《PMBOK 指南第七版》初识

news2024/9/30 9:37:38


  • 体系构建变化非常大,7版延续6版的内容,但对项目管理的视角完全不同,系统化的思考方式
  • 10知识领域 到 12管理原则的转变,突出了对变化的敏捷应对,体现管理的有效性
  • 5过程域 到 8 绩效域的转变,产出 到 成果的转变,是关注目标、评价标准的变化
  • 对裁剪过程的深入阐述,体现项目管理应从全局出发、灵活应用、面向价值交付,满足项目需要,并提供了相关的工具、方法、套件
  • 关注可交付物 到 关注预期成果,落实交付质量和交付价值,交付链,交付价值:交付成果是否满足交付价值,满足并带来附加值
  • 价值交付系统,充分体现敏捷的价值理念,拥抱变化,快速了解和学习,实现目标

1. Summary 摘要

Over the past few years, emerging  technology, new approaches, and rapid market changes disrupted our ways of working, driving the project management profession to evolve. Each industry, organization and project face unique challenges, and team members must adapt their approaches to successfully manage projects and deliver results. With this in mind, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) - Seventh Edition takes a deeper look into the fundamental concepts and constructs of the profession. Including both The Standard for Project Management and the PMBOK® Guide, this edition presents 12 principles of project management and eight project  performance domains that are critical for effectively delivering project outcomes. This edition of the PMBOK® Guide: Reflects the full range of development approaches  (predictive, traditional, adaptive, agile, hybrid, etc.); Devotes an entire section to tailoring development approaches and processes; Expands the list of tools and techniques in a new section, "Models, Methods, and Artifacts"; Focuses on project outcomes, in addition to deliverables; and Integrates with PMIstandards+, giving users access to content that helps them apply the PMBOK® Guide on the job. The result is a modern guide that betters enables project team members to be proactive, innovative, and nimble in delivering project outcomes.

在过去的几年里, 新兴技术、新方法和快速的市场变化扰乱了我们的工作方式,推动了项目管理专业领域的发展。每个行业、组织和项目都面临着独特的挑战,团队成员必须调整其方法,以成功管理项目并交付成果。有鉴于此,《项目管理知识体系指南》(《PMBOK® 指南》 )第七版深入探讨了这个专业领域的基本概念和结构。这一版涵括《项目管理标准》和《PMBOK® 指南》,介绍了 12 项项目管理原则和 8 个项目绩效域,这些绩效域对于有效交付项目成果至关重要。本版《PMBOK® 指南》:体现了各种开发方法(预测型、传统型、适应型、敏捷型、混合型等);用一整章篇幅讲解裁剪开发方法和流程;新增“模型、方法和工件”一章,详细解析了工具和技术列表;除可交付物之外,还关注项目结果;整合PMIstandards+,方便用户访问有助于他们在实际工作中运用《PMBOK® 指南》的内容。这样就制作出了一份现代指南,更好地帮助项目团队成员以主动、创新和灵活的方式交付项目结果。

2. Preface 序言

Each time work begins on a new edition of The Standard for Project Management and the PMBOK® Guide, there is an opportunity to consider global perspectives on changes in project management and the approaches used for realizing benefits and value from project outputs. In the time between every edition, a world of change has occurred. Some organizations have ceased to exist, and new organizations have emerged. Older technologies have reached end of life while technologies offering completely new capabilities have evolved. People who continue in the workforce have advanced their thinking, skills, and capabilities as new entrants focus on quickly understanding their professional language, building their skills, developing their business acumen, and contributing to the objectives of their employers. Even in the midst of such changes, though, there are fundamental concepts and constructs that remain in place. The understanding that collective thinking produces more holistic solutions than the thoughts of one individual continues. And the fact that organizations use projects as a vehicle for delivering a unique result or output endures.

每当开始编撰新版《项目管理标准》和《PMBOK® 指南》时,我们都有机会从全球视角考虑关于项目管理、实现收益所用的方法,以及项目输出的价值这些方面所发生的变化。在各版指南发布的间隔期内,世界已经发生了变化。有些组织已经不复存在,而新的组织不断涌现。旧的技术已经走到尽头,而提供全新能力的技术也已逐步发展起来。继续在职的员工要像新入职者一样在思维、技能和能力方面获得提升,他们要重点关:快速了解专业语言,培养技能,增强商业敏锐度,为实现雇主目标做出贡献。虽然在上述变化发生过程中,还保留着一些基础性的概念和构念,人们仍然认为,与个人的思考相比,集体思考能够形成更具整体性的解决方案。而且组织通过项目来交付独特结果或输出的情况仍然会继

3.  Evolution of change 演进变化

The advancement of software into all types of products, services, and solutions has grown exponentially. What software can enable continues to change as artificial intelligence,
cloud-based capabilities, and new business models drive innovation and new ways of working. Transformed organizational models have yielded new project work and team structures, the need for a broad range of approaches to project and product delivery, and a stronger focus on outcomesrather than deliverables.


