
news2025/2/23 22:11:18


2024 年 2 月 14 日

重新排序在检索增强生成(RAG)过程中起着至关重要的作用。在简单的 RAG 方法中,可以检索大量上下文,但并非所有上下文都一定与问题相关。重新排序允许对文档进行重新排序和过滤,将相关文档置于最前面,从而提高 RAG 的有效性。

本文介绍了 RAG 的重新排名技术,并演示了如何使用两种方法合并重新排名功能。


图 1:RAG 中的重新排序,重新排序的任务是评估这些上下文的相关性,并优先考虑最有可能提供准确且相关答案的上下文(红色框)。

如图1所示,重新排序的任务就像一个智能过滤器。当检索器从索引集合中检索多个上下文时,这些上下文可能与用户的查询具有不同的相关性。有些上下文可能非常相关(在图 1 中以红色框突出显示),而另一些上下文可能只是轻微相关甚至不相关(在图 1 中以绿色和蓝色框突出显示)。




  • 重新排序模型:这些模型考虑文档和查询之间的交互特征,以更准确地评估它们的相关性。
  • LLM:LLM的出现为重新排名开辟了新的可能性。通过彻底理解整个文档和查询,可以更全面地捕获语义信息。



目前,可用的重新排序模型并不多。一种选择是 Cohere 提供的在线模型,可以通过 API 访问。此外,还有一些开源模型,如 bge-reranker-base 和 bge-reranker-large 等。

图 2 显示了使用命中率(Hit Rate)和平均倒数排名(Mean Reciprocal Rank,MRR)指标的评估结果:


  • 无论使用哪种嵌入模型,重新排序都能显示出更高的命中率和 MRR,这表明重新排序具有重大影响。
  • 目前,最好的重新排名模型是 Cohere,但它是一项付费服务。开源的 bge-reranker-large 模型具有与 Cohere 相似的功能。
  • 嵌入模型和重新排序模型的组合也会产生影响,因此开发人员可能需要在实际过程中尝试不同的组合。

本文将使用 bge-reranker-base 模型。



import os

from llama_index import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.postprocessor.flag_embedding_reranker import FlagEmbeddingReranker
from llama_index.schema import QueryBundle

dir_path = "YOUR_DIR_PATH"

目录中只有一个 PDF 文件,即 "TinyLlama: An Open Source Small Language Model"。

(py) Florian:~ Florian$ ls /Users/Florian/Downloads/pdf_test/ tinyllama.pdf

使用 LlamaIndex 构建一个简单的检索器

documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(dir_path).load_data()
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents)
retriever = index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k = 3)


query = "Can you provide a concise description of the TinyLlama model?"
nodes = retriever.retrieve(query)
for node in nodes:
    display_source_node(node, source_length = 500)

display_source_node 函数改编自 llama_index 源代码。原始函数是为 Jupyter notebook 设计的,因此修改如下:

from llama_index.schema import ImageNode, MetadataMode, NodeWithScore
from llama_index.utils import truncate_text

def display_source_node(
    source_node: NodeWithScore,
    source_length: int = 100,
    show_source_metadata: bool = False,
    metadata_mode: MetadataMode = MetadataMode.NONE,
) -> None:
    """Display source node"""
    source_text_fmt = truncate_text(
        source_node.node.get_content(metadata_mode=metadata_mode).strip(), source_length
    text_md = (
        f"Node ID: {source_node.node.node_id} \n"
        f"Score: {source_node.score} \n"
        f"Text: {source_text_fmt} \n"
    if show_source_metadata:
        text_md += f"Metadata: {source_node.node.metadata} \n"
    if isinstance(source_node.node, ImageNode):
        text_md += "Image:"

    # display(Markdown(text_md))
    # if isinstance(source_node.node, ImageNode) and source_node.node.image is not None:
    #     display_image(source_node.node.image)

基本检索结果如下,表示重新排序前的前 3 个节点:

Node ID: 438b9d91-cd5a-44a8-939e-3ecd77648662 
Score: 0.8706055408845863 
Text: 4 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promote
transparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-
mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of our
data processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama can
enable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing a

Node ID: ca4db90f-5c6e-47d5-a544-05a9a1d09bc6 
Score: 0.8624531691777889 
Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model
Peiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei Lu
StatNLP Research Group
Singapore University of Technology and Design
{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sg
We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1
trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-
enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advances

Node ID: e2d97411-8dc0-40a3-9539-a860d1741d4f 
Score: 0.8346160605298356 
Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smaller
models with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal language
models, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusing
solely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim for
optimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models with
more tokens...


