CENTOS上的网络安全工具(二十七)SPARK+NetSA Security Tools容器化部署(3)

news2025/1/15 12:56:29

        上回说到在我们搭好的YAF3环境上使用yaf处理pcap文件得到silk flow,再使用super mediator工具转为ipfix,继而在spark中导入mothra,就可以开始数据分析了。然而在我们粗粗一用之下,却发现DPI信息在ipfix文件中找不到,到底是提取的时候就没提取出来(ipfix不支持dpi信息存储)?还是说我们的分析方式不对?——换句话说yaf、super-mediator、methora这三个环节,问题到底出在哪里了?我们卖了个关子,为本篇开启留了个伏笔。实则是我也不知道……。



        因为我们在执行 super_mediator -o result.txt -m text test.yaf的时候已经从yaf的结果文件中导出过txt版本的dpi记录,其中是存在dns和tls的,可以证明相关的信息在test.yaf中确实存在。


[root@12c4bd60ff5f testdata]# rm tmp.ipfix -f
[root@12c4bd60ff5f testdata]# super_mediator -o test2.json -m json test2.yaf
Initialization Successful, starting...
[2023-06-30 05:59:34] Running as root in --live mode, but not dropping privilege




[root@12c4bd60ff5f testdata]# super_mediator -o tmp.ipfix --verbose test2.yaf
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] super_mediator starting
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] E1: Opening File tmp.ipfix
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] E1: Exporter Active.
Initialization Successful, starting...
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] Running as root in --live mode, but not dropping privilege
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] C1: Opening file: test2.yaf
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID 0xd006: received. Labeled as IE_SPEC - TMD OR IE - EXACT_DEF
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID 0xd007: received. Labeled as TMD - TMD OR IE - EXACT_DEF
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID 0xd008: received. Labeled as TMD - TMD OR IE - EXACT_DEF
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID yaf_dns_a (0xce01): received. Labeled as NESTED DATA - DPI - DPI UNKNOWN - EXACT_DEF
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] EXP E1(1) TID yaf_dns_a (0xce01): Adding new template
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID yaf_dns_aaaa (0xce02): received. Labeled as NESTED DATA - DPI - DPI UNKNOWN - EXACT_DEF
…… …… ……
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] EXP E1(1) TID yaf_ssl_cert (0xca0b): Adding new template
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID yaf_ssh (0xcc00): received. Labeled as NESTED DATA - DPI - DPI UNKNOWN - EXACT_DEF
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] EXP E1(1) TID yaf_ssh (0xcc00): Adding new template
…… …… ……
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID yaf_flow_rle_tcp_ip4_total_biflow (0xb022): Added observationDomainId
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] COL C1(1) TID yaf_flow_rle_tcp_ip4_total_biflow (0xb022): Added yafFlowKeyHash
…… …… ……
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] Collector Stats: C1-INACTIVE-SINGLE FILE: Total Records Read: 3418, Files Read: 1, Restarts: 0, UNKNOWN Records: 0, FLOW Records: 3416, YAF STATS Records: 1, TOMBSTONE Records: 1, DNS DEDUP Records: 0, SSL DEDUP Records: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Records: 0, DNS RR Records: 0, TMD OR IE Records: 0, DPI Records: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Records: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Records: 0, No filters used
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] Core Stats: Records Processed: 3418, UNKNOWN Records: 0, FLOW Records: 3416, YAF STATS Records: 1, TOMBSTONE Records: 1, DNS DEDUP Records: 0, SSL DEDUP Records: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Records: 0, DNS RR Records: 0, TMD OR IE Records: 0, DPI Records: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Records: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Records: 0, AppLabel 0 Records: 1401, AppLabel 53 Records: 601, AppLabel 80 Records: 790, AppLabel 123 Records: 1, AppLabel 137 Records: 42, AppLabel 138 Records: 28, AppLabel 161 Records: 4, AppLabel 443 Records: 537, AppLabel 51443 Records: 12, Tombstone Records Generated: 0
