
news2024/10/5 14:27:28

1 算法思路


(1)Dijkstra算法(贪心策略 + 优先队列):

  • 集合S:已确定的顶点集合,初始只含源点s。

  • 集合T:尚未确定的顶点集合。

  • 算法反复从集合T中选择当前到源点s最近的顶点u,将u加入集合S,然后对所有从u发出的边进行松弛操作。

  • 算法步骤:维护一个优先队列,将集合T中的顶点到源点s的距离,作为这些点的优先级,距离越低,优先级越高。那么只要从优先队列中取出队首元素,即可获得当前离源点s最近的顶点。

附注:松弛操作:若d(u) + w(u, v) < d(v),就更新d(v) = d(u) + w(u, v),其中w(u, v)表示边的权重,d(u)表示从顶点u到达源点s的最短距离(目前已知)


  • F = G + H,G表示从起点到某中间节点的移动代价,启发函数H(Heuristic)表示从某中间节点到终点的估算移动代价,当H始终为0,算法就退化为Dijkstra算法。

    • 曼哈顿距离

    • 欧式距离

  • 数据结构设计:


class Node
  Node(int x, int y, bool c, Node* fa = nullptr) : _x(x), _y(y), _father(fa), _is_closed(c){};
  Node() = default;
  ~Node() = default;

  int get_f() { return _f; }
  void set_f(int f) { _f = f; }
  int get_g() { return _g; }
  void set_g(int g) { _g = g; }
  int get_h() { return _h; }
  void set_h(int h) { _h = h; }
  int get_x() { return _x; }
  int get_y() { return _y; }
  Node* get_father() { return _father; }
  void set_father(Node* father) { _father = father; }
  int get_state() { return _state; }
  void set_state(int state) { _state = state; }
  void set_is_closed(bool flag) { _is_closed = flag; }
  bool get_is_closed() { return _is_closed; }
  void set_is_in_openlist(bool flag) { _is_in_openlist = flag; }
  bool get_is_in_openlist() { return _is_in_openlist; }

  int _x;                ///< Node x coordinate
  int _y;                ///< Node y coordinate
  Node* _father;         ///< Previous node of the node
  int _g;                ///< Cost g
  int _h;                ///< Cost h
  int _f;                ///< Cost f
  int _state;            ///< Node state(OBSTACLE / ACCESS / RESULT_NODE)
  bool _is_closed;       ///< Whether the node is closed
  bool _is_in_openlist;  ///< Whether the node is in the openlist


class GridMap
  GridMap() = default;
  ~GridMap() = default;

  void constructMap();  ///< Construct map and node information
  void printMap();      < Print map information
  std::vector<std::vector<Node>> get_map() { return _map; }

  std::vector<std::vector<Node>> _map;
  • 算法步骤:

图1 算法流程步骤

2 实验结果


图2 测试用例1整体运行结果截图

原始Map(*为可访问的节点,$为障碍节点),图大小为25 x 25(由MAP_SIZE参数进行控制),其中有30%的节点随机作为障碍节点(由OBSTACLE_RATIO参数进行控制):

图2 测试用例1中随机生成的25*25个节点大小的初始网格

搜索到的路径为: (24, 0) (24, 1) (23, 2) (24, 3) (23, 4) (24, 5) (24, 6) (24, 7) (24, 8) (23, 9) (22, 10) (21, 11) (20, 12) (19, 13) (18, 14) (17, 14) (16, 15) (15, 16) (14, 16) (13, 17) (12, 18) (11, 19) (10, 20) (9, 21) (8, 21) (7, 22) (6, 22) (5, 22) (4, 22) (3, 23) (2, 23) (1, 24) (0, 24) 结果Map(*为可访问的节点,$为障碍节点,#为结果路径节点):

图3 测试用例1中红色线为A*算法搜索到的路径

(2)测试用例2: 原始图(*为可访问的节点,$为障碍节点),图大小为25 x 25,其中有30%的节点随机作为障碍节点:

