
news2024/12/28 18:22:47

这是目前难度最高的一个作业,主要难点在于树的平衡,树的平衡依赖于调试输出的图形化,也就是输出二叉树的实现,二叉树的输出技巧性比较强,一般人很难直接想到控制台可以打印二叉树。后面的测试结果显示本文实现的AVLTree 4次战胜std::map






by inserting one record at a time to the tree. It then provides the following menu:

1. Search for a record

2. Insert a record

3. Delete a record

4. List all records

5. Exit






#pragma once

#include "TreeNode.h"
#include "BinarySearchTree.h"

class CAVLTree
	bool Empty(void) const { return m_root.Empty(); }
	bool Exists(const int _key) const;
	void Clear(void);
	//The reason of using this version of Delete see the annotation of member function DeletePri
	void Delete(CTreeIterator _itr);
	virtual void Insert(const int _key, const CEntry& _value);

	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& _os, const CBinarySearchTree& tree);
	void Print(ostream& _os) const;
	void print_in_order(void) const;

	CTreeIterator Find(const int key);
	CTreeIterator Begin() { return m_root.min(); }
	CTreeIterator End(void) { return CTreeIterator(nullptr); }

	void InsertPri(CTreeNode*& _pNode, CTreeNode*& _pParentNode, const int _key, const CEntry& _entry);
	//Not use this member function "DeletePri" , because the balance of AVLTree is a time-consuming job.
	//See that the member function InsertPri always balance the tree recursive, so we can use it to do the balance job.
	void DeletePri(CTreeNode* &node, const CEntry& _entry);
	void LeftLeftRotate(CTreeNode* &k2);
	void RightRightRotate(CTreeNode* &k2);
	void DoubleRotateLR(CTreeNode* &k3);
	void DoubleRotateRL(CTreeNode* &k3);

	CBinarySearchTree m_root;


#ifndef _BINARY_TREE_H_
#define _BINARY_TREE_H_
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "TreeNode.h"
#include "TreeIterator.h"

class CAVLTree;

class CBinarySearchTree
	friend CAVLTree;
	CBinarySearchTree() :m_root(NULL) { }
	~CBinarySearchTree(void) { Clear(); }

	virtual void Insert(const int _key, const CEntry& _value);
	bool Empty(void) const { return (NULL == m_root); }
	bool Exists(const int key) const;
	void Clear(void);
	virtual void Delete(const int key);
	virtual void Delete(CTreeIterator _itr);//for overwrite, for example AVLTree will overwrite

	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const CBinarySearchTree& tree);
	void Print(ostream& out) const;
	void print_in_order(void) const;
	CTreeIterator Find(const int key);
	CTreeIterator Begin() { return min(); }
	CTreeIterator End(void) { return CTreeIterator(nullptr); }
	CTreeIterator min(void);
	CTreeIterator getRoot(void);
	void print_binary_tree(ostream&, const CTreeNode* bt, int depth) const;
	//delete the node has only one child at most
	void eraseTheOnlyOneChild(CTreeNode* _pNode);
	void eraseRoot(CTreeNode* _pNode);
	CBinarySearchTree(const CBinarySearchTree&) = delete;
	CBinarySearchTree& operator = (const CBinarySearchTree&) = delete;

	CTreeNode* m_root;	



#pragma once

using namespace std;

class CEntry
	CEntry(const int _code, int _population, const string& _name);
	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& _os, const CEntry& _entry);
	friend istream& operator>> (istream& _is, CEntry& _entry);
	friend bool operator > (const CEntry& _lhs, const CEntry& _rhs);
	friend bool operator >= (const CEntry& _lhs, const CEntry& _rhs);
	friend bool operator < (const CEntry& _lhs, const CEntry& _rhs);
	friend bool operator <= (const CEntry& _lhs, const CEntry& _rhs);
	friend bool operator == (const CEntry& _lhs, const CEntry& _rhs);
	int GetCode(void) const;
	void SetCode(const int _code) { m_code = _code; }

	int m_code;
	int m_population;
	string m_name;


