PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples

news2025/3/11 15:59:32


PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples

Punch Indentation of a Bonded Material

Sleeved Triaxial Test of a Bonded Material



PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples

Punch Indentation of a Bonded Material


在创建一个耦合的PFC-FLAC3D模型之前,必须加载PFC模块,可以通过 " 工具 "►" 加载PFC "菜单项或者使用以下命令来加载模块。一旦一个项目被保存并加载了任何额外的模块,只要再次打开该项目,这些模块就会被加载。

PFC球是在FLAC3D的无效区域内创建的。由于PFC总是在大应变模式下运行,因此必须明确激活区域和结构元素的大应变模式。(the model largestrain command


;create a bed of zones for the balls to sit inside
zone create brick size 35 35 35 point 0 -4 -4 -4.5 point 1 4 -4 -4.5 ...
                                point 2 -4 4 -4.5 point 3 -4 -4 -1 group 'bed'
zone cmodel assign elastic
zone property young [materialMod] poisson 0.25
zone cmodel null ...
            range position-x -1.5 1.5 position-y -1.5 1.5 position-z -2 -1
;as the balls are packing into this region - 
;fix the gridpoint motions as the balls are settling
zone gridpoint fix velocity

;wrap the bed with walls
wall-zone create name 'bed' starting-zone 30013
;create a wall over the top 
wall generate name 'top' plane position 0 0 -1 

;create a cloud of balls that are arbitrarily overlapping  (任意重叠)
ball distribute porosity 0.4 box -1.5 1.5 -1.5 1.5 -2 -1 radius 0.04 0.06

;set the ball density and local damping coefficient
ball attribute density 2600 damp 0.7
;set the default contact behavior - 
;the deformability method sets properties of the linear portion 
;of the contact model
contact cmat default model linearpbond method deformability ...
                   emod [materialMod] kratio 1.0 
;allow the balls to rearrange, nulling the linear 
;and angular velocities every 100 cycles
model cycle 1000 calm 100
;delete any balls that flew out of the bed
ball delete range position -1.5 -1.5 -2  1.5 1.5 -1 not




;bond the balls together with the specified gap
contact method bond gap 2.0e-3
;set the parallel bond properties from the pb_deform method
contact method pb_deform emod [materialMod] kratio 1.0
;remove the linear portion of the contact properties
;and set the contact strength
;this will be a relatively weak material
contact property lin_mode 1 pb_ten 2e4 pb_coh 2e5 ...
        range contact type 'ball-ball'
;set the ball-facet contact strength to be very high
contact property lin_mode 1 pb_ten 1e100 pb_coh 1e100 ...
        range contact type 'ball-facet'
;remove the box
wall delete wall range name 'top'
;set the default behavior for new ball-ball and ball-facet contacts
contact cmat default model linear type ball-ball method deformability ...
                   emod [materialMod] kratio 1.0 property fric 0.3
contact cmat default model linear type ball-facet method deformability ...
                   emod [materialMod] kratio 1.0 property fric 0.3
;remove all velocities, fix the balls, 
;cycle 2 to remove any contact forces that previously existed from 
;the simple packing procedure
model calm
ball fix velocity spin
ball attribute force-contact multiply 0.0
contact property lin_force 0 0 0
model cycle 2
ball free velocity spin




;push the punch into the balls with just minimal failure of the material
model cycle 1000
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z 0.0 range group "fixed"
;solve to an equilibrium state to show the current displacements
model solve ratio-average 1.0e-4 
model save 'beforeFailure'

;push the punch in and watch the zone displacement
;diminish after the onset of failure
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z -.0001 range group "fixed"
model cycle 1000
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z 0.0 range group "fixed"
;failure will continue and the granular specimen will rearrange,
;reducing the displacements
model solve ratio-average 1.0e-3 
model save 'afterFailure'

Sleeved Triaxial Test of a Bonded Material





;define relevant parameters for the cylinder
[rad = 1.0]
[height = 3.0]
[segments = 6]
[halfLen = height/2.0]
[freeRegion = height/2.0*0.8]

;create the cylinder with the geometry logic
;first create arcs making a circle of edges 首先创建弧线,形成一个圆的边缘
geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-halfLen]) ...
   start ([rad*(-1)],0,[-halfLen]) end (0,[rad*(-1)],[-halfLen]) ...
   segments [segments]
geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-halfLen]) ...
   start (0,[rad*(-1)],[-halfLen]) end ([rad],0,[-halfLen]) ...
   segments [segments]
geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-halfLen]) ...
   start ([rad],0,[-halfLen]) end (0,[rad],[-halfLen]) ...
   segments [segments]
geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-halfLen]) ...
   start (0,[rad],[-halfLen]) end ([rad*(-1)],0,[-halfLen]) ...
   segments [segments]
;extrude the edges to make a cylinder
geometry generate from-edges extrude (0,0,[height]) segments [segments*2]


