
news2024/10/7 6:50:55


5G Power Saving技术为3GPP的一大主要课题,本文介绍几种5G省电技术。

CDRX(Connected Discontinuous reception)是让终端定期休眠不监听PDCCH。

WUS(Wake-Up Signaling)是为了弥补CDRX缺陷,减少终端在没有数据时仍然定时唤醒监听PDCCH。




SCell dormancy是用于降低辅小区功耗的方式。

  • 连接态下非连续接收CDRX


CDRX(Connected Mode Discontinuous Reception)是UE在连接态下的DRX功能;而空闲态下的DRX功能,则是我们所熟知的寻呼功能(paging)。

3GPP TS 38.321对DRX的定义如下

5.7 Discontinuous Reception (DRX)

The MAC entity may be configured by RRC with a DRX functionality that controls the UE's PDCCH monitoring activity for the MAC entity's C-RNTI, CI-RNTI, CS-RNTI, INT-RNTI, SFI-RNTI, SP-CSI-RNTI, TPC-PUCCH-RNTI, TPC-PUSCH-RNTI, TPC-SRS-RNTI, AI-RNTI, SL-RNTI, SLCS-RNTI and SL Semi-Persistent Scheduling V-RNTI. When using DRX operation, the MAC entity shall also monitor PDCCH according to requirements found in other clauses of this specification. When in RRC_CONNECTED, if DRX is configured, for all the activated Serving Cells, the MAC entity may monitor the PDCCH discontinuously using the DRX operation specified in this clause; otherwise the MAC entity shall monitor the PDCCH as specified in TS 38.213 [6].




1)UE按照基站配置的DRX Cycle来监听PDCCH信道

2)在On Duration时间内(毫秒级),UE正常监听PDCCH信道,在On Duration之后,UE可以进入DRX状态,即休眠状态,节省能耗

3)当UE进入休眠状态后,此时如果网络有下行数据到达,基站不能进行下行PDCCH调度,DRX Cycle周期越长,下行数据时延可能就越大,因此CDRX虽然可以节省UE在连接态的能耗,但相应的会使下行数据业务时延增加



3GPP TS 38.331定义DRX的参数如下

DRX-Config information element

DRX-Config ::= SEQUENCE {








shortDRX                            SEQUENCE {







表示在一个DRX Cycle周期中,UE唤醒监听PDCCH信道的时长,包含两个参数subMilliSeconds和miliSeconds

subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31),

milliSeconds ENUMERATED {

ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }




因为InactivityTimer定时器的存在,只要UE有新数据到达,InactivityTimer 就会重新启动,UE的激活时间就会延长,这样网络就可以一直不停给UE发送数据

drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL / drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL:

当UE进行数据解码失败后,会触发HARQ(Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request),这时UE需要等待多长重传时间由drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL/drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL控制,在这个时间内不会有PDCCH的调度

drx-RetransmissionTimerDL / drx-RetransmissionTimerUL:

在HARQ进程时,如果UE解码PDSCH失败时,HARQ RTT定时器超后,UE并不确定网络什么时候会继续重发数据,但UE也不可能无限的等待下去,drx-RetransmissionTimerDL/drx-RetransmissionTimerUL就是表示UE还需要监听多长时间,在HARQ RTT定时器超后此Timer会启动



配置DRX Cycle长周期时长,DRX长周期为必须配置的参数,满足以下公式:

[(SFN∗10)+subframe number] mod (longDRX_Cycle)==(drxStartOffset)







[MS->NW] NR_UECapabilityInformation




logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer: supported (0)

longDRX-Cycle: supported (0)

shortDRX-Cycle: supported (0)



[NW->MS] NR_RRCReconfiguration



drx-Config: setup (1)


drx-onDurationTimer: milliSeconds (1)

milliSeconds: ms30 (9)

drx-InactivityTimer: ms80 (14)

drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL: 56

drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL: 56

drx-RetransmissionTimerDL: sl8 (5)

drx-RetransmissionTimerUL: sl8 (5)

drx-LongCycleStartOffset: ms160 (9)

ms160: 25

drx-SlotOffset: 0 ms (0)



