FFmpeg工具有一个很大的控制台帮助,可以完整显示或关于特定元素 - 解码器,编码器等。下表介绍了可用选项,斜体文本将替换为要显示的项目。 ffplay和ffprobe也有类似的选项。(注意:有一些倾斜的命令行,我这边显示出来之后并不是倾斜的,请大家谅解)
基础的助 | 选中的项目的帮助 |
ffmpeg -? or ffmpeg -h | ffmpeg -h decoder=decoder_name |
额外的帮助/扩展的帮助 | ffmpeg -h encoder=encoder_name |
ffmpeg -h long or ffmpeg -h full | ffmpeg -h demuxer=demuxer_name |
ffmpeg –? topic or ffmpeg -h topic | ffmpeg -h muxer=muxer_name |
ffmpeg -? or ffmpeg -h
ffmpeg -h decoder=flv
Decoder flv [FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263 (Flash Video)]: Threading capabilities: no Supported pixel formats: yuv420p
【文章福利】:免费领取更多音视频学习资料包、大厂面试题、技术视频和学习路线图,资料包括(C/C++,Linux,FFmpeg webRTC rtmp hls rtsp ffplay srs 等等)有需要的可以点击1079654574加群领取哦~
ffmpeg -bsfs
比特流控制器 |
text2movsub |
remove_extra |
noise |
mov2textsub |
mp3decomp |
mp3comp |
mjpegadump |
mjpeg2jpeg |
imxdump |
h264_mp4toannexb |
dump_extra |
chomp |
aac_adtstoasc |
ffmpeg -codecs
解码器 |
D..... = Decoding supported |
.E.... = Encoding supported |
..V... = Video codec |
..A... = Audio codec |
..S... = Subtitle codec |
...I.. = Intra frame-only codec |
....L. = Lossy compression |
.....S = Lossless compression |
------ |
D.V.L. 4xm | 4X Movie |
D.VI.S 8bps | QuickTime 8BPS video |
.EVIL. a64_multi | Multicolor charset for Commodore 64 (encoders: a64multi ) |
.EVIL. a64_multi5 | Multicolor charset for Commodore 64, extended with 5th color (colram) (encoders: a64multi5 ) |
D.V..S aasc | Autodesk RLE |
DEVIL. amv | AMV Video |
D.V.L. anm | Deluxe Paint Animation |
D.V.L. ansi | ASCII/ANSI art |
DEVIL. asv1 | ASUS V1 |
DEVIL. asv2 | ASUS V2 |
D.VIL. aura | Auravision AURA |
D.VIL. aura2 | Auravision Aura 2 |
D.V... avrn | Avid AVI Codec |
DEVI.. avrp | Avid 1:1 10-bit RGB Packer |
D.V.L. avs | AVS (Audio Video Standard) video |
DEVI.. avui | Avid Meridien Uncompressed |
DEVI.. ayuv | Uncompressed packed MS 4:4:4:4 |
D.V.L. bethsoftvid | Bethesda VID video |
D.V.L. bfi | Brute Force & Ignorance |
D.V.L. binkvideo | Bink video |
D.VI.. bintext | Binary text |
DEVI.S bmp | BMP (Windows and OS/2 bitmap) |
D.V..S bmv_video | Discworld II BMV video |
D.V.L. c93 | Interplay C93 |
DEV.L. cavs | Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile) (encoders: libxavs ) |
D.V.L. cdgraphics | CD Graphics video |
D.VIL. cdxl | Commodore CDXL video |
D.V.L. cinepak | Cinepak |
DEVIL. cljr | Cirrus Logic AccuPak |
D.VI.S cllc | Canopus Lossless Codec |
D.V.L. cmv | Electronic Arts CMV video (decoders: eacmv ) |
D.V... cpia | CPiA video format |
D.V..S cscd | CamStudio (decoders: camstudio ) |
D.VIL. cyuv | Creative YUV (CYUV) |
D.V.L. dfa | Chronomaster DFA |
DEV.LS dirac | Dirac (decoders: dirac libschroedinger) (encoders: libschroedinger) |
DEVIL. dnxhd | VC3/DNxHD |
DEVIL. dpx | DPX image |
D.V.L. dsicinvideo | Delphine Software International CIN video |
DEVIL. dvvideo | DV (Digital Video) |
D.V..S dxa | Feeble Files/ScummVM DXA |
D.VI.S dxtory | Dxtory |
D.V.L. escape124 | Escape 124 |
D.V.L. escape130 | Escape 130 |
D.VILS exr | OpenEXR image |
DEV..S ffv1 | FFmpeg video codec #1 |
DEVI.S ffvhuff | Huffyuv FFmpeg variant |
DEV..S flashsv | Flash Screen Video v1 |
DEV.L. flashsv2 | Flash Screen Video v2 |
D.V..S flic | Autodesk Animator Flic video |
DEV.L. flv1 | FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263 (Flash Video) (decoders: flv) (encoders: flv ) |
D.V..S fraps | Fraps |
D.VI.S frwu | Forward Uncompressed |
..V... g2m | GoToMeeting |
DEV..S gif | GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) |
DEV.L. h261 | H.261 |
DEV.L. h263 | H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 |
D.V.L. h263i | Intel H.263 |
DEV.L. h263p | H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 |
DEV.LS h264 | H.264/AVC/MPEG-4 AVC/MPEG-4 part 10 (encoders: libx264 libx264rgb ) |
DEVI.S huffyuv | HuffYUV |
D.V.L. idcin | id Quake II CIN video (decoders: idcinvideo ) |
D.VI.. idf | iCEDraw text |
D.V.L. iff_byterun1 | IFF ByteRun1 |
D.V.L. iff_ilbm | IFF ILBM |
D.V.L. indeo2 | Intel Indeo 2 |
D.V.L. indeo3 | Intel Indeo 3 |
D.V.L. indeo4 | Intel Indeo Video Interactive 4 |
D.V.L. indeo5 | Intel Indeo Video Interactive 5 |
D.V.L. interplayvideo | Interplay MVE video |
DEVILS jpeg2000 | JPEG 2000 (decoders: j2k libopenjpeg ) (encoders: j2k libopenjpeg ) |
DEVILS jpegls | JPEG-LS |
D.VIL. jv | Bitmap Brothers JV video |
D.V.L. kgv1 | Kega Game Video |
D.V.L. kmvc | Karl Morton's video codec |
D.VI.S lagarith | Lagarith lossless |
.EVI.S ljpeg | Lossless JPEG |
D.VI.S loco | LOCO |
D.V.L. mad | Electronic Arts Madcow Video (decoders: eamad ) |
D.VIL. mdec | Sony PlayStation MDEC (Motion DECoder) |
D.V.L. mimic | Mimic |
DEVIL. mjpeg | Motion JPEG |
D.VIL. mjpegb | Apple MJPEG-B |
D.V.L. mmvideo | American Laser Games MM Video |
D.V.L. motionpixels | Motion Pixels video |
DEV.L. mpeg1video | MPEG-1 video |
DEV.L. mpeg2video | MPEG-1 video (decoders: mpeg2video mpegvideo ) |
DEV.L. mpeg4 | MPEG-4 part 2 (encoders: mpeg4 libxvid ) |
