2023-06-05 stonedb-在聚合的场景查询为空无法执行case属性-问题分析-及定位问题的思路

news2024/11/16 5:47:22




























































本文对该问题的成因, 相关功能的代码设计, 在下一步设计时如何应对这种问题, 做相关的分析。


相关ISSUE: https://github.com/stoneatom/stonedb/issues/1784


SELECT 'aaaaa' inner_code,
       sum(a.balance) AS balance,
       'b' std_balance
  FROM (SELECT b.inner_code,
                 WHEN r.row_id IS NOT NULL THEN
               END AS exchange_rate,
          FROM c1md_bank_acct a
          JOIN c1md_company b
            ON a.company_id = b.row_id
           AND b.deleted_flag = '0'
          LEFT JOIN c1cd_exchange_rate r
            ON a.currency_id = r.currency_id
           AND r.deleted_flag = '0'
           AND r.using_flag = '1'
           AND r.inure_date <= now()
           AND (r.abate_date >= now() OR r.abate_date IS NULL)
          LEFT JOIN (SELECT b.account_id, b.fiscal_date, b.balance
                      FROM (SELECT account_id, max(fiscal_date) fiscal_date
                              FROM c1am_acct_day
                             WHERE deleted_flag = '0'
                             GROUP BY account_id) a
                      JOIN c1am_acct_day b
                        ON a.account_id = b.account_id
                       AND a.fiscal_date = b.fiscal_date
                     WHERE b.deleted_flag = '0') c
            ON a.row_id = c.account_id
         WHERE a.deleted_flag = '0'
           AND a.acct_flag IN ('2', '4')
           AND a.company_id IN (3000000000027265)) a;


  1. 对于复杂的查询SQL, 涉及的操作符过多, 首先要进行问题定位
    1. 缩减到具体哪些操作符的执行出现了问题
    2. 这个过程涉及条件削减, 排查, 甚至摸索试探
  2. 找到出问题的操作符的对应的代码实现, 分析该处代码的设计意图,以及为什么会导致当前查询出错
    1. 该过程涉及架构能力,代码能力,以及理解他人代码设计意图的能力
    2. 对于复杂的代码, 牵扯到的因素过多,存在试探来猜测设计意图的情况, 但是一定需要事实的验证来辅助对设计意图的定位
  3. 重新对该操作符做设计
    1. 需要注意要兼容此前的设计意图
    2. 为了避免出现类似的问题, 需要评估代码修改对其他模块的影响



create table t1 (age int) engine=tianmu;

select case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end,  sum(age) from (  select * from t1) ta;


create table t1_innodb (age int) engine=innodb;

select case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end,  sum(age) from (  select * from t1_innodb) ta;



