- 前言
- NEON intrinsics
- NEON intrinsics 学习资料
- 寄存器
- 向量数据类型
- NENO intrinsics 命名方式
- NEON Intrinsics 查询
- 三种处理方式:Long/Wide/Narrow
- NENO intrinsics 手册
- Addition 向量加法
- Vector add: vadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
- Vector long add: vaddl_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
- Vector wide add: vaddw_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
- Vector halving add: vhadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=(Va[i]+Vb[i])>>1
- Vector rounding halving add: vrhadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=(Va[i]+Vb[i]+1)>>1
- VQADD: Vector saturating add
- Vector add high half: vaddhn_type.Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
- Vector rounding add high half: vraddhn_type.
- Multiplication 向量乘法
- Vector multiply: vmul{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] * Vb[i]
- Vector multiply accumulate: vmla{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] + Vb[i] * Vc[i]
- Vector multiply accumulate long: vmlal_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] + Vb[i] * Vc[i]
- Vector multiply subtract: vmls{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] - Vb[i] * Vc[i]
- Vector multiply subtract long
- Vector saturating doubling multiply high
- Vector saturating rounding doubling multiply high
- Vector saturating doubling multiply accumulate long
- Vector saturating doubling multiply subtract long
- Vector long multiply
- Vector saturating doubling long multiply
- Subtraction 向量减法
- Vector subtract
- Vector long subtract: vsubl_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]-Vb[i]
- Vector wide subtract: vsubw_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]-Vb[i]
- Vector saturating subtract
- Vector halving subtract
- Vector subtract high half
- Vector rounding subtract high half
- Comparison 向量比较
- [Absolute difference](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Absolute-difference?lang=en) 绝对差值
- Absolute difference between the arguments: vabd{q}_type. Vr[i] = | Va[i] - Vb[i] |
- Absolute difference and accumulate: vaba{q}_type. Vr[i] = Va[i] + | Vb[i] - Vc[i] |
- Max/Min 向量最大/最小
- vmax{q}_type. Vr[i] := (Va[i] >= Vb[i]) ? Va[i] : Vb[i]
- vmin{q}_type. Vr[i] := (Va[i] >= Vb[i]) ? Vb[i] : Va[i]
- [Pairwise addition](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Pairwise-addition?lang=en) 成对的加法
- Pairwise add
- Long pairwise add and accumulate
- [Folding maximum](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Folding-maximum?lang=en)
- [Folding minimum](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Folding-minimum?lang=en)
- Reciprocal/Sqrt
- [Shifts by signed variable](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Shifts-by-signed-variable?lang=en) 根据变量值移位
- Vector shift left: vshl{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] << Vb[i] (negative values shift right)
- [Shifts by a constant](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Shifts-by-a-constant?lang=en) 常数移位
- Vector shift right by constant
- Vector shift left by constant
- Vector shift right by constant and accumulate
- [Shifts with insert](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Shifts-with-insert?lang=en) 移位且插入
