强弱类型(Strong and weak typing)表示在程序设计中,经常把编程语言的类型系统分为强类型(英语:strongly typed)和弱类型(英语:weakly typed (loosely typed))两种。
编程语言专家Benjamin C. Pierce,《Types and Programming Languages》和《Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages》的作者,曾说:“我花了几个星期…试着弄清楚“强类型”、“静态类型”、“安全”等术语,但我发现这异常的困难…这些术语的用法不尽相同,所以也就近乎无用。”
Strong-typing vs Weak-typing
Weak typing is where a language allows you to treat blocks of memory defined as one type as another (casting). Languages like C and C++, although statically typed, are weakly typed.
Languages like Perl and PHP are weakly typed because you can do things like adding numbers to strings and the language will do an implicit coercion for you.
Languages like Java, C# and Python are strongly typed - there is no way you can add a number to a string without doing an explicit conversion.
In addition, there are many large systems that have been created with dynamic type systems. Catching type errors (typos) at compile time only catches a very small proportion of errors and a strong testing strategy produces much more reliable systems irrespective of the type system in use.
Strong type is checking the types of variables at compile time. weak typing is checking the types of the system at run-time. For scripts & quick stuff we'll use weak typing, In big programs, strong typing can reduce errors at compile time.
strong type language specication requires its typing rules strongly (i.e. more or less allowing only those automatic type conversions which do not lose information), one can refer to the process as strongly typed, if not, as weakly typed.
Example in c language:
int a;
float b, c;
a=b+c;// here we are losing data result is 5 instead of 5.5 because a is an integer
here ouptput 5.
if language do not allow to automatic type conversion then it should be strongly type otherwise it is weakly typed.
动态类型: if compiler know information about the type of variable or data at run time then it is called dynamic type.
静态类型: if complier get information about type of variable or data at compile time then it is called static type.