2022-10-18 mysql-5.7-开启debug日志_mysql 5.7 debug_财阀悟世的博客-CSDN博客



T@3:  2008:          sql_executor.cc:        887: | | | | | | >do_select
T@3:  2009:          sql_executor.cc:       1226: | | | | | | | >sub_select
T@3:  2010:               records.cc:        194: | | | | | | | | >init_read_record
T@3:  2011:               records.cc:        333: | | | | | | | | | info: using rr_sequential
T@3:  2012:               handler.cc:       2924: | | | | | | | | | >ha_rnd_init
T@3:  2013:             ha_innodb.cc:       8960: | | | | | | | | | | >change_active_index
T@3:  2014:             ha_innodb.cc:       8905: | | | | | | | | | | | >innobase_get_index
T@3:  2015:             ha_innodb.cc:       8946: | | | | | | | | | | | <innobase_get_index 8946
T@3:  2016:             ha_innodb.cc:       9064: | | | | | | | | | | <change_active_index 9064
T@3:  2017:               handler.cc:       2931: | | | | | | | | | <ha_rnd_init 2931
T@3:  2018:             ha_innodb.cc:       2887: | | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::update_thd
T@3:  2019:             ha_innodb.cc:       2889: | | | | | | | | | | ha_innobase::update_thd: user_thd: 0x7fd254000e10 -> 0x7fd254000e10
T@3:  2020:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2021:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2022:             ha_innodb.cc:       2913: | | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::update_thd 2913
T@3:  2023:               records.cc:        362: | | | | | | | | <init_read_record 362
T@3:  2024:               handler.cc:       2971: | | | | | | | | >handler::ha_rnd_next
T@3:  2025:             ha_innodb.cc:       9315: | | | | | | | | | >rnd_next
T@3:  2026:             ha_innodb.cc:       9218: | | | | | | | | | | >index_first
T@3:  2027:             ha_innodb.cc:       8711: | | | | | | | | | | | >index_read
T@3:  2028:               row0sel.cc:       4681: | | | | | | | | | | | | >row_search_mvcc
T@3:  2029:               row0sel.cc:       6434: | | | | | | | | | | | | <row_search_mvcc 6434
T@3:  2030:             ha_innodb.cc:       8871: | | | | | | | | | | | <index_read 8871
T@3:  2031:             ha_innodb.cc:       9230: | | | | | | | | | | <index_first 9230
T@3:  2032:             ha_innodb.cc:       9331: | | | | | | | | | <rnd_next 9331
T@3:  2033:               handler.cc:       2986: | | | | | | | | <handler::ha_rnd_next 2986
T@3:  2034:          sql_executor.cc:       1316: | | | | | | | <sub_select 1316
T@3:  2035:          sql_executor.cc:       1226: | | | | | | | >sub_select
T@3:  2036:          sql_executor.cc:       3019: | | | | | | | | >end_send_group
T@3:  2037:              item_sum.cc:       1438: | | | | | | | | | >Item_sum_sum::clear
T@3:  2038:              item_sum.cc:       1447: | | | | | | | | | <Item_sum_sum::clear 1447
T@3:  2039:             sql_class.cc:       2726: | | | | | | | | | >Query_result_send::send_data
T@3:  2040:             sql_class.cc:       4753: | | | | | | | | | | >send_result_set_row
T@3:  2041:             sql_class.cc:       4765: | | | | | | | | | | <send_result_set_row 4765
T@3:  2042:             sql_class.cc:       2749: | | | | | | | | | <Query_result_send::send_data 2749
T@3:  2043:      protocol_classic.cc:       1202: | | | | | | | | | >Protocol_classic::end_row
T@3:  2044:      protocol_classic.cc:       1205: | | | | | | | | | <Protocol_classic::end_row 1205
T@3:  2045:          sql_executor.cc:        355: | | | | | | | | | packet_header: Memory: 0x7fd519f6e944  Bytes: (4)
04 00 00 04 
T@3:  2046:          sql_executor.cc:       3084: | | | | | | | | <end_send_group 3084
T@3:  2047:          sql_executor.cc:       1234: | | | | | | | <sub_select 1234
T@3:  2048:            sql_select.cc:       2546: | | | | | | | >JOIN::join_free
T@3:  2049:            sql_select.cc:       2608: | | | | | | | | >JOIN::cleanup
T@3:  2050:               handler.cc:       2945: | | | | | | | | | >ha_rnd_end
T@3:  2051:               handler.cc:       2953: | | | | | | | | | <ha_rnd_end 2953
T@3:  2052:             ha_innodb.cc:       8580: | | | | | | | | | >index_end
T@3:  2053:               handler.cc:       6761: | | | | | | | | | | >DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close
T@3:  2054:               handler.cc:       6770: | | | | | | | | | | <DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close 6770
T@3:  2055:             ha_innodb.cc:       8592: | | | | | | | | | <index_end 8592
T@3:  2056:              sql_base.cc:       1147: | | | | | | | | | >free_io_cache
T@3:  2057:              sql_base.cc:       1154: | | | | | | | | | <free_io_cache 1154
T@3:  2058:              filesort.cc:        591: | | | | | | | | | >filesort_free_buffers
T@3:  2059:              filesort.cc:        604: | | | | | | | | | <filesort_free_buffers 604
T@3:  2060:            sql_select.cc:       2656: | | | | | | | | <JOIN::cleanup 2656
T@3:  2061:                  lock.cc:        449: | | | | | | | | >mysql_unlock_read_tables
T@3:  2062:                  lock.cc:        666: | | | | | | | | | >unlock_external
T@3:  2063:               handler.cc:       8073: | | | | | | | | | | >handler::ha_external_lock
T@3:  2064:             ha_innodb.cc:      15636: | | | | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::external_lock
T@3:  2065:             ha_innodb.cc:      15637: | | | | | | | | | | | | enter: lock_type: 2
T@3:  2066:             ha_innodb.cc:       2887: | | | | | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::update_thd
T@3:  2067:             ha_innodb.cc:       2889: | | | | | | | | | | | | | ha_innobase::update_thd: user_thd: 0x7fd254000e10 -> 0x7fd254000e10
T@3:  2068:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2069:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2070:             ha_innodb.cc:       2913: | | | | | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::update_thd 2913
T@3:  2071:             ha_innodb.cc:       4379: | | | | | | | | | | | | >innobase_commit
T@3:  2072:             ha_innodb.cc:       4381: | | | | | | | | | | | | | trans: ending transaction
T@3:  2073:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2074:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2075:             ha_innodb.cc:       4515: | | | | | | | | | | | | <innobase_commit 4515
T@3:  2076:             ha_innodb.cc:      15895: | | | | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::external_lock 15895
T@3:  2077:               handler.cc:       8135: | | | | | | | | | | <handler::ha_external_lock 8135
T@3:  2078:                  lock.cc:        682: | | | | | | | | | <unlock_external 682
T@3:  2079:                  lock.cc:        499: | | | | | | | | <mysql_unlock_read_tables 499
T@3:  2080:            sql_select.cc:       2590: | | | | | | | <JOIN::join_free 2590
T@3:  2081:             sql_error.cc:        409: | | | | | | | >set_eof_status
T@3:  2082:             sql_error.cc:        431: | | | | | | | <set_eof_status 431
T@3:  2083:          sql_executor.cc:       1008: | | | | | | | info: 1 records output
T@3:  2084:          sql_executor.cc:       1019: | | | | | | <do_select 1019
T@3:  2085:          sql_executor.cc:        210: | | | | | | counts: thd->examined_row_count: 0
T@3:  2086:          sql_executor.cc:        212: | | | | | <JOIN::exec 212
T@3:  2087:            sql_select.cc:        286: | | | | | opt: steps: ending struct
T@3:  2088:            sql_select.cc:        286: | | | | | opt: join_execution: ending struct
T@3:  2089:            sql_select.cc:        286: | | | | | opt: (null): ending struct
T@3:  2090:            sql_select.cc:        741: | | | | | THD::enter_stage: 'end' /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_select.cc:210
T@3:  2091:           sql_profile.cc:        365: | | | | | >PROFILING::status_change
T@3:  2092:           sql_profile.cc:        371: | | | | | <PROFILING::status_change 371
T@3:  2093:             sql_union.cc:        920: | | | | | >st_select_lex_unit::cleanup
T@3:  2094:             sql_union.cc:       1078: | | | | | | >st_select_lex::cleanup()
T@3:  2095:            sql_select.cc:       2608: | | | | | | | >JOIN::cleanup
T@3:  2096:              sql_base.cc:       1147: | | | | | | | | >free_io_cache
T@3:  2097:              sql_base.cc:       1154: | | | | | | | | <free_io_cache 1154
T@3:  2098:              filesort.cc:        591: | | | | | | | | >filesort_free_buffers
T@3:  2099:              filesort.cc:        604: | | | | | | | | <filesort_free_buffers 604
T@3:  2100:            sql_select.cc:       2656: | | | | | | | <JOIN::cleanup 2656
T@3:  2101:             sql_union.cc:       1100: | | | | | | <st_select_lex::cleanup() 1100
T@3:  2102:             sql_union.cc:        952: | | | | | <st_select_lex_unit::cleanup 952
T@3:  2103:            sql_select.cc:        215: | | | | <handle_query 215
T@3:  2104:             sql_parse.cc:        741: | | | | THD::enter_stage: 'query end' /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:4993
T@3:  2105:           sql_profile.cc:        365: | | | | >PROFILING::status_change
T@3:  2106:           sql_profile.cc:        371: | | | | <PROFILING::status_change 371
T@3:  2107:             sql_audit.cc:       1111: | | | | >mysql_audit_acquire_plugins
T@3:  2108:             sql_audit.cc:       1149: | | | | <mysql_audit_acquire_plugins 1149
T@3:  2109:           transaction.cc:        445: | | | | >trans_commit_stmt
T@3:  2110:           transaction.cc:        293: | | | | | debug: add_unsafe_rollback_flags: 0
T@3:  2111:               handler.cc:       1597: | | | | | >commit_owned_gtids(...)
T@3:  2112:               handler.cc:       1626: | | | | | <commit_owned_gtids(...) 1626
T@3:  2113:               handler.cc:       1718: | | | | | >ha_commit_trans
T@3:  2114:               handler.cc:       1721: | | | | | | info: all=0 thd->in_sub_stmt=0 ha_info=0x7fd254002338 is_real_trans=1
T@3:  2115:                binlog.cc:       8639: | | | | | | >MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit
T@3:  2116:                binlog.cc:       8641: | | | | | | | info: query='select case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end,  sum(age) from (  select * from t1_innodb) ta'
T@3:  2117:                binlog.cc:       8651: | | | | | | | enter: thd: 0x7fd254000e10, all: no, xid: 6, cache_mngr: 0x0
T@3:  2118:               handler.cc:       1905: | | | | | | | >ha_commit_low
T@3:  2119:             ha_innodb.cc:       4379: | | | | | | | | >innobase_commit
T@3:  2120:             ha_innodb.cc:       4381: | | | | | | | | | trans: ending transaction
T@3:  2121:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2122:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2123:             ha_innodb.cc:       4515: | | | | | | | | <innobase_commit 4515
T@3:  2124:       transaction_info.h:         97: | | | | | | | | >Ha_trx_info::reset
T@3:  2125:       transaction_info.h:        101: | | | | | | | | <Ha_trx_info::reset 101
T@3:  2126:               handler.cc:       1966: | | | | | | | <ha_commit_low 1966
T@3:  2127:                binlog.cc:       8661: | | | | | | <MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit 8661
T@3:  2128:       transaction_info.h:        409: | | | | | | >Transaction_ctx::cleanup
T@3:  2129:   rpl_transaction_ctx.cc:         40: | | | | | | | >Rpl_transaction_ctx::cleanup
T@3:  2130:   rpl_transaction_ctx.cc:         47: | | | | | | | <Rpl_transaction_ctx::cleanup 47
T@3:  2131:               my_alloc.c:        445: | | | | | | | >free_root
T@3:  2132:               my_alloc.c:        446: | | | | | | | | enter: root: 0x7fd2540048b0  flags: 1
T@3:  2133:               my_alloc.c:        489: | | | | | | | <free_root 489
T@3:  2134:       transaction_info.h:        416: | | | | | | <Transaction_ctx::cleanup 416
T@3:  2135:               handler.cc:       1875: | | | | | <ha_commit_trans 1875
T@3:  2136:           rpl_context.cc:         65: | | | | | >Rpl_consistency_ctx::notify_after_transaction_commit
T@3:  2137:           rpl_context.cc:         70: | | | | | <Rpl_consistency_ctx::notify_after_transaction_commit 70
T@3:  2138:           transaction.cc:        298: | | | | | debug: reset_unsafe_rollback_flags
T@3:  2139:           transaction.cc:        481: | | | | <trans_commit_stmt 481
T@3:  2140:             sql_union.cc:        920: | | | | >st_select_lex_unit::cleanup
T@3:  2141:             sql_union.cc:       1078: | | | | | >st_select_lex::cleanup()
T@3:  2142:            sql_select.cc:        939: | | | | | | >JOIN::destroy
T@3:  2143:              filesort.cc:        591: | | | | | | | >filesort_free_buffers
T@3:  2144:              filesort.cc:        604: | | | | | | | <filesort_free_buffers 604
T@3:  2145:             ha_innodb.cc:       2887: | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::update_thd
T@3:  2146:             ha_innodb.cc:       2889: | | | | | | | | ha_innobase::update_thd: user_thd: 0x7fd254000e10 -> 0x7fd254000e10
T@3:  2147:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2148:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2149:             ha_innodb.cc:       2913: | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::update_thd 2913
T@3:  2150:              sql_base.cc:       1147: | | | | | | | >free_io_cache
T@3:  2151:              sql_base.cc:       1154: | | | | | | | <free_io_cache 1154