- Vector shift right and insert
- [Loads of a single vector or lane](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Loads-of-a-single-vector-or-lane?lang=en) 向量加载与存储
- Load a single vector from memory
- Load a single lane from memory
- Load all lanes of vector with same value from memory
- [Store a single vector or lane](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Store-a-single-vector-or-lane?lang=en)
- Store a single vector into memory
- Store a lane of a vector into memory
- [Loads of an N-element structure](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Loads-of-an-N-element-structure?lang=en)
- Load N-element structure from memory
- Load all lanes of N-element structure with same value from memory
- Load a single lane of N-element structure from memory
- Store N-element structure to memory
- Store a single lane of N-element structure to memory
- [Extract lanes from a vector and put into a register](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Extract-lanes-from-a-vector-and-put-into-a-register?lang=en)
- [Load a single lane of a vector from a literal](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Load-a-single-lane-of-a-vector-from-a-literal?lang=en)
- [Initialize a vector from a literal bit pattern](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Initialize-a-vector-from-a-literal-bit-pattern?lang=en)
- [Set all lanes to same value](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Set-all-lanes-to-same-value?lang=en)
- Load all lanes of vector to the same literal value
- Load all lanes of the vector to the value of a lane of a vector
- [Combining vectors](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Combining-vectors?lang=en) 合并向量
- [Splitting vectors](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Splitting-vectors?lang=en) 分解向量
- [Converting vectors](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Converting-vectors?lang=en) 向量类型转换
- [Table look up](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Table-look-up?lang=en) 查表
- [Operations with a scalar value](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Operations-with-a-scalar-value?lang=en)
- Vector multiply accumulate with scalar
- Vector multiply by scalar
- Vector multiply subtract with scalar
- [Vector extract](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Vector-extract?lang=en) 向量提取
- [Reverse vector elements (swap endianness)](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Reverse-vector-elements--swap-endianness-?lang=en)
- [Other single operand arithmetic](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Other-single-operand-arithmetic?lang=en)
- Absolute: vabs{q}_type. Vd[i] = |Va[i]|
- Negate: vneg{q}_type. Vd[i] = - Va[i]
- Count leading sign bits
- Count leading zeros
- Count number of set bits
- Reciprocal estimate
- Reciprocal square root estimate
- [Logical operations](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Logical-operations?lang=en) 逻辑操作
- Bitwise not
- Bitwise and
- Bitwise or
- Bitwise exclusive or (EOR or XOR)
- Bit Clear
- Bitwise OR complement
