
news2024/10/6 6:46:38






💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Matlab代码及详细文章

💥1 概述




This work presents a class of time-frequency methods for detecting and characterizing 
nonlinearity in transient response measurements.  The methods are intended for systems whose  response becomes increasingly linear as the response amplitude decays. The discrete Fourier Transform of the response data is found with various sections of the initial response set to zero.  These frequency responses, dubbed Zeroed Early-time Fast Fourier Transforms (ZEFFTs), acquire the usual shape of linear Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) as more of the initial nonlinear response is nullified.  Hence, nonlinearity is evidenced by a qualitative change in the shape of the ZEFFT as the length of the initial nullified section is varied.  These spectra are shown to be sensitive to nonlinearity, revealing its presence even if it is active in only the first few cycles of a response, as may be the case with macro-slip in mechanical joints.  They also give insight into the character of the nonlinearity, potentially revealing nonlinear energy transfer between modes or the modal amplitudes below which a system behaves linearly.  In some cases one can identify a linear model from the late time, linear response, and use it to reconstruct the response that the system would have executed at previous times if it had been linear.  
This gives an indication of the severity of the nonlinearity and its effect on the measured response.  The methods are demonstrated on both analytical and experimental data from systems with slip or impact nonlinearities. 

📚2 运行结果





% Specify how systems are connected
    at_ns = [2,6]; % attachment happens between this pair of nodes.
    fext_ns = 5; % Node at which external force is applied
    fnl_vec = zeros(Ntot,1); fnl_vec(at_ns(1)) = -1; fnl_vec(at_ns(2)) = 1;
    fext_vec = zeros(Ntot,1); fext_vec(fext_ns(1)) = 1;
    dnodes = [1:Ntot];
    vnodes = [(Ntot+1):(Ntot*2)];
    % Damping Matrix    
    cfactk = 0.00003; % multiplied by K to get damping.
    cfactm = 8; % Multiplied by M to get damping
    % for k = 1:5; eval(['c',num2str(k),' = cfact*k',num2str(k),';']); end
    C1 = cfactk*K1 + cfactm*M1;
    C2 = cfactk*K2 + cfactm*M2; % proportional damping
    Ctot = [C1, zeros(size(C1,1),size(C2,2));
        zeros(size(C2,1),size(C1,2)), C2];
    % Linearized System Analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        % add a linear spring between attachment nodes
        Mlin = Mtot;
        Klin = Ktot;
        Klin(at_ns,at_ns) = Klin(at_ns,at_ns) + kat*[1, -1; -1, 1];
        % Linear Damping matrix:
        Clin = Ctot;
        Clin(at_ns,at_ns) = Clin(at_ns,at_ns) + cfactk*kat*[1, -1; -1, 1];

    % State Space Eigenanalysis
    Slin = [Clin, Mlin; Mlin, zeros(size(Mlin))];
    Rlin = [-Klin, zeros(size(Mlin));
        zeros(size(Mlin)), Mlin];
    Alin = (Slin\Rlin);
    [Philin,lamlin] = eig(Alin);
    lamlin = diag(lamlin);
    [junk,sind] = sort(abs(lamlin) - 0.001*min(abs(lamlin))*(imag(lamlin) > 0));
    lamlin = lamlin(sind);
    Philin = Philin(:,sind);

%         % Plot Mode Shapes
%         figure(1)
%         hls = plot([1:Ntot], imag(Philin(1:Ntot,1:2:end ))); grid on;
%         legend(hls, num2str([1:Ntot].'));
%         xlabel('X-coordinate');
%         ylabel('Im\{Mode Shape\}');

    wns = abs(lamlin);
    fns = wns/2/pi;
    zts = -real(lamlin)./abs(lamlin);
    disp('Natural Frequencies:, Damping Ratios:');
    [fns, zts]
%     DispFnZt(lamlin) - replace 2 lines abouve with this if you have the EMA Functions toolbox
    % Nonlinear Parameters
    NLType = 'bang'
    if strcmp(NLType,'bang');
        % Bang (Contact) Nonlinearity
        delcont = 1e-3;
        k4mult = 20; % Factor by which k4 increases: k4_contact = k4*k4mult
        c4mult = 1; % Factor by which c4 increases: c4_contact = c4*c4mult
    elseif strcmp(NLType,'cubic');
        % Cubic Spring
        katnl = 1e8;
        error('NLType not recognized');
    % Force paramters
        % length of half-sine force pulse
        % This is normalized in the EOM to unit area and multiplied by Afnl
        tfp = 1e-4;
        Afnl = 4e9;
    % Which Response to Use in evaluating Nonlinearity (i.e. x1, x2, x3..?)
    respind = 6;
    % Number of numerical derivatives to evaluate.  This M-file simulates
    % the displacement response of the 5-DOF system.  To simulate the
    % measurement of the velocity or acceleration response, the
    % displacement response is differentiated using finite differences
    % (i.e. Matlab's 'diff' command.)  This parameter sets the number of
    % derivatives to perform:
    nders = 2;
        % nders = 0; => use displacement

🎉3 参考文献


🌈4 Matlab代码及详细文章





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