ICD_EVENT[NL2_MAC_DRX_Status_Event(0x9588) P_ID(1) VERSION(5)]


"DRX config":






"drx-OnDurationTimer config":


"drx-OnDurationTimer unit":1,




"DRX short cycle config":













  • 唤醒信号WUS(Wake-Up Signal)

WUS又叫DRX Adaptation,是基于DRX的增强, 当UE无需和网络交互时,如果UE仍然周期性的唤醒的话,就会造成不必要的功耗,基于原有DRX机制的基础上,为了更加优化UE的功耗,3GPP在5G Release 16提出了DRX Adaptation。

当网络侧需要针对某个UE进行上下行调度时,会发一个WUS信号(携带了DCI Format 2_6的PDCCH)给UE,让UE仍然周期性的唤醒以接收 PDCCH 的调度信息,过了一段时间后,如果没有数据要传输了,这个时候网络侧就下发 WUS 给 UE,指UE后续不需要进入DRX状态,一直维持在休眠状态并无需监听后续网络侧的PDCCH,以此来降低功耗。

3GPP TS 38.306对drx-Adaptation能力描述如下

drx-Adaptation-r16, drx-Adaptation-r17

Indicates whether the UE supports DRX adaptation comprised of the following functional components:

- Configured ps-Offset for the detection of DCI format 2_6 with CRC scrambling by ps-RNTI and reported MinTimeGap before the start of drx-onDurationTimer of Long DRX

- Indication of UE whether or not to start drx-onDurationTimer for the next Long DRX cycle by detection of DCI format 2_6

- Configured UE wakeup or not when DCI format 2_6 is not detected at all monitoring occasions outside Active Time

- Configured periodic CSI report apart from L1-RSRP (ps-TransmitOtherPeriodicCSI) when impacted by DCI format 2_6 that drx-onDurationTimer does not start for the next Long DRX cycle

- Configured periodic L1-RSRP report (ps-TransmitPeriodicL1-RSRP) when impacted by DCI format 2_6 that drx-onDurationTimer does not start for the next Long DRX cycle

The capability signalling includes the minimum time gap between the end of the slot of last DCI format 2_6 monitoring occasion and the beginning of the slot where the UE would start the drx-onDurationTimer of Long DRX for each SCS. The value sl1 indicates 1 slot. The value sl2 indicates 2 slots, and so on. Support of this feature is reported for licensed and unlicensed bands, respectively. When this field is reported, either of sharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 or non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 shall be reported, at least.




3GPP TS 38.331定义WUS的参数如下:

DCP-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

ps-RNTI-r16                       RNTI-Value,

ps-Offset-r16                     INTEGER (1..120),

sizeDCI-2-6-r16                 INTEGER (1..maxDCI-2-6-Size-r16),

ps-PositionDCI-2-6-r16      INTEGER (0..maxDCI-2-6-Size-1-r16),

ps-WakeUp-r16                       ENUMERATED {true}

ps-TransmitPeriodicL1-RSRP-r16      ENUMERATED {true}

ps-TransmitOtherPeriodicCSI-r16     ENUMERATED {true}



ps-RNTI全称为Power Saving-RNTI(Radio Network Temporary Identity),用于对下发给UE的PDCCH进行CRC加扰,RNTI-Value 的取值范围为0001-FFF2,UE后续会用该值解扰PS-RNTI所加扰的PDCCH,然后携带DCI Format 2_6 的PDCCH用于指示UE是否在下一个 DRX 周期唤醒。

3GPP TS 38.212对DCI Format 2_6定义如下: Format 2_6

DCI format 2_6 is used for notifying the power saving information outside DRX Active Time for one or more UEs.

The following information is transmitted by means of the DCI format 2_6 with CRC scrambled by PS-RNTI:

- block number 1, block number 2,…, block number N

where the starting position of a block is determined by the parameter ps-PositionDCI-2-6 provided by higher layers for the UE configured with the block.