- [Transposition operations](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Transposition-operations?lang=en)
- Transpose elements
- Interleave elements
- De-Interleave elements
- [Vector reinterpret cast operations](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0491/i/Using-NEON-Support/Vector-reinterpret-cast-operations?lang=en)
- 总结
- 参考
本文旨在向 NEON 新手提供入门指导,以便能够快速入门 NEON。NEON 作为一种底层的技术,学习曲线相当陡峭,本教程将扫平你在入门期间的各类疑问,并结合大量习题让你能够真正的入门 NEON。
SIMD(Single Instruction,Multiple Data)即单指令多数据。简而言之,它是对指令集的一种扩展,可以对多个数值进行相同操作。
NEON 是指适用于 Arm Cortex-A系列处理器的一种高级 SIMD(单指令多数据)扩展指令集。
我为什么要学习 NEON,原因有:
- 本人熟悉的音频 DSP 算法,可以通过 SIMD 技术进行加速,使其性能提升
- ARM 架构在移动端(Android/iOS 等)设备上已经是统治级别,如果想让这些算法在移动端上有更好的表现,那么就必须学习 NEON
- SIMD 技术很酷,通过 NEON 我可以了解到 SIMD 的编程范式。学习一样新东西,本身就很有趣。
NEON intrinsics
那么我们如何才能使用上 NEON 呢?你可以在 C/C++ 代码中嵌入 NEON 汇编代码,这种方式难度非常高,你需要对寄存器、汇编等技术很熟悉,对于新手简直是劝退。幸运的是,你还有 NEON intrinsics 可以选择。
NEON intrinsics 其实就是一组 c 函数,你可以通过调用它们来实现 SIMD,让你的算法更加高效。作为新手,我们以 NEON intrinsics 为入口,一起来窥探 SIMD 奇妙的世界是非常合适的。
经过对 NEON intrinsics 一段时间的学习,大致掌握了 NEON intrinsics 一些基本使用,于是乎赶紧总结一下,防止日后忘记,同时也给各位看官作为学习的参考。
NEON intrinsics 学习资料
- Learn the architecture - Optimizing C code with Neon intrinsics,推荐第一个读它,内容较少,语言精练。如果你对其中一些知识点不太清楚,没有关系,通读我这篇博客,相信能够轻松解决你的疑问。
- Learn the architecture - Neon programmers’ guide,在「Introduction」部分对 SIMD&NEON 原理做了很详细的介绍,对寄存器也做了说明;「NEON Intrinsics」章节介绍了很多 NEON Intrinsics 用法;中文翻译版本在 NEON码农指导 Chapter 1 : Introduction
- ARM Compiler toolchain Compiler Reference Version 5.03,其中 「Using NEON Support」非常详细,对 NEON Intrinsics 做了详细的分类和总结,推荐阅读。
- ARM NEON for C++ Developers,相当详细地介绍了 NEON Intrinsics 各种用法。
- neon-guide,简要的 neon 教程,内容简练。
SIMD 提速的原理在于寄存器,在 Introducing NEON Development Article 中提到:
在 Arm NEON programming quick reference 和 Learn the architecture - Neon programmers’ guide 中对 ARM 架构的寄存器做了较为详细的介绍。总结起来为:
- Armv7-A/AArch32
- 有 16 个 32bit 的通用寄存器(R0-R15)
- 有 32 个 64bit 的 NEON 寄存器(D0-D31);它们也可以被看成是 16 个 128bit NEON 寄存器(Q0-Q15);每个 Q 寄存器对应两个 D 寄存器,匹配关系如下图
- Armv8/AArch64
- 有 31 个 64bit 的通用寄存器(X0-X30);此外还有上一个特殊的寄存器,该寄存器的名字取决于当前运行环境
- 有 32 个 128bit 的 NEON 寄存器(V0-V31);它们也可以被看成是 32bit 的 Sn 寄存器或者 64bit 的 Dn 寄存器
在 NEON 中有非常多向量数据类型,具体的列表你可以在 Vector data types 中找到。
<type><size>x<number of lanes>_t
- type,向量中存放数据的类型,包括:
- int,有符号整形
- uint,无符号整形
- float,浮点
- poly,关于这种类型的介绍,请参考 这里
- size,即 type 的 bit 长度,例如 float32,表示 32 bit 的 float 类型、int64 表示 64bit 的 int,以此类推
- number of lanes,通道数,即有多少个数据,例如 float32x4_t,有 4 个 float32
其实这些向量数据类型,你可以认为就是一个数组,类比到 c++ 中的std::array,例如
int16x8_t < == > std::array<int16_t, 8>
uint64x2_t < == > std::array<int64_t, 2>
float32x4_t < == > std::array<float, 4>
这些数据类型是为了填满一个寄存器的,所以它们总的 bit 长度要么是 64 或者 128。假设一个 float32x4_t 的向量,其值为 {0, 1, 2, 3},那么它们在寄存器总存放的顺序如下图:
float32x4_t a{1.0, 2.0, 3.0f, 4.0};
printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
至于 Lanes ,我们可以理解为数组下标,在后面的 NEON intrinsics 函数介绍中你经常会看到 lanes 这个词。
NENO intrinsics 命名方式
前面提到 NENO intrinsics 其实就是一堆的 C 函数,作为新手,我第一次看到这些函数的时候是有点懵的,因为它们的命名方式过于抽象了,需要经过一些查询才能大致得知其意思。其大致符合这样的规则:
- vmul_s16,将两个 s16 的向量相乘
- vaddl_u8,将两个 u8 的向量相加
在 Program-conventions 介绍了更加详细的规则,令人眼花缭乱。了解命名规则有助于我们快速理解 intrinsic 的含义,但作为新人我觉得不必要过于纠结,我们完全可以通过对 intrinsics doc 进行查询,快速的掌握这些神奇函数的性质。至于命名规则,你用熟了、看多了,自然也能猜到一二。
NEON Intrinsics 查询
