Kubernetes

## Kubernetes API server list, seperated by ','.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.apiserver =

## The service name helps lookup EMQ nodes in the cluster.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.service_name = emqx

## The address type is used to extract host from k8s service.
## Value: ip | dns | hostname
## cluster.k8s.address_type = ip

## The app name helps build 'node.name'.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.app_name = emqx

## The suffix added to dns and hostname get from k8s service
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.suffix = pod.cluster.local

## Kubernetes Namespace
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.namespace = default

## CONFIG_SECTION_END=cluster ==================================================

## Node

## Node name.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/distributed.html
## Value: <name>@<host>
## Default: node-01@
node.name = node-01@

## Cookie for distributed node communication.
## Value: String
node.cookie = emqxsecretcookie

## Data dir for the node
## Value: Folder
node.data_dir = data

## Heartbeat monitoring of an Erlang runtime system. Comment the line to disable
## heartbeat, or set the value as 'on'
## Turning this on may cause the node to restart if it becomes unresponsive to
## the heartbeat pings.
## NOTE: When managed by systemd (or other supervision tools like systemd),
##       heart will probably only cause EMQ X to stop, but restart or not will
##       depend on systemd's restart strategy.
## NOTE: When running in docker, the container will die as soon as the the
##       heart process kills EMQ X, but restart or not will depend on container
##       supervision strategy, such as k8s restartPolicy.
## Value: on
## vm.args: -heart
## node.heartbeat = on

## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool. Valid range is 0-1024.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: 0-1024
## vm.args: +A Number
## node.async_threads = 4

## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing processes for this
## system if a Number is passed as value.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1024-134217727]
## vm.args: +P Number
## node.process_limit = 2097152

## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing ports for this system.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1024-134217727]
## vm.args: +Q Number
## node.max_ports = 1048576

## Sets the distribution buffer busy limit (dist_buf_busy_limit).
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1KB-2GB]
## vm.args: +zdbbl size
## node.dist_buffer_size = 8MB

## Sets the maximum number of ETS tables. Note that mnesia and SSL will
## create temporary ETS tables.
## Value: Number
## vm.args: +e Number
## node.max_ets_tables = 262144

## Global GC Interval.
## Value: Duration
## Examples:
##  - 2h:  2 hours
##  - 30m: 30 minutes
##  - 20s: 20 seconds
## Defaut: 15 minutes
node.global_gc_interval = 15m

## Tweak GC to run more often.
## Value: Number [0-65535]
## vm.args: -env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER Number
## node.fullsweep_after = 1000

## Crash dump log file.
## Value: Log file
node.crash_dump = log/crash.dump

## Specify SSL Options in the file if using SSL for Erlang Distribution.
## Value: File
## vm.args: -ssl_dist_optfile <File>
## node.ssl_dist_optfile = etc/ssl_dist.conf

## Sets the net_kernel tick time. TickTime is specified in seconds.
## Notice that all communicating nodes are to have the same TickTime
## value specified.
## See: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html#net_ticktime
## Value: Number
## vm.args: -kernel net_ticktime Number
## node.dist_net_ticktime = 120

## Sets the port range for the listener socket of a distributed Erlang node.
## Note that if there are firewalls between clustered nodes, this port segment
## for nodes’ communication should be allowed.
## See: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html
## Value: Port [1024-65535]
node.dist_listen_min = 6369
node.dist_listen_max = 6369

node.backtrace_depth = 16

## CONFIG_SECTION_BGN=rpc ======================================================

## RPC Mode.
## Value: sync | async
rpc.mode = async

## Max batch size of async RPC requests.
## Value: Integer
## Zero or negative value disables rpc batching.
## NOTE: RPC batch won't work when rpc.mode = sync
rpc.async_batch_size = 256

## RPC port discovery
## The strategy for discovering the RPC listening port of other nodes.
## Value: Enum
## - manual: discover ports by `tcp_server_port` and `tcp_client_port`.
## - stateless: discover ports in a stateless manner.
##   If node name is `emqx<N>@`, where the `<N>` is an integer,
##   then the listening port will be `5370 + <N>`
## Defaults to `stateless`.
rpc.port_discovery = stateless

## TCP port number for RPC server to listen on.
## Only takes effect when `rpc.port_discovery` = `manual`.
## NOTE: All nodes in the cluster should agree to this same config.
## Value: Port [1024-65535]
#rpc.tcp_server_port = 5369

## Number of outgoing RPC connections.
## Value: Interger [0-256]
## Default = 1
#rpc.tcp_client_num = 1

## RCP Client connect timeout.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.connect_timeout = 5s

## TCP send timeout of RPC client and server.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.send_timeout = 5s

## Authentication timeout
## Value: Seconds
rpc.authentication_timeout = 5s

## Default receive timeout for call() functions
## Value: Seconds
rpc.call_receive_timeout = 15s

## Socket idle keepalive.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_keepalive_idle = 900s

## TCP Keepalive probes interval.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_keepalive_interval = 75s

## Probes lost to close the connection
## Value: Integer
rpc.socket_keepalive_count = 9

## Size of TCP send buffer.
## Value: Bytes
rpc.socket_sndbuf = 1MB

## Size of TCP receive buffer.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_recbuf = 1MB

## Size of user-level software socket buffer.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_buffer = 1MB

## CONFIG_SECTION_END=rpc ======================================================

## CONFIG_SECTION_BGN=logger ===================================================

## Where to emit the logs.
## Enable the console (standard output) logs.
## Value: file | console | both
## - file: write logs only to file
## - console: write logs only to standard I/O
## - both: write logs both to file and standard I/O
log.to = file

## The log severity level.
## Value: debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency
## Note: Only the messages with severity level higher than or equal to
##       this level will be logged.
## Default: warning
log.level = warning

## The dir for log files.
## Value: Folder
log.dir = log

## The log filename for logs of level specified in "log.level".
## If `log.rotation` is enabled, this is the base name of the
## files. Each file in a rotated log is named <base_name>.N, where N is an integer.
## Value: String
## Default: emqx.log
log.file = emqx.log

## Limits the total number of characters printed for each log event.
## Value: Integer
## Default: No Limit
#log.chars_limit = 8192

## Maximum depth for Erlang term log formatting
## and Erlang process message queue inspection.
## Value: Integer or 'unlimited' (without quotes)
## Default: 100
#log.max_depth = 100

## Log formatter
## Value: text | json
#log.formatter = text

## Log to single line
## Value: Boolean
#log.single_line = true

## Enables the log rotation.
## With this enabled, new log files will be created when the current
## log file is full, max to `log.rotation.size` files will be created.
## Value: on | off
## Default: on
log.rotation = on

## Maximum size of each log file.
## Value: Number
## Default: 10M
## Supported Unit: KB | MB | GB
log.rotation.size = 10MB

## Maximum rotation count of log files.
## Value: Number
## Default: 5
log.rotation.count = 5

## To create additional log files for specific log levels.
## Value: File Name
## Format: log.$level.file = $filename,
##         where "$level" can be one of: debug, info, notice, warning,
##                                       error, critical, alert, emergency
## Note: Log files for a specific log level will only contain all the logs
##       that higher than or equal to that level
#log.info.file  = info.log
#log.error.file = error.log

## The max allowed queue length before switching to sync mode.
## Log overload protection parameter. If the message queue grows
## larger than this value the handler switches f




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