[综述笔记]Graph Neural Networks in Network Neuroscience

news2024/12/26 14:50:52

论文网址:Graph Neural Networks in Network Neuroscience | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得




(4)第二次challenge2.3.2. 脑图一般是无向图,能不能发展一点有向啊,虽然是作为外行人的发言


1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①Medical neuroimaging now can present the morphology, structure, and function of brain

        ②Their citations list: GitHub - basiralab/GNNs-in-Network-Neuroscience: A review of papers proposing novel GNN methods with application to brain connectivity published in 2017-2020.

morphological  n.同 morphologic  adj.形态学(上)的;【语】词法的

2.2. Introduction

        ①The three representations of brains bring time, resolution and domain information of brain:

        ②Multi-modality data will bring different information of brain. Human Connectome Project (HCP), the Baby Connectome Project (BCP) and the Connectome Related to Human Disease (CRHD) datasets focus to collect such data.

        ③Functional connectivity (FC) matrix can be generated by CONN toolbox or groupwise whole-brain parcellation methods and structural and morphological connectivity (SC/MC) matrices can be measured by FSL toolbox and Desikan-Killiany atlas via FreeSurfer software(应该只列了一部分啦)

        ④There are methods that can predict images with other modalities by a single imaging modality

        ⑤Moreover, mapping brain graph from non Euclidean domains to other domains such as geometric and hyperbolic domains

        ⑥Citing other surveys and list the differences

underpinning  v.基础;加强;巩固;构成(…的基础等)  underpin的现在分词  n.(学说、理论等的)基础;基础结构;基础材料;(人的)腿

endogenous  adj.内源性的;内生的

holistic  adj.整体的;全面的;功能整体性的

coalescent  adj.合并的;接合的  n.联合;合并

internodal  adj.节间的

nascent  adj.新生的;萌芽的;未成熟的

taxonomy  n.分类法;分类学;分类系统

2.3. What Do Graph Neural Networks Offer to Network Neuroscience?

2.3.1. GNN Overview

        ①GNNs can be categorized into three main types: Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), Graph Attention Network (GAT) and message-passing mechanism(为什么消息传递机制不被包含在GCN里啊?

        ②GNN usually defines graph as G=(N,E,\mathbf{A},\mathbf{F}), where \mathbf{A}\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} denotes the pairwise correlation, \mathbf{F}\in \mathbb{R}^{\boldsymbol{n}\times f} denotes feature matrix, N denotes the nodes set and E denotes the edges set.

        ③If there is no feature of node, setting \mathbf{F}=E

        ④The aggregation method of GCN:


where \phi denotes the activate function, \boldsymbol{\Theta} denotes the filter that presents the graph convolutional weights, f\left ( \cdot \right ) dentoes the GCN function, \widetilde{\mathbf{A}}=\mathbf{A}+\mathbf{I} and \widetilde{\mathbf{D}}_{ii}=\sum_{j}\widetilde{\mathbf{A}}_{ij}

        ⑤Graph-based model and population based model:

2.3.2. Brain Graph Overview

        ①Basically, regarding neurons as nodes and corresponding synapses as edges is a method of constructing brain graph. However, it is relevant expensive in computing(嘻嘻,文心了一下大脑中大概有120亿到140亿个神经元,往死里算!所以后来的ROI划分(一组神经元!)也算是迈出了很大一步呢!)

        ②Traditionally, brain graphs are undirected graphs.

        ③Common method of brain graph construction:

(1)Morphological brain graphs

        ①Method: cortical measures of detecting the sulcal depth and cortical thickness

        ②Extraction: from T1-weighted images

        ③Main preprocessing: "skull stripping, motion correction, T1-w intensity normalization, topology correction, segmentation of the sub-cortical white matter and deep grey matter volumetric structures and cortical hemisphere construction"

        ④Dividing regions by specific atlas, such as Desikan-Killiany Atlas. The weighted edges of ROIs are absolute difference

(2)Functional brain graphs

        ①Method: constructed by fMRI, namely blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal

        ②Edges: correlations between ROI

        ③Node: with no feature

(3)Structural brain graphs

        ①Method: constructed by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) or diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), which measured by diffusion of water molecules. It can distinguish gray matter and white matter 

        ②Edges: absolute difference of number of fibers in different ROIs

2.3.3.Literature Search and Taxonomy Definition

        ①Data focused: 2017.1.1 - 2020.12.31

        ②Databases: IEEExplore, PubMed, Research Gate, Arxiv Sanity and Google Scholar using

        ③Keywords:  “brain graph”, “brain network”, “connectome”, “GNN”, “graph representation learning”, “network neuroscience”, “graph neural networks”

        ④Journals/Conferences: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention conference (MICCAI), the Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) conference, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging journal, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex journals and bioRxiv

        ⑤Ignore: CNN/ML in brain

        ⑥Three domains in brain graph: prediction, integration and classification

        ⑦Specific types in brain domain:

primer  n.底漆;初级读本;底层涂料;入门书;启蒙读本;识字课本

2.3.4. Brain Graph Prediction

        ①⭐Patients may lack multi-times scans over time or multi-modality scan images

        ②The data of brain image is too little

        ③Brain Graph Prediction Publications

        ④Brain Graph Integration Publications

        ⑤Disease Classification Publications

        ⑥Biomarker Identification Publications

        ⑦Summary of lost functions:

(1)Cross-Domain Graph Prediction

        ①Problem statement: for original graph G_{S}, learning a manpping function f:(\mathbf{A}_S,\mathbf{F}_S)\mapsto(\mathbf{A}_T,\mathbf{F}_T). After that, G_{S}\rightarrow G_{T}

