Crack:dhtmlx JavaScript UI Libraries 商业企业版

news2025/2/20 7:55:44

dhtmlx JavaScript UI Libraries 企业版

JS Gantt Chart
JS Scheduler
JS UI Widgets Library
JS Diagram Library
JS Kanban Board
JS To Do List
JS Event Calendar
JS Spreadsheet
JS Pivot Table
JS File Uploader
JS Rich Text Editor


Gantt Chart
Easy customization that enables you to adjust Gantt look and feel according to your needs.
Simple API that contributes to a short learning curve.
Rich resource management features - resource calendar, histogram, multiple resources view, etc.
Export of a full-sized Gantt chart to PDF, PNG, Excel, iCal, MS Project, and Primavera P6


Wide range of calendar views for scheduling various resources such as the Timeline view.
Recurring and multisections events, intuitive drag-n-drop and keyboard navigation.
Extensive JavaScript API that gives you full control over the calendar's look and feel.
Ability to export your scheduler to PDF and PNG formats and print it.


20+ professionally designed customizable HTML5 UI controls from Forms to Grid, TreeGrid, and Charts.
Pure JavaScript with no dependencies on any third-party library or framework.
Fully client-side controls that can be integrated with any front-end and back-end technologies with ease.
Perfect for developing complex dashboards, CRM, CMS, and any other enterprise-grade applications.


Org charts, flowcharts, decision trees, block diagrams, mind maps, and many other diagrams for visualizing data in a hierarchical structure.
Automatic layout algorithms for arranging chaotically placed shapes in tidy diagrams with one click of a button.
Intuitive diagram editor for easily creating and editing your diagrams from scratch from the UI.


170+ built-in math formulas and string functions for manipulating data compatible with Google Sheets and Excel.
Convenient work with data on multiple sheets with the help of cross-referencing.
Sorting, cell validation, read-only mode, and plenty of other configuration settings available via API.


Workflow visualization with any number of tasks in columns and swimlanes.
User assignment, progress tracking, due dates, and task prioritization.
Inline editing, cards multiselection and drag-n-drop, history management, sorting and searching features.
Fully configurable Kanban elements in the toolbar, board, and editor panel.


To do list
Fast and simple management of tasks with parent-child relationship and ability to split tasks into projects.
Assigning task owners and due dates, tagging tasks, and navigating with shortcut keys.
Configurable interface and behavior, in sync with DHTMLX Gantt, Scheduler, and Kanban board.



Two different modes of displaying data in the Pivot grid: flat and tree.
Speedy sorting and filtering of large datasets from the UI and via API.
Ability to safely export Pivot data to Excel and CSV.
Conditional formatting, read-only mode, custom cell formats, and many more configuration options.


Pure JavaScript control for uploading and managing diverse files.
Real-time indicator of the file upload progress.
Ability to set custom restrictions on the parameters of uploaded files.
Different modes of uploading and previewing files.

Rich Text Editor
Support for HTML and markdown input and output formats.
All major text formatting and editing operations.
Ability to calculate advanced and custom statistics.
Fully configurable toolbar and customizable appearance.






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