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] Exporter Stats: E1-ACTIVE-SINGLE FILE: Total Records Written: 3418, Files Written: 1, Bytes Written: 614700, Restarts: 0, No filters used, UNKNOWN Ignored: 0, FLOW Ignored: 0, YAF STATS Ignored: 0, TOMBSTONE Ignored: 0, DNS DEDUP Ignored: 0, SSL DEDUP Ignored: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Ignored: 0, DNS RR Ignored: 0, TMD OR IE Ignored: 0, DPI Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN Generated: 0, FLOW Generated: 0, YAF STATS Generated: 0, TOMBSTONE Generated: 0, DNS DEDUP Generated: 0, SSL DEDUP Generated: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Generated: 0, DNS RR Generated: 0, TMD OR IE Generated: 0, DPI Generated: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Generated: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Generated: 0, UNKNOWN Forwarded: 0, FLOW Forwarded: 3416, YAF STATS Forwarded: 1, TOMBSTONE Forwarded: 1, DNS DEDUP Forwarded: 0, SSL DEDUP Forwarded: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Forwarded: 0, DNS RR Forwarded: 0, TMD OR IE Forwarded: 0, DPI Forwarded: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Forwarded: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Forwarded: 0, AppLabel 0 Records: 1401, AppLabel 53 Records: 601, AppLabel 80 Records: 790, AppLabel 123 Records: 1, AppLabel 137 Records: 42, AppLabel 138 Records: 28, AppLabel 161 Records: 4, AppLabel 443 Records: 537, AppLabel 51443 Records: 12, 
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] Exporter Stats: E1-ACTIVE-SINGLE FILE: Total Records Written: 3418, Files Written: 1, Bytes Written: 614700, Restarts: 0, No filters used, UNKNOWN Ignored: 0, FLOW Ignored: 0, YAF STATS Ignored: 0, TOMBSTONE Ignored: 0, DNS DEDUP Ignored: 0, SSL DEDUP Ignored: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Ignored: 0, DNS RR Ignored: 0, TMD OR IE Ignored: 0, DPI Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Ignored: 0, UNKNOWN Generated: 0, FLOW Generated: 0, YAF STATS Generated: 0, TOMBSTONE Generated: 0, DNS DEDUP Generated: 0, SSL DEDUP Generated: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Generated: 0, DNS RR Generated: 0, TMD OR IE Generated: 0, DPI Generated: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Generated: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Generated: 0, UNKNOWN Forwarded: 0, FLOW Forwarded: 3416, YAF STATS Forwarded: 1, TOMBSTONE Forwarded: 1, DNS DEDUP Forwarded: 0, SSL DEDUP Forwarded: 0, GENERAL DEDUP Forwarded: 0, DNS RR Forwarded: 0, TMD OR IE Forwarded: 0, DPI Forwarded: 0, UNKNOWN DATA Forwarded: 0, UNKNOWN OPTIONS Forwarded: 0, AppLabel 0 Records: 1401, AppLabel 53 Records: 601, AppLabel 80 Records: 790, AppLabel 123 Records: 1, AppLabel 137 Records: 42, AppLabel 138 Records: 28, AppLabel 161 Records: 4, AppLabel 443 Records: 537, AppLabel 51443 Records: 12, 
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] E1: Closing File tmp.ipfix
[2023-06-30 06:16:23] super_mediator Terminating
[root@12c4bd60ff5f testdata]# 

        通过--verbose参数打印处理过程,可以看到即使是在ipfix模式下,super-mediator也处理了 dns、ssl之类的dpi信息,并且在最后统计信息的处理中,也看到了多种类型的AppLabel。所以,super-mediator大概率应该是没有问题的——也是就说数据是没有问题的。那么,问题只能是出在我们对mothra的使用方式上。


        1. 载入字段选择

        通过学习mothra的API文档Mothra 1.6.0 - org.cert.netsa.mothra.datasources.ipfix,发现丢失DPI数据的原因可能是由于我们使用了默认的数据载入方式:        