If the UE is configured with higher layer parameter ps-RNTI and dci-Format2-6, one block is configured for the UE by higher layers, with the following fields defined for the block:

- Wake-up indication - 1 bit

- SCell dormancy indication – 0 bit if higher layer parameter dormancyGroupOutsideActiveTime is not configured; otherwise 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bits bitmap determined according to the number of different DormancyGroupID(s) provided by higher layer parameter dormancyGroupOutsideActiveTime, where each bit corresponds to one of the SCell group(s) configured by higher layers parameter dormancyGroupOutsideActiveTime, with MSB to LSB of the bitmap corresponding to the first to last configured SCell group in ascending order of DormancyGroupID.

The size of DCI format 2_6 is indicated by the higher layer parameter sizeDCI-2-6, according to Clause 10.3 of [5, TS 38.213].


为相对于long DRX的drx-onDurationTimer启动的时间提前偏移量,UE提前偏移对PDCCH进行盲检,即DCI format 2_6来确定WUS信息


网络可以给一个UE配置唯一的DCI Format 2_6,也可以给多个UE配置相同的DCI Format 2_6,这就导致了DCI Format 2_6的message size可能会变化,因此网络侧需要UE所以下发的DCI size


指示UE到对应的时频位置去接收携带DCI Format 2_6的PDCCH


此参数用于指示UE在没有检测到携带DCI Format 2_6的PDCCH时,是否需要唤醒进入DRX状态,如果该配置未下发,UE默认无需唤醒,继续休眠





  • 部分带宽BWP(BandWidth Part)


3GPP TS 38.211对BWP的定义如下

对于带宽的自适应,3GPP引入BA(Bandwidth Adaptation)概念

3GPP TS 38.300对BA的介绍如下:

6.10 Bandwidth Adaptation

With Bandwidth Adaptation (BA), the receive and transmit bandwidth of a UE need not be as large as the bandwidth of the cell and can be adjusted: the width can be ordered to change (e.g. to shrink during period of low activity to save power); the location can move in the frequency domain (e.g. to increase scheduling flexibility); and the subcarrier spacing can be ordered to change (e.g. to allow different services). A subset of the total cell bandwidth of a cell is referred to as a Bandwidth Part (BWP) and BA is achieved by configuring the UE with BWP(s) and telling the UE which of the configured BWPs is currently the active one.

Figure 6.10-1 below describes a scenario where 3 different BWPs are configured:

- BWP(1) with a width of 40 MHz and subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz;

- BWP(2) with a width of 10 MHz and subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz;

- BWP(3) with a width of 20 MHz and subcarrier spacing of 60 kHz.




locationAndBandwidth                INTEGER (0..37949),

subcarrierSpacing                   SubcarrierSpacing,

cyclicPrefix                        ENUMERATED { extended }





Subcarrier spacing to be used in this BWP for all channels and reference signals unless explicitly configured elsewhere. Corresponds to subcarrier spacing according to TS 38.211 [16], table 4.2-1. The value kHz15 corresponds to µ=0, value kHz30 corresponds to µ=1, and so on.

cyclicPrefix :

Indicates whether to use the extended cyclic prefix for this bandwidth part. If not set, the UE uses the normal cyclic prefix. Normal CP is supported for all subcarrier spacings and slot formats. Extended CP is supported only for 60 kHz subcarrier spacing. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.2). Except for SUL, the network ensures the same cyclic prefix length is used in active DL BWP and active UL BWP within a serving cell.


Initial BWP:初始BWP,用于UE接入前的信息接收,主要是用于接收系统消息和随机接入相关信息

Active BWP:活跃BWP,带宽比初始BWP大,UE主要在这个BWP上进行数据传输

Default BWP:默认BWP,是在RRCReconfiguration中配置给UE的。如果没有配置,则将Initial BWP认为是default BWP,并在bwp-inactivityTimer超时之后,UE仍没有被调度,则将UE切换到default BWP




1)UE不上报任何BWP能力,则UE不支持DCI和Timer切换,RRC专用信令配置1个DL/UL BWP,即UE不支持BWP

2)UE上报bwp-SameNumerology,upto2 or upto4,则UE支持DCI和Timer切换,RRC专用信令可配置2/4个DL/UL BWP,4个BWP有相同的SCS

3)UE上报bwp-DiffNumerolgy,upto4,则UE支持DCI和Timer切换,RRC专用信令可配置4个DL/UL BWP,4个BWP可以有不同的SCS


5)bwp-SwitchingDelay,Type1 or Type2,BWP切换时延,不论采用何种方式,UE切换BWP都需要配置切换时延

3GPP TS 38.306对BWP能力的具体介绍如下


Defines whether the UE supports DCI and timer based active BWP switching delay type1 or type2 specified in clause 8.6.2 of TS 38.133 [5]. It is mandatory to report type 1 or type 2 when bwp-SameNumerology or bwp-DiffNumerology is supported on at least one band. This capability is not applicable to IAB-MT.