T@3:  2152:              filesort.cc:        591: | | | | | | | >filesort_free_buffers
T@3:  2153:              filesort.cc:        604: | | | | | | | <filesort_free_buffers 604
T@3:  2154:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2155:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2156:                  item.cc:      10834: | | | | | | | >Item_result_field::cleanup()
T@3:  2157:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2158:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2159:                  item.cc:      10837: | | | | | | | <Item_result_field::cleanup() 10837
T@3:  2160:            sql_select.cc:        986: | | | | | | <JOIN::destroy 986
T@3:  2161:             sql_union.cc:       1100: | | | | | <st_select_lex::cleanup() 1100
T@3:  2162:             sql_union.cc:        952: | | | | <st_select_lex_unit::cleanup 952
T@3:  2163:             sql_parse.cc:        741: | | | | THD::enter_stage: 'closing tables' /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5052
T@3:  2164:           sql_profile.cc:        365: | | | | >PROFILING::status_change
T@3:  2165:           sql_profile.cc:        371: | | | | <PROFILING::status_change 371
T@3:  2166:              sql_base.cc:       1583: | | | | >close_thread_tables
T@3:  2167:              sql_base.cc:       1607: | | | | | tcache: table: 't1_innodb'  query_id: 0
T@3:  2168:             ha_innodb.cc:       2887: | | | | | >ha_innobase::update_thd
T@3:  2169:             ha_innodb.cc:       2889: | | | | | | ha_innobase::update_thd: user_thd: 0x7fd254000e10 -> 0x7fd254000e10
T@3:  2170:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2171:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2172:             ha_innodb.cc:       2913: | | | | | <ha_innobase::update_thd 2913
T@3:  2173:                binlog.cc:      11975: | | | | | >THD::binlog_flush_pending_rows_event
T@3:  2174:                binlog.cc:      12001: | | | | | <THD::binlog_flush_pending_rows_event 12001
T@3:  2175:                binlog.cc:      11975: | | | | | >THD::binlog_flush_pending_rows_event
T@3:  2176:                binlog.cc:      12001: | | | | | <THD::binlog_flush_pending_rows_event 12001
T@3:  2177:                  lock.cc:        419: | | | | | >mysql_unlock_tables
T@3:  2178:              my_malloc.c:        297: | | | | | | >my_free
T@3:  2179:              my_malloc.c:        298: | | | | | | | my: ptr: 0x7fd254012370
T@3:  2180:              my_malloc.c:        304: | | | | | | <my_free 304
T@3:  2181:                  lock.cc:        425: | | | | | <mysql_unlock_tables 425
T@3:  2182:              sql_base.cc:       1468: | | | | | info: thd->open_tables: 0x7fd2540150c0
T@3:  2183:              sql_base.cc:       1758: | | | | | >close_thread_table
T@3:  2184:             ha_innodb.cc:       2887: | | | | | | >ha_innobase::update_thd
T@3:  2185:             ha_innodb.cc:       2889: | | | | | | | ha_innobase::update_thd: user_thd: 0x7fd254000e10 -> 0x7fd254000e10
T@3:  2186:             ha_innodb.cc:       2618: | | | | | | | >innobase_trx_init
T@3:  2187:             ha_innodb.cc:       2628: | | | | | | | <innobase_trx_init 2628
T@3:  2188:             ha_innodb.cc:       2913: | | | | | | <ha_innobase::update_thd 2913
T@3:  2189:               handler.cc:       8146: | | | | | | >handler::ha_reset
T@3:  2190:              sql_base.cc:       1147: | | | | | | | >free_io_cache
T@3:  2191:              sql_base.cc:       1154: | | | | | | | <free_io_cache 1154
T@3:  2192:               handler.cc:       6776: | | | | | | | >DsMrr_impl::reset
T@3:  2193:               handler.cc:       6788: | | | | | | | <DsMrr_impl::reset 6788
T@3:  2194:               handler.cc:       8165: | | | | | | <handler::ha_reset 8165
T@3:  2195:              sql_base.cc:       1805: | | | | | <close_thread_table 1805
T@3:  2196:              sql_base.cc:       1749: | | | | <close_thread_tables 1749
T@3:  2197:             sql_parse.cc:        278: | | | | >stmt_causes_implicit_commit
T@3:  2198:             sql_parse.cc:        281: | | | | <stmt_causes_implicit_commit 281
T@3:  2199:                   mdl.cc:       4720: | | | | >MDL_context::release_transactional_locks
T@3:  2200:                   mdl.cc:       4441: | | | | | >MDL_context::release_locks_stored_before
T@3:  2201:                   mdl.cc:       4444: | | | | | <MDL_context::release_locks_stored_before 4444
T@3:  2202:                   mdl.cc:       4441: | | | | | >MDL_context::release_locks_stored_before
T@3:  2203:                   mdl.cc:       4448: | | | | | | info: found lock to release ticket=0x7fd254012730
T@3:  2204:                   mdl.cc:       4288: | | | | | | >MDL_context::release_lock
T@3:  2205:                   mdl.cc:       4290: | | | | | | | enter: db=test name=t1_innodb
T@3:  2206:                   mdl.cc:       4404: | | | | | | <MDL_context::release_lock 4404
T@3:  2207:                   mdl.cc:       4452: | | | | | <MDL_context::release_locks_stored_before 4452
T@3:  2208:                   mdl.cc:       4723: | | | | <MDL_context::release_transactional_locks 4723
T@3:  2209:             sql_parse.cc:       2393: | | | | >binlog_gtid_end_transaction
T@3:  2210:             sql_parse.cc:        278: | | | | | >stmt_causes_implicit_commit
T@3:  2211:             sql_parse.cc:        281: | | | | | <stmt_causes_implicit_commit 281
T@3:  2212:             sql_parse.cc:       2435: | | | | <binlog_gtid_end_transaction 2435
T@3:  2213:             sql_parse.cc:       5150: | | | <mysql_execute_command 5150
T@3:  2214:             sql_parse.cc:        286: | | | opt: steps: ending struct
T@3:  2215:             sql_parse.cc:        286: | | | opt: (null): ending struct
T@3:  2216:      opt_trace2server.cc:        236: | | | >~opt_trace_start
T@3:  2217:              my_malloc.c:        187: | | | | >my_raw_malloc
T@3:  2218:              my_malloc.c:        188: | | | | | my: size: 40  my_flags: 16
T@3:  2219:              my_malloc.c:        230: | | | | | exit: ptr: 0x7fd254027bd0
T@3:  2220:              my_malloc.c:        231: | | | | <my_raw_malloc 231
Complete optimizer trace:
T@3:  2221:             opt_trace.cc:       1155: | | | | >Opt_trace_context::purge_stmts
T@3:  2222:              my_malloc.c:        297: | | | | | >my_free
T@3:  2223:              my_malloc.c:        298: | | | | | | my: ptr: 0x7fd254027bd0
T@3:  2224:              my_malloc.c:        304: | | | | | <my_free 304
T@3:  2225:             opt_trace.cc:       1246: | | | | <Opt_trace_context::purge_stmts 1246
T@3:  2226:      opt_trace2server.cc:        239: | | | <~opt_trace_start 239
T@3:  2227:             sql_parse.cc:        741: | | | THD::enter_stage: 'freeing items' /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5680
T@3:  2228:           sql_profile.cc:        365: | | | >PROFILING::status_change
T@3:  2229:           sql_profile.cc:        371: | | | <PROFILING::status_change 371
T@3:  2230:               sql_lex.cc:        528: | | | >lex_end
T@3:  2231:               sql_lex.cc:        529: | | | | enter: lex: 0x7fd254003138
T@3:  2232:            sql_plugin.cc:       1203: | | | | >plugin_unlock_list
T@3:  2233:            sql_plugin.cc:       1132: | | | | | >intern_plugin_unlock
T@3:  2234:              my_malloc.c:        297: | | | | | | >my_free
T@3:  2235:              my_malloc.c:        298: | | | | | | | my: ptr: 0x7fd254007b20
T@3:  2236:              my_malloc.c:        304: | | | | | | <my_free 304
T@3:  2237:            sql_plugin.cc:       1149: | | | | | | info: unlocking plugin, name= InnoDB, ref_count= 18
T@3:  2238:            sql_plugin.cc:       1177: | | | | | <intern_plugin_unlock 1177
T@3:  2239:            sql_plugin.cc:       1132: | | | | | >intern_plugin_unlock
T@3:  2240:              my_malloc.c:        297: | | | | | | >my_free
T@3:  2241:              my_malloc.c:        298: | | | | | | | my: ptr: 0x7fd2540115e0
T@3:  2242:              my_malloc.c:        304: | | | | | | <my_free 304
T@3:  2243:            sql_plugin.cc:       1149: | | | | | | info: unlocking plugin, name= InnoDB, ref_count= 17
T@3:  2244:            sql_plugin.cc:       1177: | | | | | <intern_plugin_unlock 1177
T@3:  2245:            sql_plugin.cc:       1218: | | | | <plugin_unlock_list 1218
T@3:  2246:               sql_lex.cc:        537: | | | <lex_end 537
T@3:  2247:             sql_class.cc:       3412: | | | >Query_arena::free_items
T@3:  2248:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2249:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2250:                  item.cc:       8287: | | | | >Item_ref::cleanup
T@3:  2251:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2252:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2253:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2254:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2255:                  item.cc:       8292: | | | | <Item_ref::cleanup 8292
T@3:  2256:                  item.cc:       8287: | | | | >Item_ref::cleanup
T@3:  2257:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2258:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2259:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2260:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2261:                  item.cc:       8292: | | | | <Item_ref::cleanup 8292
T@3:  2262:                  item.cc:       8287: | | | | >Item_ref::cleanup
T@3:  2263:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2264:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2265:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2266:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2267:                  item.cc:       8292: | | | | <Item_ref::cleanup 8292
T@3:  2268:                  item.cc:       6071: | | | | >Item_field::cleanup
T@3:  2269:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2270:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2271:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2272:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2273:                  item.cc:       6082: | | | | <Item_field::cleanup 6082
T@3:  2274:                  item.cc:       6071: | | | | >Item_field::cleanup
T@3:  2275:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2276:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2277:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2278:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2279:                  item.cc:       6082: | | | | <Item_field::cleanup 6082
T@3:  2280:                  item.cc:       6071: | | | | >Item_field::cleanup
T@3:  2281:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2282:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2283:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2284:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2285:                  item.cc:       6082: | | | | <Item_field::cleanup 6082
T@3:  2286:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2287:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2288:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2289:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2290:                  item.cc:      10834: | | | | >Item_result_field::cleanup()
T@3:  2291:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2292:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2293:                  item.cc:      10837: | | | | <Item_result_field::cleanup() 10837
T@3:  2294:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2295:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2296:                  item.cc:       6071: | | | | >Item_field::cleanup
T@3:  2297:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2298:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2299:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2300:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2301:                  item.cc:       6082: | | | | <Item_field::cleanup 6082
T@3:  2302:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2303:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2304:                  item.cc:       6071: | | | | >Item_field::cleanup
T@3:  2305:                  item.cc:        944: | | | | | >Item_ident::cleanup
T@3:  2306:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2307:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2308:                  item.cc:        949: | | | | | <Item_ident::cleanup 949
T@3:  2309:                  item.cc:       6082: | | | | <Item_field::cleanup 6082
T@3:  2310:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2311:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2312:                  item.cc:      10834: | | | | >Item_result_field::cleanup()
T@3:  2313:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2314:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2315:                  item.cc:      10837: | | | | <Item_result_field::cleanup() 10837
T@3:  2316:          item_cmpfunc.cc:       4243: | | | | >Item_func_case::cleanup
T@3:  2317:                  item.cc:      10834: | | | | | >Item_result_field::cleanup()
T@3:  2318:                  item.cc:        798: | | | | | | >Item::cleanup
T@3:  2319:                  item.cc:        804: | | | | | | <Item::cleanup 804
T@3:  2320:                  item.cc:      10837: | | | | | <Item_result_field::cleanup() 10837
T@3:  2321:          item_cmpfunc.cc:       4250: | | | | <Item_func_case::cleanup 4250