         也就是说,采用spark.read.ipfix(your_file_path)载入的数据,由于没有使用fields方法指定载入数据的范围,可能只是Default Fields。实际上,spark.read是sparksession类的read方法,其调用了mothra提供的数据源CERTDataFrameReader提供的ipfix方法。该数据源还提供了fields方法用于指定读取数据的范围。




scala> import org.cert.netsa.mothra.datasources._
import org.cert.netsa.mothra.datasources._

scala> import org.cert.netsa.mothra.datasources.ipfix.IPFIXFields
import org.cert.netsa.mothra.datasources.ipfix.IPFIXFields

scala> val all = spark.read.fields(IPFIXFields.everything).ipfix("f:/tmp/test2.ipfix")
all: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [startTime: timestamp, endTime: timestamp ... 184 more fields]

scala> all.count
res45: Long = 3418

scala> all.show(1,0,true)
-RECORD 0-----------------------------------------------------------
 startTime                                | 2022-11-15 10:34:36.433
 endTime                                  | 2022-11-15 10:34:36.485
 sourceIPAddress                          |
 sourcePort                               | 443
 destinationIPAddress                     |
 destinationPort                          | 62116
 protocolIdentifier                       | 6
 observationDomainId                      | 0
 vlanId                                   | 0
 reverseVlanId                            | 0
 silkAppLabel                             | 0
 packetCount                              | 3
 reversePacketCount                       | 4
 octetCount                               | 674
 reverseOctetCount                        | 253
 initialTCPFlags                          | 24
 reverseInitialTCPFlags                   | 24
 unionTCPFlags                            | 25
 reverseUnionTCPFlags                     | 21
 dnp3RecordList                           | []
 dnsRecordList                            | []
 reverseFlowAttributes                    | 0
 flowEndReason                            | 3
 reverseFlowDeltaMilliseconds             | 1
 ipClassOfService                         | 20
 reverseMaxPacketSize                     | null
 reverseStandardDeviationPayloadLength    | null
 tcpSequenceNumber                        | 3558855353
 reverseTcpSequenceNumber                 | 341543645
 ndpiL7Protocol                           | null
 ndpiL7SubProtocol                        | null
 mplsTopLabelStackSection                 | null
 mplsLabelStackSection2                   | null
 mplsLabelStackSection3                   | null
 yafFlowKeyHash                           | 4001181757
only showing top 1 row


        2. 提取特定的DPI数据



scala> all.groupBy('silkAppLabel).count.show
|         137|   42|
|          53|  601|
|        null|    2|
|       51443|   12|
|         161|    4|
|         443|  537|
|          80|  790|
|         123|    1|
|           0| 1401|
|         138|   28|



        根据everthing的schema,我们知道存储dns信息的列名是dnsRecordList,因此可以使用filter appLabel的方式进行过滤后提取。

scala> all.printSchema
 |-- startTime: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- endTime: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- sourceIPAddress: string (nullable = true)
 |-- sourcePort: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- dnsRecordList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsName: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsTTL: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsRRType: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsQueryResponse: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsAuthoritative: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsResponseCode: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsSection: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsId: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsA: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsAAAA: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsCNAME: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsMX: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- exchange: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- preference: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsNS: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsPTR: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsTXT: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsSOA: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- mname: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- rname: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- serial: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- refresh: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- retry: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- expire: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- minimum: long (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- dnsSRV: array (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- target: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- priority: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- weight: integer (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |    |-- port: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- enipDataList: array (nullable = true)

scala> val dns = all.filter("silkAppLabel='53'").select('dnsRecordList)
dns: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [dnsRecordList: array<struct<dnsName:string,dnsTTL:bigint,dnsRRType:int,dnsQueryResponse:int,dnsAuthoritative:int,dnsResponseCode:int,dnsSection:int,dnsId:int,dnsA:array<string>,dnsAAAA:array<string>,dnsCNAME:array<string>,dnsMX:array<struct<exchange:string,preference:int>>,dnsNS:array<string>,dnsPTR:array<string>,dnsTXT:array<string>,dnsSOA:array<struct<mname:string,rname:string,serial:bigint,refresh:bigint,retry:bigint,expire:bigint,minimum:bigint>>,dnsSRV:array<struct<target:string,priority:int,weight:int,port:int>>>>]