Indicates whether UE supports BWP adaptation (up to 2/4 BWPs) with the same numerology, via DCI and timer. Except for SUL, the UE only supports the same numerology for the active UL and DL BWP. For the UE capable of this feature, the bandwidth of a UE-specific RRC configured DL BWP includes the bandwidth of the CORESET#0 (if CORESET#0 is present) and SSB for PCell and PSCell (if configured). For SCell(s), the bandwidth of the UE-specific RRC configured DL BWP includes SSB, if there is SSB on SCell(s).


Indicates whether the UE supports BWP adaptation up to 4 BWPs with the different numerologies, via DCI and timer. Except for SUL, the UE only supports the same numerology for the active UL and DL BWP. For the UE capable of this feature, the bandwidth of a UE-specific RRC configured DL BWP includes the bandwidth of the CORESET#0 (if CORESET#0 is present) and SSB for PCell and PSCell (if configured). For SCell(s), the bandwidth of the UE-specific RRC configured DL BWP includes SSB, if there is SSB on SCell(s).


Indicates support of BWP operation without bandwidth restriction. The Bandwidth restriction in terms of DL BWP for PCell and PSCell means that the bandwidth of a UE-specific RRC configured DL BWP may not include the bandwidth of CORESET #0 (if configured) and SSB. For SCell(s), it means that the bandwidth of DL BWP may not include SSB.




2)基于Timer超时进行BWP切换,当bwp-inactivityTimer超时后,从当前激活的BWP返回到default BWP

3)通过DCI中的BWP字段进行切换,在DCI 0-1和DCI 1-1中有Bandwidth part indicator,可在上下行调度时通过Bandwidth part indicator切换BWP




[MS->NW] NR_UE-NR-Capability IE



bwp-WithoutRestriction   ENUMERATED {supported}  OPTIONAL,

bwp-SameNumerology    ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4}  OPTIONAL,

bwp-DiffNumerology     ENUMERATED {upto4}     OPTIONAL,

Phy-ParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE {

bwp-SwitchingDelay  ENUMERATED {type1, type2}         OPTIONAL,


//网络下发SIB1消息,建立initial BWP

[NW->MS] SIB1 (DL_FREQ_BAND[41], SSB_ARFCN[[504990], PCI[889], SCS[NR_SCS_30])




 locationAndBandwidth: 1099

subcarrierSpacing: kHz30 (1)

pdcch-ConfigCommon: setup (1)


//UE正常建立inital bwp,并建立active bwp

[NW->MS] NR_RRCReconfiguration (NARFCN[504990], PCI[889]) (masterCellGroup[1], MCGreconfigurationWithSync[0], secondaryCellGroup[0], SCGreconfigurationWithSync[0], measConfig[1], radioBearerConfig[0], mrdc-SecondaryCellGroupConfig[0], radioBearerConfig2[0])


 firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id: 1



pucch-Config: release (0)

release: NULL

pusch-Config: release (0)

release: NULL

srs-Config: release (0)

release: NULL

uplinkBWP-ToAddModList: 1 item

Item 0


bwp-Id: 1



locationAndBandwidth: 1099

subcarrierSpacing: kHz30 (1)



ICD_RECORD[NL1_Physical_Configuration(0x9014) P_ID(1) VERSION(13)]


 "Default DL BWP Id":0,

"Number of DL BWP":0,

"Active UL BWP Config":


"BWP Id":0,

"BWP start":0,

"BWP size":273,

"Sub carrier Spacing":1,



"Max throughput":0,




 "Active DL BWP Config":


"BWP Id":0,

"BWP start":0,

"BWP size":273,

"Sub carrier Spacing":1,



"Max throughput":0,




  • UE辅助信息UAI(UE Assistance Information)