#pragma once
#include <ctime>  
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

class CTimer
	CTimer() { _start_time = std::clock(); }

	void   restart() { _start_time = std::clock(); }

	double elapsed() const
		return  double(std::clock() - _start_time)/* / CLOCKS_PER_SEC*/;

	double elapsed_max() const
		return (double((std::numeric_limits<std::clock_t>::max)())
			- double(_start_time))/* / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*/;

	double elapsed_min() const
		return double(1) /*/ double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*/;
	std::clock_t _start_time;


#pragma once

class CTreeNode;
class CAVLTree;

class CTreeIterator
	friend class CBinarySearchTree;
	friend class CAVLTree;

	CTreeIterator(void) :m_pNode(nullptr){}
	CTreeIterator(CTreeNode* _pNode) :m_pNode(_pNode) {};
	bool equalTo(const CTreeIterator& rhs) { return m_pNode == rhs.m_pNode; }
	CTreeNode* operator->(void) { return m_pNode; }
	CTreeNode* get(void) { return m_pNode; }
	CTreeIterator& operator++(void);//++itr
	bool operator==(CTreeIterator& _rhs) { return this->m_pNode == _rhs.get(); }
	bool operator!=(CTreeIterator& _rhs) { return !(this->m_pNode == _rhs.get()); }
private://user can not use raw pointer
	static CTreeNode* successor(CTreeNode* _pNode);
	static CTreeNode* min(CTreeNode* _pNode);
	CTreeNode* m_pNode;


#pragma once

#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "Entry.h"

//this node for both BST and AVLTree
class CTreeNode
	CTreeNode() :key(int()), height(1), parent(nullptr), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {}
	CTreeNode(const int t) :key(t), height(1), parent(nullptr), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {}
	CTreeNode(const int t, const CEntry& _value) :key(t), height(1), value(_value), parent(nullptr), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {}
	static bool IsLchild(const CTreeNode* _pParent, const CTreeNode* _pNode);
	static bool IsRchild(const CTreeNode* _pParent, const CTreeNode* _pNode);
	static bool isNodeHasTwoChild(const CTreeNode* _pNode);
	static int GetHeight(const CTreeNode* _pNode);
	static void UpdateParentHeight(CTreeNode* _pNode);

	//CTreeNode(const CTreeNode&) = delete;
	//CTreeNode& operator=(const CTreeNode&) = delete;

	int key;
	int height;//just for AVLTree to avoid recursive height function call
	CEntry value;
	CTreeNode* parent;
	CTreeNode* lchild;
	CTreeNode* rchild;


#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <iomanip>
#include <list>
#include <random> 
using namespace std;

#include "AVLTree.h"
#include "BinarySearchTree.h"
#include "Counter.h"
#include "CounterType.h"
#include "Timer.h"

void LoadData(const string& _fileName, list<CEntry>& _entryList)
	ifstream fin(_fileName);
	istream_iterator<CEntry> itrBegin(fin), itrEnd;
	copy(itrBegin, itrEnd, back_inserter(_entryList));
void Compare(int scaleNumber, ostream& _os, const std::list<int>& _fromData)
	CBinarySearchTree bst;
	CAVLTree avlTree;
	CEntry entry;

	CTimer timer;
	const std::list<int>& listInteger = _fromData;
	///compare insert///
	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		avlTree.Insert(*itr, entry);
	auto elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Insert " << scaleNumber << " times to AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::AVLInsert) << " nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Insert " << scaleNumber << " times to AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::AVLInsert) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;


	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		bst.Insert(*itr, entry);
	elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Insert " << scaleNumber << " times to BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTInsert) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Insert " << scaleNumber << " times to BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTInsert) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;


	//compare search
	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		auto itrFind = avlTree.Find(*itr);
		assert(itrFind != avlTree.End());
	elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Search " << scaleNumber << " times from AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTFind) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Search " << scaleNumber << " times from AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTFind) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;

	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		auto itrFind = bst.Find(*itr);
		assert(itrFind != bst.End());
	elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Search " << scaleNumber << " times from BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTFind) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Search " << scaleNumber << " times from BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTFind) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;