要对上述节点重新排序,请使用 bge-reranker-base 模型。

print('Start reranking...')

reranker = FlagEmbeddingReranker(
    top_n = 3,
    model = "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",

query_bundle = QueryBundle(query_str=query)
ranked_nodes = reranker._postprocess_nodes(nodes, query_bundle = query_bundle)
for ranked_node in ranked_nodes:
    display_source_node(ranked_node, source_length = 500)


Start reranking...
Node ID: ca4db90f-5c6e-47d5-a544-05a9a1d09bc6 
Score: -1.584416151046753 
Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model
Peiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei Lu
StatNLP Research Group
Singapore University of Technology and Design
{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sg
We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1
trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-
enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advances

Node ID: e2d97411-8dc0-40a3-9539-a860d1741d4f 
Score: -1.7028117179870605 
Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smaller
models with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal language
models, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusing
solely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim for
optimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models with
more tokens... 

Node ID: 438b9d91-cd5a-44a8-939e-3ecd77648662 
Score: -2.904750347137451 
Text: 4 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promote
transparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-
mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of our
data processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama can
enable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing a

很明显,经过重新排序后,ID 为 ca4db90f-5c6e-47d5-a544-05a9a1d09bc6 的节点的排名从 2 变为 1,这意味着最相关的上下文被排在了第一位。

使用 LLM 作为重排器

现有的涉及 LLM 的重新排序方法大致可分为三类:利用重新排序任务对 LLM 进行微调、提示 LLM 进行重新排序以及在训练过程中使用 LLM 进行数据增强。

提示 LLM 重新排序的方法成本较低。下面是使用 RankGPT 进行的演示,它已被集成到 LlamaIndex 中。

RankGPT 的理念是使用 LLM(如 ChatGPT 或 GPT-4 或其他 LLM)执行零样本列表式段落重新排序。它采用排列生成方法和滑动窗口策略来有效地对段落重新排序。

如图 3 所示,本文提出了三种可行的方法。


本文提出了第三种方法,即排列生成法。具体来说,该模型不依赖外部评分,而是直接对段落进行端到端排序。换句话说,它直接利用 LLM 的语义理解能力对所有候选段落进行相关性排序。

然而,候选文档的数量通常非常大,而 LLM 的输入却很有限。因此,通常无法一次性输入所有文本。

因此,如图 4 所示,我们引入了一种滑动窗口法,它沿用了冒泡排序的思想。每次只对前 4 个文本进行排序,然后移动窗口,对后面 4 个文本进行排序。在对整个文本进行反复排序后,我们就可以得到性能最好的文本。

请注意,要使用 RankGPT,您需要安装较新版本的 LlamaIndex。我之前安装的版本(0.9.29)不包含 RankGPT 所需的代码。因此,我用 LlamaIndex 0.9.45.post1 版本创建了一个新的 conda 环境。

代码非常简单,基于上一节的代码,只需将 RankGPT 设置为重选器即可。

from llama_index.postprocessor import RankGPTRerank
from llama_index.llms import OpenAI
reranker = RankGPTRerank(
    top_n = 3,
    llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"),
    # verbose=True,


(llamaindex_new) Florian:~ Florian$ python /Users/Florian/Documents/rerank.py 
Node ID: 20de8234-a668-442d-8495-d39b156b44bb 
Score: 0.8703492815379594 
Text: 4 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promote
transparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-
mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of our
data processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama can
enable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing a

Node ID: 47ba3955-c6f8-4f28-a3db-f3222b3a09cd 
Score: 0.8621633467539512 
Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model
Peiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei Lu
StatNLP Research Group
Singapore University of Technology and Design
{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sg
We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1
trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-
enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advances

Node ID: 17cd9896-473c-47e0-8419-16b4ac615a59 
Score: 0.8343984516104476 
Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smaller
models with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal language
models, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusing
solely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim for
optimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models with
more tokens... 

Start reranking...
Node ID: 47ba3955-c6f8-4f28-a3db-f3222b3a09cd 
Score: 0.8621633467539512 
Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model
Peiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei Lu
StatNLP Research Group
Singapore University of Technology and Design
{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sg
We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1
trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-
enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advances

Node ID: 17cd9896-473c-47e0-8419-16b4ac615a59 
Score: 0.8343984516104476 
Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smaller
models with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal language
models, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusing
solely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim for
optimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models with
more tokens... 

Node ID: 20de8234-a668-442d-8495-d39b156b44bb 
Score: 0.8703492815379594 
Text: 4 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promote
transparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-
mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of our
data processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama can
enable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing a

请注意,由于使用了 LLM,重新排序后的分数并未更新。当然,这并不重要。



reranker = FlagEmbeddingReranker(
    top_n = 3,
    model = "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",
    use_fp16 = False

# or using LLM as reranker
# from llama_index.postprocessor import RankGPTRerank
# from llama_index.llms import OpenAI
# reranker = RankGPTRerank(
#     top_n = 3,
#     llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"),
#     # verbose=True,
# )

query_engine = index.as_query_engine(       # add reranker to query_engine
    similarity_top_k = 3, 
# query_engine = index.as_query_engine()    # original query_engine




另一方面,使用 LLM 的方法在多个基准测试中表现良好,但成本较高,而且仅在使用 ChatGPT 和 GPT-4 时表现良好,而在使用 FLAN-T5 和 Vicuna-13B 等其他开源模型时表现不佳。




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