3GPP R15中就引入了UAI,用于终端过热保护。5G系统功耗大幅增加导致终端容易过热发烫,当终端检测到自身过热时,会主动向基站上报过热辅助信息,基站会根据辅助信息调整终端配置(例如:降低带宽),从而避免终端过热问题。

为了进一步降低终端功耗,3GPP R16增加了基于节能的UAI,用于辅助终端节能。终端运行过程中可能由于业务量较小或终端电量受限,希望通过降低配置的方式尽量节约终端电量,于是向基站上报节能辅助信息,基站进行针对性调整,以降低终端能耗。




3)基站通过RRC(Radio Resource Control,无线资源控制)重配消息为终端配置不同的节能配置。







2)节能辅助信息:DRX(Discontinuous Reception,非连续接收)配置、最大聚合带宽、最大辅载波个数、最大MIMO层数、最小跨时隙调度间隔、RRC状态。

3GPP TS 38.331对UAI介绍如下

5.7.4 UE Assistance Information

The purpose of this procedure is for the UE to inform the network of:

- its delay budget report carrying desired increment/decrement in the connected mode DRX cycle length, or;

- its overheating assistance information, or;

- its IDC assistance information, or;

- its preference on DRX parameters for power saving, or;

- its preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth for power saving, or;

- its preference on the maximum number of secondary component carriers for power saving, or;

- its preference on the maximum number of MIMO layers for power saving, or;

- its preference on the minimum scheduling offset for cross-slot scheduling for power saving, or;

- its preference on the RRC state, or;

- configured grant assistance information for NR sidelink communication, or;

- its preference in being provisioned with reference time information, or;

- its preference for FR2 UL gap, or;

- its preference to transition out of RRC_CONNECTED state for MUSIM operation, or;

- its preference on the MUSIM gaps, or;

- its relaxation state for RLM measurements, or;

- its relaxation state for BFD measurements, or;

- availability of data and/or signalling mapped to radio bearers which are not configured for SDT, or;

- its preference for the SCG to be deactivated, or;

- indicate that the UE has uplink data to transmit for a DRB for which there is no MCG RLC bearer while the SCG is deactivated, or;

- change of its fulfilment status for RRM measurement relaxation criterion, or;

- service link (specified in TS 38.300 [2]) propagation delay difference between serving cell and neighbour cell(s).


UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

overheatingAssistance  OverheatingAssistance  OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs   OPTIONAL


OverheatingAssistance ::=  SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxCCs  ReducedMaxCCs-r16   OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxBW-FR1 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16  OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxBW-FR2 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16   OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR1  SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-DL   MIMO-LayersDL,

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-UL    MIMO-LayersU     } OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2   SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-DL    MIMO-LayersDL,

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-UL    MIMO-LayersUL  } OPTIONAL


ReducedAggregatedBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz10, mhz20, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400}

ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz800, mhz1200, mhz1600, mhz2000}

UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idc-Assistance-r16   IDC-Assistance-r16  OPTIONAL,

drx-Preference-r16         DRX-Preference-r16   OPTIONAL,

maxBW-Preference-r16   MaxBW-Preference-r16  OPTIONAL,

maxCC-Preference-r16  MaxCC-Preference-r16    OPTIONAL,

maxMIMO-LayerPreference-r1 MaxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

minSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 MinSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

releasePreference-r16 ReleasePreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 SL-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16  OPTIONAL,

referenceTimeInfoPreference-r16 BOOLEAN  OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension  UEAssistanceInformation-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL





Indicates the UE's preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving


Indicates the traffic characteristic of sidelink logical channel(s), specified in the IE SL-TrafficPatternInfo, that are setup for NR sidelink communication.




Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1/2, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR1/2. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1/2 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1/2. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR1.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of both the NR MCG and the SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. Value mhz0 is not used when indicated to address overheating.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.