你可以登入 Intrinsics 进行查询。那么如何看懂查询的结果呢?这里说一下自己的经验。
- 输入是什么?即参数有哪些。
- 输出时什么?即返回的数据类型是怎么样的。
- 函数的行为是怎样的?即函数做了哪些操作。
以 vaddq_f32
- Arguments,参数是两个
- Return Type,返回一个
- Description,描述了该函数的行为:“Floating-point Add (vector). 这条指令将两个源SIMD&FP寄存器中相应的向量元素相加,将结果写入向量中,并将向量写入目标SIMD&FP寄存器。这条指令中所有的值都是浮点值。”
- Instruction Group,所属类别
- This intrinsic compiles to the following instructions,该函数将被编译成如下指令:
FADD Vd.4S,Vn.4S,Vm.4S
。即对 Vm 和 Vn 寄存器中 4 个 float 做 FADD 操作,然后将结果存放在 Vd 中 - Argument Preparation,参数
放在 Vn 寄存器,参数b
放在 Vm 寄存器中 - Architectures,该函数在 v7、A32、A64 架构下可用
- Operation,即该指令的具体操作,你通过这部分内容可以大致的了解指令的算法流程,它类似伪代码,并不难理解。在遇到一些奇怪的指令时,仅仅通过 Description 可能无法知晓它的作用,这时候你可以来看 Operation。
NEON 指令通常有 Normal、Long、Wide 和 Narrow 之分。
- Normal,指令的输入与输出数据有相同 bit 宽度,例如
,都是 128-bit。 - Long,指令对 64-bit 数据进行操作,产生 128-bit 向量结果,结果宽度是输入的两倍,并且类型相同。此类指令在 NEON Intrinsics 中通过 “l” 来标识,例如
。 - Wide,指令对一个 128-bit 向量和一个 64-bit 向量进行操作,产生一个 128-bit 向量结果。结果和第一输入向量是第二输入向量的两倍宽度。此类指令在 NEON Intrinsics 中通过 “w” 来标识,例如
。 - Narrow,指令对 128-bit 向量进行操作,产生一个 64-bit 的结果,结果宽度是输入的一半。此类指令在 NEON Intrinsics 中通过 “n” 来标识,例如
NENO intrinsics 手册
在 ARM Compiler toolchain Compiler Reference Version 5.03 中对 intrinsic 做了详细的分类。本章将对各个类别的函数举例说明,帮助大家理解。
所有代码你可以直接在 Compiler Explorer 在线编辑器中运行,选择 ‘arm64’ 编译器且引入 <arm_neon.h>
Addition 向量加法
Vector add: vadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
c = a + b
- vaddq_f32
float32x4_t a{1.0, 2.0, 3.0f, 4.0};
float32x4_t b{1.0, 2.0, 3.0f, 4.0};
float32x4_t c = vaddq_f32(a, b); // c: {2, 4, 6, 8}
- vadd_u64
uint64x1_t a{1};
uint64x1_t b{2};
uint64x1_t c = vadd_u64(a, b); // c: {3}
Vector long add: vaddl_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
Long 方式处理。Va, Vb 的通道数相同, 返回值时一个输入的两倍宽向量
- vaddl_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{1, 2};
int64x2_t c = vaddl_s32(a, b); // c: {2, 4}
Vector wide add: vaddw_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
Wide 方式处理。Va,Vb 的通道数相同,Va 是 Vb 的两倍宽,返回值宽度与 Va 相同
- vaddw_s32
int64x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{1, 2};
int64x2_t c = vaddw_s32(a, b);
Vector halving add: vhadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=(Va[i]+Vb[i])>>1
Va 与 Vb 相加,并将结果右移一位(相当于整数除 2),即 c = (a + b) >> 1
- vhadd_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{2, 3};
// a + b = {3, 5}
// (a + b)/2 = {1, 2}
int32x2_t c = vhadd_s32(a, b);
Vector rounding halving add: vrhadd{q}_type. Vr[i]:=(Va[i]+Vb[i]+1)>>1
Va 与 Vb 相加,并加上 1,然后右移一位。即整数除以 2 并向上取整,即 c = (a + b + 1) >> 1
- vrhadd_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{2, 3};
int32x2_t c = vrhadd_s32(a, b);
VQADD: Vector saturating add
- vqadd_s8
int8x8_t a{127, 127};
int8x8_t b{0, 1};
int8x8_t c = vqadd_s8(a, b); // c{127, 127, ....}
int8x8_t e{-128, -128};
int8x8_t d{0, -1};
int8x8_t f = vqadd_s8(e, d); // f{-128, -128, ....}
Vector add high half: vaddhn_type.Vr[i]:=Va[i]+Vb[i]
Narrow 方式处理。Va 与 Vb 向量相加,去结果的高位存放在 Vr 中
int32x4_t a{0x7ffffffe, 0x7ffffffe, 0, 0};
int32x4_t b{0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0, 0};
// 0x7ffffffe + 0x00000001 = 0x7fffffff => 取高位 => 0x7fff
// 0x7ffffffe + 0x00000002 = 0x80000000 => 取高位 => 0x8000
int16x4_t c = vaddhn_s32(a, b);//c{32767 -32768 0 0}
Vector rounding add high half: vraddhn_type.