  1. 该debug的trace日志包含这个查询SQL的所有关键函数的执行过程
  2. 从这个日志中可以分析出mysql/sql层所有的查询优化和查询执行的细节
  3. 但是将问题聚焦下, 当前的目标是解决tianmu查询出错, 那么对应的就需要关注mysql/sql在处理case属性时是如何处理的
  4. 也就是说,要将重点,放在mysql/sql层是如何处理case的item的
  5. 这里需要注意, 分析case的item并不是为了要记住这块代码的处理逻辑, 而是作为一个正确处理case的解决方案的对标, 分析tianmu引擎在处理case的属性时的逻辑,从而有个逻辑处理的对比
  6. tianmu引擎对于case的属性有自己的一套处理逻辑, 在此处分析的一个歧途就是容易将mysql/sql当作唯一正确的接, 从而照抄mysql/sql的方案, 而忽略了tianmu引擎对于列属性处理的特殊性, 此特殊的地方在以下分析tianmu引擎对查询执行时具体分析




#0  Item_func_case::fix_fields (this=0x7fd254005850, thd=0x7fd254000e10, ref=0x7fd254005ac0) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc:4001
#1  0x00000000023a8a7e in setup_fields (thd=0x7fd254000e10, ref_pointer_array=..., fields=..., want_privilege=1, sum_func_list=0x7fd254004d30, allow_sum_func=true, column_update=false)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_base.cc:9138
#2  0x00000000024650da in st_select_lex::prepare (this=0x7fd254004bd0, thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_resolver.cc:200
#3  0x000000000247165f in handle_query (thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result=0x7fd254006a88, added_options=0, removed_options=0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=0, free_join_from_tianmu=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_select.cc:139
#4  0x0000000002427ae2 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fd254000e10, all_tables=0x7fd254014a88) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5205
#5  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#6  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fd254000e10, parser_state=0x7fd519f6ff90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#7  0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, com_data=0x7fd519f70730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#8  0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#9  0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x965db20) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#10 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9490860) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#11 0x00007fd569c2b1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#12 0x00007fd566aa1e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


bool Item_func_case::fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref)
    buff should match stack usage from
    Item_func_case::val_int() -> Item_func_case::find_item()
  uchar buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH*2+sizeof(String)*2+sizeof(String*)*2+sizeof(double)*2+sizeof(longlong)*2];
  bool res= Item_func::fix_fields(thd, ref);
    Call check_stack_overrun after fix_fields to be sure that stack variable
    is not optimized away
  if (check_stack_overrun(thd, STACK_MIN_SIZE, buff))
    return TRUE;				// Fatal error flag is set!
  return res;


(gdb) p ref[0][0]
$4 = (Item_func_case) {
  <Item_func> = {
    <Item_result_field> = {
      <Item> = {
        <Parse_tree_node> = {
          _vptr.Parse_tree_node = 0x4355418 <vtable for Item_func_case+16>, 
          contextualized = true, 
          transitional = false
        members of Item: 
        is_expensive_cache = -1 '\377', 
        rsize = 0, 
        str_value = {
          m_ptr = 0x0, 
          m_length = 0, 
          m_charset = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
          m_alloced_length = 0, 
          m_is_alloced = false
        item_name = {
          <Name_string> = {
            <Simple_cstring> = {
              m_str = 0x7fd2540065e0 "case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end", 
              m_length = 47
            }, <No data fields>}, 
          members of Item_name_string: 
          m_is_autogenerated = true
        orig_name = {
          <Name_string> = {
            <Simple_cstring> = {
              m_str = 0x0, 
              m_length = 0
            }, <No data fields>}, 
          members of Item_name_string: 
          m_is_autogenerated = true
        next = 0x7fd2540059d0, 
        max_length = 0, 
        marker = 0, 
        decimals = 0 '\000', 
        maybe_null = 0 '\000', 
        null_value = 0 '\000', 
        unsigned_flag = 0 '\000', 
        with_sum_func = 0 '\000', 
        fixed = 0 '\000', 
        collation = {
          collation = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
          derivation = DERIVATION_COERCIBLE, 
          repertoire = 3
        cmp_context = 4294967295, 
        runtime_item = false, 
        derived_used = false, 
        with_subselect = 0 '\000', 
        with_stored_program = 0 '\000', 
        tables_locked_cache = false, 
        is_parser_item = true
      members of Item_result_field: 
      result_field = 0x0
    members of Item_func: 
    args = 0x7fd2540059b8, 
    tmp_arg = {0x8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f, 0x8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f}, 
    const_item_cache = 143, 
    allowed_arg_cols = 1, 
    used_tables_cache = 10344644715844964239, 
    not_null_tables_cache = 10344644715844964239, 
    arg_count = 3
  members of Item_func_case: 
  first_expr_num = -1, 
  else_expr_num = 2, 
  cached_result_type = INT_RESULT, 
  left_result_type = INT_RESULT, 
  tmp_value = {
    m_ptr = 0x0, 
    m_length = 0, 
    m_charset = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
    m_alloced_length = 0, 
    m_is_alloced = false
  ncases = 2, 
  cmp_type = 2408550287, 
  cmp_collation = {
    collation = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
    derivation = DERIVATION_NONE, 
    repertoire = 3
  cached_field_type = 2408550287, 
  cmp_items = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 
  case_item = 0x0

(gdb) p ( (Item_func*) ref[0]).args[0][0]
$8 = (Item_func_isnotnull) {
  <Item_bool_func> = {
    <Item_int_func> = {
      <Item_func> = {
        <Item_result_field> = {
          <Item> = {
            <Parse_tree_node> = {
              _vptr.Parse_tree_node = 0x4351ba0 <vtable for Item_func_isnotnull+16>, 
              contextualized = true, 
              transitional = false
            members of Item: 
            is_expensive_cache = -1 '\377', 
            rsize = 0, 
            str_value = {
              m_ptr = 0x0, 
              m_length = 0, 
              m_charset = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
              m_alloced_length = 0, 
              m_is_alloced = false
            item_name = {
              <Name_string> = {
                <Simple_cstring> = {
                  m_str = 0x0, 
                  m_length = 0
                }, <No data fields>}, 
              members of Item_name_string: 
              m_is_autogenerated = true
            orig_name = {
              <Name_string> = {
                <Simple_cstring> = {
                  m_str = 0x0, 
                  m_length = 0
                }, <No data fields>}, 
              members of Item_name_string: 
              m_is_autogenerated = true
            next = 0x7fd254005850, 
            max_length = 21, 
            marker = 0, 
            decimals = 0 '\000', 
            maybe_null = 0 '\000', 
            null_value = 0 '\000', 
            unsigned_flag = 0 '\000', 
            with_sum_func = 0 '\000', 
            fixed = 0 '\000', 
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
            collation = {
              collation = 0x446eae0 <my_charset_latin1>, 
              derivation = DERIVATION_NUMERIC, 
              repertoire = 1
            cmp_context = 4294967295, 
            runtime_item = false, 
            derived_used = false, 
            with_subselect = 0 '\000', 
            with_stored_program = 0 '\000', 
            tables_locked_cache = false, 
            is_parser_item = true
          members of Item_result_field: 
          result_field = 0x0
        members of Item_func: 
        args = 0x7fd254005678, 
        tmp_arg = {0x7fd2540063a0, 0x8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f}, 
        const_item_cache = 143, 
        allowed_arg_cols = 1, 
        used_tables_cache = 10344644715844964239, 
        not_null_tables_cache = 10344644715844964239, 
        arg_count = 1
      }, <No data fields>}, 
    members of Item_bool_func: 
    m_created_by_in2exists = false
  members of Item_func_isnotnull: 
  abort_on_null = false

(gdb) p ( (Item_func*) ref[0]).args[1][0]
$9 = (Item_field) {
  <Item_ident> = {
    <Item> = {
      <Parse_tree_node> = {
        _vptr.Parse_tree_node = 0x43485f8 <vtable for Item_field+16>, 
        contextualized = true, 
        transitional = false
      members of Item: 
      is_expensive_cache = -1 '\377', 
      rsize = 0, 
      str_value = {
        m_ptr = 0x0, 
        m_length = 0, 
        m_charset = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
        m_alloced_length = 0, 
        m_is_alloced = false
      item_name = {
        <Name_string> = {
          <Simple_cstring> = {
            m_str = 0x7fd2540056a8 "age", 
            m_length = 3
          }, <No data fields>}, 
        members of Item_name_string: 
        m_is_autogenerated = true
      orig_name = {
        <Name_string> = {
          <Simple_cstring> = {
            m_str = 0x0, 
            m_length = 0
          }, <No data fields>}, 
        members of Item_name_string: 
        m_is_autogenerated = true
      next = 0x7fd2540056b0, 
      max_length = 0, 
      marker = 0, 
      decimals = 0 '\000', 
      maybe_null = 0 '\000', 
      null_value = 0 '\000', 
      unsigned_flag = 0 '\000', 
      with_sum_func = 0 '\000', 
      fixed = 0 '\000', 
      collation = {
        collation = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
        derivation = DERIVATION_IMPLICIT, 
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
        repertoire = 3
      cmp_context = 4294967295, 
      runtime_item = false, 
      derived_used = false, 
      with_subselect = 0 '\000', 
      with_stored_program = 0 '\000', 
      tables_locked_cache = false, 
      is_parser_item = true
    members of Item_ident: 
    orig_db_name = 0x0, 
    orig_table_name = 0x0, 
    orig_field_name = 0x7fd2540056a8 "age", 
    m_alias_of_expr = false, 
    context = 0x7fd254004c30, 
    db_name = 0x0, 
    table_name = 0x0, 
    field_name = 0x7fd2540056a8 "age", 
    cached_field_index = 4294967295, 
    cached_table = 0x0, 
    depended_from = 0x0
  members of Item_field: 
  table_ref = 0x0, 
  field = 0x0, 
  result_field = 0x0, 
  item_equal = 0x0, 
  no_const_subst = false, 
  have_privileges = 0, 
  any_privileges = false


