
news2025/2/27 20:44:50

CV - 计算机视觉

今天带来的是北航IRIP实验室被国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议CVPR 2022接收的6篇论文。


CVPR 2022期刊论文:

1.Target-Relevant Knowledge Preservation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptive Object Detection(Oral)

作者:Jiaxi Wu, Jiaxin Chen, Mengzhe He, Yiru Wang, Bo Li, Bingqi Ma, Weihao Gan, Wei Wu, Yali Wang, Di Huang




This paper proposes a novel teacher-student approach, namely target-relevant knowledge preservation (TRKP), to unsupervised multi-source domain adaptive object detection. The teacher network is equipped with an adversarial multi-source disentanglement (AMSD) module to preserve source domain-specific knowledge and simultaneously perform cross-domain alignment. Besides, a holistic target-relevant mining (HTRM) scheme is developed to re-weight the source images according to the source-target relevance. By this means, the teacher network is enforced to capture target-relevant knowledge, thus benefiting decreasing domain shift when mentoring object detection in the target domain. Extensive experiments are conducted on various widely used benchmarks with new state-of-the-art scores reported, highlighting the effectiveness.

2.Entropy-based Active Learning for Object Detection with Progressive Diversity Constraint

作者:Jiaxi Wu, Jiaxin Chen, Di Huang




This paper proposes a novel hybrid approach for active learning for object detection, where the instance-level uncertainty and diversity are jointly considered in a bottom-up manner. To balance the computational complexity, the proposed approach is designed as a two-stage procedure. At the first stage, an Entropy-based Non-Maximum Suppression (ENMS) is presented to estimate the uncertainty of every image, which performs NMS according to the entropy in the feature space to remove predictions with redundant information gains. At the second stage, a diverse prototype (DivProto) strategy is explored to ensure the diversity across images by progressively converting it into the intra-class and inter-class diversities of the entropy-based class-specific prototypes. Extensive experiments are conducted on MS COCO and Pascal VOC, and the proposed approach achieves state of the art results and significantly outperforms the other counterparts, highlighting its superiority.

2.ImFace: A Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model with Implicit Neural Representations

作者:Mingwu Zheng, Hongyu Yang, Di Huang, Liming Chen




Precise representations of 3D faces are beneficial to various computer vision and graphics applications. Due to the data discretization and model linearity, however, it remains challenging to capture accurate identity and expression clues in current studies. This paper presents a novel 3D morphable face model, namely ImFace, to learn a nonlinear and continuous space with implicit neural representations. It builds two explicitly disentangled deformation fields to model complex shapes associated with identities and expressions, respectively, and designs a Neural Blend-Field to learn sophisticated details by adaptively blending a series of local fields. In addition to ImFace, an effective preprocessing pipeline is proposed to address the issue of watertight input requirement in implicit representations, enabling them to work with common facial surfaces for the first time. Extensive experiments are performed to demonstrate the superiority of ImFace.

4.Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Pixel-to-prototype Contrast

作者:Ye Du, Zehua Fu, Qingjie Liu




To solve the problem of granularity mismatch between image-level supervision and pixel-level supervision in weakly supervised semantic segmentation, a weakly supervised pixel-to-prototype contrastive learning method is proposed, which provides cross-view consistency and intra-class compactness and inter-class dispersion constraints for segmentation task through cross-view and intra-view contrast. Experiments have proved the effectiveness of the method.

5.Lagrange Motion Analysis and View Embeddings for Improved Gait Recognition

作者:Tianrui Chai, Annan Li, Shaoxiong Zhang, Zilong Li, Yunhong Wang




Gait is considered the walking pattern of human body, which includes both shape and motion cues. However, the main-stream appearance-based methods for gait recognition rely on the shape of silhouette. It is unclear whether motion can be explicitly represented in the gait sequence modeling. In this paper, we analyzed human walking using the Lagrange's equation and come to the conclusion that second-order information in the temporal dimension is necessary for identification. We designed a second-order motion extraction module based on the conclusions drawn. Also, a light weight view-embedding module is designed by analyzing the problem that current methods to cross-view task do not take view itself into consideration explicitly. Experiments on CASIA-B and OU-MVLP datasets show the effectiveness of our method and some visualization for extracted motion are done to show the interpretability of our motion extraction module.

6.CAT-Det: Contrastively Augmented Transformer for Multi-modal 3D Object Detection

作者:Yanan Zhang, Jiaxin Chen, Di Huang



        本文提出了一种用于多模态3D目标检测的对比增强Transformer:CAT-Det,旨在解决多模态融合不足和缺乏有效的多模态数据增强的问题。CAT-Det由Pointformer分支、Imageformer分支和Cross-Modal Transformer模块联合编码模态内和模态间远程上下文,从而充分挖掘用于检测的多模态信息。此外,我们通过在点和物体级别上的分层对比学习提出了一种有效的单向多模态数据增强方法。在KITTI数据集上进行了实验,验证了其优越性。

This paper proposes a Contrastively Augmented Transformer for multi-modal 3D object Detection (CAT-Det), which aims to solve the problems of insufficient multi-modal fusion and lack of effective multi-modal data augmentation. CAT-Det uses Pointformer (PT) branch, Imageformer (IT) branch and Cross-Modal Transformer (CMT) module to jointly encode intra-modal and inter-modal long-range contexts, thus fully exploring multi-modal information for detection. Furthermore, we propose an effective One-way Multi-modal Data Augmentation (OMDA) approach via hierarchical contrastive learning at both the point and object levels. Extensive experiments on the KITTI benchmark show that CAT-Det achieves a new state-of-the-art, highlighting its effectiveness.






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