int32x4_t a{0x7ffffffe, 0x7ffffffe, 0, 0};
int32x4_t b{0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0, 0};
// 0x7ffffffe + 0x00000001 + 0x00008000 = 0x80007fff => 取高位 => 0x8000
// 0x7ffffffe + 0x00000002 + 0x00008000 = 0x80008000 => 取高位 => 0x8000
int16x4_t c = vraddhn_s32(a, b);//c{-32768 -32768 0 0}
Multiplication 向量乘法
Vector multiply: vmul{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] * Vb[i]
向量相乘,c = a*b
- vmul_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0f, 2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0f, 3.0f};
float32x2_t c = vmul_f32(a, b); // c{3.0f, 6.0f}
Vector multiply accumulate: vmla{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] + Vb[i] * Vc[i]
向量乘加,即 d = a + b*c
- vmla_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0f, 2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0f, 3.0f};
float32x2_t c{4.0f, 5.0f};
float32x2_t d = vmla_f32(a, b, c); //c{9, 17}
Vector multiply accumulate long: vmlal_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] + Vb[i] * Vc[i]
Long 方式处理,Va 是 Vb/Vc 两倍宽,输出宽度与 Va 一致
- vmlal_s32
int64x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{2, 3};
int32x2_t c{4, 5};
int64x2_t d = vmlal_s32(a, b, c); //c{9, 17}
Vector multiply subtract: vmls{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] - Vb[i] * Vc[i]
向量乘减,即 d = a - b*c
- vmls_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0f, 2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0f, 3.0f};
float32x2_t c{4.0f, 5.0f};
float32x2_t d = vmls_f32(a, b, c);// c{-7, -13}
Vector multiply subtract long
向量乘减,Long 方式处理
- vmlsl_s32
int64x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{2, 3};
int32x2_t c{4, 5};
int64x2_t d = vmlsl_s32(a, b, c);// c{-7, -13}
Vector saturating doubling multiply high
与 b
- vqdmulh_s32
int32x2_t a{0x00020000, 0x00035000};
int32x2_t b{0x00010000, 0x00015000};
// (0x00020000 * 0x00010000)*2 = 0x400000000, >> 32 = 0x00000004
// (0x00035000 * 0x00015000)*2 = 0x8b2000000, >> 32 = 0x00000008
int32x2_t c = vqdmulh_s32(a, b); // c{4, 8}
Vector saturating rounding doubling multiply high
- vqrdmulh_s32,其中
,这个值怎么来的,请参考 vqrdmulh_s32 的 Operation 部分。
int32x2_t a{0x00010000, 0x00035000};
int32x2_t b{0x00020000, 0x00015000};
// (0x00020000 * 0x00010000)*2 + 0x80000000 = 0x480000000, >> 32 = 0x00000004
// (0x00035000 * 0x00015000)*2 + 0x80000000 = 0x932000000, >> 32 = 0x00000009
int32x2_t c = vqrdmulh_s32(a, b); // c{4, 9}
Vector saturating doubling multiply accumulate long
即 d = a + (b*c*2)
,Long 方式处理
- vqdmlal_s32
int64x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{3, 4};
int32x2_t c{5, 6};
int64x2_t d = vqdmlal_s32(a, b, c); // c{31,50}
Vector saturating doubling multiply subtract long