更多的UE辅助信息可参看TS 38.331 UEAssistanceInformation

  • 辅小区休眠Scell dormancy

SCell dormancy是用于降低辅小区功耗的方式。

3GPP R16引起Dormant BWP是为了在Scell上不监听PDCCH,以减少Scell唤醒进一步降低终端功耗。但CSI/RRM测量和beam管理等还正常处理。

Scell Dormancy的前提是终端支持BWP。

Dormancy BWP配置

DormantBWP-Config-r16::= SEQUENCE{

DormantBWP-ID-r16 BWP-Id

withinActiveTimeConfig-r16 SetupRelease{WithinActiveTimeConfig-r16}

outsideActiveTimeConfig-r16 SetupRelease{OutsideActiveTimeConfig-r16}


Dormancy BWP流程


Dormant BWP调度方式

Active 状态下,通过DCI 0-1/1-1指示Scell进入Dormant BWP,挂起Scell C-RNTI调度;

非Active状态下,通过DCI 2-6指示Scell进入Dormant BWP;


5G的省电技术还有很多,比如天线的自适应、时域的自适应、RRM的松弛测量等等,在TR 38.840 NR Power Saving中有详细介绍。






文章目录 一、字符指针变量二、数组指针变量2.1 概述2.2 数组指针初始化 三、二维数组传参本质四、函数指针五、typedef关键字六、函数指针数组 一、字符指针变量 在指针的类型中我们知道有⼀种指针类型为字符指针 char* 一般使用&#xff1a; #include<stdio.h>int main…


LEC 6 Example container: Map Things are stored in ascending order (based on <) by default on the first component (the string) Map access 让一个键名为“one”的值为1 添加一个键值对&#xff0c;键名是“two”&#xff0c;值为2 functor 功能原件 LEC 7


虚拟技术已成为IT基础设施的核心元素&#xff0c;企业长期依赖虚拟机&#xff08;VM&#xff09;为应用程序提供工作负载。Hyper-V是一款广受欢迎的虚拟化平台&#xff0c;多年来已日臻完善&#xff0c;并在各类规模的公司中得到广泛应用。 随着虚拟机使用的普及&…

【0基础入门Python Web笔记】三、python 之函数以及常用内置函数

三、python 之函数以及常用内置函数 函数函数定义函数调用函数参数返回值 常用内置函数input()函数range()函数其它 更多实战项目可进入下方官网 函数 函数是一种用于封装可重复使用代码块的工具&#xff0c;能够将一系列操作组织成一个逻辑单元。 函数定义 在Python中&…


目录 1 C entOS 6 的启动管理1.1 Linux 组成1.2 内核设计流派1.3 CentOS 6启动流程1.3.1 CentOs 6 启动流程1.3.1 硬件启动POST1.3.2 bootloader 启动/引导加载器1.3.2.1 grub 功能和组成1.3.2.2 CentOS 6 grub 安装1.3.2.3 grub legacy 管理 1.3.3 加载 kernel1.3.4 init 初始…


品牌做私域运营&#xff0c;只会不断促销是没有用的&#xff0c;反而会让用户渐渐无感。更高级的私域运营玩法应该是通过场景策略来做私域&#xff0c;直击用户的痛点&#xff0c;让用户自我说服&#xff0c;提高转化率。 循环购消费模式是一种创新的商业模式&#xff0c;它能…


PostgreSQL-预研 是个很厉害的数据库的样子 ψ(*&#xff40;ー)ψ 官方文档&#xff1a;http://www.postgres.cn/docs/12/ 总的结论和备注 PgSQL 支持对JSON的支持很强大&#xff0c;以及提供了很多数学几何相关的数据类型【例&#xff1a;点&#xff0c;线条&#xff0c;几何…

[PyTorch][chapter 51][Auto-Encoder -1]

目录&#xff1a; 简介 损失函数 自动编码器的类型 一 AutoEncoder 简介&#xff1a; 自动编码器是一种神经网络&#xff0c;用于无监督学习任务.(没有标签或标记数据), 例如降维,特征提取和数据压缩. 主要任务&#xff1a; 1&#xff1a; 输入数据 …


首先我们要知道日志分析是指检查并理解计算机生成的日志消息&#xff0c;例如日志事件或审计来跟踪记录&#xff0c;通过日志分析可以帮助您诊断和解决计算机系统中的问题&#xff0c;以及监视系统性能和安全性。 如果您想知道您的网络中发生了什么&#xff0c;以便洞察潜在的…

线性代数的学习和整理10:各种特殊类型的矩阵(草稿-----未完成 建设ing)