        ②Categories: single/multi graph prediction

        ③Single graph prediction: such as GAN based models, they predict brain graph with another modality from one source modality. It requires different training when predict different modalities of brain graph

        ④Multi graph prediction: such as GCN based autoencoder methods

        ⑤Challenges: a) not all of them are end-to-end, which may accumulates errors, b) GAN based models are possible face mode collapse, c) few topological structured considered

(2)Cross-Resolution Graph Prediction

        ①Problem statement: for low-resolution brain graph G_l=(N_l,E_l,\mathbf{A}_l,\mathbf{F}_l), learning a mapping function f:(\mathbf{A}_l,\mathbf{F}_l)\mapsto(\mathbf{A}_s,\mathbf{F}_s) to map G_l=(N_l,E_l,\mathbf{A}_l,\mathbf{F}_l)\rightarrow G_s=(N_s,E_s,\mathbf{A}_s,\mathbf{F}_s),where\, N_{l}<N_{s} 

        ②Example: U-autoencoder constructed by GCN layers, which inspired by U-Net 

        ③Future challenges: better GNN framework, computing efficiency, higher accuracy. What is more, people can fucos on multi-resolution graph synthesis in the future

(3)Cross-Time Graph Prediction

        ①Problem statement: to learn a mapping function f_t:(\mathbf{A}_{t_i},\mathbf{F}_{t_i})\mapsto(\mathcal{T}) , which turns G_{t_i}=(N,E,\mathbf{A}_{t_i},\mathbf{F}_{t_i}),i\in\{1,\ldots,n_t\} to a evolution trajectory \mathcal{T}=\{G_{t_{i+1}}\}_{i=2}^{n_t}

        ②Categories: dichotomized learning-based/end-to-end learning based GNN model

        ③Briefly introducing GCN-based graph autoencoder (dichotomized) and GAN-based graph autoencoder with edge-conditioned convolution (ECC) (end-to-end)(不是我的领域捏,介绍了这俩东西的进化预测实现方法)

        ④Challenges: a) dichotomized learning strategy might limit joint prediction(为啥捏), b) edge convolution in end-to-end method limits the scalability of training time on large-scale graphs(作者后面紧跟了说边缘卷积已被证明是耗时间的)

        ⑤Prospect: combining multi-modalities to predict

dichotomize  v.二分法;对分,二分

2.3.5. Brain Graph Integration

        ①Problem statement: to learn a mapping function f:\{\mathcal{G}^i\}_{i=1}^{n_s}\mapsto\mathbf{C}, where \mathcal{G}^{s}=\{G^{m_{i}}\}_{m_{i}=1}^{n_{m}} denotes all the modalities of one subject, G^{m_i}=(N,E,\mathbf{A},\mathbf{F}) denotes a brain graph in one of the modality, n_m denotes the number of modalities, i\in\{1,\ldots,n_m\} and \mathbf{C} denotes a shared common connectivity patterns (connectional brain template (CBT))(呃呃说白了就是HC一个fingerprint图,患病一个fingerprint吗)

        ②Introducing corresponding models such as MGINet, Deep Graph Normalizer (DGN)

        ③Challenges: ⭐ the existing models do not possess an ability that integrate isomeric graphs of different subjects

2.3.6. Brain Graph Classification

        Categories: brain state classification and biomarker identification

(1)Brain State Classification

        ①Graph Embedding-Based classification

Problem statementTo learn a mapping function f:\mathbf{Z}\mapsto y, where \mathbf{Z} denotes the low-representation of the original graph G=(N,E,\mathbf{A},\mathbf{F}) and y denotes the predicted label

        ②Graph-Based Classification

Problem statementThis method does not squeez graph presentation, using the whole brain to predict
Prediction directionClassifying sex, age or typical

        ③Population-Based Classification

Problem statementTo learn a mapping function f:P\mapsto y, where P=(N_p,E_p,\mathbf{A}_p,\mathbf{F}_p) denotes population graph, N_p denotes each node (subject), E_p denotes the edge (similarity) set, \mathbf{A}_p\in \mathbb{R}^{n_s\times n_s} denotes corresponding adjacency matrix, n_s denotes the number of subjects and \mathbf{F}_p\in \mathbb{R}^{n_s\times f} is the feature matrix composed by each feature vector
ChallengesThis model fits for large dataset, but now the brain data is scarce, which may cause over-fitting

calibration  n.校准;标定;(温度计或其他仪表上的)刻度

(2)Biomarker Identification

        ①Problem statement: 

2.4. Discussion and Outlook

2.4.1. Toward Clinical Translation

2.4.2. Outlook

3. 知识补充

3.1. Structural and anatomical images





3.2. Brain images

(1)Functional images: always named "FunRaw", obtained by fMRI

(2)Anatomical images: always named "T1Raw", obtained by sMRI

(3)Structural images: always named "T2Raw", obtained by sMRI

(4)但是作者在文章中说morphological images是T1像,而structural images来自DTI。暂时持保留意见

3.3. Dichotomized learning-based models


(1)[71]基于残差嵌入相似性的网络选择预测脑网络演化轨迹 |施普林格链接 (springer.com)

(2)[72]使用深度对抗网络归一化器预测脑图随时间推移的演变 |施普林格链接 (springer.com)

3.4. Isomeric and heterogeneous


4. Reference List

Bessadok, A., Mahjoub, M. & Rekik, I. (2022) 'Graph Neural Networks in Network Neuroscience', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45 (5), pp. 5833-5848. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3209686







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