
news2024/10/7 16:25:50




第一步: 查看接口参数


第二步: 搜索参数名


我们跟进sm2Encrypt方法看看,可以看到用了cryptojs 那我们直接全部扣下来缺啥补啥


window = global;
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
navigator = {
function SM2Cipher(b) {
    this.ct = 1;
    this.sm3c3 = this.sm3keybase = this.p2 = null;
    this.key = Array(32);
    this.keyOff = 0;
    this.cipherMode = "undefined" != typeof b ? b : SM2CipherMode.C1C3C2
var pubkeyHex = "";
(function(global, undefined) {
    var SM2CipherMode = {
        C1C2C3: "0",
        C1C3C2: "1"
    (function() {
        function a(a, c) {
            var b = (this._lBlock >>> a ^ this._rBlock) & c;
            this._rBlock ^= b;
            this._lBlock ^= b << a
        function b(a, c) {
            var b = (this._rBlock >>> a ^ this._lBlock) & c;
            this._lBlock ^= b;
            this._rBlock ^= b << a
        var c = CryptoJS
          , d = c.lib
          , e = d.WordArray
          , d = d.BlockCipher
          , f = c.algo
          , g = [57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4]
          , h = [14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32]
          , k = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28]
          , l = [{
            0: 8421888,
            268435456: 32768,
            536870912: 8421378,
            805306368: 2,
            1073741824: 512,
            1342177280: 8421890,
            1610612736: 8389122,
            1879048192: 8388608,
            2147483648: 514,
            2415919104: 8389120,
            2684354560: 33280,
            2952790016: 8421376,
            3221225472: 32770,
            3489660928: 8388610,
            3758096384: 0,
            4026531840: 33282,
            134217728: 0,
            402653184: 8421890,
            671088640: 33282,
            939524096: 32768,
            1207959552: 8421888,
            1476395008: 512,
            1744830464: 8421378,
            2013265920: 2,
            2281701376: 8389120,
            2550136832: 33280,
            2818572288: 8421376,
            3087007744: 8389122,
            3355443200: 8388610,
            3623878656: 32770,
            3892314112: 514,
            4160749568: 8388608,
            1: 32768,
            268435457: 2,
            536870913: 8421888,
            805306369: 8388608,
            1073741825: 8421378,
            1342177281: 33280,
            1610612737: 512,
            1879048193: 8389122,
            2147483649: 8421890,
            2415919105: 8421376,
            2684354561: 8388610,
            2952790017: 33282,
            3221225473: 514,
            3489660929: 8389120,
            3758096385: 32770,
            4026531841: 0,
            134217729: 8421890,
            402653185: 8421376,
            671088641: 8388608,
            939524097: 512,
            1207959553: 32768,
            1476395009: 8388610,
            1744830465: 2,
            2013265921: 33282,
            2281701377: 32770,
            2550136833: 8389122,
            2818572289: 514,
            3087007745: 8421888,
            3355443201: 8389120,
            3623878657: 0,
            3892314113: 33280,
            4160749569: 8421378
        }, {
            0: 1074282512,
            16777216: 16384,
            33554432: 524288,
            50331648: 1074266128,
            67108864: 1073741840,
            83886080: 1074282496,
            100663296: 1073758208,
            117440512: 16,
            134217728: 540672,
            150994944: 1073758224,
            167772160: 1073741824,
            184549376: 540688,
            201326592: 524304,
            218103808: 0,
            234881024: 16400,
            251658240: 1074266112,
            8388608: 1073758208,
            25165824: 540688,
            41943040: 16,
            58720256: 1073758224,
            75497472: 1074282512,
            92274688: 1073741824,
            109051904: 524288,
            125829120: 1074266128,
            142606336: 524304,
            159383552: 0,
            176160768: 16384,
            192937984: 1074266112,
            209715200: 1073741840,
            226492416: 540672,
            243269632: 1074282496,
            260046848: 16400,
            268435456: 0,
            285212672: 1074266128,
            301989888: 1073758224,
            318767104: 1074282496,
            335544320: 1074266112,
            352321536: 16,
            369098752: 540688,
            385875968: 16384,
            402653184: 16400,
            419430400: 524288,
            436207616: 524304,
            452984832: 1073741840,
            469762048: 540672,
            486539264: 1073758208,
            503316480: 1073741824,
            520093696: 1074282512,
            276824064: 540688,
            293601280: 524288,
            310378496: 1074266112,
            327155712: 16384,
            343932928: 1073758208,
            360710144: 1074282512,
            377487360: 16,
            394264576: 1073741824,
            411041792: 1074282496,
            427819008: 1073741840,
            444596224: 1073758224,
            461373440: 524304,
            478150656: 0,
            494927872: 16400,
            511705088: 1074266128,
            528482304: 540672
        }, {
            0: 260,
            1048576: 0,
            2097152: 67109120,
            3145728: 65796,
            4194304: 65540,
            5242880: 67108868,
            6291456: 67174660,
            7340032: 67174400,
            8388608: 67108864,
            9437184: 67174656,
            10485760: 65792,
            11534336: 67174404,
            12582912: 67109124,
            13631488: 65536,
            14680064: 4,
            15728640: 256,
            524288: 67174656,
            1572864: 67174404,
            2621440: 0,
            3670016: 67109120,
            4718592: 67108868,
            5767168: 65536,
            6815744: 65540,
            7864320: 260,
            8912896: 4,
            9961472: 256,
            11010048: 67174400,
            12058624: 65796,
            13107200: 65792,
            14155776: 67109124,
            15204352: 67174660,
            16252928: 67108864,
            16777216: 67174656,
            17825792: 65540,
            18874368: 65536,
            19922944: 67109120,
            20971520: 256,
            22020096: 67174660,
            23068672: 67108868,
            24117248: 0,
            25165824: 67109124,
            26214400: 67108864,
            27262976: 4,
            28311552: 65792,
            29360128: 67174400,
            30408704: 260,
            31457280: 65796,
            32505856: 67174404,
            17301504: 67108864,
            18350080: 260,
            19398656: 67174656,
            20447232: 0,
            21495808: 65540,
            22544384: 67109120,
            23592960: 256,
            24641536: 67174404,
            25690112: 65536,
            26738688: 67174660,
            27787264: 65796,
            28835840: 67108868,
            29884416: 67109124,
            30932992: 67174400,
            31981568: 4,
            33030144: 65792
        }, {
            0: 2151682048,
            65536: 2147487808,
            131072: 4198464,
            196608: 2151677952,
            262144: 0,
            327680: 4198400,
            393216: 2147483712,
            458752: 4194368,
            524288: 2147483648,
            589824: 4194304,
            655360: 64,
            720896: 2147487744,
            786432: 2151678016,
            851968: 4160,
            917504: 4096,
            983040: 2151682112,
            32768: 2147487808,
            98304: 64,
            163840: 2151678016,
            229376: 2147487744,
            294912: 4198400,
            360448: 2151682112,
            425984: 0,
            491520: 2151677952,
            557056: 4096,
            622592: 2151682048,
            688128: 4194304,
            753664: 4160,
            819200: 2147483648,
            884736: 4194368,
            950272: 4198464,
            1015808: 2147483712,
            1048576: 4194368,
            1114112: 4198400,
            1179648: 2147483712,
            1245184: 0,
            1310720: 4160,
            1376256: 2151678016,
            1441792: 2151682048,
            1507328: 2147487808,
            1572864: 2151682112,
            1638400: 2147483648,
            1703936: 2151677952,
            1769472: 4198464,
            1835008: 2147487744,
            1900544: 4194304,
            1966080: 64,
            2031616: 4096,
            1081344: 2151677952,
            1146880: 2151682112,
            1212416: 0,
            1277952: 4198400,
            1343488: 4194368,
            1409024: 2147483648,
            1474560: 2147487808,
            1540096: 64,
            1605632: 2147483712,
            1671168: 4096,
            1736704: 2147487744,
            1802240: 2151678016,
            1867776: 4160,
            1933312: 2151682048,
            1998848: 4194304,
            2064384: 4198464
        }, {
            0: 128,
            4096: 17039360,
            8192: 262144,
            12288: 536870912,
            16384: 537133184,
            20480: 16777344,
            24576: 553648256,
            28672: 262272,
            32768: 16777216,
            36864: 537133056,
            40960: 536871040,
            45056: 553910400,
            49152: 553910272,
            53248: 0,
            57344: 17039488,
            61440: 553648128,
            2048: 17039488,
            6144: 553648256,
            10240: 128,
            14336: 17039360,
            18432: 262144,
            22528: 537133184,
            26624: 553910272,
            30720: 536870912,
            34816: 537133056,
            38912: 0,
            43008: 553910400,
            47104: 16777344,
            51200: 536871040,
            55296: 553648128,
            59392: 16777216,
            63488: 262272,
            65536: 262144,
            69632: 128,
            73728: 536870912,
            77824: 553648256,
            81920: 16777344,
            86016: 553910272,
            90112: 537133184,
            94208: 16777216,
            98304: 553910400,
            102400: 553648128,
            106496: 17039360,
            110592: 537133056,
            114688: 262272,
            118784: 536871040,
            122880: 0,
            126976: 17039488,
            67584: 553648256,
            71680: 16777216,
            75776: 17039360,
            79872: 537133184,
            83968: 536870912,
            88064: 17039488,
            92160: 128,
            96256: 553910272,
            100352: 262272,
            104448: 553910400,
            108544: 0,
            112640: 553648128,
            116736: 16777344,
            120832: 262144,
            124928: 537133056,
            129024: 536871040
        }, {
            0: 268435464,
            256: 8192,
            512: 270532608,
            768: 270540808,
            1024: 268443648,
            1280: 2097152,
            1536: 2097160,
            1792: 268435456,
            2048: 0,
            2304: 268443656,
            2560: 2105344,
            2816: 8,
            3072: 270532616,
            3328: 2105352,
            3584: 8200,
            3840: 270540800,
            128: 270532608,
            384: 270540808,
            640: 8,
            896: 2097152,
            1152: 2105352,
            1408: 268435464,
            1664: 268443648,
            1920: 8200,
            2176: 2097160,
            2432: 8192,
            2688: 268443656,
            2944: 270532616,
            3200: 0,
            3456: 270540800,
            3712: 2105344,
            3968: 268435456,
            4096: 268443648,
            4352: 270532616,
            4608: 270540808,
            4864: 8200,
            5120: 2097152,
            5376: 268435456,
            5632: 268435464,
            5888: 2105344,
            6144: 2105352,
            6400: 0,
            6656: 8,
            6912: 270532608,
            7168: 8192,
            7424: 268443656,
            7680: 270540800,
            7936: 2097160,
            4224: 8,
            4480: 2105344,
            4736: 2097152,
            4992: 268435464,
            5248: 268443648,
            5504: 8200,
            5760: 270540808,
            6016: 270532608,
            6272: 270540800,
            6528: 270532616,
            6784: 8192,
            7040: 2105352,
            7296: 2097160,
            7552: 0,
            7808: 268435456,
            8064: 268443656
        }, {
            0: 1048576,
            16: 33555457,
            32: 1024,
            48: 1049601,
            64: 34604033,
            80: 0,
            96: 1,
            112: 34603009,
            128: 33555456,
            144: 1048577,
            160: 33554433,
            176: 34604032,
            192: 34603008,
            208: 1025,
            224: 1049600,
            240: 33554432,
            8: 34603009,
            24: 0,
            40: 33555457,
            56: 34604032,
            72: 1048576,
            88: 33554433,
            104: 33554432,
            120: 1025,
            136: 1049601,
            152: 33555456,
            168: 34603008,
            184: 1048577,
            200: 1024,
            216: 34604033,
            232: 1,
            248: 1049600,
            256: 33554432,
            272: 1048576,
            288: 33555457,
            304: 34603009,
            320: 1048577,
            336: 33555456,
            352: 34604032,
            368: 1049601,
            384: 1025,
            400: 34604033,
            416: 1049600,
            432: 1,
            448: 0,
            464: 34603008,
            480: 33554433,
            496: 1024,
            264: 1049600,
            280: 33555457,
            296: 34603009,
            312: 1,
            328: 33554432,
            344: 1048576,
            360: 1025,
            376: 34604032,
            392: 33554433,
            408: 34603008,
            424: 0,
            440: 34604033,
            456: 1049601,
            472: 1024,
            488: 33555456,
            504: 1048577
        }, {
            0: 134219808,
            1: 131072,
            2: 134217728,
            3: 32,
            4: 131104,
            5: 134350880,
            6: 134350848,
            7: 2048,
            8: 134348800,
            9: 134219776,
            10: 133120,
            11: 134348832,
            12: 2080,
            13: 0,
            14: 134217760,
            15: 133152,
            2147483648: 2048,
            2147483649: 134350880,
            2147483650: 134219808,
            2147483651: 134217728,
            2147483652: 134348800,
            2147483653: 133120,
            2147483654: 133152,
            2147483655: 32,
            2147483656: 134217760,
            2147483657: 2080,
            2147483658: 131104,
            2147483659: 134350848,
            2147483660: 0,
            2147483661: 134348832,
            2147483662: 134219776,
            2147483663: 131072,
            16: 133152,
            17: 134350848,
            18: 32,
            19: 2048,
            20: 134219776,
            21: 134217760,
            22: 134348832,
            23: 131072,
            24: 0,
            25: 131104,
            26: 134348800,
            27: 134219808,
            28: 134350880,
            29: 133120,
            30: 2080,
            31: 134217728,
            2147483664: 131072,
            2147483665: 2048,
            2147483666: 134348832,
            2147483667: 133152,
            2147483668: 32,
            2147483669: 134348800,
            2147483670: 134217728,
            2147483671: 134219808,
            2147483672: 134350880,
            2147483673: 134217760,
            2147483674: 134219776,
            2147483675: 0,
            2147483676: 133120,
            2147483677: 2080,
            2147483678: 131104,
            2147483679: 134350848
          , p = [4160749569, 528482304, 33030144, 2064384, 129024, 8064, 504, 2147483679]
          , n = f.DES = d.extend({
            _doReset: function() {