	///compare delete///
	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		auto itrFind = avlTree.Find(*itr);
		if (itrFind != avlTree.End())
	elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Delete " << scaleNumber << " times from AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::AVLDelete) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Delete " << scaleNumber << " times from AVLTree cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::AVLDelete) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;

	for (auto itr = listInteger.begin(); itr != listInteger.end(); itr++)
		auto itrFind = bst.Find(*itr);
		if (itrFind != bst.End())
	elapsed = timer.elapsed();
	cout << "Delete " << scaleNumber << " times from BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTDelete) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
	_os << "Delete " << scaleNumber << " times from BST cost " << elapsed << " milliseconds, " << endl; //Counter::GetCount(CounterType::BSTDelete) << "  nodes has been traversed" << endl;
void CompareBSTAndAVLTWithRandomData(int scaleNumber, ostream& _os)
	cout << "CompareBSTAndAVLTWithRandomData:" << endl;
	_os << "CompareBSTAndAVLTWithRandomData:" << endl;

	CBinarySearchTree bst;
	CAVLTree avlTree;

	CTimer timer;

	unsigned seed1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
	std::mt19937 g1(seed1);  // mt19937 is a standard mersenne_twister_engine  

	list<int> listInteger;
	for (int i = 0; i < scaleNumber; ++i)
		int number = g1();
	_os << endl;

	CEntry entry;
	int key;

	Compare(scaleNumber, _os, listInteger);
void CompareBSTAndAVLTWithSortedData(int scaleNumber, ostream& _os)
	cout << "CompareBSTAndAVLTWithSortedData:" << endl;
	_os << "CompareBSTAndAVLTWithSortedData:" << endl;

	unsigned seed1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
	std::mt19937 g1(seed1);  // mt19937 is a standard mersenne_twister_engine  

	list<int> listInteger;
	for (int i = 0; i < scaleNumber; ++i)
	Compare(scaleNumber, _os, listInteger);

int main()
	cout << "Author: (modified)\n";

	//CBinarySearchTree tree;
	CAVLTree tree;
	list<CEntry> entryList;
	LoadData("p4large.txt", entryList);
	//LoadData("p4largeSorted.txt", entryList);
	//LoadData("p4small.txt", entryList);
	int i = 0;
	for (auto& iRef : entryList)
		//Insert a record
		//cout << "load :" << i << " " << iRef.GetCode() << endl;
		tree.Insert(iRef.GetCode(), iRef);
	CTimer timer;
	while (true)
		int menu;
		cout << "Please input menu:" << endl;
		cout << "0 : Draw the tree." << endl;
		cout << "1 : Search a record." << endl;
		cout << "2 : Insert a record." << endl;
		cout << "3 : Delete a record." << endl;
		cout << "4 : List all reacords." << endl;
		cout << "5 : Exit." << endl;
		cout << "6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete]." << endl;
		cin >> menu;
		switch (menu)
		case 0:
		case 1:
			//Search a record
			cout << "Please input the code of the state:" << endl;
			int code;
			cin >> code;
			auto pNode = tree.Find(code);
			auto elasped = timer.elapsed();
			if (pNode == tree.End())
				cout << "not Find " << code << endl;
				cout << "time elasped:"<<elasped << endl;
				cout << "Find : " << pNode->value << endl;
				cout << "time elasped:" << elasped << endl;
		case 2:
			//Insert a record
			cout << "Insert a record be exactly alike the format :code,population,\"statename\"" << endl;
			cout << "For example you can input(never forgot the comma and semicolon):06055,225,\"Napa, CA\"" << endl;
			CEntry entry;
			cin >> entry;
			auto pNode = tree.Find(entry.GetCode());
			if (pNode == tree.End())
				tree.Insert(entry.GetCode(), entry);
				auto elasped = timer.elapsed();
				cout << "Insert record successed." << endl;
				cout << "time elasped:" << elasped << endl;
				cout << "Can not Insert the record, because same code already in the tree!" << endl;
		case 3:
		    cout << "Input the code of state you want to delete:" << endl;
			int code;
			cin >> code;
			auto itr = tree.Find(code);
			if (itr == tree.End())
				cout << "not Find " << code << endl;
				cout << "Find : " << itr->value << endl;
				auto elasped = timer.elapsed();
				cout << setfill('0') << setw(5) << code << " is deleted." << endl;
				cout << "time elasped:" << elasped << endl;
		case 4:
			cout << "List all records( see also in file ListAllRecordsData.txt):" << endl;
			CTreeIterator itr = tree.Begin();
			ofstream fout("ListAllRecordsData.txt");//Temp project write data to file.
			while (!itr.equalTo(tree.End()))
				cout << itr->value << endl;
				fout << itr->value << endl;// List all records to a	text file
		case 5: 
			cout << "System Exit." << endl;
			return 0;
		case 6:
			cout << "Please input the scale number for test:";
			int scaleNumber;
			cin >> scaleNumber;
			ofstream fout("CompareResultBetweenAVLTAndBST.txt");
			CompareBSTAndAVLTWithSortedData(scaleNumber, fout);
			CompareBSTAndAVLTWithRandomData(scaleNumber, fout);
			cout << "The compare result have written to compare.txt" << endl;
			cout << "Error Input!" << endl;

