
news2024/10/7 0:27:59

接上文《autoconf-archive源码安装》, 链接如下:



$ ./ 
./行18: gnulib-tool:未找到命令


0. 源码地址

gnulib源码下载地址经由https://savannah.gnu.org搜索"gnulib"到gnulib - GNU portability library - Summary [Savannah]

在其中点击上图中箭头位置,转到Gnulib - GNU Portability Library - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation


1. 源码下载


$ git clone
正克隆到 'gnulib'...
remote: Counting objects: 261470, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31052/31052), done.
接收对象中:  68% (179166/261470), 43.39 MiB | 42.00 KiB/s
remote: Total 261470 (delta 230370), reused 261429 (delta 230340)
接收对象中: 100% (261470/261470), 62.18 MiB | 53.00 KiB/s, 完成.
处理 delta 中: 100% (230370/230370), 完成.


$ ls gnulib/
all-modules     check-AC_LIBOBJ  check-module  COPYING       doc  examples       lib  Makefile  posix-modules  README           tests  users.txt
build-aux    ChangeLog  check-copyright  config        DEPENDENCIES  etc  gnulib-tool  m4   modules   NEWS             pygnulib       STATUS-libposix  top

2. 查看帮助

源码下载后,进入源码根目录,并使用./gnulib-tools --help命令查看帮助。如下所示:

$ cd gnulib

$ ./gnulib-tool --help
Usage: gnulib-tool --list
       gnulib-tool --find filename
       gnulib-tool --import [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --add-import [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --remove-import [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --update
       gnulib-tool --create-testdir --dir=directory [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --create-megatestdir --dir=directory [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --test --dir=directory [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --megatest --dir=directory [module1 ... moduleN]
       gnulib-tool --extract-description module
       gnulib-tool --extract-comment module
       gnulib-tool --extract-status module
       gnulib-tool --extract-notice module
       gnulib-tool --extract-applicability module
       gnulib-tool --extract-filelist module
       gnulib-tool --extract-dependencies module
       gnulib-tool --extract-recursive-dependencies module
       gnulib-tool --extract-autoconf-snippet module
       gnulib-tool --extract-automake-snippet module
       gnulib-tool --extract-include-directive module
       gnulib-tool --extract-link-directive module
       gnulib-tool --extract-recursive-link-directive module
       gnulib-tool --extract-license module
       gnulib-tool --extract-maintainer module
       gnulib-tool --extract-tests-module module
       gnulib-tool --copy-file file [destination]

Operation modes:

      --list                print the available module names
      --find                find the modules which contain the specified file
      --import              import the given modules into the current package
      --add-import          augment the list of imports from gnulib into the
                            current package, by adding the given modules;
                            if no modules are specified, update the current
                            package from the current gnulib
      --remove-import       reduce the list of imports from gnulib into the
                            current package, by removing the given modules
      --update              update the current package, restore files omitted
                            from version control
      --create-testdir      create a scratch package with the given modules
      --create-megatestdir  create a mega scratch package with the given modules
                            one by one and all together
      --test                test the combination of the given modules
                            (recommended to use CC="gcc -Wall" here)
      --megatest            test the given modules one by one and all together
                            (recommended to use CC="gcc -Wall" here)
      --extract-description        extract the description
      --extract-comment            extract the comment
      --extract-status             extract the status (obsolete etc.)
      --extract-notice             extract the notice or banner
      --extract-applicability      extract the applicability
      --extract-filelist           extract the list of files
      --extract-dependencies       extract the dependencies
      --extract-recursive-dependencies  extract the dependencies of the module
                                        and its dependencies, recursively, all
                                        together, but without the conditions
      --extract-autoconf-snippet   extract the snippet for
      --extract-automake-snippet   extract the snippet for library makefile
      --extract-include-directive  extract the #include directive
      --extract-link-directive     extract the linker directive
      --extract-recursive-link-directive  extract the linker directive of the
                                          module and its dependencies,
                                          recursively, all together
      --extract-license            report the license terms of the source files
                                   under lib/
      --extract-maintainer         report the maintainer(s) inside gnulib
      --extract-tests-module       report the unit test module, if it exists
      --copy-file                  copy a file that is not part of any module
      --help                Show this help text.
      --version             Show version and authorship information.

General options:

      --dir=DIRECTORY       Specify the target directory.
                            For --import, this specifies where your
                   can be found.  Defaults to current
      --local-dir=DIRECTORY  Specify a local override directory where to look
                            up files before looking in gnulib's directory.
      --cache-modules       Enable module caching optimization.
      --no-cache-modules    Disable module caching optimization.
      --verbose             Increase verbosity. May be repeated.
      --quiet               Decrease verbosity. May be repeated.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import, --update:

      --dry-run             Only print what would have been done.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import:

      --with-tests          Include unit tests for the included modules.