即 d = a - (b*c*2)
,Long 方式处理
- vqdmlsl_s32
int64x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{3, 4};
int32x2_t c{5, 6};
int64x2_t d = vqdmlsl_s32(a, b, c); // c{-29,-46}
Vector long multiply
即 c = a*b
,Long 方式处理
- vmull_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{3, 4};
int64x2_t c = vmull_s32(a, b);// c{3, 8}
Vector saturating doubling long multiply
即 c = 2*a*b
,Long 方式处理
- vqdmull_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{3, 4};
int64x2_t c = vqdmull_s32(a, b);
Subtraction 向量减法
通过对 Addition
和 Multiplication
Vector subtract
向量相减,即 c = a - b
- vsubq_f32
float32x4_t a{4,3,2,1};
float32x4_t b{1,2,3,4};
float32x4_t c = vsubq_f32(a, b); //c{3, 1, -1, -3}
Vector long subtract: vsubl_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]-Vb[i]
向量相减,Long 方式处理。
- vsubl_s32
int32x2_t a{4, 3};
int32x2_t b{1, 2};
int64x2_t c= vsubl_s32(a, b);//c{3,1}
Vector wide subtract: vsubw_type. Vr[i]:=Va[i]-Vb[i]
向量相减,Wide 方式处理
- vsubw_s32
int64x2_t a{4,3};
int32x2_t b{1, 2};
int64x2_t c= vsubw_s32(a, b);//c{3,1}
Vector saturating subtract
- vqsub_s32
int32x2_t a{0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff};
int32x2_t b{-1, 1};
int32x2_t c = vqsub_s32(a, b); // c{0x7fffffff,0x7ffffffe}
Vector halving subtract
向量相减后除以2,即 c = (a-b)/2
- vhsubq_s32
int32x4_t a{4,3,2,1};
int32x4_t b{0,1,2,3};
int32x4_t c = vhsubq_s32(a, b);//c{2 1 0 -1}
Vector subtract high half
- vsubhn_s64
int32x4_t a{0x7fffffff, 0x7fffeeee, 0,0};
int32x4_t b{0x7fff0000, 0x0000000f, 0,0};
// 0x7fffeeee - 0x0000000f = 7fffeedf => 取高位一半 = 0x7fff(32767)
int16x4_t c = vsubhn_s32(a, b);//c{0 32767 0 0}
Vector rounding subtract high half
- vrsubhn_s32
int32x4_t a{0x7fffffff, 0x7fffeeee, 0,0};
int32x4_t b{0x7fff0000, 0x0000000f, 0,0};
// 0x7fffffff - 0x7fff0000 + 0x00008000 = 0x00017fff => 取高位 => 0x0001
// 0x7fffeeee - 0x0000000f + 0x00008000 = 0x80006edf => 取高位 => 0x8000
int16x4_t c = vrsubhn_s32(a, b);//c{1 -32768 0 0}
Comparison 向量比较
NEON 中提供了非常多向量的比较,包括 ==、>=、<=、>,< 等等。这部分挑几个有意思的函数进行说明下
- vceq_s32,判断向量相等。如果对应通道的值相同,那么返回全部是 bit 上全是 1 的值,如果不相等,返回 0。
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{1, 0};
uint32x2_t c = vceq_s32(a, b); //c{0xffffffff 0}
- vcage_f32,浮点型的绝对值判断是否 >=。
float32x2_t a{1.0, 2.0f};
float32x2_t b{-1.0, -3.0f};
uint32x2_t c = vcage_f32(a, b); //c{0xffffffff 0}
- vtst_s8,即
a AND b
操作,逐 bit 进行 AND
int8x8_t a{0b00011111, 0b00010000};
int8x8_t b{0b00010000, 0b00000000};
uint8x8_t c = vtst_s8(a, b); //c{0xff 0}
Absolute difference 绝对差值
Absolute difference between the arguments: vabd{q}_type. Vr[i] = | Va[i] - Vb[i] |
向量差的绝对值,即 c = abs(a - b)
- vabd_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0, 2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0, 1.0f};