4. Summary of Changes 变化摘要

Since 1987, The Standard for Project Management has represented a process-based standard. The Standard for Project Management included in the PMBOK® Guide aligned the project management discipline and function around a collection of business processes. Those business processes enabled consistent and predictable practices:
* That could be documented;
* Through which performance against the processes could be assessed; and
* Through which improvements to the process could be made to maximize efficiency and minimize threats.
While effective in supporting good practice, process-based standards are prescriptive by their very nature. With project management evolving more rapidly than ever before, the process-based orientation of past editions cannot be maintained in a manner conducive to reflecting the full value delivery landscape. Therefore, this edition shifts to a principles-based standard to support effective project management and to focus more on intended outcomes rather than deliverables.

自 1987 年以来,《项目管理标准》一直代表着基于过程的项目管理标准。《PMBOK® 指南》中包含的《项目管理标准》与一系列业务过程有关的项目管理准则和职能相保持一致。这些业务过程支持以下持续且可预测的实践:
* 可被记录;
* 通过这些实践可对过程的绩效作出评估;
* 通过这些实践可对过程做出改进,从而最大化效率并最小化威胁。

Another significant change with this edition of the PMBOK® Guide is a systems view of project management. This shift begins with a systems view of value delivery as part of The Standard for Project Management and continues with the presentation of the PMBOK® Guide content. A systems focus for value delivery changes the perspective from one of governing portfolios, programs, and projects to focusing on the value chain that links those and other business capabilities to advancing organizational strategy, value, and business objectives. In the context of project management, The Standard for Project Management and the PMBOK® Guide emphasize that projects do not simply produce outputs, but more importantly, enable those outputs to drive outcomes that ultimately deliver value to the organization and its stakeholders.

本版《PMBOK® 指南》的另一个重要变化是从系统视角论述项目管理。这一转变始于将系统视角的价值交付作为《项目管理标准》的一部分,并继续呈现《PMBOK® 指南》的内容。该“价值交付系统”部分改变了原有视角,即从项目组合、项目集和项目治理到重点关注将它们与其他业务能力结合在一起的价值链,再进一步推进到组织的战略、价值和商业目标。在项目管理的背景下,《项目管理标准》和《PMBOK® 指南》强调,项目不只是产生输出,更重要的是要促使这些输出推动实现成果,而这些成果最终会将价值交付给组织及其干系人。

This systems view reflects a shift from the Knowledge Areas in past editions of the PMBOK® Guide to eight project performance domains. A performance domain is a group of related activities that are critical for the effective delivery of project outcomes. Collectively, the performance domains represent a project management system of interactive, interrelated, and interdependent management capabilities that work in unison to achieve desired project outcomes. As the performance domains interact and react to each other, change occurs. Project teams continuously review, discuss, adapt, and respond to such changes with the whole system in mind—not just the specific performance domain in which the change occurred. Aligned with the concept of a system for value delivery in The Standard for Project Management, teams evaluate effective performance in each performance domain through outcomes-focused measures, rather than through adherence to processes or the production of artifacts, plans, etc.

这种系统视角反映了从过去版本的《PMBOK® 指南》中的“知识领域”转变为八个绩效域。绩效域是一组对有效地交付项目成果至关重要的相关活动。总的来说,绩效域所代表的项目管理系统体现了彼此交互、相互关联且相互依赖的管理能力,这些能力只有协调一致才能实现期望的项目成果。随着各个绩效域彼此交互和相互作用,变化也会随之发生。项目团队要有整体系统思维的意识,不断审查、讨论、适应并应对这些变化,而非只是关注发生变化的具体绩效域。遵照《项目管理标准》中的“价值交付系统”这一概念,团队会通过以成果为中心的测量指标,而非按照各个过程或生成的工件、计划等来对各绩效域中的有效绩效作出评估。

Previous editions of the PMBOK® Guide emphasized the importance of tailoring the project management approach to the unique characteristics of each project and its context. The Sixth Edition specifically incorporated considerations to help project teams think about how to tailor their approach to project management. That content was included in the front matter of each of the Knowledge Areas and provided considerations for all types of project environments. This edition further expands upon that work with a dedicated section on Tailoring in the PMBOK® Guide.

原先版本的《PMBOK® 指南》强调必须对项目管理方法进行裁剪,使之适应于各项目的独有特征及其运行背景。第 6 版明确包括了相关考虑因素,以帮助项目团队思考如何对其项目管理方法进行裁剪。这些内容包含在各知识领域章节的前言部分,同时介绍了各类项目环境的考虑因素。本版《PMBOK® 指南》特设“裁剪”一章,对这项内容作出了进一步阐述。





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