..V.L. mpegvideo_xvmc | MPEG-1/2 video XvMC (X-Video Motion Compensation) |
D.V.L. msa1 | MS ATC Screen |
D.V.L. msmpeg4v1 | MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 1 |
DEV.L. msmpeg4v2 | MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2 |
DEV.L. msmpeg4v3 | MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3 (decoders: msmpeg4 ) (encoders: msmpeg4 ) |
D.V..S msrle | Microsoft RLE |
D.V.L. mss1 | MS Screen 1 |
D.VIL. mss2 | MS Windows Media Video V9 Screen |
DEV.L. msvideo1 | Microsoft Video 1 |
D.VI.S mszh | LCL (LossLess Codec Library) MSZH |
D.V.L. mts2 | MS Expression Encoder Screen |
D.V.L. mxpeg | Mobotix MxPEG video |
D.V.L. nuv | NuppelVideo/RTJPEG |
D.V.L. paf_video | Amazing Studio Packed Animation File Video |
DEVI.S pam | PAM (Portable AnyMap) image |
DEVI.S pbm | PBM (Portable BitMap) image |
DEVI.S pcx | PC Paintbrush PCX image |
DEVI.S pgm | PGM (Portable GrayMap) image |
DEVI.S pgmyuv | PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image |
D.VIL. pictor | Pictor/PC Paint |
DEV..S png | PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image |
DEVI.S ppm | PPM (Portable PixelMap) image |
DEVIL. prores | Apple ProRes (iCodec Pro) (decoders: prores prores_lgpl ) (encoders: prores prores_anatoliy prores_kostya ) |
D.VIL. ptx | V.Flash PTX image |
D.VI.S qdraw | Apple QuickDraw |
D.V.L. qpeg | Q-team QPEG |
DEV..S qtrle | QuickTime Animation (RLE) video |
DEVI.S r10k | AJA Kona 10-bit RGB Codec |
DEVI.S r210 | Uncompressed RGB 10-bit |
DEVI.S rawvideo | raw video |
D.VIL. rl2 | RL2 video |
DEV.L. roq | id RoQ video (decoders: roqvideo ) (encoders: roqvideo ) |
D.V.L. rpza | QuickTime video (RPZA) |
DEV.L. rv10 | RealVideo 1.0 |
DEV.L. rv20 | RealVideo 1.0(我怀疑这儿书上是不是错了) |
D.V.L. rv30 | RealVideo 3.0\ |
D.V.L. rv40 | RealVideo 4.0 |
D.V.L. sanm | LucasArts SMUSH video |
DEVIL. sgi | SGI image |
D.V.L. smackvideo | Smacker video (decoders: smackvid ) |
D.V.L. smc | QuickTime Graphics (SMC) |
DEV.LS snow | Snow |
D.VIL. sp5x | Sunplus JPEG (SP5X) |
DEVI.S sunrast | Sun Rasterfile image |
DEV.L. svq1 | Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 / Sorenson Video 1 / SVQ1 |
D.V.L. svq3 | Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3 / Sorenson Video 3 / SVQ3 |
DEVI.S targa | Truevision Targa image |
D.VI.. targa_y216 | Pinnacle TARGA CineWave YUV16 |
D.V.L. tgq | Electronic Arts TGQ video (decoders: eatgq ) |
D.V.L. tgv | Electronic Arts TGV video (decoders: eatgv ) |
DEV.L. theora | Theora (encoders: libtheora ) |
D.VIL. thp | Nintendo Gamecube THP video |
D.V.L. tiertexseqvideo | Tiertex Limited SEQ video |
DEVI.S tiff | TIFF image |
D.VIL. tmv | 8088flex TMV |
D.V.L. tqi | Electronic Arts TQI video (decoders: eatqi ) |
D.V.L. truemotion1 | Duck TrueMotion 1.0 |
D.V.L. truemotion2 | Duck TrueMotion 2.0 |
D.V..S tscc | TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (decoders: camtasia ) |
D.V.L. tscc2 | TechSmith Screen Codec 2 |
D.VIL. txd | Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary) image |
D.V.L. ulti | IBM UltiMotion (decoders: ultimotion ) |
DEVI.S utvideo | Ut Video (decoders: utvideo libutvideo) (encoders: utvideo libutvideo) |
DEVI.S v210 | Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit |
D.VI.S v210x | |
DEVI.. v308 | Uncompressed packed 4:4:4 |
DEVI.. v408 | Uncompressed packed QT 4:4:4:4 |
DEVI.S v410 | Uncompressed 4:4:4 10-bit |
D.V.L. vb | Beam Software VB |
D.VI.S vble | VBLE Lossless Codec |
D.V.L. vc1 | SMPTE VC-1 |
D.V.L. vc1image | Windows Media Video 9 Image v2 |
D.VIL. vcr1 | ATI VCR1 |
D.VIL. vixl | Miro VideoXL (decoders: xl ) |
D.V.L. vmdvideo | Sierra VMD video |
D.V..S vmnc | VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video |
D.V.L. vp3 | On2 VP3 |
D.V.L. vp5 | On2 VP5 |
D.V.L. vp6 | On2 VP6 |
D.V.L. vp6a | On2 VP6 (Flash version, with alpha channel) |
D.V.L. vp6f | On2 VP6 (Flash version) |
DEV.L. vp8 | On2 VP8 (decoders: vp8 libvpx ) (encoders: libvpx ) |
DEV.L. wmv1 | Windows Media Video 7 |
DEV.L. wmv2 | Windows Media Video 8 |
D.V.L. wmv3 | Windows Media Video 9 |
D.V.L. wmv3image | Windows Media Video 9 Image |
D.VIL. wnv1 | Winnov WNV1 |
D.V.L. ws_vqa | Westwood Studios VQA (Vector Quantiz. Animation) video (decoders:vqavideo) |
D.V.L. xan_wc3 | Wing Commander III / Xan |
D.V.L. xan_wc4 | Wing Commander IV / Xxan |
D.VI.. xbin | eXtended BINary text |
DEVI.S xbm | XBM (X BitMap) image |
DEV... xface | X-face image |
DEVI.S xwd | XWD (X Window Dump) image |
DEVI.. y41p | Uncompressed YUV 4:1:1 12-bit |
D.V.L. yop | Psygnosis YOP Video |
DEVI.. yuv4 | Uncompressed packed 4:2:0 |
D.V..S zerocodec | ZeroCodec Lossless Video |
DEVI.S zlib | LCL (LossLess Codec Library) ZLIB |
DEV..S zmbv | Zip Motion Blocks Video |
D.A.L. 8svx_exp | 8SVX exponential |
D.A.L. 8svx_fib | 8SVX fibonacci |
..A... 8svx_raw | 8SVX raw |
DEA.L. aac | AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) (encoders: aac libvo_aacenc ) |