scala> dns.count
res49: Long = 601


scala> dns.show
|       dnsRecordList|
|[{SMS_SLP., 0, 1,...|
|[{SMS_SLP., 0, 1,...|
…… …… ……
only showing top 20 rows

scala> dns.show(1,0,true)
-RECORD 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 dnsRecordList | [{pagead2.googlesyndication.com., 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37404, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []}, {pagead2.googlesyndication.com., 254, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 37404, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []}]
only showing top 1 row





scala> val http = all.filter("silkAppLabel='80'").select('httpHostList,
     | 'httpGetList,
     | 'httpResponseList,
     | 'httpViaList,
     | 'httpContentTypeList,
     | 'httpContentLengthList)
http: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [httpHostList: array<string>, httpGetList: array<string> ... 4 more fields]

scala> http.count
res2: Long = 790

scala> http.show(1)
|        httpHostList|httpGetList|httpResponseList|httpViaList| httpContentTypeList|httpContentLengthList|
|[pr.x.hub.sandai....|   [POST /]|        [200 OK]|         []|[application/octe...|            [192, 36]|
only showing top 1 row

scala> http.printSchema
 |-- httpHostList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- httpGetList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- httpResponseList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- httpViaList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- httpContentTypeList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- httpContentLengthList: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)




        explode函数是在Spark 3.4.1 ScalaDoc - org.apache.spark.sql.functions中定义的,官方的说法,是从给定的array/map列创建新的数据行。



        以dnsRecordList为例。 打印出第一行,大概能够猜出来,dnsRecordList是一个包含struct类型对象的array数组,这个array实际就是以这个struct为条目包装的dns查询应答,一条一个struct。

scala> dns.show(1,0,true)
-RECORD 0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 dnsRecordList | [{pagead2.googlesyndication.com., 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37404, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []}, {pagead2.googlesyndication.com., 254, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 37404, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []}]
only showing top 1 row

        由上面给出的官方说明,explode输入一个列,输出也是列,所以可以用select来选择explode炸出的列。 炸成多行后是这个样子:

scala> dns.select(explode('dnsRecordList).as("dnsRecord")).show
|           dnsRecord|
|{SMS_SLP., 0, 1, ...|
|{SMS_SLP., 0, 1, ...|
…… …… …… ……
only showing top 20 rows




scala> http.withColumn("Host",explode_outer('httpHostList)).
     |      | withColumn("Get",explode_outer('httpGetList)).
     |      | withColumn("Response",explode_outer('httpResponseList)).
     |      | withColumn("ContentType",explode_outer('httpContentTypeList)).
     |      | withColumn("ContentLen",explode_outer('httpContentLengthList)).
     |      | select('Host,'Get,'Response,'ContentType,'ContentLen).show
|                Host|                 Get|        Response|         ContentType|ContentLen|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|       192|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|        36|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|       192|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|        36|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|       192|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|        36|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|       192|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|              POST /|          200 OK|application/octet...|        36|
only showing top 20 rows


scala> http.select('httpHostList,'httpGetList,'httpResponseList,'httpContentTypeList,'httpContentLengthList).show
|        httpHostList|         httpGetList|    httpResponseList| httpContentTypeList|httpContentLengthList|
|[pr.x.hub.sandai....|            [POST /]|            [200 OK]|[application/octe...|            [192, 36]|
|[pr.x.hub.sandai....|            [POST /]|            [200 OK]|[application/octe...|            [192, 36]|


