postgres源码解析41 btree索引文件的创建--2

news2024/10/5 19:18:16

本文将从btbuild函数作为入口从源码角度进行讲解btree文件的创建流程,执行SQL对应为CREATE TABLE wp_shy(id int primary key, name carchar(20))。知识回顾见:postgres源码解析41 btree索引文件的创建–1



_bt_spools_heapscan 执行流程

2)如果允许并行模式,则调用 _bt_begin_parallel 创建 parallel context上下文,并启动工作线程;
3)调用 tuplesort_begin_index_btree 构建 Tuplesortstate结构体,该结构体记录元组排序转态的关键信息;
5)上述步骤完成后,将 spools2 空间释放

 * Create and initialize one or two spool structures, and save them in caller's
 * buildstate argument.  May also fill-in fields within indexInfo used by index
 * builds.
 * Scans the heap, possibly in parallel, filling spools with IndexTuples.  This
 * routine encapsulates all aspects of managing parallelism.  Caller need only
 * call _bt_end_parallel() in parallel case after it is done with spool/spool2.
 * Returns the total number of heap tuples scanned.
static double
_bt_spools_heapscan(Relation heap, Relation index, BTBuildState *buildstate,
					IndexInfo *indexInfo)
	BTSpool    *btspool = (BTSpool *) palloc0(sizeof(BTSpool));
	SortCoordinate coordinate = NULL;
	double		reltuples = 0;

	 * We size the sort area as maintenance_work_mem rather than work_mem to
	 * speed index creation.  This should be OK since a single backend can't
	 * run multiple index creations in parallel (see also: notes on
	 * parallelism and maintenance_work_mem below).
	btspool->heap = heap;
	btspool->index = index;
	btspool->isunique = indexInfo->ii_Unique;
	btspool->nulls_not_distinct = indexInfo->ii_NullsNotDistinct;

	/* Save as primary spool */
	buildstate->spool = btspool;

	/* Report table scan phase started */

	/* Attempt to launch parallel worker scan when required */
	if (indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers > 0)
		_bt_begin_parallel(buildstate, indexInfo->ii_Concurrent,

	 * If parallel build requested and at least one worker process was
	 * successfully launched, set up coordination state
	if (buildstate->btleader)
		coordinate = (SortCoordinate) palloc0(sizeof(SortCoordinateData));
		coordinate->isWorker = false;
		coordinate->nParticipants =
		coordinate->sharedsort = buildstate->btleader->sharedsort;

	 * Begin serial/leader tuplesort.
	 * In cases where parallelism is involved, the leader receives the same
	 * share of maintenance_work_mem as a serial sort (it is generally treated
	 * in the same way as a serial sort once we return).  Parallel worker
	 * Tuplesortstates will have received only a fraction of
	 * maintenance_work_mem, though.
	 * We rely on the lifetime of the Leader Tuplesortstate almost not
	 * overlapping with any worker Tuplesortstate's lifetime.  There may be
	 * some small overlap, but that's okay because we rely on leader
	 * Tuplesortstate only allocating a small, fixed amount of memory here.
	 * When its tuplesort_performsort() is called (by our caller), and
	 * significant amounts of memory are likely to be used, all workers must
	 * have already freed almost all memory held by their Tuplesortstates
	 * (they are about to go away completely, too).  The overall effect is
	 * that maintenance_work_mem always represents an absolute high watermark
	 * on the amount of memory used by a CREATE INDEX operation, regardless of
	 * the use of parallelism or any other factor.
	buildstate->spool->sortstate =
		tuplesort_begin_index_btree(heap, index, buildstate->isunique,
									maintenance_work_mem, coordinate,

	 * If building a unique index, put dead tuples in a second spool to keep
	 * them out of the uniqueness check.  We expect that the second spool (for
	 * dead tuples) won't get very full, so we give it only work_mem.
	if (indexInfo->ii_Unique)
		BTSpool    *btspool2 = (BTSpool *) palloc0(sizeof(BTSpool));
		SortCoordinate coordinate2 = NULL;

		/* Initialize secondary spool */
		btspool2->heap = heap;
		btspool2->index = index;
		btspool2->isunique = false;
		/* Save as secondary spool */
		buildstate->spool2 = btspool2;

		if (buildstate->btleader)
			 * Set up non-private state that is passed to
			 * tuplesort_begin_index_btree() about the basic high level
			 * coordination of a parallel sort.
			coordinate2 = (SortCoordinate) palloc0(sizeof(SortCoordinateData));
			coordinate2->isWorker = false;
			coordinate2->nParticipants =
			coordinate2->sharedsort = buildstate->btleader->sharedsort2;

		 * We expect that the second one (for dead tuples) won't get very
		 * full, so we give it only work_mem
		buildstate->spool2->sortstate =
			tuplesort_begin_index_btree(heap, index, false, false, work_mem,
										coordinate2, TUPLESORT_NONE);