;import the structural elements as a shell from the geometry logic
;and assign groups and properties
structure shell import from-geometry 'Default' element-type dkt-cst 
structure node group 'middle' range position-z [-freeRegion] [freeRegion]
structure node group 'top' range position-z [freeRegion] [freeRegion+1]
structure node group 'bot' range position-z [-freeRegion-1] [-freeRegion]
structure shell group 'middle' range position-z [-freeRegion] [freeRegion]
structure shell property isotropic (1e6, 0.0) thick 0.25 density 930.0
;initialize the structural element related data structures 
model cycle 0
;In order to use the STRUCTURE SHELL APPLY command 
;set the local system of each structural
;element to be pointing to the center of the triaxial cell
fish define setLocalSystem
    loop foreach local s struct.node.list()
        local p = struct.node.pos(s)
        local nid =
        local mvec = vector(0,0,comp.z(p))
        zdir = math.unit(p-mvec)
        ydir = vector(0,0,1)
            structure node system-local z [zdir] y [ydir] ...
                      range component-id [nid]
	  structure node fix system-local
;make sure that local damping is active for the structural elements
structure damp local
;fix the structural element nodes for specimen creation
structure node fix velocity rotation


;create a wall representation of the structural element
wall-structure create
;parameter to set the platen width relative to the cylinder radius
[rad2 = rad*1.3]
;create the platens
wall generate name 'platenTop' polygon ([-rad2],[-rad2],[halfLen]) ...
                                       ([rad2],[-rad2],[halfLen])  ...
                                       ([rad2],[rad2],[halfLen])   ...
wall generate name 'platenBottom' polygon ([-rad2],[-rad2],[-halfLen]) ...
                                          ([rad2],[-rad2],[-halfLen])  ...
                                          ([rad2],[rad2],[-halfLen])   ...
;set the wall resolution strategy to full and set the cutoff angle for 
;proximity contacts                                          
wall resolution full
wall attribute cutoff-angle 20


;set the ball modulus and generate a cloud of balls with arbitrary overlap
[ballemod = 1.0e8]
ball distribute box [-rad] [rad] [-rad] [rad] [-halfLen] [halfLen] ...
                porosity 0.3 radius 0.05 0.1 ...
                range cylinder end-1 (0,0,[-halfLen]) end-2 (0,0,[height]) ...
                      radius [rad*0.95]

;set the ball attributes
ball attribute density 2600 damp 0.8
;set the default contact behavior - 
;the deformability method sets properties of the 
;linear portion of the contact model
contact cmat default model linearpbond method deformability ...
                   emod [ballemod] kratio 1.0 
;allow the balls to rearrange, 
;nulling the linear and angular velocities every 100 cycles
model cycle 1000 calm 100

;provide some friction to kill additional energy 
;and apply this to all of the contacts
contact cmat default model linearpbond method deformability ...
                   emod [ballemod] kratio 1.0 property fric 0.3
contact cmat apply
;solve to a small average ratio
model solve ratio-average 1e-8

;bond the ball-ball contacts
contact method bond gap 1.0e-2 range contact type 'ball-ball'
;change the existing contact properties 
;so that the linear force is incremental and
;supply strength
contact property lin_mode 1 lin_force 0 0 0 pb_ten 2e5 pb_coh 2e6
;set the stiffness of the parallel-bond portion of the contact model 
contact method pb_deformability emod [ballemod] kratio 1.0 ...
        range contact type 'ball-ball'

;this set of operations removes all ball velocities 
;and all contact forces in the model
;so that the specimen is completely stress free and bonded
model calm
ball fix velocity spin
model cycle 2
ball free velocity spin

;free the nodes in the middle section of the sleeve 
;while keeping the top and bottom edges fixed
structure node free velocity rotation range group 'middle'


;define the stress FISH function to measure the stress and strain
fish define stress
    local topForce = math.abs(comp.z( 
    local botForce = math.abs(comp.z(
    currentStress = 0.5*(topForce+botForce)/area
    stress = currentStress
    strain = (height - (comp.z(wall.pos(platenTop)) - ...
              comp.z(wall.pos(platenBottom))))/height * 100
    if failureStress <= currentStress
        failureStress = currentStress
        failureStrain = strain



;define the halt FISH function to stop cycling 
;as the platens displace and the material fails
fish define halt
    halt = 0
    if currentStress < failureStress * 0.85
        halt = 1


;define a FISH function to increase the isotropic confining pressure 
;in increments so that the bonded material does not break during loading
fish define rampUp(beginIn,ending,increment)
        ball attribute displacement (0,0,0)
        structure node initialize displacement (0,0,0)
    begin = beginIn
    loop while (math.abs(begin) < math.abs(ending))
        begin = begin + increment
            ;apply the confining stress
            structure shell apply [begin] range group 'middle'
            ;apply the same confining stress on the platens
            wall servo force (0,0,[begin*area]) activate true ...
                 range name 'platenTop'
            wall servo force (0,0,[-begin*area]) activate true ...
                 range name 'platenBottom'
model cycle 200
            model calm
        ;once the stress state has been installed cycle and turn off the servo 
        ;mechanism on the walls
model cycle 1000
        wall servo activate false
        wall attribute velocity (0,0,0) range name 'platenTop'
        wall attribute velocity (0,0,0) range name 'platenBottom'








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