D.A.L. aac_latm | AAC LATM (Advanced Audio Coding LATM syntax) |
DEA.L. ac3 | ATSC A/52A (AC-3) (encoders: ac3 ac3_fixed ) |
D.A.L. adpcm_4xm | ADPCM 4X Movie |
DEA.L. adpcm_adx | SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM |
D.A.L. adpcm_ct | ADPCM Creative Technology |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea | ADPCM Electronic Arts |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea_maxis_xa | ADPCM Electronic Arts Maxis CDROM XA |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea_r1 | ADPCM Electronic Arts R1 |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea_r2 | ADPCM Electronic Arts R2 |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea_r3 | ADPCM Electronic Arts R3 |
D.A.L. adpcm_ea_xas | ADPCM Electronic Arts XAS |
DEA.L. adpcm_g722 | G.722 ADPCM (decoders: g722 ) (encoders: g722 ) |
DEA.L. adpcm_g726 | G.726 ADPCM (decoders: g726 ) (encoders: g726 ) |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_amv | ADPCM IMA AMV |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_apc | ADPCM IMA CRYO APC |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_dk3 | ADPCM IMA Duck DK3 |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_dk4 | ADPCM IMA Duck DK4 |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_ea_eacs | ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts EACS |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_ea_sead | ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts SEAD |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_iss | ADPCM IMA Funcom ISS |
DEA.L. adpcm_ima_qt | ADPCM IMA QuickTime |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_smjpeg | ADPCM IMA Loki SDL MJPEG |
DEA.L. adpcm_ima_wav | ADPCM IMA WAV |
D.A.L. adpcm_ima_ws | ADPCM IMA Westwood |
DEA.L. adpcm_ms | ADPCM Microsoft |
D.A.L. adpcm_sbpro_2 | ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2-bit |
D.A.L. adpcm_sbpro_3 | ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2.6-bit |
D.A.L. adpcm_sbpro_4 | ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 4-bit |
DEA.L. adpcm_swf | ADPCM Shockwave Flash |
D.A.L. adpcm_thp | ADPCM Nintendo Gamecube THP |
D.A.L. adpcm_xa | ADPCM CDROM XA |
DEA.L. adpcm_yamaha | ADPCM Yamaha |
DEA..S alac | ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) |
DEA.L. amr_nb | AMR-NB (Adaptive Multi-Rate NarrowBand) (decoders: amrnb libopencore_amrnb ) (encoders: libopencore_amrnb ) |
DEA.L. amr_wb | AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi-Rate WideBand) (decoders: amrwb libopencore_amrwb ) (encoders: libvo_amrwbenc ) |
D.A..S ape | Monkey's Audio |
D.A.L. atrac1 | Atrac 1 (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding) |
D.A.L. atrac3 | Atrac 3 (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding 3) |
..A.L. atrac3p | Sony ATRAC3+ |
D.A.L. binkaudio_dct | Bink Audio (DCT) |
D.A.L. binkaudio_rdft | Bink Audio (RDFT) |
D.A.L. bmv_audio | Discworld II BMV audio |
..A.L. celt | Constrained Energy Lapped Transform (CELT) |
DEA.L. comfortnoise | RFC 3389 Comfort Noise |
D.A.L. cook | Cook / Cooker / Gecko (RealAudio G2) |
D.A.L. dsicinaudio | Delphine Software International CIN audio |
DEA.LS dts | DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics) (decoders: dca ) (encoders: dca ) ..A.L. dvaudio |
DEA.L. eac3 | ATSC A/52B (AC-3, E-AC-3) |
DEA..S flac | FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) |
DEA.L. g723_1 | G.723.1 |
D.A.L. g729 | G.729 |
DEA.L. gsm | GSM (decoders: gsm libgsm ) (encoders: libgsm ) |
DEA.L. gsm_ms | GSM Microsoft variant (decoders:gsm_ms libgsm_ms) (encoders: libgsm_ms) |
D.A.L. iac | IAC (Indeo Audio Coder) |
..A.L. ilbc | iLBC (Internet Low Bitrate Codec) |
D.A.L. imc | IMC (Intel Music Coder) |
D.A.L. interplay_dpcm | DPCM Interplay |
D.A.L. mace3 | MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 3:1 |
D.A.L. mace6 | MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 6:1 |
D.A..S mlp | MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing) |
D.A.L. mp1 | MP1 (MPEG audio layer 1) (decoders: mp1 mp1float ) |
DEA.L. mp2 | MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2) (decoders: mp2 mp2float ) |
DEA.L. mp3 | MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) (decoders:mp3 mp3float) (encoders: libmp3lame) |
D.A.L. mp3adu | ADU (Application Data Unit) MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) (decoders: mp3adu mp3adufloat ) |
D.A.L. mp3on4 | MP3onMP4 (decoders: mp3on4 mp3on4float ) |
D.A..S mp4als | MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS) (decoders: als ) |
D.A.L. musepack7 | Musepack SV7 (decoders: mpc7 ) |
D.A.L. musepack8 | Musepack SV8 (decoders: mpc8 ) |
DEA.L. nellymoser | Nellymoser Asao |
DEA.L. opus | Opus (Opus Interactive Audio Codec) (decoders:libopus) (encoders: libopus) |
D.A.L. paf_audio | Amazing Studio Packed Animation File Audio |
DEA... pcm_alaw | PCM A-law |