	/* Fill spool using either serial or parallel heap scan */
	if (!buildstate->btleader)
		reltuples = table_index_build_scan(heap, index, indexInfo, true, true,
										   _bt_build_callback, (void *) buildstate,
		reltuples = _bt_parallel_heapscan(buildstate,

	 * Set the progress target for the next phase.  Reset the block number
	 * values set by table_index_build_scan
		const int	progress_index[] = {
		const int64 progress_vals[] = {
			0, 0

		pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(3, progress_index, progress_vals);

	/* okay, all heap tuples are spooled */
	if (buildstate->spool2 && !buildstate->havedead)
		/* spool2 turns out to be unnecessary */
		buildstate->spool2 = NULL;

	return reltuples;

_bt_leafbuild 执行流程

该函数的主要功能是将_bt_spools_heapscan扫描的索引元组(位于BTBuildState结构体中的 spool/spool2数据类型,该类型是一个数组,每个元素为索引元组)插入叶子结点中,如果叶子不存在,则会新建。
1 调用 tuplesort_performsort对spool/spool2存放的索引元组进行排序(单独进行);
2 构建并初始化 BTWriteState结构体信息;
3 调用 _bt_load 函数将spool与spool2中的元组进行合并排序,将其填充至btree叶子节点中;
    _bt_load 函数的工作流程如图:
   1)根据入参初始化 BTPageState结构体
   2)循环遍历spool/spool2中的元组,如果spool2为空,则直接调用_bt_buildadd将spool中的元组插入索引叶子结点中,反 之会先调用相应的排序函数确定两者的偏序关系,在调用_bt_buildadd函数进行上述插入操作;
   4)将生成的索引页持久化至磁盘中,目的是防止发生崩溃重启时重放不了检查点之前的日志条目。[因为此相关的WAL日志只是在WAL buffer中构建好,并没有刷盘(未调用XLOGFlush),假设检查点发生时此日志条目落盘,但是对应的索引页却未持久化(索引页是在进程的私有内存中构建的)],如发生奔溃;此后重启根据检查点的规则便不会去回放WAL日志条目。

_bt_buildadd 工作流程


  1. 首先检查索引元组大小是否超过索引页大小的1/3,若超过则打印出错信息,反之转至步骤2;
    2)如果当前页能够容纳所要插入的元组,则转至步骤 6;
  2. 紧接着通过BTPagestate.btps_next判断是否有父节点,若没有则创建一个父节点,并将opage中的min key复制到父节点中,更新opage与npage间的链接关系;
    5)此时旧页opage已经完成填充不会再修改,此后调用 _bt_blwritepage将opage写入索引文件;




 * Finish writing out the completed btree.
static void
_bt_uppershutdown(BTWriteState *wstate, BTPageState *state)
	BTPageState *s;
	BlockNumber rootblkno = P_NONE;
	uint32		rootlevel = 0;
	Page		metapage;

	 * Each iteration of this loop completes one more level of the tree.
	for (s = state; s != NULL; s = s->btps_next)
		BlockNumber blkno;
		BTPageOpaque opaque;

		blkno = s->btps_blkno;
		opaque = BTPageGetOpaque(s->btps_page);

		 * We have to link the last page on this level to somewhere.
		 * If we're at the top, it's the root, so attach it to the metapage.
		 * Otherwise, add an entry for it to its parent using its low key.
		 * This may cause the last page of the parent level to split, but
		 * that's not a problem -- we haven't gotten to it yet.
		if (s->btps_next == NULL)
			opaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_ROOT;
			rootblkno = blkno;
			rootlevel = s->btps_level;
			Assert((BTreeTupleGetNAtts(s->btps_lowkey, wstate->index) <=
					IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(wstate->index) &&
					BTreeTupleGetNAtts(s->btps_lowkey, wstate->index) > 0) ||
			Assert(BTreeTupleGetNAtts(s->btps_lowkey, wstate->index) == 0 ||
			BTreeTupleSetDownLink(s->btps_lowkey, blkno);
			_bt_buildadd(wstate, s->btps_next, s->btps_lowkey, 0);
			s->btps_lowkey = NULL;

		 * This is the rightmost page, so the ItemId array needs to be slid
		 * back one slot.  Then we can dump out the page.
		_bt_blwritepage(wstate, s->btps_page, s->btps_blkno);
		s->btps_page = NULL;	/* writepage freed the workspace */

	 * As the last step in the process, construct the metapage and make it
	 * point to the new root (unless we had no data at all, in which case it's
	 * set to point to "P_NONE").  This changes the index to the "valid" state
	 * by filling in a valid magic number in the metapage.
	metapage = (Page) palloc(BLCKSZ);
	_bt_initmetapage(metapage, rootblkno, rootlevel,
	_bt_blwritepage(wstate, metapage, BTREE_METAPAGE);





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