                for (var a = this._key.words, c = [], b = 0; 56 > b; b++) {
                    var d = g[b] - 1;
                    c[b] = a[d >>> 5] >>> 31 - d % 32 & 1
                a = this._subKeys = [];
                for (d = 0; 16 > d; d++) {
                    for (var e = a[d] = [], f = k[d], b = 0; 24 > b; b++) {
                        e[b / 6 | 0] |= c[(h[b] - 1 + f) % 28] << 31 - b % 6,
                        e[4 + (b / 6 | 0)] |= c[28 + (h[b + 24] - 1 + f) % 28] << 31 - b % 6
                    e[0] = e[0] << 1 | e[0] >>> 31;
                    for (b = 1; 7 > b; b++) {
                        e[b] >>>= 4 * (b - 1) + 3
                    e[7] = e[7] << 5 | e[7] >>> 27
                c = this._invSubKeys = [];
                for (b = 0; 16 > b; b++) {
                    c[b] = a[15 - b]
            encryptBlock: function(a, c) {
                this._doCryptBlock(a, c, this._subKeys)
            decryptBlock: function(a, c) {
                this._doCryptBlock(a, c, this._invSubKeys)
            _doCryptBlock: function(c, d, e) {
                this._lBlock = c[d];
                this._rBlock = c[d + 1];
                a.call(this, 4, 252645135);
                a.call(this, 16, 65535);
                b.call(this, 2, 858993459);
                b.call(this, 8, 16711935);
                a.call(this, 1, 1431655765);
                for (var f = 0; 16 > f; f++) {
                    for (var g = e[f], h = this._lBlock, k = this._rBlock, n = 0, u = 0; 8 > u; u++) {
                        n |= l[u][((k ^ g[u]) & p[u]) >>> 0]
                    this._lBlock = k;
                    this._rBlock = h ^ n
                e = this._lBlock;
                this._lBlock = this._rBlock;
                this._rBlock = e;
                a.call(this, 1, 1431655765);
                b.call(this, 8, 16711935);
                b.call(this, 2, 858993459);
                a.call(this, 16, 65535);
                a.call(this, 4, 252645135);
                c[d] = this._lBlock;
                c[d + 1] = this._rBlock
            keySize: 2,
            ivSize: 2,
            blockSize: 2
        c.DES = d._createHelper(n);
        f = f.TripleDES = d.extend({
            _doReset: function() {
                var a = this._key.words;
                this._des1 = n.createEncryptor(e.create(a.slice(0, 2)));
                this._des2 = n.createEncryptor(e.create(a.slice(2, 4)));
                this._des3 = n.createEncryptor(e.create(a.slice(4, 6)))
            encryptBlock: function(a, c) {
                this._des1.encryptBlock(a, c);
                this._des2.decryptBlock(a, c);
                this._des3.encryptBlock(a, c)
            decryptBlock: function(a, c) {
                this._des3.decryptBlock(a, c);
                this._des2.encryptBlock(a, c);
                this._des1.decryptBlock(a, c)
            keySize: 6,
            ivSize: 2,
            blockSize: 2
        c.TripleDES = d._createHelper(f)
    (function() {
        var a = CryptoJS
          , b = a.lib.WordArray;
        a.enc.Base64 = {
            stringify: function(a) {
                var b = a.words
                  , e = a.sigBytes
                  , f = this._map;
                a = [];
                for (var g = 0; g < e; g += 3) {
                    for (var h = (b[g >>> 2] >>> 24 - g % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (b[g + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (g + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | b[g + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (g + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255, k = 0; 4 > k && g + 0.75 * k < e; k++) {
                        a.push(f.charAt(h >>> 6 * (3 - k) & 63))
                if (b = f.charAt(64)) {
                    for (; a.length % 4; ) {
                return a.join("")
            parse: function(a) {
                var d = a.length
                  , e = this._map
                  , f = e.charAt(64);
                f && (f = a.indexOf(f),
                -1 != f && (d = f));
                for (var f = [], g = 0, h = 0; h < d; h++) {
                    if (h % 4) {
                        var k = e.indexOf(a.charAt(h - 1)) << h % 4 * 2
                          , l = e.indexOf(a.charAt(h)) >>> 6 - h % 4 * 2;
                        f[g >>> 2] |= (k | l) << 24 - g % 4 * 8;
                return b.create(f, g)
            _map: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
    var dbits, canary = 244837814094590, j_lm = 15715070 == (canary & 16777215);
    function BigInteger(a, b, c) {
        null != a && ("number" == typeof a ? this.fromNumber(a, b, c) : null == b && "string" != typeof a ? this.fromString(a, 256) : this.fromString(a, b))
    function nbi() {
        return new BigInteger(null)
    function am1(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        for (; 0 <= --f; ) {
            var g = b * this[a++] + c[d] + e;
            e = Math.floor(g / 67108864);
            c[d++] = g & 67108863
        return e
    function am2(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        var g = b & 32767;
        for (b >>= 15; 0 <= --f; ) {
            var h = this[a] & 32767
              , k = this[a++] >> 15
              , l = b * h + k * g
              , h = g * h + ((l & 32767) << 15) + c[d] + (e & 1073741823);
            e = (h >>> 30) + (l >>> 15) + b * k + (e >>> 30);
            c[d++] = h & 1073741823
        return e
    function am3(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        var g = b & 16383;
        for (b >>= 14; 0 <= --f; ) {
            var h = this[a] & 16383
              , k = this[a++] >> 14
              , l = b * h + k * g
              , h = g * h + ((l & 16383) << 14) + c[d] + e;
            e = (h >> 28) + (l >> 14) + b * k;
            c[d++] = h & 268435455
        return e
    j_lm && "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName ? (BigInteger.prototype.am = am2,
    dbits = 30) : j_lm && "Netscape" != navigator.appName ? (BigInteger.prototype.am = am1,
    dbits = 26) : (BigInteger.prototype.am = am3,
    dbits = 28);
    BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;
    BigInteger.prototype.DM = (1 << dbits) - 1;
    BigInteger.prototype.DV = 1 << dbits;
    var BI_FP = 52;
    BigInteger.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, BI_FP);
    BigInteger.prototype.F1 = BI_FP - dbits;
    BigInteger.prototype.F2 = 2 * dbits - BI_FP;
    var BI_RM = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", BI_RC = [], rr, vv;
    rr = 48;
    for (vv = 0; 9 >= vv; ++vv) {
        BI_RC[rr++] = vv
    rr = 97;
    for (vv = 10; 36 > vv; ++vv) {
        BI_RC[rr++] = vv
    rr = 65;
    for (vv = 10; 36 > vv; ++vv) {
        BI_RC[rr++] = vv
    function int2char(a) {
        return BI_RM.charAt(a)
    function intAt(a, b) {
        var c = BI_RC[a.charCodeAt(b)];
        return null == c ? -1 : c
    function bnpCopyTo(a) {
        for (var b = this.t - 1; 0 <= b; --b) {
            a[b] = this[b]
        a.t = this.t;
        a.s = this.s
    function bnpFromInt(a) {
        this.t = 1;
        this.s = 0 > a ? -1 : 0;
        0 < a ? this[0] = a : -1 > a ? this[0] = a + this.DV : this.t = 0
    function nbv(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        return b
    function bnpFromString(a, b) {
        var c;
        if (16 == b) {
            c = 4
        } else {
            if (8 == b) {
                c = 3
            } else {
                if (256 == b) {
                    c = 8
                } else {
                    if (2 == b) {
                        c = 1
                    } else {
                        if (32 == b) {
                            c = 5
                        } else {
                            if (4 == b) {
                                c = 2
                            } else {
                                this.fromRadix(a, b);
        this.s = this.t = 0;
        for (var d = a.length, e = !1, f = 0; 0 <= --d; ) {
            var g = 8 == c ? a[d] & 255 : intAt(a, d);
            0 > g ? "-" == a.charAt(d) && (e = !0) : (e = !1,
            0 == f ? this[this.t++] = g : f + c > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (g & (1 << this.DB - f) - 1) << f,
            this[this.t++] = g >> this.DB - f) : this[this.t - 1] |= g << f,
            f += c,
            f >= this.DB && (f -= this.DB))
        8 == c && 0 != (a[0] & 128) && (this.s = -1,
        0 < f && (this[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - f) - 1 << f));
        e && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
    function bnpClamp() {
        for (var a = this.s & this.DM; 0 < this.t && this[this.t - 1] == a; ) {
    function bnToString(a) {
        if (0 > this.s) {
            return "-" + this.negate().toString(a)
        if (16 == a) {
            a = 4
        } else {
            if (8 == a) {
                a = 3
            } else {
                if (2 == a) {
                    a = 1
                } else {
                    if (32 == a) {
                        a = 5
                    } else {
                        if (4 == a) {
                            a = 2
                        } else {
                            return this.toRadix(a)
        var b = (1 << a) - 1, c, d = !1, e = "", f = this.t, g = this.DB - f * this.DB % a;
        if (0 < f--) {
            for (g < this.DB && 0 < (c = this[f] >> g) && (d = !0,
            e = int2char(c)); 0 <= f; ) {
                g < a ? (c = (this[f] & (1 << g) - 1) << a - g,
                c |= this[--f] >> (g += this.DB - a)) : (c = this[f] >> (g -= a) & b,
                0 >= g && (g += this.DB,
                0 < c && (d = !0),
                d && (e += int2char(c))
        return d ? e : "0"
    function bnNegate() {
        var a = nbi();
        BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, a);
        return a
    function bnAbs() {
        return 0 > this.s ? this.negate() : this
    function bnCompareTo(a) {
        var b = this.s - a.s;
        if (0 != b) {
            return b
        var c = this.t
          , b = c - a.t;
        if (0 != b) {
            return 0 > this.s ? -b : b
        for (; 0 <= --c; ) {
            if (0 != (b = this[c] - a[c])) {
                return b
        return 0
    function nbits(a) {
        var b = 1, c;
        0 != (c = a >>> 16) && (a = c,
        b += 16);
        0 != (c = a >> 8) && (a = c,
        b += 8);
        0 != (c = a >> 4) && (a = c,
        b += 4);
        0 != (c = a >> 2) && (a = c,
        b += 2);
        0 != a >> 1 && (b += 1);
        return b
    function bnBitLength() {
        return 0 >= this.t ? 0 : this.DB * (this.t - 1) + nbits(this[this.t - 1] ^ this.s & this.DM)
    function bnpDLShiftTo(a, b) {
        var c;
        for (c = this.t - 1; 0 <= c; --c) {
            b[c + a] = this[c]
        for (c = a - 1; 0 <= c; --c) {
            b[c] = 0
        b.t = this.t + a;
        b.s = this.s
    function bnpDRShiftTo(a, b) {
        for (var c = a; c < this.t; ++c) {
            b[c - a] = this[c]
        b.t = Math.max(this.t - a, 0);
        b.s = this.s
    function bnpLShiftTo(a, b) {
        var c = a % this.DB, d = this.DB - c, e = (1 << d) - 1, f = Math.floor(a / this.DB), g = this.s << c & this.DM, h;
        for (h = this.t - 1; 0 <= h; --h) {
            b[h + f + 1] = this[h] >> d | g,
            g = (this[h] & e) << c
        for (h = f - 1; 0 <= h; --h) {
            b[h] = 0
        b[f] = g;
        b.t = this.t + f + 1;
        b.s = this.s;
    function bnpRShiftTo(a, b) {
        b.s = this.s;
        var c = Math.floor(a / this.DB);
        if (c >= this.t) {
            b.t = 0
        } else {
            var d = a % this.DB
              , e = this.DB - d
              , f = (1 << d) - 1;
            b[0] = this[c] >> d;
            for (var g = c + 1; g < this.t; ++g) {
                b[g - c - 1] |= (this[g] & f) << e,
                b[g - c] = this[g] >> d
            0 < d && (b[this.t - c - 1] |= (this.s & f) << e);
            b.t = this.t - c;
    function bnpSubTo(a, b) {
        for (var c = 0, d = 0, e = Math.min(a.t, this.t); c < e; ) {
            d += this[c] - a[c],
            b[c++] = d & this.DM,
            d >>= this.DB
        if (a.t < this.t) {
            for (d -= a.s; c < this.t; ) {
                d += this[c],
                b[c++] = d & this.DM,
                d >>= this.DB
            d += this.s
        } else {
            for (d += this.s; c < a.t; ) {
                d -= a[c],
                b[c++] = d & this.DM,
                d >>= this.DB
            d -= a.s
        b.s = 0 > d ? -1 : 0;
        -1 > d ? b[c++] = this.DV + d : 0 < d && (b[c++] = d);
        b.t = c;
    function bnpMultiplyTo(a, b) {
        var c = this.abs()
          , d = a.abs()
          , e = c.t;
        for (b.t = e + d.t; 0 <= --e; ) {
            b[e] = 0
        for (e = 0; e < d.t; ++e) {
            b[e + c.t] = c.am(0, d[e], b, e, 0, c.t)
        b.s = 0;
        this.s != a.s && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(b, b)
    function bnpSquareTo(a) {
        for (var b = this.abs(), c = a.t = 2 * b.t; 0 <= --c; ) {
            a[c] = 0
        for (c = 0; c < b.t - 1; ++c) {
            var d = b.am(c, b[c], a, 2 * c, 0, 1);
            (a[c + b.t] += b.am(c + 1, 2 * b[c], a, 2 * c + 1, d, b.t - c - 1)) >= b.DV && (a[c + b.t] -= b.DV,
            a[c + b.t + 1] = 1)
        0 < a.t && (a[a.t - 1] += b.am(c, b[c], a, 2 * c, 0, 1));
        a.s = 0;
    function bnpDivRemTo(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.abs();
        if (!(0 >= d.t)) {
            var e = this.abs();
            if (e.t < d.t) {
                null != b && b.fromInt(0),
                null != c && this.copyTo(c)
            } else {
                null == c && (c = nbi());
                var f = nbi()
                  , g = this.s;
                a = a.s;
                var h = this.DB - nbits(d[d.t - 1]);
                0 < h ? (d.lShiftTo(h, f),
                e.lShiftTo(h, c)) : (d.copyTo(f),
                d = f.t;
                e = f[d - 1];
                if (0 != e) {
                    var k = e * (1 << this.F1) + (1 < d ? f[d - 2] >> this.F2 : 0)
                      , l = this.FV / k
                      , k = (1 << this.F1) / k
                      , p = 1 << this.F2
                      , n = c.t
                      , q = n - d
                      , m = null == b ? nbi() : b;
                    f.dlShiftTo(q, m);
                    0 <= c.compareTo(m) && (c[c.t++] = 1,
                    c.subTo(m, c));
                    BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(d, m);
                    for (m.subTo(f, f); f.t < d; ) {
                        f[f.t++] = 0
                    for (; 0 <= --q; ) {
                        var r = c[--n] == e ? this.DM : Math.floor(c[n] * l + (c[n - 1] + p) * k);
                        if ((c[n] += f.am(0, r, c, q, 0, d)) < r) {
                            for (f.dlShiftTo(q, m),
                            c.subTo(m, c); c[n] < --r; ) {
                                c.subTo(m, c)
                    null != b && (c.drShiftTo(d, b),
                    g != a && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(b, b));
                    c.t = d;
                    0 < h && c.rShiftTo(h, c);
                    0 > g && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(c, c)
    function bnMod(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.abs().divRemTo(a, null, b);
        0 > this.s && 0 < b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) && a.subTo(b, b);
        return b
    function Classic(a) {
        this.m = a
    function cConvert(a) {
        return 0 > a.s || 0 <= a.compareTo(this.m) ? a.mod(this.m) : a
    function cRevert(a) {
        return a
    function cReduce(a) {
        a.divRemTo(this.m, null, a)
    function cMulTo(a, b, c) {
        a.multiplyTo(b, c);
    function cSqrTo(a, b) {
    Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;
    Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;
    Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;
    Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;
    Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;
    function bnpInvDigit() {
        if (1 > this.t) {
            return 0
        var a = this[0];
        if (0 == (a & 1)) {
            return 0
        var b = a & 3
          , b = b * (2 - (a & 15) * b) & 15
          , b = b * (2 - (a & 255) * b) & 255
          , b = b * (2 - ((a & 65535) * b & 65535)) & 65535
          , b = b * (2 - a * b % this.DV) % this.DV;
        return 0 < b ? this.DV - b : -b
    function Montgomery(a) {
        this.m = a;
        this.mp = a.invDigit();
        this.mpl = this.mp & 32767;
        this.mph = this.mp >> 15;
        this.um = (1 << a.DB - 15) - 1;
        this.mt2 = 2 * a.t
    function montConvert(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        a.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, b);
        b.divRemTo(this.m, null, b);
        0 > a.s && 0 < b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) && this.m.subTo(b, b);
        return b
    function montRevert(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        return b
    function montReduce(a) {
        for (; a.t <= this.mt2; ) {
            a[a.t++] = 0
        for (var b = 0; b < this.m.t; ++b) {
            var c = a[b] & 32767
              , d = c * this.mpl + ((c * this.mph + (a[b] >> 15) * this.mpl & this.um) << 15) & a.DM
              , c = b + this.m.t;
            for (a[c] += this.m.am(0, d, a, b, 0, this.m.t); a[c] >= a.DV; ) {
                a[c] -= a.DV,
        a.drShiftTo(this.m.t, a);
        0 <= a.compareTo(this.m) && a.subTo(this.m, a)
    function montSqrTo(a, b) {
    function montMulTo(a, b, c) {
        a.multiplyTo(b, c);
    Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;
    Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;
    Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;
    Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;
    Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;
    function bnpIsEven() {
        return 0 == (0 < this.t ? this[0] & 1 : this.s)
    function bnpExp(a, b) {
        if (4294967295 < a || 1 > a) {
            return BigInteger.ONE
        var c = nbi()
          , d = nbi()
          , e = b.convert(this)
          , f = nbits(a) - 1;
        for (e.copyTo(c); 0 <= --f; ) {
            if (b.sqrTo(c, d),
            0 < (a & 1 << f)) {
                b.mulTo(d, e, c)
            } else {
                var g = c
                  , c = d
                  , d = g
        return b.revert(c)
    function bnModPowInt(a, b) {
        var c;
        c = 256 > a || b.isEven() ? new Classic(b) : new Montgomery(b);
        return this.exp(a, c)
    BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;
    BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;
    BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;
    BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;
    BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;
    BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;
    BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;
    BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;
    BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;
    BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;
    BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;
    BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;
    BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);
    BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);
    function bnClone() {
        var a = nbi();
        return a
    function bnIntValue() {
        if (0 > this.s) {
            if (1 == this.t) {
                return this[0] - this.DV
            if (0 == this.t) {
                return -1
        } else {
            if (1 == this.t) {
                return this[0]
            if (0 == this.t) {
                return 0
        return (this[1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB | this[0]
    function bnByteValue() {
        return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 24 >> 24
    function bnShortValue() {
        return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 16 >> 16
    function bnpChunkSize(a) {
        return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(a))
    function bnSigNum() {
        return 0 > this.s ? -1 : 0 >= this.t || 1 == this.t && 0 >= this[0] ? 0 : 1
    function bnpToRadix(a) {
        null == a && (a = 10);
        if (0 == this.signum() || 2 > a || 36 < a) {
            return "0"
        var b = this.chunkSize(a)
          , b = Math.pow(a, b)
          , c = nbv(b)
          , d = nbi()
          , e = nbi()
          , f = "";
        for (this.divRemTo(c, d, e); 0 < d.signum(); ) {
            f = (b + e.intValue()).toString(a).substr(1) + f,
            d.divRemTo(c, d, e)
        return e.intValue().toString(a) + f
    function bnpFromRadix(a, b) {
        null == b && (b = 10);
        for (var c = this.chunkSize(b), d = Math.pow(b, c), e = !1, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; h < a.length; ++h) {
            var k = intAt(a, h);
            0 > k ? "-" == a.charAt(h) && 0 == this.signum() && (e = !0) : (g = b * g + k,
            ++f >= c && (this.dMultiply(d),
            this.dAddOffset(g, 0),
            g = f = 0))
        0 < f && (this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b, f)),
        this.dAddOffset(g, 0));
        e && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
    function bnpFromNumber(a, b, c) {
        if ("number" == typeof b) {
            if (2 > a) {
            } else {
                for (this.fromNumber(a, c),
                this.testBit(a - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), op_or, this),
                this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0); !this.isProbablePrime(b); ) {
                    this.dAddOffset(2, 0),
                    this.bitLength() > a && this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), this)
        } else {
            c = [];
            var d = a & 7;
            c.length = (a >> 3) + 1;
            c[0] = 0 < d ? c[0] & (1 << d) - 1 : 0;
            this.fromString(c, 256)
    function bnToByteArray() {
        var a = this.t
          , b = [];
        b[0] = this.s;
        var c = this.DB - a * this.DB % 8, d, e = 0;
        if (0 < a--) {
            for (c < this.DB && (d = this[a] >> c) != (this.s & this.DM) >> c && (b[e++] = d | this.s << this.DB - c); 0 <= a; ) {
                if (8 > c ? (d = (this[a] & (1 << c) - 1) << 8 - c,
                d |= this[--a] >> (c += this.DB - 8)) : (d = this[a] >> (c -= 8) & 255,
                0 >= c && (c += this.DB,
                0 != (d & 128) && (d |= -256),
                0 == e && (this.s & 128) != (d & 128) && ++e,
                0 < e || d != this.s) {
                    b[e++] = d
        return b
    function bnEquals(a) {
        return 0 == this.compareTo(a)
    function bnMin(a) {
        return 0 > this.compareTo(a) ? this : a
    function bnMax(a) {
        return 0 < this.compareTo(a) ? this : a
    function bnpBitwiseTo(a, b, c) {
        var d, e, f = Math.min(a.t, this.t);
        for (d = 0; d < f; ++d) {
            c[d] = b(this[d], a[d])
        if (a.t < this.t) {
            e = a.s & this.DM;
            for (d = f; d < this.t; ++d) {
                c[d] = b(this[d], e)
            c.t = this.t
        } else {
            e = this.s & this.DM;
            for (d = f; d < a.t; ++d) {
                c[d] = b(e, a[d])
            c.t = a.t
        c.s = b(this.s, a.s);
    function op_and(a, b) {
        return a & b
    function bnAnd(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.bitwiseTo(a, op_and, b);
        return b
    function op_or(a, b) {
        return a | b
    function bnOr(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.bitwiseTo(a, op_or, b);
        return b
    function op_xor(a, b) {
        return a ^ b
    function bnXor(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.bitwiseTo(a, op_xor, b);
        return b
    function op_andnot(a, b) {
        return a & ~b
    function bnAndNot(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.bitwiseTo(a, op_andnot, b);
        return b
    function bnNot() {
        for (var a = nbi(), b = 0; b < this.t; ++b) {
            a[b] = this.DM & ~this[b]
        a.t = this.t;
        a.s = ~this.s;
        return a
    function bnShiftLeft(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        0 > a ? this.rShiftTo(-a, b) : this.lShiftTo(a, b);
        return b
    function bnShiftRight(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        0 > a ? this.lShiftTo(-a, b) : this.rShiftTo(a, b);
        return b
    function lbit(a) {
        if (0 == a) {
            return -1
        var b = 0;
        0 == (a & 65535) && (a >>= 16,
        b += 16);
        0 == (a & 255) && (a >>= 8,
        b += 8);
        0 == (a & 15) && (a >>= 4,
        b += 4);
        0 == (a & 3) && (a >>= 2,
        b += 2);
        0 == (a & 1) && ++b;
        return b
    function bnGetLowestSetBit() {
        for (var a = 0; a < this.t; ++a) {
            if (0 != this[a]) {
                return a * this.DB + lbit(this[a])
        return 0 > this.s ? this.t * this.DB : -1
    function cbit(a) {
        for (var b = 0; 0 != a; ) {
            a &= a - 1,
        return b
    function bnBitCount() {
        for (var a = 0, b = this.s & this.DM, c = 0; c < this.t; ++c) {
            a += cbit(this[c] ^ b)
        return a
    function bnTestBit(a) {
        var b = Math.floor(a / this.DB);
        return b >= this.t ? 0 != this.s : 0 != (this[b] & 1 << a % this.DB)
    function bnpChangeBit(a, b) {
        var c = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a);
        this.bitwiseTo(c, b, c);
        return c
    function bnSetBit(a) {
        return this.changeBit(a, op_or)
    function bnClearBit(a) {
        return this.changeBit(a, op_andnot)
    function bnFlipBit(a) {
        return this.changeBit(a, op_xor)
    function bnpAddTo(a, b) {
        for (var c = 0, d = 0, e = Math.min(a.t, this.t); c < e; ) {
            d += this[c] + a[c],
            b[c++] = d & this.DM,
            d >>= this.DB
        if (a.t < this.t) {
            for (d += a.s; c < this.t; ) {
                d += this[c],
                b[c++] = d & this.DM,
                d >>= this.DB
            d += this.s
        } else {
            for (d += this.s; c < a.t; ) {
                d += a[c],
                b[c++] = d & this.DM,
                d >>= this.DB
            d += a.s
        b.s = 0 > d ? -1 : 0;
        0 < d ? b[c++] = d : -1 > d && (b[c++] = this.DV + d);
        b.t = c;
    function bnAdd(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.addTo(a, b);
        return b
    function bnSubtract(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.subTo(a, b);
        return b
    function bnMultiply(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.multiplyTo(a, b);
        return b
    function bnSquare() {
        var a = nbi();
        return a
    function bnDivide(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.divRemTo(a, b, null);
        return b
    function bnRemainder(a) {
        var b = nbi();
        this.divRemTo(a, null, b);
        return b
    function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {
        var b = nbi()
          , c = nbi();
        this.divRemTo(a, b, c);
        return [b, c]
    function bnpDMultiply(a) {
        this[this.t] = this.am(0, a - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t);
    function bnpDAddOffset(a, b) {
        if (0 != a) {
            for (; this.t <= b; ) {
                this[this.t++] = 0
            for (this[b] += a; this[b] >= this.DV; ) {
                this[b] -= this.DV,
                ++b >= this.t && (this[this.t++] = 0),
    function NullExp() {}
    function nNop(a) {
        return a
    function nMulTo(a, b, c) {
        a.multiplyTo(b, c)
    function nSqrTo(a, b) {
    NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;
    NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;
    NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;
    NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;
    function bnPow(a) {
        return this.exp(a, new NullExp)
    function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a, b, c) {
        var d = Math.min(this.t + a.t, b);
        c.s = 0;
        for (c.t = d; 0 < d; ) {
            c[--d] = 0
        var e;
        for (e = c.t - this.t; d < e; ++d) {
            c[d + this.t] = this.am(0, a[d], c, d, 0, this.t)
        for (e = Math.min(a.t, b); d < e; ++d) {
            this.am(0, a[d], c, d, 0, b - d)
    function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a, b, c) {
        var d = c.t = this.t + a.t - b;
        for (c.s = 0; 0 <= --d; ) {
            c[d] = 0
        for (d = Math.max(b - this.t, 0); d < a.t; ++d) {
            c[this.t + d - b] = this.am(b - d, a[d], c, 0, 0, this.t + d - b)
        c.drShiftTo(1, c)
    function Barrett(a) {
        this.r2 = nbi();
        this.q3 = nbi();
        BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * a.t, this.r2);
        this.mu = this.r2.divide(a);
        this.m = a
    function barrettConvert(a) {
        if (0 > a.s || a.t > 2 * this.m.t) {
            return a.mod(this.m)
        if (0 > a.compareTo(this.m)) {
            return a
        var b = nbi();
        return b
    function barrettRevert(a) {
        return a
    function barrettReduce(a) {
        a.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2);
        a.t > this.m.t + 1 && (a.t = this.m.t + 1,
        this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2, this.m.t + 1, this.q3);
        for (this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2); 0 > a.compareTo(this.r2); ) {
            a.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1)
        for (a.subTo(this.r2, a); 0 <= a.compareTo(this.m); ) {
            a.subTo(this.m, a)
    function barrettSqrTo(a, b) {
    function barrettMulTo(a, b, c) {
        a.multiplyTo(b, c);
    Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;
    Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;
    Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;
    Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;
    Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;
    function bnModPow(a, b) {
        var c = a.bitLength(), d, e = nbv(1), f;
        if (0 >= c) {
            return e
        d = 18 > c ? 1 : 48 > c ? 3 : 144 > c ? 4 : 768 > c ? 5 : 6;
        f = 8 > c ? new Classic(b) : b.isEven() ? new Barrett(b) : new Montgomery(b);
        var g = []
          , h = 3
          , k = d - 1
          , l = (1 << d) - 1;
        g[1] = f.convert(this);
        if (1 < d) {
            for (c = nbi(),
            f.sqrTo(g[1], c); h <= l; ) {
                g[h] = nbi(),
                f.mulTo(c, g[h - 2], g[h]),
                h += 2
        for (var p = a.t - 1, n, q = !0, m = nbi(), c = nbits(a[p]) - 1; 0 <= p; ) {
            c >= k ? n = a[p] >> c - k & l : (n = (a[p] & (1 << c + 1) - 1) << k - c,
            0 < p && (n |= a[p - 1] >> this.DB + c - k));
            for (h = d; 0 == (n & 1); ) {
                n >>= 1,
            0 > (c -= h) && (c += this.DB,
            if (q) {
                q = !1
            } else {
                for (; 1 < h; ) {
                    f.sqrTo(e, m),
                    f.sqrTo(m, e),
                    h -= 2
                0 < h ? f.sqrTo(e, m) : (h = e,
                e = m,
                m = h);
                f.mulTo(m, g[n], e)
            for (; 0 <= p && 0 == (a[p] & 1 << c); ) {
                f.sqrTo(e, m),
                h = e,
                e = m,
                m = h,
                0 > --c && (c = this.DB - 1,
        return f.revert(e)
    function bnGCD(a) {
        var b = 0 > this.s ? this.negate() : this.clone();
