💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
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👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
在轨迹跟踪应用领域,通常 MPC 建模可根据机器人的控制方式选择基于运动学运动状态方程建模或者基于动力学运动状态方程建模。前者是根据车辆转向的几何学角度关系和速度位置关系来建立描述车辆的运动的预测模型,一般只适用于低速运动场景;后者是对被控对象进行综合受力分析,从受力平衡的角度建模,一般应用在高速运动场景,如汽车无人驾驶。
📚2 运行结果
addpath(genpath('YALMIP-master')); clear; close all;clc; % constraints that is representing a car or a thiner road % final state with a higher weight to track the fianl state reference %% Parameters definition % model parametersparams.a_acc = 1; % acceleration limit params.a_dec = 2; % decelerationlimit params.delta_max = 0.4; % maximum steering angle params.beta_max = pi; % crabbing slip angle limit params.beta_dot_max = (pi/180)*(100); % crabbing slip angle rate limit params.l_f = 2; % distance between center of gravity and front axle params.l_r = 2; % distance between center of gravity and rear axle params.vehicle_width = 2; % vehicle width params.Ts = 0.1; % sampling time (both of MPC and simulated vehicle) params.nstates = 4; % number of states params.ninputs = 3; % number of inputs % environment parameters params.road = 'DLC'; params.activate_obstacles = 0; params.obstacle_centers = [10 -2; 20 0; 30 -2; 40 6]; % x and y coordinate of the 4 obstacles params.obstacle_size = [2 6]; % size of the obstacles switch params.road case 'real' [X,Y,X_park,Y_park] = data_generate(params.road); case 'DLC' [X,Y,X2,Y2] = data_generate(params.road); otherwise [X,Y] = data_generate(params.road); end params.X = X; params.Y = Y; params.lane_semiwidth = 4; % semi-width of the lane params.track_end_x = X(end); % Tracking end X coordinate of the planner params.track_end_y = Y(end); % Tracking end Y coordinate of the planner params.xlim = max(X); % x limit in the plot params.ylim = max(Y); % y limit in the plot % simulation parameters in frenet coord params.s0 = 0; % initial s coordinate params.y0 = params.lane_semiwidth/2; % initial y coordinate params.theta0 = pi/2; % initial relative heading angle params.v0 = 5; % initial speed params.theta_c0 = pi/2; % initial heading angle of the curve params.N_max = 1000; % maximum number of simulation steps params.vn = params.v0/2; % average speed during braking params.vs = 1; % Stopping speed during the last stop %%% in this case, theta = theta_m (angle of the velocity vector)- theta_c (angle of the tangent vector of the curve) % simulation parameters in cartesian coord %%%%% change according to % different roadparams.x_c0 = X(1)-params.y0; %initial x coordinate params.y_c0 = 0; % initial y coordinate % plotting parameters params.window_size = 10; % plot window size for the %during simulation, centered at the %current position (x,y) of the vehicle params.plot_full = 1; % 0 for plotting only the window size, % 1 for plotting from 0 to track_end %% Simulation environment % initializationsref = zeros(params.N_max,1); z = zeros(params.N_max,params.nstates); % z(k,j) denotes state j at step k-1(s and y) z_cart = zeros(params.N_max,3); % x,y coordinate in cartesian system and the heading angle theta_c = zeros(params.N_max,1); % initial value of theta_c u = zeros(params.N_max,params.ninputs); % z(k,j) denotes input j at step k-1 z(1,:) = [params.s0,params.y0,params.theta0,params.v0]; % definition of the intial state z_cart(1,:) = [params.x_c0,params.y_c0,params.theta0]; %theta_c(1) = pi/2; %%%%%% This value is changable according to different roads comp_times = zeros(params.N_max); % total computation time each sample solve_times = zeros(params.N_max); % optimization solver time each sample i = 0; N = 10; %predicted horizon length m = params.N_max; % formulating the reference of the system switch params.road case 'real' path1 = [X;Y]'; path2 = [X_park;Y_park]' ; [S1, ~, ~, ~, ~] = getPathProperties(path1); num = S1(end)/(params.v0*params.Ts); n_step1 = round(num); [S2, ~, ~, ~, ~] = getPathProperties(path2); num = S2(end)/(params.vn*params.Ts); n_step2 = round(num); n_steps = n_step1+n_step2; vq1 = linspace(Y(1),Y(end),n_step1); % this need to be the 'variable' of the path function centerX1 = interp1(Y,X,vq1,'pchip'); % initialize the centerline y coordinate centerY1 = vq1; path_new_1 = [centerX1;centerY1]'; vq2 = linspace(X_park(1),X_park(end),n_step2); centerY2 = interp1(X_park,Y_park,vq2,' pchip '); % initialize the centerline y coordinate centerX2 = vq2; path_new_2 = [centerX2;centerY2]' ; path_new = [path_new_1;path_new_2]; [S, dX, dY, theta_c, C_c] = getPathProperties(path_new); theta_c_ref = zeros(n_steps+N,1); C_c_ref = zeros(n_steps+N,1); v_ref = zeros(n_steps+N,1); for ii = 1:length(theta_c_ref) if ii<n_steps theta_c_ref(ii) = theta_c(ii); C_c_ref(ii) = C_c(ii); else theta_c_ref(ii) = theta_c(end); C_c_ref(ii) = C_c(end); end end
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