D.A..S pcm_bluray | PCM signed 16/20/24-bit big-endian for Blu-ray media |
D.A..S pcm_dvd | PCM signed 20/24-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_f32be | PCM 32-bit floating point big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_f32le | PCM 32-bit floating point little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_f64be | PCM 64-bit floating point big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_f64le | PCM 64-bit floating point little-endian |
D.A..S pcm_lxf | PCM signed 20-bit little-endian planar |
DEA... pcm_mulaw | PCM mu-law |
DEA..S pcm_s16be | PCM signed 16-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_s16le | PCM signed 16-bit little-endian |
D.A..S pcm_s16le_planar | PCM 16-bit little-endian planar |
DEA..S pcm_s24be | PCM signed 24-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_s24daud | PCM D-Cinema audio signed 24-bit |
DEA..S pcm_s24le | PCM signed 24-bit little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_s32be | PCM signed 32-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_s32le | PCM signed 32-bit little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_s8 | PCM signed 8-bit |
D.A..S pcm_s8_planar | PCM signed 8-bit planar |
DEA..S pcm_u16be | PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u16le | PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u24be | PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u24le | PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u32be | PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u32le | PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian |
DEA..S pcm_u8 | PCM unsigned 8-bit |
D.A.L. pcm_zork | PCM Zork |
D.A.L. qcelp | QCELP / PureVoice |
D.A.L. qdm2 | QDesign Music Codec 2 |
..A.L. qdmc | QDesign Music |
DEA.L. ra_144 | RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) (decoders: real_144 ) (encoders: real_144 ) |
D.A.L. ra_288 | RealAudio 2.0 (28.8K) (decoders: real_288 ) |
D.A..S ralf | RealAudio Lossless |
DEA.L. roq_dpcm | DPCM id RoQ |
D.A.L. s302m | SMPTE 302M |
D.A..S shorten | Shorten |
D.A.L. sipr | RealAudio SIPR / ACELP.NET |
D.A.L. smackaudio | Smacker audio (decoders: smackaud ) |
D.A.L. sol_dpcm | DPCM Sol |
DEA... sonic | Sonic |
.EA... sonicls | Sonic lossless |
DEA.L. speex | Speex (decoders: libspeex ) (encoders: libspeex ) |
D.A..S tak | TAK (Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor) |
D.A..S truehd | TrueHD |
D.A.L. truespeech | DSP Group TrueSpeech |
D.A..S tta | TTA (True Audio) |
D.A.L. twinvq | VQF TwinVQ |
D.A.L. vima | LucasArts VIMA audio |
D.A.L. vmdaudio | Sierra VMD audio |
DEA.L. vorbis | Vorbis (decoders: vorbis libvorbis ) (encoders: vorbis libvorbis ) |
..A.L. voxware | Voxware RT29 Metasound |
Voxware RT29 Metasound | Wave synthesis pseudo-codec |
D.A.LS wavpack | WavPack |
D.A.L. westwood_snd1 | Westwood Audio (SND1) (decoders: ws_snd1 ) |
D.A..S wmalossless | Windows Media Audio Lossless |
D.A.L. wmapro | Windows Media Audio 9 Professional |
DEA.L. wmav1 | Windows Media Audio 1 |
DEA.L. wmav2 | Windows Media Audio 2 |
D.A.L. wmavoice | Windows Media Audio Voice |
D.A.L. xan_dpcm | DPCM Xan |
DES... dvb_subtitle | DVB subtitles (decoders: dvbsub ) (encoders: dvbsub ) |
..S... dvb_teletext | DVB teletext |
DES... dvd_subtitle | DVD subtitles (decoders: dvdsub ) (encoders: dvdsub ) |
..S... eia_608 | EIA-608 closed captions |
D.S... hdmv_pgs_subtitle | HDMV Presentation Graphic Stream subtitles (decoders: pgssub ) |
D.S... jacosub | JACOsub subtitle |
D.S... microdvd | MicroDVD subtitle |
DES... mov_text | MOV text |
D.S... realtext | RealText subtitle |
D.S... sami | SAMI subtitle |
DES... srt | SubRip subtitle with embedded timing |
DES... ssa | SSA (SubStation Alpha)/ ASS (Advanced SSA) subtitle (decoders: ass) (encoders: ass ) |
DES... subrip | SubRip subtitle |
D.S... subviewer | SubViewer subtitle |
D.S... text | raw UTF-8 text |
D.S... webvtt | WebVTT subtitle |
DES... xsub | XSUB |
ffmpeg -encoders
编码器 |
V..... = Video |
A..... = Audio |
S..... = Subtitle |
.F.... = Frame-level multithreading |
..S... = Slice-level multithreading |
...X.. = Codec is experimental |
....B. = Supports draw_horiz_band |
.....D = Supports direct rendering method 1 |
------ |
V..... a64multi | Multicolor charset for Commodore 64 (codec a64_multi) |
V..... a64multi5 | Multicolor charset for Commodore 64, extended with 5th color (colram) (codec a64_multi5) |
V..... amv | AMV Video |
V..... asv1 | ASUS V1 |
V..... asv2 | ASUS V2 |
V..... avrp | Avid 1:1 10-bit RGB Packer |
V..X.. avui | Avid Meridien Uncompressed |
V..... ayuv | Uncompressed packed MS 4:4:4:4 |
V..... bmp | BMP (Windows and OS/2 bitmap) |
V..... libxavs | libxavs Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) (codec cavs) |
V..... cljr | Cirrus Logic AccuPak |
V..... libschroedinger | libschroedinger Dirac 2.2 (codec dirac) |
V.S... dnxhd | VC3/DNxHD |
V..... dpx | DPX image |