        a = 0 > a.s ? a.negate() : a.clone();
        if (0 > b.compareTo(a)) {
            var c = b
              , b = a;
            a = c
        var c = b.getLowestSetBit()
          , d = a.getLowestSetBit();
        if (0 > d) {
            return b
        c < d && (d = c);
        0 < d && (b.rShiftTo(d, b),
        a.rShiftTo(d, a));
        for (; 0 < b.signum(); ) {
            0 < (c = b.getLowestSetBit()) && b.rShiftTo(c, b),
            0 < (c = a.getLowestSetBit()) && a.rShiftTo(c, a),
            0 <= b.compareTo(a) ? (b.subTo(a, b),
            b.rShiftTo(1, b)) : (a.subTo(b, a),
            a.rShiftTo(1, a))
        0 < d && a.lShiftTo(d, a);
        return a
    function bnpModInt(a) {
        if (0 >= a) {
            return 0
        var b = this.DV % a
          , c = 0 > this.s ? a - 1 : 0;
        if (0 < this.t) {
            if (0 == b) {
                c = this[0] % a
            } else {
                for (var d = this.t - 1; 0 <= d; --d) {
                    c = (b * c + this[d]) % a
        return c
    function bnModInverse(a) {
        var b = a.isEven();
        if (this.isEven() && b || 0 == a.signum()) {
            return BigInteger.ZERO
        for (var c = a.clone(), d = this.clone(), e = nbv(1), f = nbv(0), g = nbv(0), h = nbv(1); 0 != c.signum(); ) {
            for (; c.isEven(); ) {
                c.rShiftTo(1, c),
                b ? (e.isEven() && f.isEven() || (e.addTo(this, e),
                f.subTo(a, f)),
                e.rShiftTo(1, e)) : f.isEven() || f.subTo(a, f),
                f.rShiftTo(1, f)
            for (; d.isEven(); ) {
                d.rShiftTo(1, d),
                b ? (g.isEven() && h.isEven() || (g.addTo(this, g),
                h.subTo(a, h)),
                g.rShiftTo(1, g)) : h.isEven() || h.subTo(a, h),
                h.rShiftTo(1, h)
            0 <= c.compareTo(d) ? (c.subTo(d, c),
            b && e.subTo(g, e),
            f.subTo(h, f)) : (d.subTo(c, d),
            b && g.subTo(e, g),
            h.subTo(f, h))
        if (0 != d.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            return BigInteger.ZERO
        if (0 <= h.compareTo(a)) {
            return h.subtract(a)
        if (0 > h.signum()) {
            h.addTo(a, h)
        } else {
            return h
        return 0 > h.signum() ? h.add(a) : h
    var lowprimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997]
      , lplim = 67108864 / lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1];
    function bnIsProbablePrime(a) {
        var b, c = this.abs();
        if (1 == c.t && c[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1]) {
            for (b = 0; b < lowprimes.length; ++b) {
                if (c[0] == lowprimes[b]) {
                    return !0
            return !1
        if (c.isEven()) {
            return !1
        for (b = 1; b < lowprimes.length; ) {
            for (var d = lowprimes[b], e = b + 1; e < lowprimes.length && d < lplim; ) {
                d *= lowprimes[e++]
            for (d = c.modInt(d); b < e; ) {
                if (0 == d % lowprimes[b++]) {
                    return !1
        return c.millerRabin(a)
    function bnpMillerRabin(a) {
        var b = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)
          , c = b.getLowestSetBit();
        if (0 >= c) {
            return !1
        var d = b.shiftRight(c);
        a = a + 1 >> 1;
        a > lowprimes.length && (a = lowprimes.length);
        for (var e = nbi(), f = 0; f < a; ++f) {
            e.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random() * lowprimes.length)]);
            var g = e.modPow(d, this);
            if (0 != g.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) && 0 != g.compareTo(b)) {
                for (var h = 1; h++ < c && 0 != g.compareTo(b); ) {
                    if (g = g.modPowInt(2, this),
                    0 == g.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)) {
                        return !1
                if (0 != g.compareTo(b)) {
                    return !1
        return !0
    BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;
    BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;
    BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;
    BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;
    BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;
    BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;
    BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;
    BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;
    BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;
    BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;
    BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;
    BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;
    BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;
    BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;
    BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;
    BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;
    BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;
    BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;
    BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;
    BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;
    BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;
    BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;
    BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;
    BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;
    BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;
    BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;
    BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;
    BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;
    BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;
    BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;
    BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;
    BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;
    BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;
    BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;
    BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;
    BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;
    BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;
    BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;
    BigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;
    function Arcfour() {
        this.j = this.i = 0;
        this.S = []
    function ARC4init(a) {
        var b, c, d;
        for (b = 0; 256 > b; ++b) {
            this.S[b] = b
        for (b = c = 0; 256 > b; ++b) {
            c = c + this.S[b] + a[b % a.length] & 255,
            d = this.S[b],
            this.S[b] = this.S[c],
            this.S[c] = d
        this.j = this.i = 0
    function ARC4next() {
        var a;
        this.i = this.i + 1 & 255;
        this.j = this.j + this.S[this.i] & 255;
        a = this.S[this.i];
        this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];
        this.S[this.j] = a;
        return this.S[a + this.S[this.i] & 255]
    Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init;
    Arcfour.prototype.next = ARC4next;
    function prng_newstate() {
        return new Arcfour
    var rng_psize = 256, rng_state, rng_pool, rng_pptr;
    function rng_seed_int(a) {
        rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= a & 255;
        rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= a >> 8 & 255;
        rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= a >> 16 & 255;
        rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= a >> 24 & 255;
        rng_pptr >= rng_psize && (rng_pptr -= rng_psize)
    function rng_seed_time() {
        rng_seed_int((new Date).getTime())
    if (null == rng_pool) {
        rng_pool = [];
        rng_pptr = 0;
        var t;
        if ("Netscape" == navigator.appName && "5" > navigator.appVersion && window.crypto) {
            var z = window.crypto.random(32);
            for (t = 0; t < z.length; ++t) {
                rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255
        for (; rng_pptr < rng_psize; ) {
            t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random()),
            rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8,
            rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255
        rng_pptr = 0;
    function rng_get_byte() {
        if (null == rng_state) {
            rng_state = prng_newstate();
            for (rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr) {
                rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0
            rng_pptr = 0
        return rng_state.next()
    function rng_get_bytes(a) {
        var b;
        for (b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
            a[b] = rng_get_byte()
    function SecureRandom() {}
    SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;
    var KJUR = {};
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR.crypto && KJUR.crypto || (KJUR.crypto = {});
    KJUR.crypto.Util = new function() {
        this.DIGESTINFOHEAD = {
            sha1: "3021300906052b0e03021a05000414",
            sha224: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c",
            sha256: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420",
            sha384: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430",
            sha512: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440",
            md2: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020205000410",
            md5: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410",
            ripemd160: "3021300906052b2403020105000414"
        this.DEFAULTPROVIDER = {
            md5: "cryptojs",
            sha1: "cryptojs",
            sha224: "cryptojs",
            sha256: "cryptojs",
            sha384: "cryptojs",
            sha512: "cryptojs",
            ripemd160: "cryptojs",
            hmacmd5: "cryptojs",
            hmacsha1: "cryptojs",
            hmacsha224: "cryptojs",
            hmacsha256: "cryptojs",
            hmacsha384: "cryptojs",
            hmacsha512: "cryptojs",
            hmacripemd160: "cryptojs",
            sm3: "cryptojs",
            MD5withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA1withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA224withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA256withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA384withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA512withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            RIPEMD160withRSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            MD5withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA1withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA224withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA256withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA384withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA512withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            RIPEMD160withECDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA1withDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA224withDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA256withDSA: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            MD5withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA1withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA224withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA256withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA384withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            SHA512withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa",
            RIPEMD160withRSAandMGF1: "cryptojs/jsrsa"
            md5: "CryptoJS.algo.MD5",
            sha1: "CryptoJS.algo.SHA1",
            sha224: "CryptoJS.algo.SHA224",
            sha256: "CryptoJS.algo.SHA256",
            sha384: "CryptoJS.algo.SHA384",
            sha512: "CryptoJS.algo.SHA512",
            ripemd160: "CryptoJS.algo.RIPEMD160",
            sm3: "CryptoJS.algo.SM3"
        this.getDigestInfoHex = function(a, b) {
            if ("undefined" == typeof this.DIGESTINFOHEAD[b]) {
                throw "alg not supported in Util.DIGESTINFOHEAD: " + b
            return this.DIGESTINFOHEAD[b] + a
        this.getPaddedDigestInfoHex = function(a, b, c) {
            var d = this.getDigestInfoHex(a, b);
            a = c / 4;
            if (d.length + 22 > a) {
                throw "key is too short for SigAlg: keylen=" + c + "," + b
            b = "00" + d;
            c = "";
            a = a - 4 - b.length;
            for (d = 0; d < a; d += 2) {
                c += "ff"
            return "0001" + c + b
        this.hashString = function(a, b) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: b
        this.hashHex = function(a, b) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: b
        this.sha1 = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "sha1",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.sha256 = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "sha256",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.sha256Hex = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "sha256",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.sha512 = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "sha512",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.sha512Hex = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "sha512",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.md5 = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "md5",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.ripemd160 = function(a) {
            return (new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                alg: "ripemd160",
                prov: "cryptojs"
        this.getCryptoJSMDByName = function(a) {}
    KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest = function(a) {
        this.setAlgAndProvider = function(a, c) {
            null != a && void 0 === c && (c = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[a]);
            if (-1 != ":md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:sm3:".indexOf(a) && "cryptojs" == c) {
                try {
                    this.md = eval(KJUR.crypto.Util.CRYPTOJSMESSAGEDIGESTNAME[a]).create()
                } catch (d) {
                    throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" + a + "/" + d
                this.updateString = function(a) {
                this.updateHex = function(a) {
                    a = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(a);
                this.digest = function() {
                    return this.md.finalize().toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex)
                this.digestString = function(a) {
                    return this.digest()
                this.digestHex = function(a) {
                    return this.digest()
            if (-1 != ":sha256:".indexOf(a) && "sjcl" == c) {
                try {
                    this.md = new sjcl.hash.sha256
                } catch (d) {
                    throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" + a + "/" + d
                this.updateString = function(a) {
                this.updateHex = function(a) {
                    a = sjcl.codec.hex.toBits(a);
                this.digest = function() {
                    var a = this.md.finalize();
                    return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(a)
                this.digestString = function(a) {
                    return this.digest()
                this.digestHex = function(a) {
                    return this.digest()
        this.updateString = function(a) {
            throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName
        this.updateHex = function(a) {
            throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName
        this.digest = function() {
            throw "digest() not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName
        this.digestString = function(a) {
            throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName
        this.digestHex = function(a) {
            throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algName + "/" + this.provName
        void 0 !== a && void 0 !== a.alg && (this.algName = a.alg,
        void 0 === a.prov && (this.provName = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName]),
        this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName))
    KJUR.crypto.Mac = function(a) {
        this.setAlgAndProvider = function(a, c) {
            null == a && (a = "hmacsha1");
            a = a.toLowerCase();
            if ("hmac" != a.substr(0, 4)) {
                throw "setAlgAndProvider unsupported HMAC alg: " + a
            void 0 === c && (c = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[a]);
            this.algProv = a + "/" + c;
            var d = a.substr(4);
            if (-1 != ":md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:".indexOf(d) && "cryptojs" == c) {
                try {
                    var e = eval(KJUR.crypto.Util.CRYPTOJSMESSAGEDIGESTNAME[d]);
                    this.mac = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(e, this.pass)
                } catch (f) {
                    throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail hashAlg=" + d + "/" + f
                this.updateString = function(a) {
                this.updateHex = function(a) {
                    a = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(a);
                this.doFinal = function() {
                    return this.mac.finalize().toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex)
                this.doFinalString = function(a) {
                    return this.doFinal()
                this.doFinalHex = function(a) {
                    return this.doFinal()
        this.updateString = function(a) {
            throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv
        this.updateHex = function(a) {
            throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv
        this.doFinal = function() {
            throw "digest() not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv
        this.doFinalString = function(a) {
            throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv
        this.doFinalHex = function(a) {
            throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg/prov: " + this.algProv
        void 0 !== a && (void 0 !== a.pass && (this.pass = a.pass),
        void 0 !== a.alg && (this.algName = a.alg,
        void 0 === a.prov && (this.provName = KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName]),
        this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName)))
    KJUR.crypto.Signature = function(a) {
        var b = null;
        this._setAlgNames = function() {
            this.algName.match(/^(.+)with(.+)$/) && (this.mdAlgName = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase(),
            this.pubkeyAlgName = RegExp.$2.toLowerCase())
        this._zeroPaddingOfSignature = function(a, b) {
            for (var e = "", f = b / 4 - a.length, g = 0; g < f; g++) {
                e += "0"
            return e + a
        this.setAlgAndProvider = function(a, b) {
            if ("cryptojs/jsrsa" != b) {
                throw "provider not supported: " + b
            if (-1 != ":md5:sha1:sha224:sha256:sha384:sha512:ripemd160:sm3:".indexOf(this.mdAlgName)) {
                try {
                    this.md = new KJUR.crypto.MessageDigest({
                        alg: this.mdAlgName
                } catch (e) {
                    throw "setAlgAndProvider hash alg set fail alg=" + this.mdAlgName + "/" + e
                this.init = function(a, c) {
                    var b = null;
                    try {
                        b = void 0 === c ? KEYUTIL.getKey(a) : KEYUTIL.getKey(a, c)
                    } catch (d) {
                        throw "init failed:" + d
                    if (!0 === b.isPrivate) {
                        this.prvKey = b,
                        this.state = "SIGN"
                    } else {
                        if (!0 === b.isPublic) {
                            this.pubKey = b,
                            this.state = "VERIFY"
                        } else {
                            throw "init failed.:" + b
                this.initSign = function(a) {
                    "string" == typeof a.ecprvhex && "string" == typeof a.eccurvename ? (this.ecprvhex = a.ecprvhex,
                    this.eccurvename = a.eccurvename) : this.prvKey = a;
                    this.state = "SIGN"
                this.initVerifyByPublicKey = function(a) {
                    "string" == typeof a.ecpubhex && "string" == typeof a.eccurvename ? (this.ecpubhex = a.ecpubhex,
                    this.eccurvename = a.eccurvename) : a instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA ? this.pubKey = a : a instanceof RSAKey && (this.pubKey = a);
                    this.state = "VERIFY"
                this.initVerifyByCertificatePEM = function(a) {
                    var c = new X509;
                    this.pubKey = c.subjectPublicKeyRSA;
                    this.state = "VERIFY"
                this.updateString = function(a) {
                this.updateHex = function(a) {
                this.sign = function() {
                    "sm2" != this.eccurvename && (this.sHashHex = this.md.digest());
                    if ("undefined" != typeof this.ecprvhex && "undefined" != typeof this.eccurvename) {
                        if ("sm2" == this.eccurvename) {
                            var a = new KJUR.crypto.SM3withSM2({
                                curve: this.eccurvename
                              , c = a.ecparams.G
                              , b = c.multiply(new BigInteger(this.ecprvhex,16))
                              , d = b.getX().toBigInteger().toRadix(16) + b.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16)
                              , b = new SM3Digest
                              , c = (new SM3Digest).GetZ(c, d)
                              , c = b.GetWords(b.GetHex(c).toString())
                              , d = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(this.md.md._data)
                              , d = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(d).toString()
                              , d = b.GetWords(d)
                              , k = Array(b.GetDigestSize());
                            b.BlockUpdate(c, 0, c.length);
                            b.BlockUpdate(d, 0, d.length);
                            b.DoFinal(k, 0);
                            this.sHashHex = b.GetHex(k).toString()
                        } else {
                            a = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({
                                curve: this.eccurvename
                        this.hSign = a.signHex(this.sHashHex, this.ecprvhex)
                    } else {
                        if ("rsaandmgf1" == this.pubkeyAlgName) {
                            this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHashPSS(this.sHashHex, this.mdAlgName, this.pssSaltLen)
                        } else {
                            if ("rsa" == this.pubkeyAlgName) {
                                this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex, this.mdAlgName)
                            } else {
                                if (this.prvKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA) {
                                    this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex)
                                } else {
                                    if (this.prvKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.DSA) {
                                        this.hSign = this.prvKey.signWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex)
                                    } else {
                                        throw "Signature: unsupported public key alg: " + this.pubkeyAlgName
                    return this.hSign
                this.signString = function(a) {
                this.signHex = function(a) {
                this.verify = function(a) {
                    "sm2" != this.eccurvename && (this.sHashHex = this.md.digest());
                    if ("undefined" != typeof this.ecpubhex && "undefined" != typeof this.eccurvename) {
                        if ("sm2" == this.eccurvename) {
                            var c = new KJUR.crypto.SM3withSM2({
                                curve: this.eccurvename
                              , b = c.ecparams.G
                              , d = this.ecpubhex.substr(2, 128)
                              , k = new SM3Digest
                              , b = (new SM3Digest).GetZ(b, d)
                              , b = k.GetWords(k.GetHex(b).toString())
                              , d = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(this.md.md._data)
                              , d = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(d).toString()
                              , d = k.GetWords(d)
                              , l = Array(k.GetDigestSize());
                            k.BlockUpdate(b, 0, b.length);
                            k.BlockUpdate(d, 0, d.length);
                            k.DoFinal(l, 0);
                            this.sHashHex = k.GetHex(l).toString()
                        } else {
                            c = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({
                                curve: this.eccurvename
                        return c.verifyHex(this.sHashHex, a, this.ecpubhex)
                    if ("rsaandmgf1" == this.pubkeyAlgName) {
                        return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHashPSS(this.sHashHex, a, this.mdAlgName, this.pssSaltLen)
                    if ("rsa" == this.pubkeyAlgName || this.pubKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.ECDSA || this.pubKey instanceof KJUR.crypto.DSA) {
                        return this.pubKey.verifyWithMessageHash(this.sHashHex, a)
                    throw "Signature: unsupported public key alg: " + this.pubkeyAlgName
        this.init = function(a, b) {
            throw "init(key, pass) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.initVerifyByPublicKey = function(a) {
            throw "initVerifyByPublicKey(rsaPubKeyy) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.initVerifyByCertificatePEM = function(a) {
            throw "initVerifyByCertificatePEM(certPEM) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.initSign = function(a) {
            throw "initSign(prvKey) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.updateString = function(a) {
            throw "updateString(str) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.updateHex = function(a) {
            throw "updateHex(hex) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.sign = function() {
            throw "sign() not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.signString = function(a) {
            throw "digestString(str) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.signHex = function(a) {
            throw "digestHex(hex) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.verify = function(a) {
            throw "verify(hSigVal) not supported for this alg:prov=" + this.algProvName
        this.initParams = a;
        if (void 0 !== a && (void 0 !== a.alg && (this.algName = a.alg,
        this.provName = void 0 === a.prov ? KJUR.crypto.Util.DEFAULTPROVIDER[this.algName] : a.prov,
        this.algProvName = this.algName + ":" + this.provName,
        this.setAlgAndProvider(this.algName, this.provName),
        void 0 !== a.psssaltlen && (this.pssSaltLen = a.psssaltlen),
        void 0 !== a.prvkeypem)) {
            if (void 0 !== a.prvkeypas) {
                throw "both prvkeypem and prvkeypas parameters not supported"
            try {
                b = new RSAKey,
            } catch (c) {
                throw "fatal error to load pem private key: " + c
    KJUR.crypto.OID = new function() {
        this.oidhex2name = {
            "2a864886f70d010101": "rsaEncryption",
            "2a8648ce3d0201": "ecPublicKey",
            "2a8648ce380401": "dsa",
            "2a8648ce3d030107": "secp256r1",
            "2b8104001f": "secp192k1",
            "2b81040021": "secp224r1",
            "2b8104000a": "secp256k1",
            "2b81040023": "secp521r1",
            "2b81040022": "secp384r1",
            "2a8648ce380403": "SHA1withDSA",
            "608648016503040301": "SHA224withDSA",
            "608648016503040302": "SHA256withDSA"
    function ECFieldElementFp(a, b) {
        this.x = b;
        this.q = a
    function feFpEquals(a) {
        return a == this ? !0 : this.q.equals(a.q) && this.x.equals(a.x)
    function feFpToBigInteger() {
        return this.x
    function feFpNegate() {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.negate().mod(this.q))
    function feFpAdd(a) {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.add(a.toBigInteger()).mod(this.q))
    function feFpSubtract(a) {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.subtract(a.toBigInteger()).mod(this.q))
    function feFpMultiply(a) {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.multiply(a.toBigInteger()).mod(this.q))
    function feFpSquare() {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.square().mod(this.q))
    function feFpDivide(a) {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,this.x.multiply(a.toBigInteger().modInverse(this.q)).mod(this.q))
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.equals = feFpEquals;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.toBigInteger = feFpToBigInteger;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.negate = feFpNegate;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.add = feFpAdd;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.subtract = feFpSubtract;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.multiply = feFpMultiply;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.square = feFpSquare;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.divide = feFpDivide;
    function ECPointFp(a, b, c, d) {
        this.curve = a;
        this.x = b;
        this.y = c;
        this.z = null == d ? BigInteger.ONE : d;
        this.zinv = null
    function pointFpGetX() {
        null == this.zinv && (this.zinv = this.z.modInverse(this.curve.q));
        return this.curve.fromBigInteger(this.x.toBigInteger().multiply(this.zinv).mod(this.curve.q))
    function pointFpGetY() {
        null == this.zinv && (this.zinv = this.z.modInverse(this.curve.q));
        return this.curve.fromBigInteger(this.y.toBigInteger().multiply(this.zinv).mod(this.curve.q))
    function pointFpEquals(a) {
        return a == this ? !0 : this.isInfinity() ? a.isInfinity() : a.isInfinity() ? this.isInfinity() : a.y.toBigInteger().multiply(this.z).subtract(this.y.toBigInteger().multiply(a.z)).mod(this.curve.q).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? a.x.toBigInteger().multiply(this.z).subtract(this.x.toBigInteger().multiply(a.z)).mod(this.curve.q).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) : !1
    function pointFpIsInfinity() {
        return null == this.x && null == this.y ? !0 : this.z.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !this.y.toBigInteger().equals(BigInteger.ZERO)
    function pointFpNegate() {
        return new ECPointFp(this.curve,this.x,this.y.negate(),this.z)
    function pointFpAdd(a) {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return a
        if (a.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        var b = a.y.toBigInteger().multiply(this.z).subtract(this.y.toBigInteger().multiply(a.z)).mod(this.curve.q)
          , c = a.x.toBigInteger().multiply(this.z).subtract(this.x.toBigInteger().multiply(a.z)).mod(this.curve.q);
        if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(c)) {
            return BigInteger.ZERO.equals(b) ? this.twice() : this.curve.getInfinity()