  1. 此处是构建case属性的相关列属性的过程, ref的参数包含两种列属性
    1. 参与case运算的 Item_func_isnotnull
    2. 表的列属性Item_field
  2. 此时尚未读取列属性Item_field中的值进行计算取值, 目的在于构建case列属性相关信息的完整结构



#0  Item_func_case::val_int (this=0x7fd254005850) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc:3897
#1  0x0000000001dde09f in Item_copy_int::copy (this=0x7fd2540217b0, thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/item.cc:4868
#2  0x00000000023e3292 in copy_fields (param=0x7fd254020ff8, thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_executor.cc:4381
#3  0x000000000247902f in JOIN::clear (this=0x7fd254020ec0) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_select.cc:3365
#4  0x00000000023dfb7b in end_send_group (join=0x7fd254020ec0, qep_tab=0x7fd254021730, end_of_records=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_executor.cc:3060
#5  0x00000000023db32a in sub_select (join=0x7fd254020ec0, qep_tab=0x7fd2540215b8, end_of_records=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_executor.cc:1233
#6  0x00000000023dae9e in do_select (join=0x7fd254020ec0) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_executor.cc:959
#7  0x00000000023d8ded in JOIN::exec (this=0x7fd254020ec0) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_executor.cc:206
#8  0x00000000024717e3 in handle_query (thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result=0x7fd254006a88, added_options=0, removed_options=0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=0, free_join_from_tianmu=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_select.cc:195
#9  0x0000000002427ae2 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fd254000e10, all_tables=0x7fd254014a88) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5205
#10 0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#11 0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fd254000e10, parser_state=0x7fd519f6ff90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#12 0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, com_data=0x7fd519f70730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#13 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#14 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x965db20) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#15 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9490860) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#16 0x00007fd569c2b1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#17 0x00007fd566aa1e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


longlong Item_func_case::val_int()
  assert(fixed == 1);
  char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
  String dummy_str(buff,sizeof(buff),default_charset());
  Item *item=find_item(&dummy_str);
  longlong res;

  if (!item)
    return 0;
  return res;



  1. 该函数实现了case属性的取值和计算, 代码逻辑非常简单直接,这里不做过多分析
  2. 值得注意的是该函数被调用的位置, 是在end_send_group中, 由copy_fields完成
  3. 需要注意myql/sql中的item的概念, 是作为一个基本元素来理解, 即使是一个包含case运算的列, 也是一个item. 而这个包含case运算的item又包含了其他属性的item。在当前场景下具体为 Item_func_case
  4. item对上层提供的统一抽象接口是val_int和val_str, 即使是逻辑分支运算例如case, 也是被包括在了val_int中进行



T:-1 = TABLE_ALIAS(T:0,"t1")
T:-2 = TMP_TABLE(T:4294967295)
VC:-2.0 = CREATE_VC(T:-2,EXPR("case"))
A:-1 = T:-2.ADD_COLUMN(VC:-2.0,LIST,"case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end","ALL"
VC:-2.1 = CREATE_VC(T:-2,PHYS_COL(T:-1,A:0))
A:-2 = T:-2.ADD_COLUMN(VC:-2.1,SUM,"sum(age)","ALL")


  1. 需要注意这个日志仅仅是将mysql/sql的查询树, 转换成tianmu的查询序列的过程, 是一个构建的过程,而非执行查询序列的过程
  2. 查询序列的执行的入口是APPLY_CONDS()
  3. 查询序列的每一个操作符的具体的执行过程, 需要从APPLY_CONDS()入口开始逐步定位
  4. 具体到本问题, 就是要分析EXPR的列属性,是被如何具体处理




#0  Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::EvalType (this=0x7fd254024e70, tv=0x7fd254eb5bd8) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:373
#1  0x0000000002e406d2 in Tianmu::vcolumn::ExpressionColumn::ExpressionColumn (this=0x7fd254eb5a30, expr=0x7fd254024e70, temp_table=0x7fd254eb56f0, temp_table_alias=-2, 
    multi_index=0x7fd254026e40) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/vc/expr_column.cpp:72
#2  0x0000000002cfd078 in Tianmu::core::Query::CreateColumnFromExpression (this=0x7fd519f6e750, exprs=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, temp_table=0x7fd254eb56f0, 
    temp_table_alias=-2, mind=0x7fd254026e40) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query.cpp:498
#3  0x0000000002cff9d5 in Tianmu::core::Query::Preexecute (this=0x7fd519f6e750, qu=..., sender=0x71c5c40, display_now=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query.cpp:820
#4  0x0000000002cebb38 in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=0x7fd254006a68, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:513
#5  0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#6  0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#7  0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fd254000e10, all_tables=0x7fd254014a88) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#8  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#9  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fd254000e10, parser_state=0x7fd519f6ff90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#10 0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, com_data=0x7fd519f70730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#11 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#12 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x965db20) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#13 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9490860) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#14 0x00007fd569c2b1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#15 0x00007fd566aa1e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


DataType MysqlExpression::EvalType(TypOfVars *tv) {
  // set types of variables (_tianmufieldsCache)
  if (tv) {
    DataType fieldtype;
    auto tianmufield_set = tianmu_fields_cache.begin();
    while (tianmufield_set != tianmu_fields_cache.end()) {
      auto it = tv->find(tianmufield_set->first);
      if (it != tv->end()) {
        for (auto &tianmufield : tianmufield_set->second) {
          fieldtype = it->second;


  1. 最大的一个问题便是为什么要在这个函数打断点做追踪?
    1. 对expr的处理的代码并不熟悉, 不知道tianmu具体是怎么处理case的, 无法直接在逻辑处理的地方打断点, 或者说对代码的熟悉程度不足以直接定位问题。这也是现在大部分的解决问题的时候面临的难题, 对这块代码的熟悉程度不足, 是在解决这块代码的问题时才第一次理解该块逻辑的代码
    2. 但是EvalType是必定要走到的, 必须要拿到expr的类型
  2. 从这个函数的调用堆栈出发, 理解expr的属性的处理流程



#0  Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::GetTianmufieldItem (this=0x7fd254024e70, ifield=0x7fd254eb2a08) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:165
#1  0x00000000030c5a05 in Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformTree (this=0x7fd254024e70, root=0x7fd254eb2a08, dir=Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformDirection::FORWARD)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:240
#2  0x00000000030c5f09 in Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformTree (this=0x7fd254024e70, root=0x7fd254eb2f50, dir=Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformDirection::FORWARD)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:333
#3  0x00000000030c5e05 in Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformTree (this=0x7fd254024e70, root=0x7fd2540055c0, dir=Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformDirection::FORWARD)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:317
#4  0x00000000030c5e05 in Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformTree (this=0x7fd254024e70, root=0x7fd254005840, dir=Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::TransformDirection::FORWARD)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:317
#5  0x00000000030c4ce1 in Tianmu::core::MysqlExpression::MysqlExpression (this=0x7fd254024e70, item=0x7fd254005840, item2varid=std::map with 1 element = {...})
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/mysql_expression.cpp:50
#6  0x0000000002d24303 in Tianmu::core::Query::WrapMysqlExpression (this=0x7fd519f6e750, item=0x7fd254005840, tmp_table=..., expr=@0x7fd519f6e1c8: 0x0, in_where=false, aggr_used=false)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:834
#7  0x0000000002d22279 in Tianmu::core::Query::AddFields (this=0x7fd519f6e750, fields=..., tmp_table=..., base_table=..., group_by_clause=false, num_of_added_fields=@0x7fd519f6e4c4: 0, 
    ignore_minmax=false, aggregation_used=@0x7fd519f6e40f: false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:495
#8  0x0000000002d25efd in Tianmu::core::Query::Compile (this=0x7fd519f6e750, compiled_query=0x7fd519f6e680, selects_list=0x7fd254004bc0, last_distinct=0x0, res_tab=0x0, ignore_limit=false, 
    left_expr_for_subselect=0x0, oper_for_subselect=0x0, ignore_minmax=false, for_subq_in_where=false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:1210
#9  0x0000000002ceb69c in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=0x7fd254006a68, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:472
#10 0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#11 0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#12 0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fd254000e10, all_tables=0x7fd254014a88) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#13 0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#14 0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fd254000e10, parser_state=0x7fd519f6ff90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#15 0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, com_data=0x7fd519f70730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#16 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#17 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x965db20) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#18 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9490860) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#19 0x00007fd569c2b1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#20 0x00007fd566aa1e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