V.S... dvvideo | DV (Digital Video) |
V.S... ffv1 | FFmpeg video codec #1 |
V..... ffvhuff | Huffyuv FFmpeg variant |
V..... flashsv | Flash Screen Video |
V..... flashsv2 | Flash Screen Video Version 2 |
V..... flv | FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263 (Flash Video) (codec flv1) |
V..... gif | GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) |
V..... h261 | H.261 |
V..... h263 | H.263 / H.263-1996 |
V.S... h263p | H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 |
V..... libx264 | libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (codec h264) |
V..... libx264rgb | libx264 H.264 /AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 RGB (codec h264) |
V..... huffyuv | Huffyuv / HuffYUV |
V..X.. j2k | JPEG 2000 (codec jpeg2000) |
V..... libopenjpeg | OpenJPEG JPEG 2000 (codec jpeg2000) |
V..... jpegls | JPEG-LS |
V..... ljpeg | Lossless JPEG |
VFS... mjpeg | MJPEG (Motion JPEG) |
V..... mpeg1video | MPEG-1 video |
V.S... mpeg2video | MPEG-2 video |
V.S... mpeg4 | MPEG-4 part 2 |
V..... libxvid | libxvidcore MPEG-4 part 2 (codec mpeg4) |
V..... msmpeg4v2 | MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2 |
V..... msmpeg4 | MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3 (codec msmpeg4v3) |
V..... msvideo1 | Microsoft Video-1 |
V..... pam | PAM (Portable AnyMap) image |
V..... pbm | PBM (Portable BitMap) image |
V..... pcx | PC Paintbrush PCX image |
V..... pgm | PGM (Portable GrayMap) image |
V..... pgmyuv | PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image |
VF.... png | PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image |
V..... ppm | PPM (Portable PixelMap) image |
VF.... prores | Apple ProRes |
VF.... prores_anatoliy | Apple ProRes (codec prores) |
V.S... prores_kostya | Apple ProRes (iCodec Pro) (codec prores) |
V..... qtrle | QuickTime Animation (RLE) video |
V..... r10k | AJA Kona 10-bit RGB Codec |
V..... r210 | Uncompressed RGB 10-bit |
V..... rawvideo | raw video |
V..... roqvideo | id RoQ video (codec roq) |
V..... rv10 | RealVideo 1.0 |
V..... rv20 | RealVideo 2.0 |
V..... sgi | SGI image |
V..... snow | Snow |
V..... sunrast | Sun Rasterfile image |
V..... svq1 | Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 / Sorenson Video 1 / SVQ1 |
V..... targa | Truevision Targa image |
V..... libtheora | libtheora Theora (codec theora) |
V..... tiff | TIFF image |
V..... utvideo | Ut Video |
V..... libutvideo | Ut Video (codec utvideo) |
V..... v210 | Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit |
V..... v308 | Uncompressed packed 4:4:4 |
V..... v408 | Uncompressed packed QT 4:4:4:4 |
V..... v410 | Uncompressed 4:4:4 10-bit |
V..... libvpx | libvpx VP8 (codec vp8) |
V..... wmv1 | Windows Media Video 7 |
V..... wmv2 | Windows Media Video 8 |
V..... xbm | XBM (X BitMap) image |
V..... xface | X-face image |
V..... xwd | XWD (X Window Dump) image |
V..... y41p | Uncompressed YUV 4:1:1 12-bit |
V..... yuv4 | Uncompressed packed 4:2:0 |
V..... zlib | LCL (LossLess Codec Library) ZLIB |
V..... zmbv | Zip Motion Blocks Video |
A..X.. aac | AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) |
A..... libvo_aacenc | Android VisualOn AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) (codec aac) |
A..... ac3 | ATSC A/52A (AC-3) |
A..... ac3_fixed | ATSC A/52A (AC-3) (codec ac3) |
A..... adpcm_adx | SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM |
A..... g722 | G.722 ADPCM (codec adpcm_g722) |
A..... g726 | G.726 ADPCM (codec adpcm_g726) |
A..... adpcm_ima_qt | ADPCM IMA QuickTime |
A..... adpcm_ima_wav | ADPCM IMA WAV |
A..... adpcm_ms | ADPCM Microsoft |
A..... adpcm_swf | ADPCM Shockwave Flash |
A..... adpcm_yamaha | ADPCM Yamaha |
A..... alac | ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) |
A..... libopencore_amrnb | OpenCORE AMR-NB (Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrow-Band) (codec amr_nb) |
A..... libvo_amrwbenc | Android VisualOn AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi-Rate WideBand) (codec amr_wb) |
A..... comfortnoise | RFC 3389 comfort noise generator |
A..X.. dca | DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics) (codec dts) |
A..... eac3 | ATSC A/52 E-AC-3 |
A..... flac | FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) |
A..... g723_1 | G.723.1 |
A..... libgsm | libgsm GSM (codec gsm) |
A..... libgsm_ms | libgsm GSM Microsoft variant (codec gsm_ms) |
A..... mp2 | MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2) |
A..... libmp3lame | libmp3lame MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) (codec mp3) |
A..... nellymoser | Nellymoser Asao |
A..... libopus | libopus Opus (codec opus) |
A..... pcm_alaw | PCM A-law / G.711 A-law |
A..... pcm_f32be | PCM 32-bit floating point big-endian |
A..... pcm_f32le | PCM 32-bit floating point little-endian |
A..... pcm_f64be | PCM 64-bit floating point big-endian |
A..... pcm_f64le | PCM 64-bit floating point little-endian |