图4 测试用例2中随机生成的25*25个节点大小的初始网格

 结果路径:(24, 0) (24, 1) (24, 2) (24, 3) (24, 4) (23, 5) (23, 6) (24, 7) (23, 8) (24, 9) (24, 10) (23, 11) (22, 12) (21, 13) (20, 14) (21, 15) (22, 16) (21, 17) (20, 18) (19, 19) (18, 20) (17, 21) (16, 22) (15, 22) (14, 22) (13, 22) (12, 22) (11, 23) (10, 23) (9, 23) (8, 23) (7, 23) (6, 23) (5, 23) (4, 23) (3, 23) (2, 23) (1, 24) (0, 24) 结果Map(*为可访问的节点,$为障碍节点,#为结果路径节点):

图5 测试用例2中红色线表示A*算法搜索到的路径

 (3)测试用例3:测试路径不存在的情况,从左下角起点无法到达右上角终点,则会输出“Path does not exists”。

图6 测试用例3中路径不存在的情况

3 代码示例

(1)include/project/AStar.hpp:A*算法步骤的主要接口和参数定义,其中节点类型有三种:ACCESS表示可通行节点,用"* "表示;OBSTACLE表示障碍节点,用"$ "表示;RESULT_NODE表示搜索到的结果节点,用"# "表示。节点间上下左右通行的代价(DIRECT_COST)初始化为10,斜向通行的代价(OBLIQUE_COST)初始化为15;网格大小(MAP_SIZE)初始化为25;随机障碍节点占所有节点的比例(OBSTACLE_RATIO)初始化为0.3。

 * @file AStar.hpp
 * @author Qinyi Deng (remoa@qq.com)
 * @brief
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2023-02-09
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 SCUT
#pragma once
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

const int OBSTACLE = 1;                  ///< Used in _state attribute in node
const int ACCESS = 2;                    ///< Used in _state attribute in node
const int RESULT_NODE = 3;               ///< Used in _state attribute in node
const int INITIALIZE_COST = 0x7fffffff;  ///< Initialize cost
const int MAP_SIZE = 25;                 ///< 25 * 25 's map
const int DIRECT_COST = 10;              ///< The path to walk up, down, left and right, costs 10
const int OBLIQUE_COST = 15;             ///< The path of walking obliquely, costs 15
const double OBSTACLE_RATIO = 0.3;       < Scale of obstacle nodes in the figure

namespace assignment2 {
 * @brief Node class information
class Node
  Node(int x, int y, Node* fa = nullptr) : _x(x), _y(y), _father(fa){};
  Node() = default;
  ~Node() = default;

  int get_f() { return _f; }
  void set_f(int f) { _f = f; }
  int get_g() { return _g; }
  void set_g(int g) { _g = g; }
  int get_h() { return _h; }
  void set_h(int h) { _h = h; }
  int get_x() { return _x; }
  int get_y() { return _y; }
  Node* get_father() { return _father; }
  void set_father(Node* father) { _father = father; }
  int get_state() { return _state; }
  void set_state(int state) { _state = state; }
  void set_is_closed(bool flag) { _is_closed = flag; }
  bool get_is_closed() { return _is_closed; }
  void set_is_in_openlist(bool flag) { _is_in_openlist = flag; }
  bool get_is_in_openlist() { return _is_in_openlist; }
  bool operator<(const Node& a) const { return this->_f < a._f; }

  int _x;                ///< Node x coordinate
  int _y;                ///< Node y coordinate
  Node* _father;         ///< Previous node of the node
  int _g;                ///< Cost g
  int _h;                ///< Cost h
  int _f;                ///< Cost f
  int _state;            ///< Node state(OBSTACLE / ACCESS / RESULT_NODE)
  bool _is_closed;       ///< Whether the node is closed
  bool _is_in_openlist;  ///< Whether the node is in the openlist