Item_tianmufield *MysqlExpression::GetTianmufieldItem(Item_field *ifield) {
  auto key = item2varid->find(ifield);
  DEBUG_ASSERT(key != item2varid->end());
  auto it = tianmu_fields_cache.find(key->second);
  Item_tianmufield *tianmufield = nullptr;
  if (it != tianmu_fields_cache.end()) {
    tianmufield = *it->second.begin();
  } else {
    tianmufield = new Item_tianmufield(ifield, key->second);
    std::set<Item_tianmufield *> s_tmp;
    tianmu_fields_cache.insert(make_pair(key->second, s_tmp));
  return (tianmufield);


  1. 由于上层逻辑是在执行Query::AddFields和TransformTree, 所以不能从GetTianmufieldItem中获取具体的业务处理相关的信息
  2. 那么为什么还要在这个函数挂断点分析执行过程呢? 因为这个函数是在处理Item_tianmufield的其中一个过程



(gdb) p output_table[0].attrs[0][0]
$27 = (Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr) {
  <Tianmu::core::PhysicalColumn> = {
    <Tianmu::core::Column> = {
      ct = {
        type = Tianmu::common::ColumnType::BIGINT, 
        unsigned_flag_ = false, 
        precision = 19, 
        scale = 0, 
        internal_size = 8, 
        display_size = 20, 
        collation = {
          collation = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
          derivation = DERIVATION_NONE, 
          repertoire = 3
        fmt = Tianmu::common::PackFmt::DEFAULT, 
        flag = std::bitset
    members of Tianmu::core::PhysicalColumn: 
    _vptr.PhysicalColumn = 0x44057d0 <vtable for Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr+16>, 
    is_unique = false, 
    is_unique_updated = false
  members of Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr: 
  si = {
    separator = "", 
    order = st_order::ORDER_NOT_RELEVANT
  buffer = 0x0, 
  no_obj = 0, 
  no_power = 16, 
  no_materialized = 0, 
  page_size = 1, 
  alias = 0x7fd254024a70 "case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end", 
  mode = Tianmu::common::ColOperation::LISTING, 
  distinct = false, 
  term = {
    type = Tianmu::common::ColumnType::UNK, 
    vc = 0x7fd254eb5a30, 
    cond_value = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, 
    cond_numvalue = std::shared_ptr<Tianmu::utils::Hash64> (empty) = {
      get() = 0x0
    vc_id = 0, 
    is_vc_owner = false, 
    item = 0x0
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
  dim = -2, 
  orig_precision = 19, 
  not_complete = true


  1. 追踪这个函数是从结果出发, 来分析case列相关的属性和数据信息, 倒推case列属性是如何执行的
  2. 对output_table[0].attrs[0][0]的数据做分析, 有以下奇怪的地方
    1. mode的值是Tianmu::common::ColOperation::LISTING, 这个是自然属性, 而并不是case这种计算的属性。这种属性会导致直接取值, 而非取值后的case计算
    2. buffer = 0x0 缓存列的中间结果, 其值为空, 也就是没有拿到数据, 结合mode是LISTING, 其值符合LISTING属性的预期
  3. 所以可以分析出, case属性的列, 在执行的时候, 是按照LISTING进行处理的, 而并没有做case运算



#0  Tianmu::core::Query::AddColumnForMysqlExpression (this=0x7fd519f6e750, mysql_expression=0x7fd254024e70, tmp_table=..., 
    alias=0x7fd2540065c8 "case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end", oper=Tianmu::common::ColOperation::LISTING, distinct=false, group_by=false)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:932
#1  0x0000000002d223ec in Tianmu::core::Query::AddFields (this=0x7fd519f6e750, fields=..., tmp_table=..., base_table=..., group_by_clause=false, num_of_added_fields=@0x7fd519f6e4c4: 0, 
    ignore_minmax=false, aggregation_used=@0x7fd519f6e40f: false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:507
#2  0x0000000002d25efd in Tianmu::core::Query::Compile (this=0x7fd519f6e750, compiled_query=0x7fd519f6e680, selects_list=0x7fd254004bc0, last_distinct=0x0, res_tab=0x0, ignore_limit=false, 
    left_expr_for_subselect=0x0, oper_for_subselect=0x0, ignore_minmax=false, for_subq_in_where=false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:1210
#3  0x0000000002ceb69c in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=0x7fd254006a68, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:472
#4  0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x7218d50, thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#5  0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fd254000e10, lex=0x7fd254003138, result_output=@0x7fd519f6edc8: 0x7fd254006a68, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fd519f6edc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fd519f6edbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fd519f6edc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#6  0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fd254000e10, all_tables=0x7fd254014a88) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#7  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#8  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fd254000e10, parser_state=0x7fd519f6ff90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#9  0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10, com_data=0x7fd519f70730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#10 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fd254000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#11 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x965db20) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#12 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9490860) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#13 0x00007fd569c2b1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#14 0x00007fd566aa1e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6



QueryRouteTo Query::AddFields(List<Item> &fields, TabID const &tmp_table, TabID const &base_table,
                              bool const group_by_clause, int &num_of_added_fields, bool ignore_minmax,
                              bool &aggregation_used) {
  List_iterator_fast<Item> li(fields);
  Item *item;
  int added = 0;
  item = li++;
  while (item) {
    WrapStatus ws;
    common::ColOperation oper;
    bool distinct;
    if (QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL == OperationUnmysterify(item, oper, distinct, group_by_clause))
      return QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL;

    if (IsAggregationItem(item))
      aggregation_used = true;

    // in case of transformed subquery sometimes we need to revert back
    // transformation to MIN/MAX
    if (ignore_minmax && (oper == common::ColOperation::MIN || oper == common::ColOperation::MAX))
      oper = common::ColOperation::LISTING;

    if ((IsFieldItem(item) || IsAggregationOverFieldItem(item)) &&
        (IsLocalColumn(item, tmp_table) || (!base_table.IsNullID() && IsLocalColumn(item, base_table))))
      AddColumnForPhysColumn(item, tmp_table, base_table, oper, distinct, false, item->item_name.ptr());
    // REF to FIELD_ITEM
    else if (item->type() == Item::REF_ITEM) {
      item = UnRef(item);
    // if ((UnRef(item)->type() == Item_tianmufield::enumTIANMUFiledItem::TIANMUFIELD_ITEM ||
    //      UnRef(item)->type() == Item_tianmufield::FIELD_ITEM) &&
    //     IsLocalColumn(UnRef(item), tmp_table))
    //   AddColumnForPhysColumn(UnRef(item), tmp_table, oper, distinct, false, false);
    // else {
    //   //
    // }
    else if (IsAggregationItem(item) && (((Item_sum *)item)->get_arg(0))->type() == Item::REF_ITEM &&
             (UnRef(((Item_sum *)item)->get_arg(0))->type() == Item_tianmufield::get_tianmuitem_type() ||
              (UnRef(((Item_sum *)item)->get_arg(0))->type() == Item_tianmufield::FIELD_ITEM)) &&
             IsLocalColumn(UnRef(((Item_sum *)item)->get_arg(0)), tmp_table))
      // AGGR on REF to FIELD_ITEM
      AddColumnForPhysColumn(UnRef(((Item_sum *)item)->get_arg(0)), tmp_table, TabID(), oper, distinct, false,
    else if (IsAggregationItem(item)) {
      // select AGGREGATION over EXPRESSION
      Item_sum *item_sum = (Item_sum *)item;
      if (item_sum->get_arg_count() > 1 || HasAggregation(item_sum->get_arg(0)))
        return QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL;
      if (IsCountStar(item_sum)) {  // count(*) doesn't need any virtual column
        AttrID at;
        cq->AddColumn(at, tmp_table, CQTerm(), oper, item_sum->item_name.ptr(), false);
        field_alias2num[TabIDColAlias(tmp_table.n, item_sum->item_name.ptr())] = at.n;
      } else {
        MysqlExpression *expr;
        ws = WrapMysqlExpression(item_sum->get_arg(0), tmp_table, expr, false, false);
        if (ws == WrapStatus::FAILURE)
          return QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL;
        AddColumnForMysqlExpression(expr, tmp_table,
                                    ignore_minmax ? item_sum->get_arg(0)->item_name.ptr() : item_sum->item_name.ptr(),
                                    oper, distinct);
    } else if (item->type() == Item::SUBSELECT_ITEM) {
      CQTerm term;
      AttrID at;
      if (Item2CQTerm(item, term, tmp_table,
                      /*group_by_clause ? HAVING_FILTER :*/ CondType::WHERE_COND) == QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL)
        return QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL;
      cq->AddColumn(at, tmp_table, term, common::ColOperation::LISTING, item->item_name.ptr(), distinct);
      field_alias2num[TabIDColAlias(tmp_table.n, item->item_name.ptr())] = at.n;
    } else {
      // select EXPRESSION
      if (HasAggregation(item)) {
        oper = common::ColOperation::DELAYED;
        aggregation_used = true;
      MysqlExpression *expr(nullptr);
      ws = WrapMysqlExpression(item, tmp_table, expr, false, oper == common::ColOperation::DELAYED);
      if (ws == WrapStatus::FAILURE)
        return QueryRouteTo::kToMySQL;
      if (!item->item_name.ptr()) {
        Item_func_conv_charset *item_conv = dynamic_cast<Item_func_conv_charset *>(item);
        if (item_conv) {
          Item **ifunc_args = item_conv->arguments();
          AddColumnForMysqlExpression(expr, tmp_table, ifunc_args[0]->item_name.ptr(), oper, distinct);
        } else {
          AddColumnForMysqlExpression(expr, tmp_table, item->item_name.ptr(), oper, distinct);
      } else
        AddColumnForMysqlExpression(expr, tmp_table, item->item_name.ptr(), oper, distinct);
    item = li++;
  num_of_added_fields = added;
  return QueryRouteTo::kToTianmu;