A..... pcm_mulaw | PCM mu-law / G.711 mu-law |
A..... pcm_s16be | PCM signed 16-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_s16le | PCM signed 16-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_s24be | PCM signed 24-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_s24daud | PCM D-Cinema audio signed 24-bit |
A..... pcm_s24le | PCM signed 24-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_s32be | PCM signed 32-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_s32le | PCM signed 32-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_s8 | PCM signed 8-bit |
A..... pcm_u16be | PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_u16le | PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_u24be | PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_u24le | PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_u32be | PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian |
A..... pcm_u32le | PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian |
A..... pcm_u8 | PCM unsigned 8-bit |
A..... real_144 | RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) (codec ra_144) |
A..... roq_dpcm | id RoQ DPCM |
A..X.. sonic | Sonic |
A..X.. sonicls | Sonic lossless |
A..... libspeex | libspeex Speex (codec speex) |
A..X.. vorbis | Vorbis |
A..... libvorbis | libvorbis (codec vorbis) |
A..... wmav1 | Windows Media Audio 1 |
A..... wmav2 | Windows Media Audio 2 |
S..... dvbsub | DVB subtitles (codec dvb_subtitle) |
S..... dvdsub | DVD subtitles (codec dvd_subtitle) |
S..... mov_text | 3GPP Timed Text subtitle |
S..... srt | SubRip subtitle with embedded timing |
S..... ass | SSA (SubStation Alpha) subtitle (codec ssa) |
S..... subrip | SubRip subtitle |
S..... xsub | DivX subtitles (XSUB) |
ffmpeg -filters
过滤器 | ||
aconvert | A->A | Convert the input audio to sample_fmt:channel_layout. |
afifo | A->A | Buffer input frames and send them when they are requested. |
aformat | A->A | Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats. |
amerge | | ->A | Merge two audio streams into a single multi-channel stream. |
amix | | ->A | Audio mixing. |
anull | A->A | Pass the source unchanged to the output. |
aresample | A->A | Resample audio data. |
asendcmd | A->A | Send commands to filters. |
asetnsamples | A->A | Set the number of samples for each output audio frames. |
asetpts | A->A | Set PTS for the output audio frame. |
asettb | A->A | Set timebase for the audio output link. |
ashowinfo | A->A | Show textual information for each audio frame. |
asplit | A->| | Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs. |
astreamsync | AA->AA | Copy two streams of audio data in a configurable order. |
atempo | A->A | Adjust audio tempo. |
channelmap | A->A | Remap audio channels. |
channelsplit | A->| | Split audio into per-channel streams |
earwax | A->A | Widen the stereo image. |
ebur128 | A->| | EBU R128 scanner. |
join | |->A | Join multiple audio streams into multi-channel output |
pan | A->A | Remix channels with coefficients (panning). |
silencedetect | A->A | Detect silence. |
volume | A->A | Change input volume. |
volumedetect | A->A | Detect audio volume. |
aevalsrc | |->A | Generate an audio signal generated by an expression |
anullsrc | |->A | Null audio source, return empty audio frames. |
anullsink | A->| | Do absolutely nothing with the input audio. |
alphaextract | V->V | Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component. |
alphamerge | VV->V | Copy the luma value of the 2nd input to the alpha channel of the 1st input. |
ass | V->V | Render subtitles onto input video using the libass library. |
bbox | V->V | Compute bounding box for each frame. |
blackdetect | V->V | Detect video intervals that are (almost) black. |
blackframe | V->V | Detect frames that are (almost) black. |
boxblur | V->V | Blur the input. |
colormatrix | V->V | Color matrix conversion |
copy | V->V | Copy the input video unchanged to the output. |
crop | V->V | Crop the input video to width:height:x:y. |
cropdetect | V->V | Auto-detect crop size. |
decimate | V->V | Remove near-duplicate frames. |
delogo | V->V | Remove logo from input video. |
deshake | V->V | Stabilize shaky video. |
drawbox | V->V | Draw a colored box on the input video. |
drawtext | V->V | Draw text on top of video frames using libfreetype library. |
edgedetect | V->V | Detect and draw edge. |
fade | V->V | Fade in/out input video. |
field | V->V | Extract a field from the input video. |
fieldorder | V->V | Set the field order. |
fifo | V->V | Buffer input images and send them when they are requested. |
format | V->V | Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats. |
fps | V->V | Force constant framerate |
framestep | V->V | Select one frame every N frames. |
gradfun | V->V | Debands video quickly using gradients. |
hflip | V->V | Horizontally flip the input video. |
hqdn3d | V->V | Apply a High Quality 3D Denoiser. |
