雅思写作 三小时浓缩学习顾家北 笔记总结(四)

news2024/10/6 22:20:18


The company should provide maternity leave and other assistance to female employees with children.

Community redevelopment provides opportunities for offenders to acquire vocational skills.

The law should classify drunk driving as a criminal offense.

Rural areas provide people with the opportunity to escape the pressures and noise of modern life.

"Rural areas offer people the chance to get away from the stress and noise of modern life.

Population aging prompts countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

The government provides substantial funding to protect historic buildings in many cities.

The government allocates significant funds to preserve historic buildings in many cities.


Schools should allow teachers to forcibly remove disruptive children from the classroom.

The school should permit teachers to forcibly remove misbehaving children from the classroom."


The rural unemployment issue can, to some extent, be addressed through rural-to-urban shift.

Investments in space technology should receive government support.

The investment in space technology should receive government support.

Historical artifacts are preserved because of their historical significance.

The use of multimedia can enhance students' attention and keep them engaged in the course.

The success of celebrities encourages young people to study hard and persevere.






什么叫做 曾经沧海难为水


The company should provide maternity leave and other assistance to female employees with children.

other assistance其他帮助

female employees女性雇员

这句话的重点应该就是 提供产假和其他帮助,为后面什么对象主体,应该往后放,甚至直接当状语,用介词连接短语就可以解决问题

the company should provide maternity leave and other assistance  to female employees with children.

没有加an unhealthy 量词都不带真的搞笑

 may put people at risk of illness

at risk of illness

postgraduate courses

Scholarships can encourage more students to pursue graduate-level courses.

Government grants could encourage more students to take postgraduate courses.

Community redevelopment provides opportunities for offenders to acquire vocational skills.

vocational skills 

"Community redevelopment offers opportunities for offenders to gain vocational skills."




to acquire vocational skills 

The law should classify drunk driving as a criminal offense.

the law should classify drunk driving as a criminal offense

Rural areas provide people with the opportunity to escape the pressures and noise of modern life.

to escape 

"Rural areas offer people the chance to get away from the stress and noise of modern life.

modern life  chance 都是值得学习的词汇和表述

to get away from

to escape关于逃离的,就应该用escape

"The aging population is pushing countries to increase the statutory retirement age."

Population aging prompts countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

这个funds 出现不止一次了


The government provides substantial funding to protect historic buildings in many cities.

The government allocates significant funds to preserve historic buildings in many cities.


  1. Coerce (v) - 强迫,胁迫
  2. Compel (v) - 强迫,迫使
  3. Oblige (v) - 强迫,迫使
  4. Enforce (v) - 强制执行
  5. Mandatory (adj) - 强制的
  6. Compulsion (n) - 强迫,胁迫
  7. Duress (n) - 强迫,胁迫
  8. Involuntary (adj) - 非自愿的,强迫的
  9. Imposed (adj) - 强加的
  10. Forced labor (n) - 强迫劳动
  11. Pressured (adj) - 受到压力的,受迫的


Schools should allow teachers to forcibly remove disruptive children from the classroom.

The school should permit teachers to forcibly remove misbehaving children from the classroom."

teachers should be permitted to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom.


  1. Unemployment (n) - 失业
  2. Jobless (adj) - 失业的
  3. Layoff (n) - 裁员
  4. Redundancy (n) - 冗员,裁员
  5. Dismissal (n) - 解雇
  6. Termination (n) - 终止雇佣
  7. Furlough (n) - 休假,停薪留职
  8. Severance pay (n) - 解聘赔偿
  9. Unemployment benefits (n) - 失业救济金
  10. Underemployment (n) - 异常失业(指工作不足)
  11. Job market (n) - 就业市场
  12. Job search (n) - 求职
  13. Resume/CV (n) - 简历
  14. Interview (n) - 面试
  15. Employability (n) - 就业能力
  16. Labor force (n) - 劳动力
  17. Job application (n) - 求职申请
  18. Hiring (n) - 招聘
  19. Occupational mobility (n) - 职业流动性
  20. Workforce reduction (n) - 劳动力减少


The rural unemployment issue can, to some extent, be addressed through rural-to-urban shift.

rural unemployment issues can be solved by rural-to-urban shift to some extent.

Skyscrapers are sometimes considered eyesores in the city.

Investments in space technology should receive government support.

The investment in space technology should receive government support.

Historical artifacts are preserved because of their historical significance.

Historic antiques should be preserved due to their historical significance.

The use of multimedia can enhance students' attention and keep them engaged in the course.

Using multimedia enhances students' attention and maintains their interest in the courses.

The success of celebrities encourages young people to study hard and persevere.


The success of famous individuals encourages young people to study hard and be determined.



