
news2025/1/11 22:55:27






brew install gradle-profiler
gradle-profiler --benchmark help

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: [help]

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version
* Stopping daemons

* Scenarios
Scenario: using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Tooling API
  Run: run tasks help
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: []
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10

* Running scenario using Gradle 7.3.3 (scenario 1/1)



# <root-project>/scenarios.txt
clean_build_2gb_4workers {
    tasks = [":app:assembleDebug"]
    gradle-args = ["--max-workers=1"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2048m"]
    cleanup-tasks = ["clean"]
clean_build_G1GC_4gb {
    tasks = [":app:assembleDebug"]
    gradle-args = ["--max-workers=4"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2048m"]
    cleanup-tasks = ["clean"]




gradle-profiler --benchmark --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios.txt



测试结果以上是Gradle --max-workers=1和Gradle --max-workers=4两次的测试结果对比。

增量Build分析(Profiling incremental builds)


  • 修改方法征文、添加新方法
  • 修改布局和字符串资源
incremental_build {
    tasks = ["assemble"]

    apply-build-script-change-to = "build.gradle.kts"
    apply-project-dependency-change-to {
        files = ["build.gradle"]
        # Default number of dependency-count is 3.
        # Gradle Profiler will simulate changes to project dependencies by generate some additional projects and then add a combination of project dependencies to every non-generated subprojects before each iteration.
        # The profiler will generate the minimal number of subprojects to allow for a unique combination of dependencies to be used for each iteration.
        # Note: Number of generated projects is calculated as binomial coffiecient: "from `x` choose `dependency-count` = `iterations * files`", where number of generated projects is `x`.
        dependency-count = 3
    apply-abi-change-to = "src/main/java/"
    apply-non-abi-change-to = ["src/main/java/", "src/main/java/"]
    apply-h-change-to = "src/main/headers/app.h"
    apply-cpp-change-to = "src/main/cpp/app.cpp"
    apply-property-resource-change-to = "src/main/resources/"
    apply-android-resource-change-to = "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"
    apply-android-resource-value-change-to = "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"
    apply-android-manifest-change-to = "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml"
    clear-build-cache-before = SCENARIO
    clear-transform-cache-before = BUILD
    show-build-cache-size = true
    git-checkout = {
        cleanup = "efb43a1"
        build = "master"
    git-revert = ["efb43a1"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2500m", "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"]




androidStudioSync {
title = “Android Studio Sync”
# Measure an Android studio sync
# Note: Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) or newer is required
android-studio-sync {
# Override default Android Studio jvm args
# studio-jvm-args = [“-Xms256m”, “-Xmx4096m”]


gradle-profiler --benchmark --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios_add.txt

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-11

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-11
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: []

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version

* Stopping daemons
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Android Studio installation directory should be specified using --studio-install-dir when measuring Android studio sync.
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.getBuildAction(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.loadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.doLoadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.loadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.Main.main(

hynson@housaibangdeiMac SimpleGallery % gradle-profiler --benchmark --studio-install-dir "/Applications/Android" --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios_add.txt 

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: []

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version

* Stopping daemons

* Scenarios
Scenario: Android Studio Sync using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Android Studio
  Run: Android Studio sync
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: []
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10
Scenario: string_resource_change using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Tooling API
  Run: run tasks :app_kt:assembleDebug
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: [ApplyValueChangeToAndroidResourceFileMutator(/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/./app_kt/src/main/res/values/strings.xml)]
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10

* Running scenario Android Studio Sync using Gradle 7.3.3 (scenario 1/2)

* Stopping daemons

* Running warm-up build #1

* Starting Android Studio at /Applications/Android
* Java command: /Applications/Android
* Classpath:
* System properties:
  gradle.profiler.startup.port -> 59499
  gradle.profiler.port -> 59500
  idea.config.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/config
  idea.log.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs
  idea.jre.check -> true
  idea.system.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/system
  idea.paths.selector -> AndroidStudio2021.3 -> Google
  java.system.class.loader -> com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader
  idea.gradle.distributionType -> BUNDLED
  idea.plugins.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/plugins -> true
  splash -> true
  idea.platform.prefix -> AndroidStudio
  idea.executable -> studio
  idea.home.path -> /Applications/Android
* Main class: com.intellij.idea.Main
* Android Studio logs can be found at: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs/idea.log
* Using command line: [/Applications/Android, -cp, /Applications/Android, -Dgradle.profiler.startup.port=59499, -Dgradle.profiler.port=59500, -Didea.config.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/config, -Didea.log.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs, -Didea.jre.check=true, -Didea.system.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/system, -Didea.paths.selector=AndroidStudio2021.3,, -Djava.system.class.loader=com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader, -Didea.gradle.distributionType=BUNDLED, -Didea.plugins.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/plugins,, -Dsplash=true, -Didea.platform.prefix=AndroidStudio, -Didea.executable=studio, -Didea.home.path=/Applications/Android, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.vm=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.desktop/, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.dnd.peer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.event=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.image=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.peer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.text.html=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.X11=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.datatransfer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.image=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.font=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=jdk.attach/, --add-opens=jdk.compiler/, --add-opens=jdk.internal.jvmstat/sun.jvmstat.monitor=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=jdk.jdi/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, -javaagent:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/studio-agent13826845936541378830.jar=59501,/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/instrumentation-support8915076811485037397.jar, --add-exports, java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED, -Xbootclasspath/a:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/asm14122579247830138713.jar:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/client-protocol15407110553657043473.jar, -Xms256m, -Xmx4096m, com.intellij.idea.Main, /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.]

* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 441762ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 441762ms
* Full IDE execution time: 398563ms
* Full sync has completed in: 840325ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 840325 ms

* Running warm-up build #2
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 22032ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 22032ms
* Full IDE execution time: 2025ms
* Full sync has completed in: 24057ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 24057 ms

* Running warm-up build #3
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 3824ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 3824ms
* Full IDE execution time: 1073ms
* Full sync has completed in: 4897ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 4897 ms

* Running warm-up build #4
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1175ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1175ms
* Full IDE execution time: 427ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1602ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1602 ms

* Running warm-up build #5
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 964ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 964ms
* Full IDE execution time: 394ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1358ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1358 ms

* Running warm-up build #6
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1014ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1014ms
* Full IDE execution time: 301ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1315ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1315 ms

* Running measured build #1
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1227ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1227ms
* Full IDE execution time: 282ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1509ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1509 ms

* Running measured build #2
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1453ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1453ms
* Full IDE execution time: 350ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1803ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1803 ms

* Running measured build #3
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 883ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 883ms
* Full IDE execution time: 353ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1236ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1236 ms

* Running measured build #4
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 997ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 997ms
* Full IDE execution time: 370ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1367ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1367 ms

* Running measured build #5
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 923ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 923ms
* Full IDE execution time: 320ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1243ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1243 ms

* Running measured build #6
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1386ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1386ms
* Full IDE execution time: 320ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1706ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1706 ms

* Running measured build #7
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 934ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 934ms
* Full IDE execution time: 3469ms
* Full sync has completed in: 4403ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 4403 ms

* Running measured build #8
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 755ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 755ms
* Full IDE execution time: 331ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1086ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1086 ms

* Running measured build #9
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 702ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 702ms
* Full IDE execution time: 299ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1001ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1001 ms

* Running measured build #10
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 723ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 723ms
* Full IDE execution time: 340ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1063ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1063 ms
* Stopping Android Studio....
* Android Studio stopped.

* Stopping daemons







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算法基础篇-07-排序-希尔排序(Shell Sort)

1. 希尔排序简介 希尔排序(Shell Sort) 是一种分组插入排序算法&#xff0c;是基于插入排序算法演进而来&#xff1b;首先取一个整数d1n/2, 将元素分为d1个组&#xff0c;每组相邻元素之间距离d1,在各组内进行直接插入排序&#xff1b;取第二个整数d2d1/2,重复上述分组排序过程…


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前几天在一个开源项目的 github 里面看到这样的一个 pr&#xff1a; 光是看这个名字&#xff0c;里面有个 MemorySafe&#xff0c;我就有点陷进去了。 我先给你看看这个东西&#xff1a; 这个肯定很眼熟吧&#xff1f;我是从阿里巴巴开发规范中截的图。 为什么不建议使用 Fix…


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.net开发安卓入门 - Notification(通知)

.net开发安卓入门 - Notification&#xff08;通知&#xff09;通知的布局创建通知通道创建和发布通知我的样例效果图代码资源文件常见问题一切代码都准备就绪了&#xff0c;为什么就是不提示消息内容呢&#xff1f;为什么我的通知不是弹出式的同系列文章推荐通知的布局 创建通…


yolov7运行VOC格式数据集测试开发环境使用自己的VOC格式数据集训练修改配置文件yolov7.yaml修改配置文件voc.yamlVOC格式数据集转换COCO格式开始训练重头开始fine-trainBUG常见报错1常见报错2成功训练网络评价指标可视化测试开发环境 去官网下载yolov7的权重文件&#xff0c;放…


理解async函数就要先理解generator (生成器)函数,因为async是generator函数的语法糖。 Generator函数 Generator 函数是 ES6 提供的一种异步编程解决方案&#xff0c;可以先理解为一个状态机&#xff0c;封装了多个内部状态&#xff0c;执行Generator函数返回一个遍历器对象&…

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&#x1f4cb; 个人简介 &#x1f496; 作者简介&#xff1a;大家好&#xff0c;我是阿牛&#xff0c;全栈领域优质创作者。&#x1f61c;&#x1f4dd; 个人主页&#xff1a;馆主阿牛&#x1f525;&#x1f389; 支持我&#xff1a;点赞&#x1f44d;收藏⭐️留言&#x1f4d…


数据科学是一个不断发展的领域&#xff0c;近年来越来越受欢迎。数据科学的一个重要组成部分是假设检验的使用&#xff0c;它可用于从数据中得出结论并做出明智的决策。 什么是假设检验&#xff1f; 假设检验是数据科学中常用的方法&#xff0c;用于评估关于总体参数的假设的有…