hue | V->V | Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video. |
idet | V->V | Interlace detect Filter. |
lut | V->V | Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB/YUV input video. |
lutrgb | V->V | Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB input video. |
lutyuv | V->V | Compute and apply a lookup table to the YUV input video. |
mp | V->V | Apply a libmpcodecs filter to the input video. |
negate | V->V | Negate input video. |
noformat | V->V | Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the input to the next filter. |
null | V->V | Pass the source unchanged to the output. |
overlay | VV->V | Overlay a video source on top of the input. |
pad | V->V | Pad input image to width:height[:x:y[:color]] (default x and y: 0, default color: black). |
pixdesctest | V->V | Test pixel format definitions. |
removelogo | V->V | Remove a TV logo based on a mask image. |
scale | V->V | Scale the input video to width:height size and/or convert the image format. |
select | V->V | Select frames to pass in output. |
sendcmd | V->V | Send commands to filters. |
setdar | V->V | Set the frame display aspect ratio. |
setfield | V->V | Force field for the output video frame. |
setpts | V->V | Set PTS for the output video frame. |
setsar | V->V | Set the pixel sample aspect ratio. |
settb | V->V | Set timebase for the video output link. |
showinfo | V->V | Show textual information for each video frame. |
slicify | V->V | Pass the images of input video on to next video filter as multiple slices. |
smartblur | V->V | Blur the input video without impacting the outlines. |
split | V->| | Pass on the input video to N outputs. |
super2xsai | V->V | Scale the input by 2x using the Super2xSaI pixel art algorithm. |
swapuv | V->V | Swap U and V components. |
thumbnail | V->V | Select the most representative frame in a sequence of consecutive frames |
tile | V->V | Tile several successive frames together. |
tinterlace | V->V | Perform temporal field interlacing. |
transpose | V->V | Transpose input video. |
unsharp | V->V | Sharpen or blur the input video. |
vflip | V->V | Flip the input video vertically. |
yadif | V->V | Deinterlace the input image. |
cellauto | |->V | Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton. |
color | |->V | Provide an uniformly colored input. |
life | |->V | Create life. |
mandelbrot | |->V | Render a Mandelbrot fractal. |
mptestsrc | |->V | Generate various test pattern. |
nullsrc | |->V | Null video source, return unprocessed video frames. |
rgbtestsrc | |->V | Generate RGB test pattern. |
smptebars | |->V | Generate SMPTE color bars. |
testsrc | |->V | Generate test pattern. |
nullsink | V->| | Do absolutely nothing with the input video. |
concat | |->| | Concatenate audio and video streams. |
showspectrum | A->V | Convert input audio to a spectrum video output. |
showwaves | A->V | Convert input audio to a video output. |
amovie | |->| | Read audio from a movie source. |
movie | |->| | Read from a movie source. |
ffbuffersink | V->| | Buffer video frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
ffabuffersink | A->| | Buffer audio frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
buffersink | V->| | Buffer video frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
abuffersink | A->| | Buffer audio frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
buffer | |->V | Buffer video frames and make them accessible to the filterchain. |
abuffer | |->A | Buffer audio frames and make them accessible to the filterchain. |
buffersink_old | V->| | Buffer video frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
abuffersink_old | A->| | Buffer audio frames and make them available to the end of the filter graph. |
ffmpeg -formats
ffmpeg -layouts
名称 | 分解(描述) |
FL | front left |
FR | front right |
FC | front center |
LFE | low frequency |
BL | back left |
BR | back right |
FLC | front left-of-center |
FRC | front right-of-center |
BC | back center |
SL | side left |
SR | side right |
TC | top center |
TFL | top front left |
TFC | top front center |
TFR | top front right |
TBL | top back left |
TBC | top back center |
TBR | top back right |
DL | downmix left |
DR | downmix right |
WL | wide left |
WR | wide right |
SDL | surround direct left |
SDR | surround direct right |
LFE2 | low frequency 2 |
名称 | 分解(描述) |
mono | FC |
stereo | FL+FR |
2.1 | FL+FR+LFE |
3.0 | FL+FR+FC |
3.0(back) | FL+FR+BC |
4.0 | FL+FR+FC+BC |
quad | FL+FR+BL+BR |
quad(side) | FL+FR+SL+SR |
3.1 | FL+FR+FC+LFE |
5.0 | FL+FR+FC+BL+BR |
5.0(side) | FL+FR+FC+SL+SR |
4.1 | FL+FR+FC+LFE+BC |
5.1 | FL+FR+FC+LFE+BL+BR |
5.1(side) | FL+FR+FC+LFE+SL+SR |
6.0 | FL+FR+FC+BC+SL+SR |
6.0(front) | FL+FR+FLC+FRC+SL+SR |
hexagonal | FL+FR+FC+BL+BR+BC |
6.1(front) | FL+FR+LFE+FLC+FRC+SL+SR |
7.0 | FL+FR+FC+BL+BR+SL+SR |
7.0(front) | FL+FR+FC+FLC+FRC+SL+SR |
7.1(wide) | FL+FR+FC+LFE+FLC+FRC+SL+SR |
octagonal | FL+FR+FC+BL+BR+BC+SL+SR |