 * @brief GridMap class information
class GridMap
  GridMap() = default;
  ~GridMap() = default;
  std::vector<std::vector<Node>> _map;

  void constructMap();  ///< Construct map and node information
  void printMap();      < Print map information

class AStar
  AStar() = default;
  ~AStar() = default;

  std::priority_queue<Node*> _openlist;
  bool aStar(GridMap* grid_map);                    < A star main algorithm
  bool checkBound(int x, int y);                    < Check out of bounds
  bool addOpenlist(GridMap* grid_map, Node* node);  < Add Nodes to openlist
  bool checkInOpenList(GridMap* grid_map, Node* node, int x_offset, int y_offset,
                       int cost);     < Judge whether nodes in openlist and update cost function
  void printPath(GridMap* grid_map);  < Print path node information

};  // namespace assignment2


 * @file AStar.cpp
 * @author Qinyi Deng (remoa@qq.com)
 * @brief
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2023-02-09
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 SCUT
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

#include "project/AStar.hpp"

using namespace assignment2;

 * @brief construct map and node information
void GridMap::constructMap()
  std::vector<Node> tmp_list(MAP_SIZE);
  _map.resize(MAP_SIZE, tmp_list);
  std::default_random_engine e;
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> u(0, MAP_SIZE);
  for (int i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < MAP_SIZE; j++) {
      _map[i][j] = Node(i, j);
      if (u(e) % MAP_SIZE < (int) (MAP_SIZE * OBSTACLE_RATIO)) {
      } else {
      _map[i][j].set_h((i + MAP_SIZE - 1 - j) * DIRECT_COST);
  _map[MAP_SIZE - 1][0].set_state(ACCESS);
  _map[MAP_SIZE - 1][0].set_g(0);
  _map[MAP_SIZE - 1][0].set_f(_map[MAP_SIZE - 1][0].get_h());
  _map[0][MAP_SIZE - 1].set_state(ACCESS);

 * @brief print map information
void GridMap::printMap()
  for (int i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < MAP_SIZE; j++) {
      if (_map[i][j].get_state() == ACCESS) {
        std::cout << "* ";
      } else if (_map[i][j].get_state() == OBSTACLE) {
        std::cout << "$ ";
      } else if (_map[i][j].get_state() == RESULT_NODE) {
        std::cout << "# ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

 * @brief A star algorithm
 * @return true find path
 * @return false path does not exist.
bool AStar::aStar(GridMap* grid_map)
  Node* start = &(grid_map->_map[MAP_SIZE - 1][0]);
  while (!_openlist.empty()) {
    Node* head = _openlist.top();
    if (addOpenlist(grid_map, head)) {
      return true;
  return false;

 * @brief Check out of boundary
 * @param x x coordinate of node
 * @param y y coordinate of node
 * @return true Within the boundary
 * @return false Outside the boundary
bool AStar::checkBound(int x, int y)
  if (x >= 0 && x < MAP_SIZE && y >= 0 && y < MAP_SIZE) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * @brief judge whether nodes in openlist and update cost function
 * @param grid_map grid_map
 * @param node input node
 * @param x_offset x_offset
 * @param y_offset y_offset
 * @param cost cost(DIRECT_COST / OBLIQUE_COST)
 * @return true Find path
 * @return false We haven't found the path yet
bool AStar::checkInOpenList(GridMap* grid_map, Node* node, int x_offset, int y_offset, int cost)
  if (checkBound(node->get_x() + x_offset, node->get_y() + y_offset)) {
    Node* node_ptr = &(grid_map->_map[node->get_x() + x_offset][node->get_y() + y_offset]);
    if (node_ptr->get_state() != OBSTACLE) {
      if ((node_ptr->get_is_in_openlist() && node->get_g() + cost < node_ptr->get_g())
          || (!node_ptr->get_is_in_openlist() && !node_ptr->get_is_closed())) {
        node_ptr->set_g(node->get_g() + cost);
        node_ptr->set_f(node_ptr->get_h() + node_ptr->get_g());
        if (!node_ptr->get_is_in_openlist()) {
          if (node_ptr->get_x() == 0 && node_ptr->get_y() == MAP_SIZE - 1) {
            return true;
  return false;

