[ root@localhost ~ ]
[ root@host51 ~ ]
bind 192.168 .88 .51
cluster- enabled yes
cluster- config- file nodes- 6379. conf
cluster- node- timeout 5000
[ root@host51 ~ ]
State Recv- Q Send- Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Process
LISTEN 0 128 0.0 .0 .0 :22 0.0 .0 .0 :* users:( ( "sshd" , pid= 548 , fd= 3 ) )
LISTEN 0 128 192.168 .88 .51 :16379 0.0 .0 .0 :* users:( ( "redis-server" , pid= 1080 , fd= 8 ) )
LISTEN 0 128 192.168 .88 .51 :6379 0.0 .0 .0 :* users:( ( "redis-server" , pid= 1080 , fd= 6 ) )
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > cluster info
1 、在任意一台redis服务器上都可以执行创建集群的命令。
2 、
3 、创建集群时,会自动创建主从角色,默认把主机列表中的前3 台服务器创建为Master角色的redis服务器,剩下的均配置为slave角色服务器。
4 、创建集群时,会自动给master角色的主机分配hash 槽 ,通过hash 槽实现数据的分布式存储。
[ root@host51 ~ ]
>> > Performing hash slots allocation on 6 nodes. . .
Master[ 0 ] - > Slots 0 - 5460
Master[ 1 ] - > Slots 5461 - 10922
Master[ 2 ] - > Slots 10923 - 16383
Adding replica 192.168 .88 .54 :6379 to 192.168 .88 .51 :6379
Adding replica 192.168 .88 .55 :6379 to 192.168 .88 .52 :6379
Adding replica 192.168 .88 .56 :6379 to 192.168 .88 .53 :6379
M: 1 cbc84ecf3dbde1c3a06d1d7cd8c527da6b7fe32 192.168 .88 .51 :6379
slots:[ 0 - 5460 ] ( 5461 slots) master
M: 88 e66d4df0867bf76015e22cc480be85ed5eb5de 192.168 .88 .52 :6379
slots:[ 5461 - 10922 ] ( 5462 slots) master
M: b8968a8c613a389052a2978803dd7fd6d24ca076 192.168 .88 .53 :6379
slots:[ 10923 - 16383 ] ( 5461 slots) master
S: 07740 e8a77b462dbbb4ab55cade01b102cb3a5d8 192.168 .88 .54 :6379
replicates 1 cbc84ecf3dbde1c3a06d1d7cd8c527da6b7fe32
S: 8615847 c6f9ce5c65f6017efcbc8f6e4072ae9d1 192.168 .88 .55 :6379
replicates 88 e66d4df0867bf76015e22cc480be85ed5eb5de
S: 6 f766d3638e6e66710743a88f684bac1d252bbef 192.168 .88 .56 :6379
replicates b8968a8c613a389052a2978803dd7fd6d24ca076
Can I set the above configuration? ( type 'yes' to accept) : yes
>> > Nodes configuration updated
>> > Assign a different config epoch to each node
>> > Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster
Waiting for the cluster to join
. . . .
>> > Performing Cluster Check ( using node 192.168 .88 .51 :6379 )
M: 1 cbc84ecf3dbde1c3a06d1d7cd8c527da6b7fe32 192.168 .88 .51 :6379
slots:[ 0 - 5460 ] ( 5461 slots) master
1 additional replica( s)
S: 07740 e8a77b462dbbb4ab55cade01b102cb3a5d8 192.168 .88 .54 :6379
slots: ( 0 slots) slave
replicates 1 cbc84ecf3dbde1c3a06d1d7cd8c527da6b7fe32
S: 8615847 c6f9ce5c65f6017efcbc8f6e4072ae9d1 192.168 .88 .55 :6379
slots: ( 0 slots) slave
replicates 88 e66d4df0867bf76015e22cc480be85ed5eb5de
S: 6 f766d3638e6e66710743a88f684bac1d252bbef 192.168 .88 .56 :6379
slots: ( 0 slots) slave
replicates b8968a8c613a389052a2978803dd7fd6d24ca076
M: 88 e66d4df0867bf76015e22cc480be85ed5eb5de 192.168 .88 .52 :6379
slots:[ 5461 - 10922 ] ( 5462 slots) master
1 additional replica( s)
M: b8968a8c613a389052a2978803dd7fd6d24ca076 192.168 .88 .53 :6379
slots:[ 10923 - 16383 ] ( 5461 slots) master
1 additional replica( s)
[ OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>> > Check for open slots. . .
>> > Check slots coverage. . .
[ OK] All 16384 slots covered.
第四列:hash 槽个数 (hash 槽的作用在集群存储工程过程里讲)
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 ( 1 cbc84ec. . . ) - > 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 ( 88 e66d4d. . . ) - > 0 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .53 :6379 ( b8968a8c. . . ) - > 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
[ OK] 0 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > set school nsd2306
- > Redirected to slot [ 8455 ] located at 192.168 .88 .52 :6379
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 > set teacher laoyang
- > Redirected to slot [ 12541 ] located at 192.168 .88 .53 :6379
192.168 .88 .53 :6379 > set class NSD
- > Redirected to slot [ 7755 ] located at 192.168 .88 .52 :6379
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 ( 1 cbc84ec. . . ) - > 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 ( 88 e66d4d. . . ) - > 2 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .53 :6379 ( b8968a8c. . . ) - > 1 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
[ OK] 3 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .54 :6379 > keys *
( empty list or set )
192.168 .88 .54 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .55 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "class"
2 ) "school"
192.168 .88 .55 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .56 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "teacher"
[ root@host53 ~ ]
[ root@host51 ~ ]
Could not connect to Redis at 192.168 .88 .53 :6379 : Connection refused
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 ( 1 cbc84ec. . . ) - > 1 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .56 :6379 ( 6 f766d36. . . ) - > 2 keys | 5461 slots | 0 slaves.
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 ( 88 e66d4d. . . ) - > 3 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves.
[ OK] 6 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 ( 1 cbc84ec. . . ) - > 1 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .56 :6379 ( 6 f766d36. . . ) - > 2 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 ( 88 e66d4d. . . ) - > 3 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves.
[ OK] 6 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
[ root@redis64 ~ ]
< ?php
$redis_list = [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' ] ;
$client = new RedisCluster( NUll , $redis_list) ;
$client- > set ( "i" , "tarenaA " ) ;
$client- > set ( "j" , "tarenaB " ) ;
$client- > set ( "k" , "tarenaC " ) ;
echo "save ok\n" ;
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "j"
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "class"
2 ) "k"
3 ) "school"
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .53 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "teacher"
2 ) "i"
< ?php
$redis_list = [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' ] ;
$client = new RedisCluster( NUll , $redis_list) ;
echo $client- > get( "i" ) ;
echo $client- > get( "j" ) ;
echo $client- > get( "k" ) ;
[ root@redis64 ~ ]
tarenaA tarenaB tarenaC
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "j"
192.168 .88 .51 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "class"
2 ) "k"
3 ) "school"
192.168 .88 .52 :6379 > exit
[ root@host51 ~ ]
192.168 .88 .53 :6379 > keys *
1 ) "teacher"
2 ) "i"