downmix | DL+DR |
ffmpeg -L
ffmpeg -L
ffmpeg -pix_fmts
标记名称 | NB_COMPONENTS(不知道该咋翻译) | BITS_PER_PIXEL |
IO... yuv420p | 3 | 12 |
IO... yuyv422 | 3 | 16 |
IO... rgb24 | 3 | 24 |
IO... bgr24 | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv422p | 3 | 16 |
IO... yuv444p | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv410p | 3 | 9 |
IO... yuv411p | 3 | 12 |
IO... gray | 1 | 8 |
IO..B monow | 1 | 1 |
IO..B monob | 1 | 1 |
I..P. pal8 | 1 | 8 |
IO... yuvj420p | 3 | 12 |
IO... yuvj422p | 3 | 16 |
IO... yuvj444p | 3 | 24 |
..H.. xvmcmc | 0 | 0 |
..H.. xvmcidct | 0 | 0 |
IO... uyvy422 | 3 | 16 |
..... uyyvyy411 | 3 | 12 |
IO... bgr8 | 3 | 8 |
.O..B bgr4 | 3 | 4 |
IO... bgr4_byte | 3 | 4 |
IO... rgb8 | 3 | 8 |
.O..B rgb4 | 3 | 4 |
IO... rgb4_byte | 3 | 4 |
IO... nv12 | 3 | 12 |
IO... nv21 | 3 | 12 |
IO... argb | 4 | 32 |
IO... rgba | 4 | 32 |
IO... abgr | 4 | 32 |
IO... bgra | 4 | 32 |
IO... gray16be | 1 | 16 |
IO... gray16le | 1 | 16 |
IO... yuv440p | 3 | 16 |
IO... yuvj440p | 3 | 16 |
IO... yuva420p | 4 | 20 |
..H.. vdpau_h264 | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vdpau_mpeg1 | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vdpau_mpeg2 | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vdpau_wmv3 | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vdpau_vc1 | 0 | 0 |
IO... rgb48be | 3 | 48 |
IO... rgb48le | 3 | 48 |
IO... rgb565be | 3 | 16 |
IO... rgb565le | 3 | 16 |
IO... rgb555be | 3 | 15 |
IO... rgb555le | 3 | 15 |
IO... bgr565be | 3 | 16 |
IO... bgr565le | 3 | 16 |
IO... bgr555be | 3 | 15 |
IO... bgr555le | 3 | 15 |
..H.. vaapi_moco | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vaapi_idct | 0 | 0 |
..H.. vaapi_vld | 0 | 0 |
IO... yuv420p16le | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv420p16be | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv422p16le | 3 | 32 |
IO... yuv422p16be | 3 | 32 |
IO... yuv444p16le | 3 | 48 |
IO... yuv444p16be | 3 | 48 |
..H.. vdpau_mpeg4 | 0 | 0 |
..H.. dxva2_vld | 0 | 0 |
IO... rgb444le | 3 | 12 |
IO... rgb444be | 3 | 12 |
IO... bgr444le | 3 | 12 |
IO... bgr444be | 3 | 12 |
I.... gray8a | 2 | 16 |
IO... bgr48be | 3 | 48 |
IO... bgr48le | 3 | 48 |
IO... yuv420p9be | 3 | 13 |
IO... yuv420p9le | 3 | 13 |
\IO... yuv420p10be | 3 | 15 |
IO... yuv420p10le | 3 | 15 |
IO... yuv422p10be | 3 | 20 |
IO... yuv422p10le | 3 | 20 |
IO... yuv444p9be | 3 | 27 |
IO... yuv444p9le | 3 | 27 |
IO... yuv444p10be | 3 | 30 |
IO... yuv444p10le | 3 | 30 |
IO... yuv422p9be | 3 | 18 |
IO... yuv422p9le | 3 | 18 |
..H.. vda_vld | 0 | 0 |
I.... gbrp | 3 | 24 |
I.... gbrp9be | 3 | 27 |
I.... gbrp9le | 3 | 27 |
I.... gbrp10be | 3 | 30 |
I.... gbrp10le | 3 | 30 |
I.... gbrp16be | 3 | 48 |
I.... gbrp16le | 3 | 48 |
IO... yuva420p9be | 4 | 22 |
IO... yuva420p9le | 4 | 22 |
IO... yuva422p9be | 4 | 27 |
IO... yuva422p9le | 4 | 27 |
IO... yuva444p9be | 4 | 36 |
IO... yuva444p9le | 4 | 36 |
IO... yuva420p10be | 4 | 25 |
IO... yuva420p10le | 4 | 40 |
IO... yuva422p10be | 4 | 48 |
IO... yuva422p10le | 4 | 48 |
IO... yuva444p10be | 4 | 64 |
IO... yuva444p10le | 4 | 64 |
IO... yuva420p16be | 4 | 40 |
IO... yuva420p16le | 4 | 40 |
IO... yuva422p16be | 4 | 48 |
IO... yuva422p16le | 4 | 48 |
IO... yuva444p16be | 4 | 64 |
IO... yuva444p16le | 4 | 64 |
I.... rgba64be | 4 | 64 |
I.... rgba64le | 4 | 64 |
..... bgra64be | 4 | 64 |
..... bgra64le | 4 | 64 |
IO... 0rgb | 3 | 24 |
IO... rgb0 | 3 | 24 |
IO... 0bgr | 3 | 24 |
IO... bgr0 | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuva444p | 4 | 32 |
IO... yuva422p | 4 | 24 |
IO... yuv420p12be | 3 | 18 |
IO... yuv420p12le | 3 | 18 |
IO... yuv420p14be | 3 | 21 |
IO... yuv420p14le | 3 | 21 |
IO... yuv422p12be | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv422p12le | 3 | 24 |
IO... yuv422p14be | 3 | 28 |
IO... yuv422p14le | 3 | 28 |
IO... yuv444p12be | 3 | 36 |
IO... yuv444p12le | 3 | 36 |
IO... yuv444p14be | 3 | 42 |
IO... yuv444p14le | 3 | 42 |
I.... gbrp12be | 3 | 36 |
I.... gbrp12le | 3 | 36 |
I.... gbrp14be | 3 | 42 |
I.... gbrp14le | 3 | 42 |
ffmpeg -protocols
Input:(输入) |
applehttp |
cache |
concat |
crypto |
file |
gopher |
hls |
http |
httpproxy |
mmsh |
mmst |
pipe |
rtp |
tcp |
udp |
rtmp |
rtmpe |
rtmps |
rtmpt |
rtmpte |
Output:(输出) |
file |
gopher |
http |
httpproxy |
md5 |
pipe |
rtp |
tcp |
udp |
rtmp |
rtmpe |
rtmps |
rtmpt |
rtmpte |
ffmpeg -sample_fmts
名称 | 位深度 |
u8 | 8 |
s16 | 16 |
s32 | 32 |
flt | 32 |
dbl | 64 |
u8p | 8 |
s16p | 16 |
s32p | 32 |
fltp | 32 |
dblp | 64 |
版本的ffmpeg可以显示为 -version 选项,下一个结果是在2012年11月25日创建的官方构建窗口的显示结果。
ffmpeg -version
由于help命令、可用过滤器命令、格式命令等的输出很长并且通常不适合一个屏幕,所以可以使用更多命令来显示从一开始就按顺序将输出文本进行格式化,下一个屏幕由 按下空格键,按Enter键后显示下一行(只会多显示一行),按Q或q将退出预览。 语法是
ffmpeg -help | more
ffmpeg -h|more
more filename.txt
help more
ffmpeg -help > help.txt
该命令将在当前目录中创建一个名为help.txt的新文件,并将其保存到ffmpeg help的内容中。 如果具有相同名称的文件已经存在,它将被覆盖。 要将输出文本附加到现有文件而不覆盖其内容,请使用两个大于符号">":
ffmpeg -help > data.txt
ffmpeg -filters >> data.txt