        2. 横向打开





scala> dns.select(explode('dnsRecordList).as("RecordList")).select("RecordList.*").show
|             dnsName|dnsTTL|dnsRRType|dnsQueryResponse|dnsAuthoritative|dnsResponseCode|dnsSection|dnsId|             dnsA|             dnsAAAA|dnsCNAME|dnsMX|dnsNS|dnsPTR|dnsTXT|              dnsSOA|dnsSRV|
|pagead2.googlesyn...|     0|        1|               0|               0|              0|         0|37404|               []|                  []|      []|   []|   []|    []|    []|                  []|    []|
|pagead2.googlesyn...|   254|        1|               1|               0|              0|         1|37404|[]|                  []|      []|   []|   []|    []|    []|                  []|    []|
|            SMS_SLP.|     0|        1|               0|               0|              0|         0|14041|               []|                  []|      []|   []|   []|    []|    []|                  []|    []|
|            SMS_SLP.|     0|        1|               0|               0|              0|         0|14041|               []|                  []|      []|   []|   []|    []|    []|                  []|    []|


scala> dns.select(explode('dnsRecordList).as("RecordList")).select("RecordList.dnsName","RecordList.dnsA").show
|             dnsName|             dnsA|
|pagead2.googlesyn...|               []|
|            SMS_SLP.|               []|



scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.size
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.size

scala> http.select('httpHostList).withColumn("listSize",size('httpHostList)).groupBy('listSize).count.sort('listSize.desc).show
|       3|    2|
|       2|    1|
|       1|  106|
|       0|  681|


scala> val tmp = http.select('httpHostList).withColumn("size",size('httpHostList)).filter("size='3'")
tmp: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [httpHostList: array<string>, size: int]

scala> tmp.show
|        httpHostList|size|
|[ctldl.windowsupd...|   3|
|[1d.tlu.dl.delive...|   3|


scala> http.select('httpHostList(0).as("host0"),'httpHostList(1).as("host1"),'httpHostList(2).as("host2")).show
|               host0|               host1|               host2|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|                null|                null|
|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|                null|                null|
|extshort.weixin.q...|                null|                null|
||                null|                null|
|      x1.c.lencr.org|                null|                null|


scala> http.select( $"httpGetList" +: (0 until 3).map(i => 'httpHostList(i).alias(s"host$i")):_* ).show
|         httpGetList|               host0|               host1|               host2|
|            [POST /]|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|                null|                null|
|            [POST /]|pr.x.hub.sandai.n...|                null|                null|
|[POST /mmtls/0000...|extshort.weixin.q...|                null|                null|
|[POST /mmtls/0000...||                null|                null|
|[GET /msdownload/...|ctldl.windowsupda...|ctldl.windowsupda...|ctldl.windowsupda...|
only showing top 20 rows



        1. 数组列转多列:

Spark DataFrame数组列转多列 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

        2. 操作复杂的spark类型:

 Spark之处理复杂数据类型(Struct、Array、Map、JSON字符串等)_spark string 转成json array_大数据翻身的博客-CSDN博客

        3. explode的本质是什么: 

 Spark Sql中的Map和flatMap_spark flatmap_数仓白菜白的博客-CSDN博客

        4. 带表达式的select: 


        5. 奇怪的Scala操作符

scala中:_*的使用和scala中的:: , +:, :+, :::, +++ 等操作_scala中*_爱学习的孙同学的博客-CSDN博客





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Distributional Graphormer:从分子结构预测到平衡分布预测


【计算机视觉 | 目标检测】arxiv 计算机视觉关于目标检测的学术速递(7 月 6 日论文合集)

文章目录 一、检测相关(16篇)1.1 Large-scale Detection of Marine Debris in Coastal Areas with Sentinel-21.2 Unbalanced Optimal Transport: A Unified Framework for Object Detection1.3 Detecting Images Generated by Deep Diffusion Models using their Local Intrin…


Oracle单行函数&#xff08;字符&#xff0c;数值&#xff0c;日期&#xff0c;转换&#xff09; 前言 1、字符函数 1.1大小写转换函数 1.2连接字符串X和concat(X,Y) 1.3ASCII码与字符转换 1.4返回字符串索引位置&#xff1a;instr(x,str) 1.5返回字符串长度&#xff1a;length…