Options for --create-[mega]testdir, --[mega]test:

      --without-tests       Don't include unit tests for the included modules.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import,
            --create-[mega]testdir, --[mega]test:

      --with-obsolete       Include obsolete modules when they occur among the
                            dependencies. By default, dependencies to obsolete
                            modules are ignored.
      --with-c++-tests      Include even unit tests for C++ interoperability.
      --without-c++-tests   Exclude unit tests for C++ interoperability.
                            Include even unit tests that are long-runners.
                            Exclude unit tests that are long-runners.
                            Include even unit tests that require root
                            Exclude unit tests that require root privileges.
                            Include even unit tests that fail on some platforms.
                            Exclude unit tests that fail on some platforms.
      --with-all-tests      Include all kinds of problematic unit tests.
      --avoid=MODULE        Avoid including the given MODULE. Useful if you
                            have code that provides equivalent functionality.
                            This option can be repeated.
                            Support conditional dependencies (may save configure
                            time and object code).
                            Don't use conditional dependencies.
      --libtool             Use libtool rules.
      --no-libtool          Don't use libtool rules.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import:

      --lib=LIBRARY         Specify the library name.  Defaults to 'libgnu'.
                            Directory relative to --dir where source code is
                            placed (default "lib").
      --m4-base=DIRECTORY   Directory relative to --dir where *.m4 macros are
                            placed (default "m4").
      --po-base=DIRECTORY   Directory relative to --dir where *.po files are
                            placed (default "po").
      --doc-base=DIRECTORY  Directory relative to --dir where doc files are
                            placed (default "doc").
                            Directory relative to --dir where unit tests are
                            placed (default "tests").
      --aux-dir=DIRECTORY   Directory relative to --dir where auxiliary build
                            tools are placed (default comes from
      --gnu-make            Output for GNU Make instead of for the default
                            Abort if modules aren't available under the LGPL.
                            Also modify license template from GPL to LGPL.
                            The version number of the LGPL can be specified;
                            the default is currently LGPLv3.
      --makefile-name=NAME  Name of makefile in the source-base and tests-base
                            directories (default "", or
                            "" if --gnu-make).
                            Name of makefile in the tests-base directory
                            (default as specified through --makefile-name).
      --automake-subdir     Specify that the makefile in the source-base
                            directory be generated in such a way that it can
                            be 'include'd from the toplevel
                            Likewise, but for the tests directory.
      --macro-prefix=PREFIX  Specify the prefix of the macros 'gl_EARLY' and
                            'gl_INIT'. Default is 'gl'.
      --po-domain=NAME      Specify the prefix of the i18n domain. Usually use
                            the package name. A suffix '-gnulib' is appended.
      --witness-c-macro=NAME  Specify the C macro that is defined when the
                            sources in this directory are compiled or used.
      --vc-files            Update version control related files.
      --no-vc-files         Don't update version control related files
                            (.gitignore and/or .cvsignore).

Options for --create-[mega]testdir, --[mega]test:

      --single-configure    Generate a single configure file, not a separate
                            configure file for the tests directory.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import, --update,
            --create-[mega]testdir, --[mega]test:

  -s, --symbolic, --symlink Make symbolic links instead of copying files.
      --local-symlink       Make symbolic links instead of copying files, only
                            for files from the local override directory.
  -h, --hardlink            Make hard links instead of copying files.
      --local-hardlink      Make hard links instead of copying files, only
                            for files from the local override directory.

Options for --import, --add/remove-import, --update:

  -S, --more-symlinks       Deprecated; equivalent to --symlink.
  -H, --more-hardlinks      Deprecated; equivalent to --hardlink.

Report bugs to <>.

3. 创建链接

$ sudo ln -s /home/penghao/TPM/dependencies/gnulib/gnulib/gnulib-tool /usr/bin/gnulib-tool

$ ls -l /usr/bin/gnulib-tool 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 12月 9日 23:28 /usr/bin/gnulib-tool -> /home/penghao/TPM/dependencies/gnulib/gnulib/gnulib-tool






All three are used for completely different tasks.

1. glibc
[ ]

任何类unix系统都需要一个C库,功能上包括系统调用与基本C函数。可以理解成实现C函数库一个最基本的库,也就是CRT(C Runtime C运行时库)。不同的平台上都各自有自己的C运行库,windows的包含在VC里;

2. gnulib
[ ]
GUN组织有一个美好的愿景:只要是遵守GNU POSIX标准开发的软件,就可以运行在任何GNU POSIX标准操作系统上。当你需要开发POSIX标准的软件时,你自然先需要这么一个标准库,这就是GNULIB;现实中,各操作系统所提供的开发API甚至C标准函数都不是完全一样的。

3. glib
[ ]
A. 理解GLib的关键在于了解它的历史,简单说来,GLib来自于GTK,GTK源自于GIMP.GIMP是GNU Image Manipulation Program(GNU图像处理程序)的缩写;
B. Glib是什么,有什么?Glib的开发并不与glibc冲突,Glib延伸了C的功能,添加了许多数据结构,添加了一些开发图形系统需要的一些消息处理机制……它是GIMP组织在实际开发中不断地提炼出来的产物。






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