
news2024/12/26 22:15:33
  • 集装箱箱号识别API免费,中国上海人工智能企业CIMCAI飞瞳引擎™集装箱人工智能平台全球近4千企业用户,
  • 全球领先的飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱识别云服务,集装箱残损识别箱况检测缺陷检验,
  • 小程序拍照检测或支持API接口二次开发,
  • 应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验。
  • 中集飞瞳CIMCAI是全球应用范围领先,AI核心科技领先的集装箱人工智能/港航人工智能领军者企业,
  • CIMCAI已完成全球超两百万次AI自动化箱况残损检验,已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,
  • 产品在全球生产环境运行总时长超700万个小时,成熟人工智能产品全球应用落地。
  • The container num recognition API is free, Shanghai AI enterprise CIMCAI product CIMCAI ENGINE™ has nearly 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • World leading CIMCAI ENGINE™ container identification cloud service container info identification API is free of charge, and the container damage identification container condition detection defect inspection,
  • Applet photo detection or support API interface secondary development,
  • Apply the terminal, port, customs warehouse, port, railway yard and shipping company yard to realize the cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection.
  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise of container AI/port AI with leading application scope and AI core technology in the world,
  • CIMCAI has completed more than two million AI automated container damage inspections worldwide, and has completed more than one hundred million container information identification worldwide,
  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment is more than 7 million hours, and the mature AI products have been applied globally.
  • 集装箱识别云服务飞瞳引擎™,可通过PI二次开发或小程序直接使用。
  • 微信小程序搜索:飞瞳引擎,进入小程序,选择照片集装箱信息识别按钮,
  • 选择要识别的集装箱图片,测试飞瞳引擎™照片集装箱信息识别。
  • 飞瞳引擎™集装箱人工智能API集装箱信息识别演示,1秒返回识别结果,识别率99.98%以上。
  • Container identification cloud service CIMCAI ENGINE™, It can be directly used through secondary development of PI or small programs.
  • WeChat applet search: CIMCAI ENGINE™, enter the applet, select the photo container information identification button,
  • Select the container image to be identified and test the CIMCAI ENGINE™™ Photo container information identification.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™™ The container AI API container information recognition demonstration returns the recognition result in 1 second, with the recognition rate of more than 99.98%.
  • 全球领先的飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱识别云服务,集装箱信息识别及铅封号识别API免费,
  • 可通过小程序手机拍照识别检测,或通过飞瞳引擎™API接口二次开发,
  • 全球近4千企业用户使用,可二次开发应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,
  • 实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验,
  • 高检测率/高实时性/高泛化性/高鲁棒性。
  • 开发文档您可以访问中集飞瞳CIMCAI官网。
  • The world's leading CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container identification cloud service, container information identification and lead seal number identification API are free,
  • It can be identified and detected by taking photos on the mobile phone of the applet, or by the CIMCAI ENGINE™ API interface secondary development,
  • It is used by nearly 4000 enterprise users around the world, and can be developed and applied for the second time,
  • Realize cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection,
  • High detection rate/high real-time/high generalization/high robustness.
  • For development documents, you can visit CIMCAI official website.
  • 飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务,手机小程序AI箱识别集装箱集装箱缺陷检测箱况检测,
  • 飞瞳引擎™可通过微信小程序直接使用,
  • 或者通过API接口(HTTP接口)调用,可结合触发装置二次开发。
  • 用户只需输入视频/照片/视频流到飞瞳引擎™,飞瞳引擎即可在秒级完成集装箱信息识别/集装箱缺陷检测箱况残损检测/好坏箱判定,
  • 返回集装箱信息/集装箱缺陷检测箱况残损人工智能AI识别检测结果。
  • 微信搜索:飞瞳引擎,飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务功能。
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container detection cloud service, mobile phone applet AI container identification, container defect detection, container condition detection,
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ It can be used directly through WeChat applet,
  • Or call through API interface (HTTP interface), which can be combined with secondary development of trigger device.
  • Users only need to input video/photo/video stream to the CIMCAI ENGINE™, CIMCAI ENGINE™ can complete the container information identification/container defect detection/damage detection/good and bad container determination in seconds,
  • Return the container information/container defect detection container condition damage AI identification detection results.
  • WeChat search: CIMCAI ENGINE™, test AI container detection cloud service function.
  • 全球领先的飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱识别云服务,集装箱残损识别箱况检测缺陷检验,
  • 小程序拍照检测或支持API接口二次开发,
  • 应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路场站船公司堆场,实现云端集装箱信息识别/集装箱箱况残损检测/好坏箱检验。
  • 中集飞瞳CIMCAI是全球应用范围领先,AI核心科技领先的集装箱人工智能/港航人工智能领军者企业,
  • CIMCAI已完成全球超两百万次AI自动化箱况残损检验,已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,
  • 产品在全球生产环境运行总时长超700万个小时,成熟人工智能产品全球应用落地。
  • The container num recognition API is free, Shanghai AI enterprise CIMCAI product CIMCAI ENGINE™ has nearly 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • World leading CIMCAI ENGINE™ container identification cloud service container info identification API is free of charge, and the container damage identification container condition detection defect inspection,
  • Applet photo detection or support API interface secondary development,
  • Apply the terminal, port, customs warehouse, port, railway yard and shipping company yard to realize the cloud container information identification/container damage detection/good and bad container inspection.
  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise of container AI/port AI with leading application scope and AI core technology in the world,
  • CIMCAI has completed more than two million AI automated container damage inspections worldwide, and has completed more than one hundred million container information identification worldwide,
  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment is more than 7 million hours, and the mature AI products have been applied globally.
  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.





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