(gdb) p item
$30 = (Item_func_case *) 0x7fd254005840


  1. case的列属性构建tianmu的查询序列, mode设置为LISTING导致了case运算的缺失, 那么就需要分析构建查询序列的列属性的过程
  2. 分析该函数有这么几个目的:
    1. 尝试将tianmu的列属性与mysql/sql的列属性保持一致, 补充确实的case运算
    2. 如果tianmu引擎无法计算该属性, 直接拿到item的信息进行处理



#0  Tianmu::core::Query::AddColumnForMysqlExpression (this=0x7fb151126750, mysql_expression=0x7fae4401c470, tmp_table=..., 
    alias=0x7fae44010808 "case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end", oper=Tianmu::common::ColOperation::LISTING, distinct=false, group_by=false)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:932
#1  0x0000000002d223ec in Tianmu::core::Query::AddFields (this=0x7fb151126750, fields=..., tmp_table=..., base_table=..., group_by_clause=false, num_of_added_fields=@0x7fb1511264c4: 0, 
    ignore_minmax=false, aggregation_used=@0x7fb15112640f: false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:507
#2  0x0000000002d25efd in Tianmu::core::Query::Compile (this=0x7fb151126750, compiled_query=0x7fb151126680, selects_list=0x7fae44005520, last_distinct=0x0, res_tab=0x0, ignore_limit=false, 
    left_expr_for_subselect=0x0, oper_for_subselect=0x0, ignore_minmax=false, for_subq_in_where=false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/query_compile.cpp:1210
#3  0x0000000002ceb69c in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=0x7fae440120e8, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:472
#4  0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae440120e8, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#5  0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae440120e8, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#6  0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fae44000e10, all_tables=0x7fae44013648) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#7  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#8  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fae44000e10, parser_state=0x7fb151127f90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#9  0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, com_data=0x7fb151128730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#10 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#11 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x9e23f40) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#12 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9c38930) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#13 0x00007fb15b44a1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#14 0x00007fb1582c0e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


vcolumn::VirtualColumn *Query::CreateColumnFromExpression(std::vector<MysqlExpression *> const &exprs,
                                                          TempTable *temp_table, int temp_table_alias,
                                                          MultiIndex *mind) {
  DEBUG_ASSERT(exprs.size() > 0);
  if (exprs.size() != 1) {

  vcolumn::VirtualColumn *vc = nullptr;

  Item *item = exprs[0]->GetItem();
  if (exprs[0]->IsDeterministic() && (exprs[0]->GetVars().empty())) {
    ColumnType type(exprs[0]->EvalType());
    vc = new vcolumn::ConstColumn(*(exprs[0]->Evaluate()), type, true);
  } else if (vcolumn::VirtualColumn::IsConstExpression(exprs[0], temp_table_alias, &temp_table->GetAliases()) &&
             exprs[0]->IsDeterministic()) {
    if (IsFieldItem(item)) {
      // a special case when a naked column is a parameter
      // without this column type would be a seen by mysql, not TIANMU.
      // e.g. timestamp would be string 19
      TabID tab;
      AttrID col;
      tab.n = exprs[0]->GetVars().begin()->tab;
      col.n = exprs[0]->GetVars().begin()->col;
      col.n = col.n < 0 ? -col.n - 1 : col.n;
      ColumnType ct = ta[-tab.n - 1]->GetColumnType(col.n);
      vc = new vcolumn::ConstExpressionColumn(exprs[0], ct, temp_table, temp_table_alias, mind);
    } else
      vc = new vcolumn::ConstExpressionColumn(exprs[0], temp_table, temp_table_alias, mind);
  } else {
    if (tianmu_control_.isOn()) {
      if ((item->type()) == Item::FUNC_ITEM) {
        Item_func *ifunc = down_cast<Item_func *>(item);
            << "Unoptimized expression near '" << ifunc->func_name() << "'" << system::unlock;
    vc = new vcolumn::ExpressionColumn(exprs[0], temp_table, temp_table_alias, mind);
    if (static_cast<vcolumn::ExpressionColumn *>(vc)->GetStringType() == MysqlExpression::StringType::STRING_TIME &&
        vc->TypeName() != common::ColumnType::TIME) {  // common::CT::TIME is already as int64_t
      vcolumn::TypeCastColumn *tcc = new vcolumn::String2DateTimeCastColumn(vc, ColumnType(common::ColumnType::TIME));
      vc = tcc;

  MysqlExpression::SetOfVars params = vc->GetParams();
  MysqlExpression::TypOfVars types;
  for (auto &iter : params) {
    types[iter] = ta[-iter.tab - 1]->GetColumnType(iter.col < 0 ? -iter.col - 1 : iter.col);
  return vc;


  1. 利用MysqlExpression中的信息,生成 VirtualColumn



#0  Tianmu::core::TempTable::Materialize (this=0x7fae44eaa1c0, in_subq=false, sender=0x796f3a0, lazy=false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/temp_table.cpp:1955
#1  0x0000000002cebc6e in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=0x7fae44006a88, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:518
#2  0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae44006a88, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#3  0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae44006a88, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#4  0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fae44000e10, all_tables=0x7fae44f39648) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#5  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#6  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fae44000e10, parser_state=0x7fb151127f90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#7  0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, com_data=0x7fb151128730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#8  0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#9  0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x9e23f40) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#10 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9c38930) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#11 0x00007fb15b44a1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#12 0x00007fb1582c0e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


void TempTable::Materialize(bool in_subq, ResultSender *sender, bool lazy) {
  if (sender)
  int64_t offset = 0;  // controls the first object to be materialized
  int64_t limit = -1;  // if(limit>=0)  ->  for(row = offset; row < offset +
                       // limit; row++) ....
  bool limits_present = mode.top;
  bool exists_only = mode.exists;

  if (limits_present) {
    offset = (mode.param1 >= 0 ? mode.param1 : 0);
    limit = (mode.param2 >= 0 ? mode.param2 : 0);
    // applied => reset to default values
    mode.top = false;
    mode.param2 = -1;
    mode.param1 = 0;
  int64_t local_offset = 0;  // controls the first object to be materialized in a given algorithm
  int64_t local_limit = -1;
  if (materialized && (order_by.size() > 0 || limits_present) && no_obj) {
    // if TempTable is already materialized but some additional constraints were
    // specified, e.g., order by or limit this is typical case for union, where
    // constraints are specified for the result of union after materialization
    if (limits_present) {
      local_offset = offset;
      local_limit = std::min(limit, (int64_t)no_obj - offset);
      local_limit = local_limit < 0 ? 0 : local_limit;
    } else
      local_limit = no_obj;
    if (exists_only) {
      if (local_limit == 0)  // else no change needed
        no_obj = 0;

    if (order_by.size() != 0 && no_obj > 1) {
      std::shared_ptr<TempTable> temporary_source_table =
          CreateMaterializedCopy(true, in_subq);  // true: translate definition of ordering
      OrderByAndMaterialize(order_by, local_limit, local_offset);
    } else if (limits_present)
      ApplyOffset(local_limit, local_offset);

  if ((materialized && !this->lazy) || (this->lazy && no_obj == no_materialized)) {

  bool table_distinct = this->mode.distinct;
  bool distinct_on_materialized = false;
  for (uint i = 0; i < NumOfAttrs(); i++)
    if (attrs[i]->mode != common::ColOperation::LISTING)
      group_by = true;
  if (table_distinct && group_by) {
    distinct_on_materialized = true;
    table_distinct = false;

  if (order_by.size() > 0 || group_by || this->mode.distinct || force_full_materialize)
    lazy = false;
  this->lazy = lazy;

  bool no_rows_too_large = filter.mind_->TooManyTuples();
  no_obj = -1;         // no_obj not calculated yet - wait for better moment
  VerifyAttrsSizes();  // resize attr[i] buffers basing on the current
                       // multiindex state

  // the case when there is no grouping of attributes, check also DISTINCT
  // modifier of TT
  if (!group_by && !table_distinct) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(!distinct_on_materialized);  // should by false here, otherwise must be
                                              // added to conditions below

    if (limits_present) {
      if (no_rows_too_large && order_by.size() == 0)
        no_obj = offset + limit;  // offset + limit in the worst case
        no_obj = filter.mind_->NumOfTuples();
      if (no_obj <= offset) {
        no_obj = 0;
        materialized = true;
      local_offset = offset;
      local_limit = std::min(limit, (int64_t)no_obj - offset);
      local_limit = local_limit < 0 ? 0 : local_limit;
    } else {
      no_obj = filter.mind_->NumOfTuples();
      local_limit = no_obj;
    if (exists_only) {
    output_mind.AddDimension_cross(local_limit);  // an artificial dimension for result

    CalculatePageSize();  // recalculate, as no_obj might changed
    // perform order by: in this case it can be done on source tables, not on
    // the result
    bool materialized_by_ordering = false;
    if (CanOrderSources())
      // false if no sorting used
      materialized_by_ordering = this->OrderByAndMaterialize(order_by, local_limit, local_offset, sender);
    if (!materialized_by_ordering) {  // not materialized yet?
      // materialize without aggregations. If ordering then do not send result
      if (order_by.size() == 0)
        FillMaterializedBuffers(local_limit, local_offset, sender, lazy);
      else  // in case of order by we need to materialize all rows to be next
            // ordered
        FillMaterializedBuffers(no_obj, 0, nullptr, lazy);
  } else {
    // GROUP BY or DISTINCT -  compute aggregations
    if (limits_present && !distinct_on_materialized && order_by.size() == 0) {
      local_offset = offset;
      local_limit = limit;
      if (exists_only)
        local_limit = 1;
    if (HasHavingConditions() && in_subq)

