💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
此代码优化了由于电池耗尽而产生覆盖空洞后 WSN 节点的位置。如果活动通信中的任何节点死亡,则通过PSO优化再次定位其余节点,将覆盖区域最大化作为目标函数。
📚2 运行结果
close all clear clc addpath(genpath(cd)) warning('off') %% N=10; % number of nodes area=[10,10]; % nodes deployment area in meter Trange=2; % transmission range of sensor node in meter nodes.pos=area(1).*rand(N,2);% nodes geographical locations lambda=0.125; % signal wavelength in meter nodes.major = Trange; % major axis for ellpitical range in meter nodes.minor = lambda*Trange; % minro axis for ellipitical range in meter % redundantNo=9; % number of healing nodes redundantNo=round(10*N/100); %% plot the nodes deployment cnt=1; for ii=1:N for jj=1:N if ii~=jj nodes.distance(ii,jj)=pdist([nodes.pos(ii,:);nodes.pos(jj,:)]); if nodes.distance(ii,jj)<Trange || nodes.distance(ii,jj)==Trange nodes.inrange(ii,jj)=1; else nodes.inrange(ii,jj)=0; end end end end figure F5=plot(nodes.pos(:,1),nodes.pos(:,2),'.','color','r'); hold on for ii=1:N % plot the circular transmission range [nodes.circle.x(ii,:),nodes.circle.y(ii,:)]=circle(nodes.pos(ii,1),nodes.pos(ii,2),Trange); F6=fill(nodes.circle.x(ii,:),nodes.circle.y(ii,:),[0.25,0.25,0.25]); alpha 0.3 hold on end axis on xlabel('x(m)') ylabel('y(m)') title('Initial Placement of Nodes with circular transmission range') %% plot delauny triangle TRI = delaunay(nodes.pos(:,1),nodes.pos(:,2)); figure(2) F5 = plot(nodes.pos(:,1),nodes.pos(:,2),'.','color','r'); hold on for ii=1:N % plot the circular transmission range [nodes.circle.x(ii,:),nodes.circle.y(ii,:)]=circle(nodes.pos(ii,1),nodes.pos(ii,2),Trange); F6=fill(nodes.circle.x(ii,:),nodes.circle.y(ii,:),[0.25,0.25,0.25]); alpha 0.3 hold on end axis on xlabel('x(m)') ylabel('y(m)') title('Coverage hole in initila position of Nodes') hold on triplot(TRI,nodes.pos(:,1),nodes.pos(:,2)) %% Hole detection [holeDetected.circle,Circmcenter.circle,circumradius.circle]=holeDetection(TRI,nodes,F5,F6,Trange,area,2,1); display(['--> No of detected Holes for Circular = ',num2str(numel(find(holeDetected.circle)))]) %% PSO optimize position of rest wsn nodes to cover the hole nvars = 2*(N); fun=@(x)objf(x,Trange,area); lb=zeros(nvars,1); ub=area(1).*ones(nvars,1); options = optimoptions(@particleswarm,'Display','iter','MaxIterations',100,'PlotFcn','pswplotbestf'); [x,fval] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options); finalPos = reshape(x,[numel(x)/2,2]); % plot the final tuned Node' pos figure plot(finalPos(:,1),finalPos(:,2),' o ',' color ',' r '); hold on for ii=1:N % plot the circular transmission range [finalcircle.x(ii,:),finalcircle.y(ii,:)]=circle(finalPos(ii,1),finalPos(ii,2),Trange); fill(finalcircle.x(ii,:),finalcircle.y(ii,:),[0.25,0.25,0.25]); alpha 0.3 hold on end
🎉3 参考文献
[1]史朝亚. 基于PSO算法无线传感器网络覆盖优化的研究[D]. 南京理工大学.