        var d = new BigInteger("3")
          , e = this.x.toBigInteger()
          , f = this.y.toBigInteger();
        var g = c.square()
          , h = g.multiply(c)
          , e = e.multiply(g)
          , g = b.square().multiply(this.z)
          , c = g.subtract(e.shiftLeft(1)).multiply(a.z).subtract(h).multiply(c).mod(this.curve.q)
          , b = e.multiply(d).multiply(b).subtract(f.multiply(h)).subtract(g.multiply(b)).multiply(a.z).add(b.multiply(h)).mod(this.curve.q);
        a = h.multiply(this.z).multiply(a.z).mod(this.curve.q);
        return new ECPointFp(this.curve,this.curve.fromBigInteger(c),this.curve.fromBigInteger(b),a)
    function pointFpTwice() {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        if (0 == this.y.toBigInteger().signum()) {
            return this.curve.getInfinity()
        var a = new BigInteger("3")
          , b = this.x.toBigInteger()
          , c = this.y.toBigInteger()
          , d = c.multiply(this.z)
          , e = d.multiply(c).mod(this.curve.q)
          , c = this.curve.a.toBigInteger()
          , f = b.square().multiply(a);
        BigInteger.ZERO.equals(c) || (f = f.add(this.z.square().multiply(c)));
        f = f.mod(this.curve.q);
        c = f.square().subtract(b.shiftLeft(3).multiply(e)).shiftLeft(1).multiply(d).mod(this.curve.q);
        a = f.multiply(a).multiply(b).subtract(e.shiftLeft(1)).shiftLeft(2).multiply(e).subtract(f.square().multiply(f)).mod(this.curve.q);
        d = d.square().multiply(d).shiftLeft(3).mod(this.curve.q);
        return new ECPointFp(this.curve,this.curve.fromBigInteger(c),this.curve.fromBigInteger(a),d)
    function pointFpMultiply(a) {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        if (0 == a.signum()) {
            return this.curve.getInfinity()
        var b = a.multiply(new BigInteger("3")), c = this.negate(), d = this, e;
        for (e = b.bitLength() - 2; 0 < e; --e) {
            var d = d.twice()
              , f = b.testBit(e)
              , g = a.testBit(e);
            f != g && (d = d.add(f ? this : c))
        return d
    function pointFpMultiplyTwo(a, b, c) {
        var d;
        d = a.bitLength() > c.bitLength() ? a.bitLength() - 1 : c.bitLength() - 1;
        for (var e = this.curve.getInfinity(), f = this.add(b); 0 <= d; ) {
            e = e.twice(),
            a.testBit(d) ? e = c.testBit(d) ? e.add(f) : e.add(this) : c.testBit(d) && (e = e.add(b)),
        return e
    ECPointFp.prototype.getX = pointFpGetX;
    ECPointFp.prototype.getY = pointFpGetY;
    ECPointFp.prototype.equals = pointFpEquals;
    ECPointFp.prototype.isInfinity = pointFpIsInfinity;
    ECPointFp.prototype.negate = pointFpNegate;
    ECPointFp.prototype.add = pointFpAdd;
    ECPointFp.prototype.twice = pointFpTwice;
    ECPointFp.prototype.multiply = pointFpMultiply;
    ECPointFp.prototype.multiplyTwo = pointFpMultiplyTwo;
    function ECCurveFp(a, b, c) {
        this.q = a;
        this.a = this.fromBigInteger(b);
        this.b = this.fromBigInteger(c);
        this.infinity = new ECPointFp(this,null,null)
    function curveFpGetQ() {
        return this.q
    function curveFpGetA() {
        return this.a
    function curveFpGetB() {
        return this.b
    function curveFpEquals(a) {
        return a == this ? !0 : this.q.equals(a.q) && this.a.equals(a.a) && this.b.equals(a.b)
    function curveFpGetInfinity() {
        return this.infinity
    function curveFpFromBigInteger(a) {
        return new ECFieldElementFp(this.q,a)
    function curveFpDecodePointHex(a) {
        switch (parseInt(a.substr(0, 2), 16)) {
        case 0:
            return this.infinity;
        case 2:
        case 3:
            return null;
        case 4:
        case 6:
        case 7:
            var b = (a.length - 2) / 2
              , c = a.substr(2, b);
            a = a.substr(b + 2, b);
            return new ECPointFp(this,this.fromBigInteger(new BigInteger(c,16)),this.fromBigInteger(new BigInteger(a,16)));
            return null
    ECCurveFp.prototype.getQ = curveFpGetQ;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.getA = curveFpGetA;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.getB = curveFpGetB;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.equals = curveFpEquals;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.getInfinity = curveFpGetInfinity;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.fromBigInteger = curveFpFromBigInteger;
    ECCurveFp.prototype.decodePointHex = curveFpDecodePointHex;
    ECFieldElementFp.prototype.getByteLength = function() {
        return Math.floor((this.toBigInteger().bitLength() + 7) / 8)
    ECPointFp.prototype.getEncoded = function(a) {
        var b = function(a, c) {
            var b = a.toByteArrayUnsigned();
            if (c < b.length) {
                b = b.slice(b.length - c)
            } else {
                for (; c > b.length; ) {
            return b
          , c = this.getX().toBigInteger()
          , d = this.getY().toBigInteger()
          , c = b(c, 32);
        a ? d.isEven() ? c.unshift(2) : c.unshift(3) : (c.unshift(4),
        c = c.concat(b(d, 32)));
        return c
    ECPointFp.decodeFrom = function(a, b) {
        var c = b.length - 1
          , d = b.slice(1, 1 + c / 2)
          , c = b.slice(1 + c / 2, 1 + c);
        d = new BigInteger(d);
        c = new BigInteger(c);
        return new ECPointFp(a,a.fromBigInteger(d),a.fromBigInteger(c))
    ECPointFp.decodeFromHex = function(a, b) {
        b.substr(0, 2);
        var c = b.length - 2
          , d = b.substr(2, c / 2)
          , c = b.substr(2 + c / 2, c / 2)
          , d = new BigInteger(d,16)
          , c = new BigInteger(c,16);
        return new ECPointFp(a,a.fromBigInteger(d),a.fromBigInteger(c))
    ECPointFp.prototype.add2D = function(a) {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return a
        if (a.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        if (this.x.equals(a.x)) {
            return this.y.equals(a.y) ? this.twice() : this.curve.getInfinity()
        var b = a.x.subtract(this.x)
          , b = a.y.subtract(this.y).divide(b);
        a = b.square().subtract(this.x).subtract(a.x);
        b = b.multiply(this.x.subtract(a)).subtract(this.y);
        return new ECPointFp(this.curve,a,b)
    ECPointFp.prototype.twice2D = function() {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        if (0 == this.y.toBigInteger().signum()) {
            return this.curve.getInfinity()
        var a = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(2))
          , b = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(3))
          , b = this.x.square().multiply(b).add(this.curve.a).divide(this.y.multiply(a))
          , a = b.square().subtract(this.x.multiply(a))
          , b = b.multiply(this.x.subtract(a)).subtract(this.y);
        return new ECPointFp(this.curve,a,b)
    ECPointFp.prototype.multiply2D = function(a) {
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            return this
        if (0 == a.signum()) {
            return this.curve.getInfinity()
        var b = a.multiply(new BigInteger("3")), c = this.negate(), d = this, e;
        for (e = b.bitLength() - 2; 0 < e; --e) {
            var d = d.twice()
              , f = b.testBit(e)
              , g = a.testBit(e);
            f != g && (d = d.add2D(f ? this : c))
        return d
    ECPointFp.prototype.isOnCurve = function() {
        var a = this.getX().toBigInteger()
          , b = this.getY().toBigInteger()
          , c = this.curve.getA().toBigInteger()
          , d = this.curve.getB().toBigInteger()
          , e = this.curve.getQ()
          , b = b.multiply(b).mod(e)
          , a = a.multiply(a).multiply(a).add(c.multiply(a)).add(d).mod(e);
        return b.equals(a)
    ECPointFp.prototype.toString = function() {
        return "(" + this.getX().toBigInteger().toString() + "," + this.getY().toBigInteger().toString() + ")"
    ECPointFp.prototype.validate = function() {
        var a = this.curve.getQ();
        if (this.isInfinity()) {
            throw Error("Point is at infinity.")
        var b = this.getX().toBigInteger()
          , c = this.getY().toBigInteger();
        if (0 > b.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || 0 < b.compareTo(a.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))) {
            throw Error("x coordinate out of bounds")
        if (0 > c.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || 0 < c.compareTo(a.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))) {
            throw Error("y coordinate out of bounds")
        if (!this.isOnCurve()) {
            throw Error("Point is not on the curve.")
        if (this.multiply(a).isInfinity()) {
            throw Error("Point is not a scalar multiple of G.")
        return !0
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR && KJUR || (KJUR = {});
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR.crypto && KJUR.crypto || (KJUR.crypto = {});
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA = function(a) {
        var b = new SecureRandom;
        this.type = "EC";
        this.getBigRandom = function(a) {
            return (new BigInteger(a.bitLength(),b)).mod(a.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).add(BigInteger.ONE)
        this.setNamedCurve = function(a) {
            this.ecparams = KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.getByName(a);
            this.pubKeyHex = this.prvKeyHex = null;
            this.curveName = a
        this.setPrivateKeyHex = function(a) {
            this.isPrivate = !0;
            this.prvKeyHex = a
        this.setPublicKeyHex = function(a) {
            this.isPublic = !0;
            this.pubKeyHex = a
        this.generateKeyPairHex = function() {
            var a = this.getBigRandom(this.ecparams.n)
              , b = this.ecparams.G.multiply(a)
              , e = b.getX().toBigInteger()
              , b = b.getY().toBigInteger()
              , f = this.ecparams.keylen / 4
              , a = ("0000000000" + a.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , e = ("0000000000" + e.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , b = ("0000000000" + b.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , e = "04" + e + b;
            return {
                ecprvhex: a,
                ecpubhex: e
        this.signWithMessageHash = function(a) {
            return this.signHex(a, this.prvKeyHex)
        this.signHex = function(a, b) {
            var e = new BigInteger(b,16)
              , f = this.ecparams.n
              , g = new BigInteger(a,16);
            do {
                var h = this.getBigRandom(f)
                  , k = this.ecparams.G.multiply(h).getX().toBigInteger().mod(f)
            } while (0 >= k.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO));
            e = h.modInverse(f).multiply(g.add(e.multiply(k))).mod(f);
            return KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.biRSSigToASN1Sig(k, e)
        this.sign = function(a, b) {
            var e = this.ecparams.n
              , f = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            do {
                var g = this.getBigRandom(e)
                  , h = this.ecparams.G.multiply(g).getX().toBigInteger().mod(e)
            } while (0 >= h.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO));
            e = g.modInverse(e).multiply(f.add(b.multiply(h))).mod(e);
            return this.serializeSig(h, e)
        this.verifyWithMessageHash = function(a, b) {
            return this.verifyHex(a, b, this.pubKeyHex)
        this.verifyHex = function(a, b, e) {
            var f;
            f = KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHex(b);
            b = f.r;
            f = f.s;
            e = ECPointFp.decodeFromHex(this.ecparams.curve, e);
            a = new BigInteger(a,16);
            return this.verifyRaw(a, b, f, e)
        this.verify = function(a, b, e) {
            var f;
            if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(b)) {
                b = this.parseSig(b),
                f = b.r,
                b = b.s
            } else {
                if ("object" === typeof b && b.r && b.s) {
                    f = b.r,
                    b = b.s
                } else {
                    throw "Invalid value for signature"
            if (!(e instanceof ECPointFp)) {
                if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(e)) {
                    e = ECPointFp.decodeFrom(this.ecparams.curve, e)
                } else {
                    throw "Invalid format for pubkey value, must be byte array or ECPointFp"
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            return this.verifyRaw(a, f, b, e)
        this.verifyRaw = function(a, b, e, f) {
            var g = this.ecparams.n
              , h = this.ecparams.G;
            if (0 > b.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || 0 <= b.compareTo(g) || 0 > e.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || 0 <= e.compareTo(g)) {
                return !1
            e = e.modInverse(g);
            a = a.multiply(e).mod(g);
            e = b.multiply(e).mod(g);
            return h.multiply(a).add(f.multiply(e)).getX().toBigInteger().mod(g).equals(b)
        this.serializeSig = function(a, b) {
            var e = a.toByteArraySigned()
              , f = b.toByteArraySigned()
              , g = [];
            g = g.concat(e);
            g = g.concat(f);
            return g
        this.parseSig = function(a) {
            var b;
            if (48 != a[0]) {
                throw Error("Signature not a valid DERSequence")
            b = 2;
            if (2 != a[b]) {
                throw Error("First element in signature must be a DERInteger")
            var e = a.slice(b + 2, b + 2 + a[b + 1]);
            b += 2 + a[b + 1];
            if (2 != a[b]) {
                throw Error("Second element in signature must be a DERInteger")
            a = a.slice(b + 2, b + 2 + a[b + 1]);
            e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(e);
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            return {
                r: e,
                s: a
        this.parseSigCompact = function(a) {
            if (65 !== a.length) {
                throw "Signature has the wrong length"
            var b = a[0] - 27;
            if (0 > b || 7 < b) {
                throw "Invalid signature type"
            var e = this.ecparams.n
              , f = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a.slice(1, 33)).mod(e);
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a.slice(33, 65)).mod(e);
            return {
                r: f,
                s: a,
                i: b
        void 0 !== a && void 0 !== a.curve && (this.curveName = a.curve);
        void 0 === this.curveName && (this.curveName = "secp256r1");
        void 0 !== a && (void 0 !== a.prv && this.setPrivateKeyHex(a.prv),
        void 0 !== a.pub && this.setPublicKeyHex(a.pub))
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHex = function(a) {
        var b = KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHexInHexRS(a);
        a = new BigInteger(b.r,16);
        b = new BigInteger(b.s,16);
        return {
            r: a,
            s: b
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHexInHexRS = function(a) {
        if ("30" != a.substr(0, 2)) {
            throw "signature is not a ASN.1 sequence"
        var b = ASN1HEX.getPosArrayOfChildren_AtObj(a, 0);
        if (2 != b.length) {
            throw "number of signature ASN.1 sequence elements seem wrong"
        var c = b[0]
          , b = b[1];
        if ("02" != a.substr(c, 2)) {
            throw "1st item of sequene of signature is not ASN.1 integer"
        if ("02" != a.substr(b, 2)) {
            throw "2nd item of sequene of signature is not ASN.1 integer"
        c = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(a, c);
        a = ASN1HEX.getHexOfV_AtObj(a, b);
        return {
            r: c,
            s: a