非特殊矩阵 矩阵的类型 第2大类 图形化分类 8 对角线矩阵 三角矩阵 上三角矩阵 对称矩阵 零矩阵 梯形矩阵 下面的分类&#xff0c;功能性分类 增广矩阵 伴随矩阵 正交矩阵

17.1.2 【Linux】systemd使用的unit分类

systemd 有什么好处&#xff1f; 平行处理所有服务&#xff0c;加速开机流程&#xff1a; 旧的 init 启动脚本是“一项一项任务依序启动”的模式&#xff0c;因此不相依的服务也是得要一个一个的等待。但目前我们的硬件主机系统与操作系统几乎都支持多核心架构了&#xff0c;s…

OpenGL —— 2.1、绘制第一个三角形(附源码,glfw+glad)

源码效果 C源码 vertexShader.glsl #version 330 corelayout(location 0) in vec3 aPos; void main() {gl_Position vec4(aPos.x, aPos.y, aPos.z, 1.0); };fragmentShader.glsl #version 330 coreout vec4 FragColor; void main() {FragColor vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0…


对AI炒股感兴趣的小伙伴可加WX群&#xff1a; 1、引言 在这期内容中&#xff0c;我们将暂时将股票搁置一旁&#xff0c;转而探索人工智能技术如何应用于另一个有趣的领域&#xff1a;预测未来双色球号码。 2、AI与双色球预测的关系 在彩票预测中&#xff0c;AI充当着数据分析…


QRadioButton API使用方式 QRadioButton是Qt提供的单选按钮, 一般都是以组的方式来使用(多个按钮中同时只能选中其中一个) 如果单选按钮被选中, 再次点击这个按钮选中状态是不能被取消的 API // 构造函数 /* 参数:- text: 按钮上显示的标题- parent: 按钮的父对象 */ QRadio…

SpringBoot3.x原生镜像-Native Image实践

前提 之前曾经写过一篇《SpringBoot3.x 原生镜像-Native Image 尝鲜》&#xff0c;当时SpringBoot处于3.0.0-M5版本&#xff0c;功能尚未稳定。这次会基于SpringBoot当前最新的稳定版本3.1.2详细分析Native Image的实践过程。系统或者软件版本清单如下&#xff1a; 组件版本备注…

【已解决】Linux中启动docker 出现 ‘ Failed to start docker.service: Unit not found. ’ 错误

启动docker 出现 ‘ Failed to start docker.service: Unit not found. ’ 错误 这是因为缺少 rhel-push-plugin.socket 单元&#xff0c;该单元是rhel-push-plugin软件包的一部分。所以我们执行以下指令就可以成功解决&#xff1a; curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh 执…


近年来&#xff0c;随着互联网技术的发展&#xff0c;学习平台逐渐成为了职场发展和提升的必备工具。学习平台通过提供丰富的课程内容、灵活的学习时间和个性化的学习路径&#xff0c;帮助职场人士更好地提升自己的技能和知识储备&#xff0c;为职场发展打下坚实的基础。 学习…

mysql 8.0 窗口函数 之 分布函数 与 sql server (2017以后支持) 分布函数 一样

mysql 分布函数 percent_rank&#xff08;&#xff09; &#xff1a;等级值 百分比cume_dist() &#xff1a;累积分布值 percent_rank&#xff08;&#xff09; 计算方式 (rank-1)/(rows-1)&#xff0c; 其中 rank 的值为使用RANK()函数产生的序号&#xff0c;rows 的值为当前…


文章目录 一.并查集二.并查集的实现三.并查集的基本应用 一.并查集 并查集的逻辑结构:由多颗不相连通的多叉树构成的森林(一个这样的多叉树就是森林的一个连通分量) 并查集的元素(树节点)用0~9的整数表示,并查集可以表示如下: 并查集的物理存储结构:并查集一般采用顺序结构实…

Springboot 项目配置Swagger2

1. 加入swagger 依赖 springboot 项目的 pom.xml 中添加下列依赖&#xff1a; <dependency><groupId>io.springfox</groupId><artifactId>springfox-swagger2</artifactId><version>2.9.2</version> </dependency> <depe…