	return 0;


Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
The tree is(in-order):
             ---(06115, 105, "Yuba, CA")
         ---(06113, 438, "Yolo, CA")
                 ---(06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA")
             ---(06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA")
                 ---(06107, 577, "Tulare, CA")
     ---(06105, 0, "Trinity, CA")
                 ---(06103, 25, "Tehama, CA")
             ---(06101, 172, "Sutter, CA")
         ---(06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA")
                 ---(06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA")
             ---(06095, 570, "Solano, CA")
                 ---(06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA")
 ---(06091, 0, "Sierra, CA")
                 ---(06089, 29, "Shasta, CA")
             ---(06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA")
                     ---(06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA")
                 ---(06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA")
                     ---(06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA")
         ---(06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA")
                 ---(06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA")
             ---(06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA")
                     ---(06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA")
                 ---(06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA")
     ---(06069, 94, "San Benito, CA")
                 ---(06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA")
             ---(06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA")
         ---(06063, 0, "Plumas, CA")
                 ---(06061, 162, "Placer, CA")
                     ---(06059, 6214, "Orange, CA")
             ---(06057, 26, "Nevada, CA")
                     ---(06055, 225, "Napa, CA")
                 ---(06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA")
                     ---(06051, 19, "Mono, CA")
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
                 ---(06047, 341, "Merced, CA")
             ---(06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA")
         ---(06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA")
                 ---(06041, 399, "Marin, CA")
             ---(06039, 221, "Madera, CA")
                 ---(06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA")
     ---(06035, 1, "Lassen, CA")
                 ---(06033, 32, "Lake, CA")
             ---(06031, 205, "Kings, CA")
                 ---(06029, 875, "Kern, CA")
         ---(06027, 8, "Inyo, CA")
                 ---(06025, 295, "Imperial, CA")
             ---(06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA")
 ---(06021, 36, "Glenn, CA")
                 ---(06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA")
             ---(06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA")
         ---(06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA")
                 ---(06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA")
             ---(06011, 60, "Colusa, CA")
     ---(06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA")
             ---(06007, 150, "Butte, CA")
         ---(06005, 1, "Amador, CA")
             ---(06003, 0, "Alpine, CA")
                 ---(06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA")
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
Please input the code of the state:
Find : 06105, 0, "Trinity, CA"
time elasped:0
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
Please input the scale number for test:100000
Insert 100000 times to AVLTree cost 30 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to std::map cost 19 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to BST cost 27367 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from AVLTree cost 5 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from std::map cost 9 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from BST cost 26900 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from AVLTree cost 7 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from std::map cost 8 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from BST cost 6 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to AVLTree cost 49 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to std::map cost 42 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to BST cost 33 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from AVLTree cost 24 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from std::map cost 30 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from BST cost 24 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from AVLTree cost 30 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from std::map cost 37 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from BST cost 32 milliseconds,
The compare result have written to compare.txt
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
The tree is(in-order):
             ---(06115, 105, "Yuba, CA")
         ---(06113, 438, "Yolo, CA")
                 ---(06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA")
             ---(06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA")
                 ---(06107, 577, "Tulare, CA")
     ---(06105, 0, "Trinity, CA")
                 ---(06103, 25, "Tehama, CA")
             ---(06101, 172, "Sutter, CA")
         ---(06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA")
                 ---(06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA")
             ---(06095, 570, "Solano, CA")