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.asn1SigToConcatSig = function(a) {
        var b = KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHexInHexRS(a);
        a = b.r;
        b = b.s;
        "00" == a.substr(0, 2) && 8 == a.length / 2 * 8 % 128 && (a = a.substr(2));
        "00" == b.substr(0, 2) && 8 == b.length / 2 * 8 % 128 && (b = b.substr(2));
        if (0 != a.length / 2 * 8 % 128) {
            throw "unknown ECDSA sig r length error"
        if (0 != b.length / 2 * 8 % 128) {
            throw "unknown ECDSA sig s length error"
        return a + b
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.concatSigToASN1Sig = function(a) {
        if (0 != a.length / 2 * 8 % 128) {
            throw "unknown ECDSA concatinated r-s sig  length error"
        var b = a.substr(0, a.length / 2);
        a = a.substr(a.length / 2);
        return KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.hexRSSigToASN1Sig(b, a)
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.hexRSSigToASN1Sig = function(a, b) {
        var c = new BigInteger(a,16)
          , d = new BigInteger(b,16);
        return KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.biRSSigToASN1Sig(c, d)
    KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.biRSSigToASN1Sig = function(a, b) {
        var c = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({
            bigint: a
          , d = new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({
            bigint: b
        return (new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence({
            array: [c, d]
    (function() {
        var a = CryptoJS
          , b = a.lib
          , c = b.WordArray
          , d = b.Hasher
          , e = []
          , b = a.algo.SM3 = d.extend({
            _doReset: function() {
                this._hash = new c.init([1937774191, 1226093241, 388252375, 3666478592, 2842636476, 372324522, 3817729613, 2969243214])
            _doProcessBlock: function(a, b) {
                for (var c = this._hash.words, d = c[0], l = c[1], p = c[2], n = c[3], q = c[4], m = 0; 80 > m; m++) {
                    if (16 > m) {
                        e[m] = a[b + m] | 0
                    } else {
                        var r = e[m - 3] ^ e[m - 8] ^ e[m - 14] ^ e[m - 16];
                        e[m] = r << 1 | r >>> 31
                    r = (d << 5 | d >>> 27) + q + e[m];
                    r = 20 > m ? r + ((l & p | ~l & n) + 1518500249) : 40 > m ? r + ((l ^ p ^ n) + 1859775393) : 60 > m ? r + ((l & p | l & n | p & n) - 1894007588) : r + ((l ^ p ^ n) - 899497514);
                    q = n;
                    n = p;
                    p = l << 30 | l >>> 2;
                    l = d;
                    d = r
                c[0] = c[0] + d | 0;
                c[1] = c[1] + l | 0;
                c[2] = c[2] + p | 0;
                c[3] = c[3] + n | 0;
                c[4] = c[4] + q | 0
            _doFinalize: function() {
                var a = this._data
                  , b = a.words
                  , c = 8 * this._nDataBytes
                  , d = 8 * a.sigBytes;
                b[d >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - d % 32;
                b[(d + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = Math.floor(c / 4294967296);
                b[(d + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = c;
                a.sigBytes = 4 * b.length;
                return this._hash
            clone: function() {
                var a = d.clone.call(this);
                a._hash = this._hash.clone();
                return a
        a.SM3 = d._createHelper(b);
        a.HmacSM3 = d._createHmacHelper(b)
    function SM3Digest() {
        this.BYTE_LENGTH = 64;
        this.xBuf = [];
        this.byteCount = this.xBufOff = 0;
        this.DIGEST_LENGTH = 32;
        this.v0 = [1937774191, 1226093241, 388252375, 3666478592, 2842636476, 372324522, 3817729613, 2969243214];
        this.v0 = [1937774191, 1226093241, 388252375, -628488704, -1452330820, 372324522, -477237683, -1325724082];
        this.v = Array(8);
        this.v_ = Array(8);
        this.X0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
        this.X = Array(68);
        this.xOff = 0;
        this.T_00_15 = 2043430169;
        this.T_16_63 = 2055708042;
        0 < arguments.length ? this.InitDigest(arguments[0]) : this.Init()
    SM3Digest.prototype = {
        Init: function() {
            this.xBuf = Array(4);
        InitDigest: function(a) {
            this.xBuf = Array(a.xBuf.length);
            Array.Copy(a.xBuf, 0, this.xBuf, 0, a.xBuf.length);
            this.xBufOff = a.xBufOff;
            this.byteCount = a.byteCount;
            Array.Copy(a.X, 0, this.X, 0, a.X.length);
            this.xOff = a.xOff;
            Array.Copy(a.v, 0, this.v, 0, a.v.length)
        GetDigestSize: function() {
            return this.DIGEST_LENGTH
        Reset: function() {
            this.xBufOff = this.byteCount = 0;
            Array.Clear(this.xBuf, 0, this.xBuf.length);
            Array.Copy(this.v0, 0, this.v, 0, this.v0.length);
            this.xOff = 0;
            Array.Copy(this.X0, 0, this.X, 0, this.X0.length)
        GetByteLength: function() {
            return this.BYTE_LENGTH
        ProcessBlock: function() {
            var a, b = this.X, c = Array(64);
            for (a = 16; 68 > a; a++) {
                b[a] = this.P1(b[a - 16] ^ b[a - 9] ^ this.ROTATE(b[a - 3], 15)) ^ this.ROTATE(b[a - 13], 7) ^ b[a - 6]
            for (a = 0; 64 > a; a++) {
                c[a] = b[a] ^ b[a + 4]
            var d = this.v
              , e = this.v_;
            Array.Copy(d, 0, e, 0, this.v0.length);
            var f, g;
            for (a = 0; 16 > a; a++) {
                g = this.ROTATE(e[0], 12),
                f = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(g + e[4]) + this.ROTATE(this.T_00_15, a)),
                f = this.ROTATE(f, 7),
                g ^= f,
                g = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(this.FF_00_15(e[0], e[1], e[2]) + e[3]) + g) + c[a],
                f = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(this.GG_00_15(e[4], e[5], e[6]) + e[7]) + f) + b[a],
                e[3] = e[2],
                e[2] = this.ROTATE(e[1], 9),
                e[1] = e[0],
                e[0] = g,
                e[7] = e[6],
                e[6] = this.ROTATE(e[5], 19),
                e[5] = e[4],
                e[4] = this.P0(f)
            for (a = 16; 64 > a; a++) {
                g = this.ROTATE(e[0], 12),
                f = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(g + e[4]) + this.ROTATE(this.T_16_63, a)),
                f = this.ROTATE(f, 7),
                g ^= f,
                g = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(this.FF_16_63(e[0], e[1], e[2]) + e[3]) + g) + c[a],
                f = Int32.parse(Int32.parse(this.GG_16_63(e[4], e[5], e[6]) + e[7]) + f) + b[a],
                e[3] = e[2],
                e[2] = this.ROTATE(e[1], 9),
                e[1] = e[0],
                e[0] = g,
                e[7] = e[6],
                e[6] = this.ROTATE(e[5], 19),
                e[5] = e[4],
                e[4] = this.P0(f)
            for (a = 0; 8 > a; a++) {
                d[a] ^= Int32.parse(e[a])
            this.xOff = 0;
            Array.Copy(this.X0, 0, this.X, 0, this.X0.length)
        ProcessWord: function(a, b) {
            var c = a[b] << 24
              , c = c | (a[++b] & 255) << 16
              , c = c | (a[++b] & 255) << 8
              , c = c | a[++b] & 255;
            this.X[this.xOff] = c;
            16 == ++this.xOff && this.ProcessBlock()
        ProcessLength: function(a) {
            14 < this.xOff && this.ProcessBlock();
            this.X[14] = this.URShiftLong(a, 32);
            this.X[15] = a & 4294967295
        IntToBigEndian: function(a, b, c) {
            b[c] = Int32.parseByte(this.URShift(a, 24));
            b[++c] = Int32.parseByte(this.URShift(a, 16));
            b[++c] = Int32.parseByte(this.URShift(a, 8));
            b[++c] = Int32.parseByte(a)
        DoFinal: function(a, b) {
            for (var c = 0; 8 > c; c++) {
                this.IntToBigEndian(this.v[c], a, b + 4 * c)
            for (var d = a.length, c = 0; c < d; c++) {
                a[c] &= 255
            return this.DIGEST_LENGTH
        Update: function(a) {
            this.xBuf[this.xBufOff++] = a;
            this.xBufOff == this.xBuf.length && (this.ProcessWord(this.xBuf, 0),
            this.xBufOff = 0);
        BlockUpdate: function(a, b, c) {
            for (; 0 != this.xBufOff && 0 < c; ) {
            for (; c > this.xBuf.length; ) {
                this.ProcessWord(a, b),
                b += this.xBuf.length,
                c -= this.xBuf.length,
                this.byteCount += this.xBuf.length
            for (; 0 < c; ) {
        Finish: function() {
            var a = this.byteCount << 3;
            for (this.Update(128); 0 != this.xBufOff; ) {
        ROTATE: function(a, b) {
            return a << b | this.URShift(a, 32 - b)
        P0: function(a) {
            return a ^ this.ROTATE(a, 9) ^ this.ROTATE(a, 17)
        P1: function(a) {
            return a ^ this.ROTATE(a, 15) ^ this.ROTATE(a, 23)
        FF_00_15: function(a, b, c) {
            return a ^ b ^ c
        FF_16_63: function(a, b, c) {
            return a & b | a & c | b & c
        GG_00_15: function(a, b, c) {
            return a ^ b ^ c
        GG_16_63: function(a, b, c) {
            return a & b | ~a & c
        URShift: function(a, b) {
            if (a > Int32.maxValue || a < Int32.minValue) {
                a = Int32.parse(a)
            return 0 <= a ? a >> b : (a >> b) + (2 << ~b)
        URShiftLong: function(a, b) {
            var c;
            c = new BigInteger;
            if (0 <= c.signum()) {
                c = c.shiftRight(b).intValue()
            } else {
                var d = new BigInteger;
                var e = ~b;
                c = "";
                if (0 > e) {
                    d = 64 + e;
                    for (e = 0; e < d; e++) {
                        c += "0"
                    d = new BigInteger;
                    d.fromInt(a >> b);
                    c = new BigInteger("10" + c,2);
                    c = c.add(d).toRadix(10)
                } else {
                    c = d.shiftLeft(~b).intValue(),
                    c = (a >> b) + c
            return c
        GetZ: function(a, b) {
            var c = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse("1234567812345678")
              , d = 32 * c.words.length;
            this.Update(d >> 8 & 255);
            this.Update(d & 255);
            c = this.GetWords(c.toString());
            this.BlockUpdate(c, 0, c.length);
            var c = this.GetWords(a.curve.a.toBigInteger().toRadix(16))
              , d = this.GetWords(a.curve.b.toBigInteger().toRadix(16))
              , e = this.GetWords(a.getX().toBigInteger().toRadix(16))
              , f = this.GetWords(a.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16))
              , g = this.GetWords(b.substr(0, 64))
              , h = this.GetWords(b.substr(64, 64));
            this.BlockUpdate(c, 0, c.length);
            this.BlockUpdate(d, 0, d.length);
            this.BlockUpdate(e, 0, e.length);
            this.BlockUpdate(f, 0, f.length);
            this.BlockUpdate(g, 0, g.length);
            this.BlockUpdate(h, 0, h.length);
            c = Array(this.GetDigestSize());
            this.DoFinal(c, 0);
            return c
        GetWords: function(a) {
            for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d += 2) {
                b[b.length] = parseInt(a.substr(d, 2), 16)
            return b
        GetHex: function(a) {
            for (var b = [], c = 0, d = 0; d < 2 * a.length; d += 2) {
                b[d >>> 3] |= parseInt(a[c]) << 24 - d % 8 * 4,
            return new CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.init(b,a.length)
    Array.Clear = function(a, b, c) {
        for (var elm in a) {
            a[elm] = null
    Array.Copy = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
        a = a.slice(b, b + e);
        for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            c[d] = a[b],
    var Int32 = {
        minValue: -parseInt("10000000000000000000000000000000", 2),
        maxValue: 2147483647,
        parse: function(a) {
            if (a < this.minValue) {
                a = new Number(-a);
                a = a.toString(2);
                a = a.substr(a.length - 31, 31);
                for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                    var d = a.substr(c, 1)
                      , b = b + ("0" == d ? "1" : "0")
                a = parseInt(b, 2);
                return a + 1
            if (a > this.maxValue) {
                a = Number(a);
                a = a.toString(2);
                a = a.substr(a.length - 31, 31);
                b = "";
                for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                    d = a.substr(c, 1),
                    b += "0" == d ? "1" : "0"
                a = parseInt(b, 2);
                return -(a + 1)
            return a
        parseByte: function(a) {
            if (0 > a) {
                a = new Number(-a);
                a = a.toString(2);
                a = a.substr(a.length - 8, 8);
                for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                    var d = a.substr(c, 1)
                      , b = b + ("0" == d ? "1" : "0")
                return parseInt(b, 2) + 1
            return 255 < a ? (a = Number(a),
            a = a.toString(2),
            parseInt(a.substr(a.length - 8, 8), 2)) : a
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR && KJUR || (KJUR = {});
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR.crypto && KJUR.crypto || (KJUR.crypto = {});
    KJUR.crypto.SM3withSM2 = function(a) {
        var b = new SecureRandom;
        this.type = "SM2";
        this.getBigRandom = function(a) {
            return (new BigInteger(a.bitLength(),b)).mod(a.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).add(BigInteger.ONE)
        this.setNamedCurve = function(a) {
            this.ecparams = KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.getByName(a);
            this.pubKeyHex = this.prvKeyHex = null;
            this.curveName = a
        this.setPrivateKeyHex = function(a) {
            this.isPrivate = !0;
            this.prvKeyHex = a
        this.setPublicKeyHex = function(a) {
            this.isPublic = !0;
            this.pubKeyHex = a
        this.generateKeyPairHex = function() {
            var a = this.getBigRandom(this.ecparams.n)
              , b = this.ecparams.G.multiply(a)
              , e = b.getX().toBigInteger()
              , b = b.getY().toBigInteger()
              , f = this.ecparams.keylen / 4
              , a = ("0000000000" + a.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , e = ("0000000000" + e.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , b = ("0000000000" + b.toString(16)).slice(-f)
              , e = "04" + e + b;
            return {
                ecprvhex: a,
                ecpubhex: e
        this.signWithMessageHash = function(a) {
            return this.signHex(a, this.prvKeyHex)
        this.signHex = function(a, b) {
            var e = new BigInteger(b,16)
              , f = this.ecparams.n
              , g = new BigInteger(a,16)
              , h = null
              , k = null
              , l = k = null;
            do {
                do {
                    k = this.generateKeyPairHex(),
                    h = new BigInteger(k.ecprvhex,16),
                    k = ECPointFp.decodeFromHex(this.ecparams.curve, k.ecpubhex),
                    k = g.add(k.getX().toBigInteger()),
                    k = k.mod(f)
                } while (k.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || k.add(h).equals(f));
                var p = e.add(BigInteger.ONE)
                  , p = p.modInverse(f)
                  , l = k.multiply(e)