    ResultSender *local_sender = (distinct_on_materialized || order_by.size() > 0 ? nullptr : sender);
    AggregationAlgorithm aggr(this);
    aggr.Aggregate(table_distinct, local_limit, local_offset,
                   local_sender);  // this->tree (HAVING) used inside
    if (no_obj == 0) {

    output_mind.AddDimension_cross(no_obj);  // an artificial dimension for result

  local_offset = 0;
  local_limit = -1;

  // DISTINCT after grouping
  if (distinct_on_materialized && no_obj > 1) {
    if (limits_present && order_by.size() == 0) {
      local_offset = std::min((int64_t)no_obj, offset);
      local_limit = std::min(limit, (int64_t)no_obj - local_offset);
      local_limit = local_limit < 0 ? 0 : local_limit;
      if (no_obj <= offset) {
        no_obj = 0;
        materialized = true;
    } else
      local_limit = no_obj;
    if (exists_only)
      local_limit = 1;
    std::shared_ptr<TempTable> temporary_source_table = CreateMaterializedCopy(false, in_subq);
    ResultSender *local_sender = (order_by.size() > 0 ? nullptr : sender);

    AggregationAlgorithm aggr(this);
    aggr.Aggregate(true, local_limit, local_offset,
                   local_sender);  // true => select-level distinct
    output_mind.AddDimension_cross(no_obj);  // an artificial dimension for result
  }                                          // end of distinct part
  // ORDER BY, if not sorted until now
  if (order_by.size() != 0) {
    if (limits_present) {
      local_offset = std::min((int64_t)no_obj, offset);
      local_limit = std::min(limit, (int64_t)no_obj - local_offset);
      local_limit = local_limit < 0 ? 0 : local_limit;
      if (no_obj <= offset) {
        no_obj = 0;
        materialized = true;
    } else
      local_limit = no_obj;
    if (no_obj > 1 && !exists_only) {
      std::shared_ptr<TempTable> temporary_source_table =
          CreateMaterializedCopy(true, in_subq);  // true: translate definition of ordering
      OrderByAndMaterialize(order_by, local_limit, local_offset, sender);
    output_mind.AddDimension_cross(no_obj);  // an artificial dimension for result
  materialized = true;


(gdb) p result.attrs[0][0]
$5 = (Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr) {
  <Tianmu::core::PhysicalColumn> = {
    <Tianmu::core::Column> = {
      ct = {
        type = Tianmu::common::ColumnType::BIGINT, 
        unsigned_flag_ = false, 
        precision = 19, 
        scale = 0, 
        internal_size = 8, 
        display_size = 20, 
        collation = {
          collation = 0x44664e0 <my_charset_bin>, 
          derivation = DERIVATION_NONE, 
          repertoire = 3
        fmt = Tianmu::common::PackFmt::DEFAULT, 
        flag = std::bitset
    members of Tianmu::core::PhysicalColumn: 
    _vptr.PhysicalColumn = 0x44057d0 <vtable for Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr+16>, 
    is_unique = false, 
    is_unique_updated = false
  members of Tianmu::core::TempTable::Attr: 
  si = {
    separator = "", 
    order = st_order::ORDER_NOT_RELEVANT
  buffer = 0x7fae44eaa480, 
  no_obj = 1, 
  no_power = 16, 
  no_materialized = 1, 
  page_size = 1, 
  alias = 0x7fae44016fd0 "case when  age IS NOT NULL THEN age else 33 end", 
  mode = Tianmu::common::ColOperation::LISTING, 
  distinct = false, 
  term = {
    type = Tianmu::common::ColumnType::UNK, 
    vc = 0x7fae44011e50, 
    cond_value = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, 
    cond_numvalue = std::shared_ptr<Tianmu::utils::Hash64> (empty) = {
      get() = 0x0
    vc_id = 0, 
    is_vc_owner = false, 
    item = 0x0
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
  dim = -2, 
  orig_precision = 19, 
  not_complete = false


  1. 执行完APPLY_CONS过滤了条件之后, 就开始执行该函数
  2. 函数内部的逻辑自然是对conds条件处理完成之后的临时表, 做处理, 包含聚合, 排序
  3. 对比正确的case里属性, 在此函数处理过后, 就获取到了正确的值!
  4. 具体的给case列属性赋值, 是在属性了聚合运算之后



#0  Tianmu::core::AggregationAlgorithm::MultiDimensionalGroupByScan (this=0x7fb1511264c0, gbw=..., limit=@0x7fb151126118: 1, offset=@0x7fb151126548: 0, sender=0x796f3a0, 
    limit_less_than_no_groups=false) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/optimizer/aggregation_algorithm.cpp:373
#1  0x0000000002fb80c3 in Tianmu::core::AggregationAlgorithm::Aggregate (this=0x7fb1511264c0, just_distinct=false, limit=@0x7fb151126540: -1, offset=@0x7fb151126548: 0, sender=0x796f3a0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/optimizer/aggregation_algorithm.cpp:209
#2  0x0000000002d404d6 in Tianmu::core::TempTable::Materialize (this=0x7fae44eaa1c0, in_subq=false, sender=0x796f3a0, lazy=false)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/temp_table.cpp:2084
#3  0x0000000002cebc6e in Tianmu::core::Engine::Execute (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=0x7fae44006a88, unit_for_union=0x0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:518
#4  0x0000000002cea825 in Tianmu::core::Engine::HandleSelect (this=0x79ded50, thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae44006a88, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/core/engine_execute.cpp:243
#5  0x0000000003084b13 in Tianmu::DBHandler::ha_my_tianmu_query (thd=0x7fae44000e10, lex=0x7fae44003138, result_output=@0x7fb151126dc8: 0x7fae44006a88, setup_tables_done_option=0, 
    res=@0x7fb151126dc4: 0, is_optimize_after_tianmu=@0x7fb151126dbc: 1, tianmu_free_join=@0x7fb151126dc0: 1, with_insert=0)
    at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/tianmu/sql/ha_my_tianmu.cpp:95
#6  0x0000000002427aa8 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7fae44000e10, all_tables=0x7fae44f39648) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5204
#7  0x0000000002420e1e in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, first_level=true) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:2847
#8  0x0000000002428b0d in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fae44000e10, parser_state=0x7fb151127f90) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:5642
#9  0x000000000241db04 in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10, com_data=0x7fb151128730, command=COM_QUERY) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1495
#10 0x000000000241c945 in do_command (thd=0x7fae44000e10) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/sql_parse.cc:1034
#11 0x000000000254eeb5 in handle_connection (arg=0x9e23f40) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#12 0x0000000002c1e6f4 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x9c38930) at /root/work/stonedb-dev-20230605/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#13 0x00007fb15b44a1ca in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#14 0x00007fb1582c0e73 in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6



  1. 不但执行聚合运算, 并且还要将结果temp_table和sender
  2. 之所以在执行聚合时还要将结果填充, 最根本的原因是tianmu的执行并非是mysql/sql层的火山模型, 每一个操作符做清晰的划分, 数据自下而上的流动。而是使用类似monetdb的物化模型, 尽可能将中间结果进行物化
  3. 第373行表明了为什么当派生表为空时, case列属性为NULL, 而不进行case计算
    1. 对其他列的数据的填充, 是以聚合运算结果的大小为依据
    2. 当聚合运算为空时, 对其他列不做赋值, 导致也不执行case运算


  1. 在定位查询出错的时候,大部分的情况是对相关代码逻辑并不熟悉, 需要根据线索逐步的定位出问题
  2. 能否定位并解决问题, 是相对于设计一个流程,更为复杂的过程, 因为这个过程并不是正向的,也就是说需要根据现有结果, 来反推当前代码的设计意图,并找到对于当前场景未考虑到的因素


  1. 将设计意图的分析放在最后, 是因为设计这个东西最容易引起误解,大部分人都是照本宣科的某种教条来编写代码, 而忽视了代码或者说解决方案所要解决的问题
  2. tianmu引擎的查询执行非常明显的区别于mysql/sql层的查询执行, 对于操作符的处理尤其不同,这中间有一些数据库模型上的差异
    1. mysql/sql和innodb的配合是以行存为基础, 以表的访问为最基本的单元。而tianmu是以列为单位, 最小的处理单元是列, 更上层的所谓表的概念是不同的列的组合, 由此抽象出相当复杂的维度表的概念。
    2. myql/sql层的查询优化和查询执行采取了经典的火山模型, 操作符或者说算子相对独立
    3. tianmu采取了monetdb的思想, 采用了物化模型, 在执行时操作符之间的处理相对物化因素来说不是那么清晰, 例如在聚合处理的时候, 聚合的列与其他列的影响,以及将聚合后的结果或者说中间结果进行物化处理, 比较明显的就是对于temp_table的处理。


  1. 限于篇幅, 随后会对如何修复该场景下的查询问题, 如果重新设计相关逻辑和代码架构, 做更为详细的处理
  2. 这里需要指出, 只有当为了解决问题时, 所谓的代码设计和更宏观的架构才有意义, 而非某种死板的教条。代码架构必定是为了不但要解决当前的问题更是为了避免更为长远的场景下所出现的问题。




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