
news2025/2/24 3:16:33







💥1 英文题目及数据

📚2 中文翻译题目参考

2.1 题目

2.2 题目

🎉3 思路、程序参考......

🌈 4 参考文献

💥1 英文题目及数据

Problem A
Feature Extraction of Sequence Images and Modeling Analysis of
Mold Flux Melting and Crystallization
Mold fluxes in continuous casting process thermally insulate the molten steel meniscus,
prevent reoxidation of liquid steel during continuous casting of liquid steels, control heat
transfer, provide lubrication of strand, and absorb nonmetallic inclusions. Metallurgical
functions of mold flux is mainly determined by its melting rate and crystallization rate under
the temperature control curve. It is therefore important to study the phase distribution of mold
fluxes in the gap between mold wall and strand shell.
Continuous casting mold fluxes are added to the top of liquid steel in the mold. These solid
slags, accumulating on the surface of liquid steel as a powder layer, can prevent liquid steel
level crusting due to excessive temperature drop of liquid steel. The temperature of mold fluxes
then gradually rise to the melting point, and mold fluxes are melted to form a sintered layer.
Raw materials of mold fluxes form low-melting-point substances and then liquid slag through
chemical reactions, and the composition of mold fluxes will change to a certain extent. It is
melting process .
As mold fluxes are completely fused, a liquid slag layer will be formed and covering on
the surface of liquid steel. The slag film will be formed when the liquid slag infiltrates from the
slag pool at the steel liquid surface into the gap between the shell and the copper mold wall.
The slag against the strand still maintains liquid phase, because of the high temperature of the
strand surface. However, as the temperature of liquid slag decreases with that of the strand
surface in the longitudinal direction of the mold, the slag film, against the copper mold wall, is
quenched and solidified to form a glassy solid slag film (solidification behavior of slag film),
with mold’s forced cooling, while slag film will crystallize at certain areas and form a
crystalline layer (crystallization behavior of slag film) under suitable conditions, finally
creating a typical three-layer slag film structure: glassy layer, crystalline layer and liquid slag
layer. This process is crystallization.
Because of the high temperature, transient fluid flow, complex phase transitions and
chemical reactions as well as the opacity of mold wall, it is difficult to observe the phase
changes of mold fluxes directly. The SHTT II tester of melting and crystallization temperature
2022 Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2
is now widely applied to observe the crystallization behaviors of mold fluxes. After the
experiment is finished, experimenters demonstrate the images one by one, record the
information in the upper left corner of the images, and identify the key node images with naked
eyes and experience (see Figure 1), so as to guide the design of mold fluxes to meet the
solidification requirements of steel grades. This process wastes manpower and hinders the
development of experimental process information. It is urgent to develop automatic feature
extraction and mathematical modeling technology of sequence images.
Attachment 1 has 562 sequence images of mold fluxes’ melting and crystallization. These
sequence images are collected from the 110th to 671st seconds when the experiment starts. The
file serial numbers follow the collection time sequence, and images are collected every 1s. The
information is presented by digital images in Attachment 1 (see Figure 1). The upper left corner
of each image is marked with the corresponding time of the image and the temperature values
of No.1 thermocouple and No.2 thermocouple.


📚2 中文翻译题目参考

2.1 题目



在模具的顶部加入连铸模具通剂。这些固体矿渣以粉末层的形式堆积在液态钢的 表面,可以防止由于液态钢的温度下降过高而导致的液态钢水平结皮。模具通量的温 度随后逐渐上升到熔点,模具通量被熔化形成烧结层。模具通量的原料通过化学反应 形成低熔点物质,然后形成液渣,模具通量的组成会发生一定程度的变化。这是熔化过程。
     由于模具焊剂完全熔合,将形成液渣层并覆盖在液态钢表面。当液渣从钢液表面的渣池渗入壳体与铜模壁的间隙时,形成渣膜。由于链表面的高温,对链的矿渣仍然保持液相。但随着液渣的温度随模具纵向表面的降低,渣膜相对于铜模壁,淬火固化形成玻璃态固体渣膜(渣膜的固化行为),模具强制冷却,渣膜在一定区域结晶形成结晶层(渣膜结晶行为),最终形成典型的三层渣膜结构:玻璃层、结晶层、液渣层 。这个过程是结晶。

为了实现模通量熔融和结晶序列图像的自动特征提取和数学建模,请回答以下三 个问题。

2.2 题目




🎉4 思路、程序参考......


🌈 4 参考文献





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