大家好&#xff0c;使用Plotly可以创建和自定义指标图表&#xff0c;本文中将介绍如何使用Plotly库创建指标图表的具体操作步骤。 Plotly简介 Plotly是一个强大的数据可视化工具&#xff0c;允许我们使用Python创建各种交互式绘图和图表。在Plotly提供的无数类型的图表中&…


个人主页&#xff1a;【&#x1f60a;个人主页】 系列专栏&#xff1a;【❤️MySQL】 文章目录 时间表从产品特性的角度梳理其发展过程中了解MySQL里程碑事件 时间表 从产品特性的角度梳理其发展过程中了解MySQL里程碑事件 1995年&#xff0c;MySQL 1.0发布&#xff0c;仅供内…


文章目录 2136. 全部开花的最早一天&#xff08;贪心&#xff09;⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐思路代码语法解析&#xff1a;Integer[] id IntStream.range(0, plantTime.length).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new); 2141. 同时运行 N 台电脑的最长时间&#xff08;贪心&#xff09;⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐解…


准备测试数据是软件测试中非常重要的一个环节&#xff0c;无论是手工测试、动化测试还是性能测试&#xff0c;生成大量测试数据以评估性能是一项重要任务。 然而&#xff0c;寻找合适的测试数据并确保其质量常常是一项繁琐且耗时的工作。 先来看一下准备测试数据常见的四类方法…

Vue 实时显示时间

Vue 实时显示时间 getNowTime() {setInterval(() > {const date new Date();var year date.getFullYear();var month (date.getMonth() 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");var day date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");var hours date.ge…


目录 1. 推荐系统&#xff1a;2. 智能广告和营销&#xff1a;3. 聊天机器人和虚拟助手&#xff1a;4. 自动化和机器人化&#xff1a;5. 数据分析和预测&#xff1a;6. 机器视觉和图像识别&#xff1a;7. 金融科技&#xff08;FinTech&#xff09;&#xff1a;8. 医疗诊断和健康…


问题一&#xff1a;拿到手的文件并没有网上说的crt和key&#xff0c;而是一个cer、key和csr 按照网上说的&#xff0c;将cer转成pem文件&#xff0c;配置之后确实好使了 server {listen 443 ssl;ssl_certificate /opt/nginx/conf/域名.cer;ssl_certificate_key /opt/nginx/co…




一、简单介绍 DDT&#xff08;Date Driver Test&#xff09;&#xff0c;所谓数据驱动测试&#xff0c;简单来说就是由数据的改变从而驱动自动化测试的执行&#xff0c;最终引起测试结果的改变。通过使用数据驱动测试的方法&#xff0c;可以在需要验证多组数据测试场景中&…

YApi-高效、易用、功能强大的可视化接口管理平台——(二)YApi 分组权限

YApi 分组权限 认识 YApi角色划分项目权限分组权限分组操作创建分组项目列表添加成员分组删除 认识 YApi YApi 是一个开源的接口管理平台&#xff0c;可以方便地管理和测试 API 接口&#xff0c;支持接口文档自动生成、Mock 数据生成、接口测试和接口监控等功能。YApi 支持多人…

TCP 协议报文

TCP 提供面向连接的通信传输&#xff0c;面向连接是指在传送数据之前必须先建立连接&#xff0c;数据传送完成后要释放连接。无论哪一方向另一方发送数据之前&#xff0c;都必须先在双方之间建立一条连接。在TCP/IP协议中&#xff0c;TCP协议提供可靠的连接服务&#xff0c;连接…


ATFX国际&#xff1a;昨日晚间公布的ADP数据震惊市场&#xff0c;新增就业人口高达49.7万人&#xff0c;而预期值仅为22.8万人&#xff0c;前值也只有26.7万人。公布值约为预期值和前值的总和。 ▲ATFX图 ADP数据是非农就业报告的前瞻指标&#xff0c;前者表现亮眼&#xff0c…