                 ---(06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA")
 ---(06091, 0, "Sierra, CA")
                 ---(06089, 29, "Shasta, CA")
             ---(06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA")
                     ---(06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA")
                 ---(06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA")
                     ---(06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA")
         ---(06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA")
                 ---(06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA")
             ---(06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA")
                     ---(06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA")
                 ---(06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA")
     ---(06069, 94, "San Benito, CA")
                 ---(06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA")
             ---(06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA")
         ---(06063, 0, "Plumas, CA")
                 ---(06061, 162, "Placer, CA")
                     ---(06059, 6214, "Orange, CA")
             ---(06057, 26, "Nevada, CA")
                     ---(06055, 225, "Napa, CA")
                 ---(06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA")
                     ---(06051, 19, "Mono, CA")
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
                 ---(06047, 341, "Merced, CA")
             ---(06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA")
         ---(06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA")
                 ---(06041, 399, "Marin, CA")
             ---(06039, 221, "Madera, CA")
                 ---(06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA")
     ---(06035, 1, "Lassen, CA")
                 ---(06033, 32, "Lake, CA")
             ---(06031, 205, "Kings, CA")
                 ---(06029, 875, "Kern, CA")
         ---(06027, 8, "Inyo, CA")
                 ---(06025, 295, "Imperial, CA")
             ---(06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA")
 ---(06021, 36, "Glenn, CA")
                 ---(06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA")
             ---(06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA")
         ---(06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA")
                 ---(06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA")
             ---(06011, 60, "Colusa, CA")
     ---(06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA")
             ---(06007, 150, "Butte, CA")
         ---(06005, 1, "Amador, CA")
             ---(06003, 0, "Alpine, CA")
                 ---(06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA")
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
List all records( see also in file ListAllRecordsData.txt):
06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA"
06003, 0, "Alpine, CA"
06005, 1, "Amador, CA"
06007, 150, "Butte, CA"
06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA"
06011, 60, "Colusa, CA"
06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA"
06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA"
06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA"
06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA"
06021, 36, "Glenn, CA"
06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA"
06025, 295, "Imperial, CA"
06027, 8, "Inyo, CA"
06029, 875, "Kern, CA"
06031, 205, "Kings, CA"
06033, 32, "Lake, CA"
06035, 1, "Lassen, CA"
06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA"
06039, 221, "Madera, CA"
06041, 399, "Marin, CA"
06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA"
06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA"
06047, 341, "Merced, CA"
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
06051, 19, "Mono, CA"
06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA"
06055, 225, "Napa, CA"
06057, 26, "Nevada, CA"
06059, 6214, "Orange, CA"
06061, 162, "Placer, CA"
06063, 0, "Plumas, CA"
06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA"
06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA"
06069, 94, "San Benito, CA"
06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA"
06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA"
06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA"
06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA"
06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA"
06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA"
06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA"
06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA"
06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA"
06089, 29, "Shasta, CA"
06091, 0, "Sierra, CA"
06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA"
06095, 570, "Solano, CA"
06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA"
06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA"
06101, 172, "Sutter, CA"
06103, 25, "Tehama, CA"
06105, 0, "Trinity, CA"
06107, 577, "Tulare, CA"
06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA"
06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA"
06113, 438, "Yolo, CA"
06115, 105, "Yuba, CA"
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].


1 可以看出二叉搜索树在插入排序数据后退化为单链表,在Insert和Search的时候耗时非常高。平衡二叉树不存在这个问题,对于排序数据和随机数据都一样支持的很好。

2 从测试结果可以看出AVLTree整体上和std::map一个水平,四次用时超越std::map





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1.syslogd作客户端 BusyBox v1.20.2 (2022-04-06 16:19:14 CST) multi-call binary.Usage: syslogd [OPTIONS]System logging utility-n Run in foreground-O FILE Log to FILE (default:/var/log/messages)-l N Log only messages more urge…