 * @brief Add Nodes to openlist
 * @param grid_map grid_map
 * @param node node information
 * @return true find path
 * @return false We haven't found the path yet
bool AStar::addOpenlist(GridMap* grid_map, Node* node)
  bool flag1 = false;
  bool flag2 = false;
  for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
    for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
      if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
      if (abs(i) + abs(j) == 1) {
        flag1 = checkInOpenList(grid_map, node, i, j, DIRECT_COST);
      } else {
        flag2 = checkInOpenList(grid_map, node, i, j, OBLIQUE_COST);
      if (flag1 || flag2) {
        return true;
  return false;

 * @brief print path node information
 * @param grid_map grid_map
void AStar::printPath(GridMap* grid_map)
  Node* end_ptr = &(grid_map->_map[0][MAP_SIZE - 1]);
  std::vector<Node*> path_list;
  while (end_ptr != nullptr) {
    end_ptr = end_ptr->get_father();
  std::cout << "The result path is as follows:" << std::endl;
  for (int i = path_list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    std::cout << "(" << path_list[i]->get_x() << ", " << path_list[i]->get_y() << ")"
              << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;


 * @file myMap_test.cpp
 * @author Qinyi Deng (remoa@qq.com)
 * @brief
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2023-02-09
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 SCUT
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include "project/AStar.hpp"

using namespace assignment2;

TEST(TmpAddTest, CheckValues)
  // ASSERT_EQ(tmp::add(1, 2), 3);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  AStar* astar = new AStar();
  GridMap* map = new GridMap();
  if (astar->aStar(map)) {
    std::cout << "The map and its result path are as follows:" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << "Path does not exist!\n";
  return 0;
  // ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  // return RUN_ALL_TESTS();


图7 vscode中配置clang-format


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(5).clang-tidy的配置文件:对代码进行静态分析,检查违反代码规范的代码模式。首先,在vscode下载好插件后,select a kit clang gcc中选择clang。然后通过ctrl+shift+p在VSCode中修改配置文件settings.json,加入以下代码:

"clang-tidy.buildPath": "build/compile_commands.json"


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YOLOv5 环境安装

Windows11下yolov5环境配置系列教程&#xff08;基础部分&#xff09; Windows11下yolov5环境配置系列教程&#xff08;基础部分&#xff09;_wnowswolf的博客-CSDN博客 安装 Anaconda3 可以改为miniconda 占用更小 将安装目录下的Scripts和condabin文件夹的路径加入环境变…


[TO简单粗暴啊&#xff1a; RTNETLINK answers: File exists 这个报错&#xff0c;我看了一下网卡目录下出现了两个网卡配置文件&#xff0c;一个ens33&#xff0c;一个eth0。我本机是ens33&#xff0c;所以把eth0的删除了&#xff0c;就可以了。我这个是测试机器&#xff0c;…


目录 1. 人脸识别是什么及应用场景2. 人脸识别的组成2.1 前端图像采集2.2 后端智能平台 3.人脸技术的流程3.1人脸检测3.2人脸对齐3.2.1仿射变换3.2.2对齐方法 3.3人脸编码&#xff08;提取特征向量&#xff09;3.4人脸分类 1. 人脸识别是什么及应用场景 人脸识别特指利用分析比…

什么是 frp内网穿透?快解析内网穿透如何实现远程办公?

1.什么是frp内网穿透 frp是一个开源、简洁易用、高性能的内网穿透和 反向代理软件&#xff0c;支持 tcp, udp, http, https等协议&#xff0c;虽然它体积轻量但功能很强大。它利用处于内网或防火墙后的机器&#xff0c;对外网环境提供 http 或 https 服务&#xff1b;对于 htt…