                  , l = h.subtract(l).mod(f)
                  , l = p.multiply(l).mod(f)
            } while (l.equals(BigInteger.ZERO));
            return KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.biRSSigToASN1Sig(k, l)
        this.sign = function(a, b) {
            var e = this.ecparams.n
              , f = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            do {
                var g = this.getBigRandom(e)
                  , h = this.ecparams.G.multiply(g).getX().toBigInteger().mod(e)
            } while (0 >= h.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO));
            e = g.modInverse(e).multiply(f.add(b.multiply(h))).mod(e);
            return this.serializeSig(h, e)
        this.verifyWithMessageHash = function(a, b) {
            return this.verifyHex(a, b, this.pubKeyHex)
        this.verifyHex = function(a, b, e) {
            var f;
            f = KJUR.crypto.ECDSA.parseSigHex(b);
            b = f.r;
            f = f.s;
            e = ECPointFp.decodeFromHex(this.ecparams.curve, e);
            a = new BigInteger(a,16);
            return this.verifyRaw(a, b, f, e)
        this.verify = function(a, b, e) {
            var f;
            if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(b)) {
                b = this.parseSig(b),
                f = b.r,
                b = b.s
            } else {
                if ("object" === typeof b && b.r && b.s) {
                    f = b.r,
                    b = b.s
                } else {
                    throw "Invalid value for signature"
            if (!(e instanceof ECPointFp)) {
                if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(e)) {
                    e = ECPointFp.decodeFrom(this.ecparams.curve, e)
                } else {
                    throw "Invalid format for pubkey value, must be byte array or ECPointFp"
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            return this.verifyRaw(a, f, b, e)
        this.verifyRaw = function(a, b, e, f) {
            var g = this.ecparams.n
              , h = this.ecparams.G
              , k = b.add(e).mod(g);
            if (k.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
                return !1
            e = h.multiply(e);
            e = e.add(f.multiply(k));
            a = a.add(e.getX().toBigInteger()).mod(g);
            return b.equals(a)
        this.serializeSig = function(a, b) {
            var e = a.toByteArraySigned()
              , f = b.toByteArraySigned()
              , g = [];
            g = g.concat(e);
            g = g.concat(f);
            return g
        this.parseSig = function(a) {
            var b;
            if (48 != a[0]) {
                throw Error("Signature not a valid DERSequence")
            b = 2;
            if (2 != a[b]) {
                throw Error("First element in signature must be a DERInteger")
            var e = a.slice(b + 2, b + 2 + a[b + 1]);
            b += 2 + a[b + 1];
            if (2 != a[b]) {
                throw Error("Second element in signature must be a DERInteger")
            a = a.slice(b + 2, b + 2 + a[b + 1]);
            e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(e);
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a);
            return {
                r: e,
                s: a
        this.parseSigCompact = function(a) {
            if (65 !== a.length) {
                throw "Signature has the wrong length"
            var b = a[0] - 27;
            if (0 > b || 7 < b) {
                throw "Invalid signature type"
            var e = this.ecparams.n
              , f = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a.slice(1, 33)).mod(e);
            a = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(a.slice(33, 65)).mod(e);
            return {
                r: f,
                s: a,
                i: b
        void 0 !== a && void 0 !== a.curve && (this.curveName = a.curve);
        void 0 === this.curveName && (this.curveName = "sm2");
        void 0 !== a && (void 0 !== a.prv && this.setPrivateKeyHex(a.prv),
        void 0 !== a.pub && this.setPublicKeyHex(a.pub))
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR && KJUR || (KJUR = {});
    "undefined" != typeof KJUR.crypto && KJUR.crypto || (KJUR.crypto = {});
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB = new function() {
        var a = {}
          , b = {};
        this.getByName = function(c) {
            var d = c;
            "undefined" != typeof b[d] && (d = b[c]);
            if ("undefined" != typeof a[d]) {
                return a[d]
            throw "unregistered EC curve name: " + d
        this.regist = function(c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, p, n, q, m) {
            a[c] = {};
            e = new BigInteger(e,16);
            f = new BigInteger(f,16);
            g = new BigInteger(g,16);
            h = new BigInteger(h,16);
            k = new BigInteger(k,16);
            e = new ECCurveFp(e,f,g);
            l = e.decodePointHex("04" + l + p);
            a[c].name = c;
            a[c].keylen = d;
            a[c].curve = e;
            a[c].G = l;
            a[c].n = h;
            a[c].h = k;
            a[c].oid = q;
            a[c].info = m;
            for (d = 0; d < n.length; d++) {
                b[n[d]] = c
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp128r1", 128, "FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC", "E87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3", "FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115", "1", "161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86", "CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83", [], "", "secp128r1 : SECG curve over a 128 bit prime field");
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp160k1", 160, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC73", "0", "7", "0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3", "1", "3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB", "938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE", [], "", "secp160k1 : SECG curve over a 160 bit prime field");
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp160r1", 160, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFC", "1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45", "0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257", "1", "4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82", "23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32", [], "", "secp160r1 : SECG curve over a 160 bit prime field");
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp192k1", 192, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFEE37", "0", "3", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE26F2FC170F69466A74DEFD8D", "1", "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D", "9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D", []);
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp224r1", 224, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE", "B4050A850C04B3ABF54132565044B0B7D7BFD8BA270B39432355FFB4", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16A2E0B8F03E13DD29455C5C2A3D", "1", "B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21", "BD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34", []);
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp256k1", 256, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F", "0", "7", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141", "1", "79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798", "483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8", []);
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp256r1", 256, "FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC", "5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B", "FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551", "1", "6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296", "4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5", ["NIST P-256", "P-256", "prime256v1"]);
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("secp384r1", 384, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFC", "B3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC7634D81F4372DDF581A0DB248B0A77AECEC196ACCC52973", "1", "AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7", "3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f", ["NIST P-384", "P-384"]);
    KJUR.crypto.ECParameterDB.regist("sm2", 256, "FFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC", "28E9FA9E9D9F5E344D5A9E4BCF6509A7F39789F515AB8F92DDBCBD414D940E93", "FFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7203DF6B21C6052B53BBF40939D54123", "1", "32C4AE2C1F1981195F9904466A39C9948FE30BBFF2660BE1715A4589334C74C7", "BC3736A2F4F6779C59BDCEE36B692153D0A9877CC62A474002DF32E52139F0A0", ["sm2", "SM2"]);
    SM2Cipher.prototype = {
        Reset: function() {
            this.sm3keybase = new SM3Digest;
            this.sm3c3 = new SM3Digest;
            for (var a = this.p2.getX().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > a.length; ) {
                a = "0" + a
            for (var a = this.GetWords(a), b = this.p2.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > b.length; ) {
                b = "0" + b
            b = this.GetWords(b);
            this.sm3keybase.BlockUpdate(a, 0, a.length);
            this.sm3c3.BlockUpdate(a, 0, a.length);
            this.sm3keybase.BlockUpdate(b, 0, b.length);
            this.ct = 1;
        NextKey: function() {
            var a = new SM3Digest(this.sm3keybase);
            a.Update(this.ct >> 24 & 255);
            a.Update(this.ct >> 16 & 255);
            a.Update(this.ct >> 8 & 255);
            a.Update(this.ct & 255);
            a.DoFinal(this.key, 0);
            this.keyOff = 0;
        KDF: function(a) {
            var b = Array(a)
              , c = new SM3Digest
              , d = Array(32)
              , e = 1
              , f = a / 32;
            a %= 32;
            for (var g = this.p2.getX().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > g.length; ) {
                g = "0" + g
            for (var g = this.GetWords(g), h = this.p2.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > h.length; ) {
                h = "0" + h
            for (var h = this.GetWords(h), k = 0, l = 0; l < f; l++) {
                c.BlockUpdate(g, 0, g.length),
                c.BlockUpdate(h, 0, h.length),
                c.Update(e >> 24 & 255),
                c.Update(e >> 16 & 255),
                c.Update(e >> 8 & 255),
                c.Update(e & 255),
                c.DoFinal(b, k),
                k += 32,
            0 != a && (c.BlockUpdate(g, 0, g.length),
            c.BlockUpdate(h, 0, h.length),
            c.Update(e >> 24 & 255),
            c.Update(e >> 16 & 255),
            c.Update(e >> 8 & 255),
            c.Update(e & 255),
            c.DoFinal(d, 0));
            Array.Copy(d, 0, b, k, a);
            for (l = 0; l < b.length; l++) {
                b[l] &= 255
            return b
        InitEncipher: function(a) {
            var b = null
              , c = null
              , c = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({
                curve: "sm2"
              , d = c.generateKeyPairHex()
              , b = new BigInteger(d.ecprvhex,16)
              , c = ECPointFp.decodeFromHex(c.ecparams.curve, d.ecpubhex);
            this.p2 = a.multiply(b);
            return c
        EncryptBlock: function(a) {
            this.sm3c3.BlockUpdate(a, 0, a.length);
            for (var b = this.KDF(a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                a[c] ^= b[c]
        InitDecipher: function(a, b) {
            this.p2 = b.multiply(a);
        DecryptBlock: function(a) {
            for (var b = this.KDF(a.length), c = 0, d = "", c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
                d += b[c].toString(16)
            for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                a[c] ^= b[c]
            this.sm3c3.BlockUpdate(a, 0, a.length)
        Dofinal: function(a) {
            for (var b = this.p2.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > b.length; ) {
                b = "0" + b
            b = this.GetWords(b);
            this.sm3c3.BlockUpdate(b, 0, b.length);
            this.sm3c3.DoFinal(a, 0);
        Encrypt: function(a, b) {
            var c = Array(b.length);
            Array.Copy(b, 0, c, 0, b.length);
            var d = this.InitEncipher(a);
            var e = Array(32);
            for (var f = d.getX().toBigInteger().toRadix(16), d = d.getY().toBigInteger().toRadix(16); 64 > f.length; ) {
                f = "0" + f
            for (; 64 > d.length; ) {
                d = "0" + d
            f += d;
            c = this.GetHex(c).toString();
            0 != c.length % 2 && (c = "0" + c);
            e = this.GetHex(e).toString();
            d = f + c + e;
            this.cipherMode == SM2CipherMode.C1C3C2 && (d = f + e + c);
            return d
        GetWords: function(a) {
            for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d += 2) {
                b[b.length] = parseInt(a.substr(d, 2), 16)
            return b
        GetHex: function(a) {
            for (var b = [], c = 0, d = 0; d < 2 * a.length; d += 2) {
                b[d >>> 3] |= parseInt(a[c]) << 24 - d % 8 * 4,
            return new CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.init(b,a.length)
        Decrypt: function(a, b) {
            var c = b.substr(0, 64)
              , d = b.substr(0 + c.length, 64)
              , e = b.substr(c.length + d.length, b.length - c.length - d.length - 64)
              , f = b.substr(b.length - 64);
            this.cipherMode == SM2CipherMode.C1C3C2 && (f = b.substr(c.length + d.length, 64),
            e = b.substr(c.length + d.length + 64));
            e = this.GetWords(e);
            c = this.CreatePoint(c, d);
            this.InitDecipher(a, c);
            c = Array(32);
            return this.GetHex(c).toString() == f ? (f = this.GetHex(e),
            CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(f)) : ""
        CreatePoint: function(a, b) {
            var c = new KJUR.crypto.ECDSA({
                curve: "sm2"
            return ECPointFp.decodeFromHex(c.ecparams.curve, "04" + a + b)
        changeToBigInteger: function(a, b) {
            return new BigInteger(a,b)
    function getPubKeyHex() {
    if (pubkeyHex === "") {
function sm2Encrypt(e, g, c) {
    c = c == 0 ? c : 1;
    var b = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(e);
    b = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(b);
    b = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(b);
    var d = g;
    if (d.length > 64 * 2) {
        d = d.substr(d.length - 64 * 2)
    var j = d.substr(0, 64);
    var h = d.substr(64);
    var f = new SM2Cipher(c);
    var a = f.CreatePoint(j, h);
    b = f.GetWords(b.toString());
    var i = f.Encrypt(a, b);
    return "04" + i
pubkeyHex = "04789757df8826b52cfaf5f5fe2fb293838131d4123e69670632574eb6a9225c7c400719157795cc0f775dbe42dfeaa5a2fd1131f53e62b4f4326737bbe02e2bbf"
text = '123456'
data = sm2Encrypt(text,pubkeyHex,0);






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文章目录 引入IPC通信[主/渲染]进程对应渲染进程>主进程代码测试测试效果 主进程>渲染进程代码测试测试效果 双向通信代码测试测试效果 引入 electron项目常常由一个主进程和多个渲染进程构成&#xff0c;渲染进程之间是隔离的&#xff0c;而所有渲染进程都和主进程共享…

优雅的使用 Dockerfile 定制镜像

一、使用 Dockerfile 定制镜像 1.1、Dockerfile 定制镜像 1.2、FROM 指定基础镜像 1.3、RUN 执行命令 1.4、构建镜像 1.5、镜像构建上下文&#xff08;Context&#xff09; 1.6、其他 docker build 的用法 二、Dockerfile 指令 2.1、COPY 2.2、ADD 2.3、CMD 2.4、EN…


系列文章目录 IDEA项目实践——创建Java项目以及创建Maven项目案例、使用数据库连接池创建项目简介 IDEA创建项目的操作步骤以及在虚拟机里面创建Scala的项目简单介绍_intellij 创建scala IDEA项目实践——动态SQL、关系映射、注解开发 文章目录 系列文章目录 1.MyBatis …


基于Tars高并发IM系统的设计与实现-实战篇5 群聊服务 GroupChatServer 群聊服务既可以接受来自BrokerServer的用户请求&#xff0c;也需要接收来自其他服务的RPC请求;所以本服务提供两套RPC接口&#xff1a;通用RPC接口和专用RPC接口。 通用RPC接口 通用RPC接口主要处理如下…


一、背景 jenkins可以设置定时任务打包&#xff0c;也已手动点按钮打包&#xff0c;还可以通过执行http请求打包&#xff0c;今天我们就通过shell脚本&#xff0c;通过curl命令进行jenkins打包。 二、步骤 2.1 在jenkins上构建项目 设置触发器 2.2 通过shell脚本触发远程构…