  1. 肌腱传递力量:肌腱充当了肌肉和骨骼之间的连接器。当肌肉收缩时,产生的力量通过肌腱传递到骨骼上,从而使骨骼产生运动。这种传递力量的作用使我们能够进行各种肢体活动,如行走、跑步、举重等。

  2. 稳定关节:肌腱也有助于维持关节的稳定性。它们通过将肌肉连接到骨骼上,有助于防止关节过度活动或脱位。

  3. 控制运动:肌腱的长度和张力可以调节肌肉的运动和力量。这使得我们可以进行精确和协调的肌肉控制,例如细致的手部动作或身体的姿势调整。

  4. 吸收冲击:一些肌腱位于身体重要部位,如膝盖和踝关节,它们可以吸收和减轻冲击,降低运动和活动中的损伤风险。


These days are hard for me to be a smart silly





last year 必须在一起  如何规避这个问题








grit 这个是代表坚持、恒心 ,因为人们希望自己像砂砾一样坚强


It seems like you're asking about the meaning of the word "grit." "Grit" is a term used to describe a combination of perseverance, determination, resilience, and a strong work ethic. It implies having the tenacity and passion to achieve long-term goals despite facing setbacks, obstacles, or failures along the way. Grit is often associated with the willingness to work hard and consistently over an extended period, even in the face of challenges, to achieve success. It's a quality that can be essential for personal and professional achievement.


Certainly, "consistency" is closely related to the concept of grit. Consistency refers to the quality of being steadfast, reliable, and unwavering in one's efforts or actions. In the context of grit, consistency is a key component because it involves persistently working towards a goal or maintaining a particular behavior or attitude over time, regardless of the challenges or difficulties that may arise.

Consistency often implies:

  1. Regularity: It means doing something on a regular basis without faltering. For example, consistently practicing a skill or habit every day.

  2. Reliability: People who exhibit consistency can be counted on to perform a task or maintain a certain standard reliably. This is important in both personal and professional settings.

  3. Endurance: Consistency often involves enduring difficult or monotonous tasks or sticking with a goal even when progress is slow or setbacks occur.

In summary, consistency is an integral part of grit because it reflects the determination and commitment to stay on course, maintain effort, and make incremental progress toward long-term goals. It complements the resilience and perseverance aspects of grit, contributing to one's ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success.




"I always have this question: Do those renowned opinion bloggers truly speak of the righteous path, truth, experiential wisdom, well-founded and traceable useful perspectives, or do they represent themselves, saying what the audience wants to hear?

Opinion bloggers receive overwhelming positive feedback; they influence each other, further validating their own theories. Moreover, in this world, there emerge devotees of these theories who mutually corroborate them. In the end, what is it that these bloggers are really saying?"


if you have everything naturally ,so you do not need anything.




《麦田里的守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)是美国作家J.D.塞林格(J.D. Salinger)于1951年出版的小说,是一部具有重要文学地位的作品。该小说讲述了主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲尔德(Holden Caulfield)的故事,他是一个叛逆、困惑和疲惫的年轻人,被从私立学校开除后,漫无目的地在纽约城漫游,并思考着自己的生活、家庭和社会。


  1. 青少年叛逆:霍尔顿是一个叛逆的青少年,他对社会、学校和家庭的虚伪和假装感到反感。小说反映了青少年时期普遍存在的叛逆情感和对成人世界的质疑。

  2. 孤独和无助:霍尔顿在故事中常常感到孤独和无助,他试图找到真正能够理解他的人,但很难与他人建立深刻的联系。这突出了人际关系中的障碍和沟通问题。

  3. 成长和自我发现:小说描写了霍尔顿在一段时间内的成长和自我发现过程。他开始反思自己的生活选择和价值观,并试图找到生活中的意义和目标。

  4. 儿童纯真的失落:小说的标题源于霍尔顿的愿望,他想要成为一个"麦田里的守望者",捕捉到即将跌入深渊的孩子们,阻止他们失去纯真。这象征着对儿童时光的怀念和对成年世界的失望。


什么叫做 曾经沧海难为水

"曾经沧海难为水" 是一句汉语谚语,意思是形容两人曾经非常相爱,但后来感情变淡,像曾经浩瀚无边的沧海,如今只剩下一杯平淡无奇的水。这句谚语用来形容曾经深厚的感情或爱情已经不再如初,感情逐渐淡化或破裂,变得平淡无奇。这句话常常用来描述感情的变化和逝去。


2014年4月15日下午,台湾著名作家琼瑶在电视剧《花非花雾非雾》官方微博发布写给广电总局的公开信,举报编剧于正所写的《宫锁连城》抄袭《梅花烙》[7]。 于正也在微博发布公开信回应琼瑶,称“绝对只是一次巧合和误伤”[8]。






2020年12月31日,自抄袭案的六年后,于正就抄袭案向琼瑶公开道歉:“关于《宫锁连城》侵犯《梅花烙》版权一事,我诚挚地向您道歉! 这份道歉现在才来,并非我不愿意承认错误,而是我缺乏足够的勇气”,表示琼瑶是他从小的偶像,用了六年正视了这个错误,希望有机会当面道歉[18][19]。当日,于正宣布退出《我就是演员3》节目录制[20]。同日,琼瑶接受媒体访问时说,已经看到于正发的道歉,希望他知错能改,并发文回应:“在这2020年的最后一天,我终于等到了迟来的正义”[21]。琼瑶的儿媳妇何琇琼也转发了于正的道歉长文,“迟来的道歉!总算为沉重的2020画下休止符!2021一切安好”[22]。





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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️欢迎来到我的博客⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🐴作者:秋无之地 🐴简介:CSDN爬虫、后端、大数据领域创作者。目前从事python爬虫、后端和大数据等相关工作,主要擅长领域有:爬虫、后端、大数据开发、数据分析等。 🐴欢迎小伙伴们点赞👍🏻、收藏⭐️、…