float32x2_t c = vabd_f32(a, b);c{1.000000 1.000000}
Absolute difference and accumulate: vaba{q}_type. Vr[i] = Va[i] + | Vb[i] - Vc[i] |
即 d = a + abs(b - c)
- vaba_s32
int32x2_t a{1,1};
int32x2_t b{1,2};
int32x2_t c{2,1};
int32x2_t d= vaba_s32(a, b, c);//c{2 2}
Max/Min 向量最大/最小
vmax{q}_type. Vr[i] := (Va[i] >= Vb[i]) ? Va[i] : Vb[i]
- vmax_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0, -2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0, 1.0f};
float32x2_t c = vmax_f32(a, b); //c{2.000000 1.000000}
vmin{q}_type. Vr[i] := (Va[i] >= Vb[i]) ? Vb[i] : Va[i]
- vmin_f32
float32x2_t a{1.0, -2.0f};
float32x2_t b{2.0, 1.0f};
float32x2_t c = vmin_f32(a, b);//c{1.000000 -2.000000}
Pairwise addition 成对的加法
Pairwise add
向量求和,即 c = { sum(a), sum(b) }
- vpadd_s32
int32x2_t a{3,4};
int32x2_t b{1,2};
int32x2_t c = vpadd_s32(a, b); //c{7 3}
Long pairwise add and accumulate
即 c={a[0] + sum(c[0:1]), a[1]+sum(2:3)}
- vpadal_s16
int32x2_t a{3,4};
int16x4_t b{1,2,3,4};
int32x2_t c = vpadal_s16(a, b);//c{6 11}
Folding maximum
取向量 a 和 向量 b 中的最大值,即 c={ max(a), max(b) }
- vpmax_s32
int32x2_t a{1,2};
int32x2_t b{-1,0};
int32x2_t c = vpmax_s32(a, b);//c{2 0}
Folding minimum
取向量 a 和 向量 b 中的最小值,即 c={ min(a), min(b) }
- vpmin_s32
int32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b{-1, 0};
int32x2_t c = vpmin_s32(a, b);//c{1 -1}
- vrecps_f32,即
c = 2.0 - a*b
float32x2_t a{2, 4};
float32x2_t b{1, 3};
float32x2_t c= vrecps_f32(a, b);//c{0.000000 -10.000000}
- vrsqrts_f32,即
c = (3.0 - a*b)/2
float32x2_t a{2, 4};
float32x2_t b{1, 3};
float32x2_t c= vrsqrts_f32(a, b);//c{0.500000 -4.500000}
Shifts by signed variable 根据变量值移位
Vector shift left: vshl{q}_type. Vr[i] := Va[i] << Vb[i] (negative values shift right)
即 a 向量根据 b 向量中的值进行向左移位,如果 b 中值是负数那么向左移动
- vshl_s16
int16x4_t a{1, 8, -1, -8};
int16x4_t b{2, -2, 2, -2};
int16x4_t c = vshl_s16(a, b);//c{4 2 -4 -2}
Shifts by a constant 常数移位
Vector shift right by constant
int32x2_t a{8, 16};
int32x2_t c = vshr_n_s32(a, 2);//c{2 4}
Vector shift left by constant
int32x2_t a{2, 4};
int32x2_t c = vshl_n_s32(a, 2);//c{8 16}
Vector shift right by constant and accumulate
即 d = (b >> n) + a
int32x2_t a{8, 4};
int32x2_t b{4, 2};
const int c = 1;
int32x2_t d = vsra_n_s32(a, b, c);//c{10 5}
Shifts with insert 移位且插入
Vector shift right and insert
这个操作比较神奇,以 vsri_n_s32
- 因为
c = 6
,所以保留 a 的前 6 bit,得0x0c000000
- b 向右位移 6 位,得
- 两个结果 OR 一下,得
- vsri_n_s32
int32x2_t a{0x0fffffff, 0x0fffffff};
int32x2_t b{0x00010000, 1};
const int c = 6;
int32x2_t d = vsri_n_s32(a, b, c);//c{0x0c0000400 0x0c0000000}
Loads of a single vector or lane 向量加载与存储
Load a single vector from memory
- vld1q_f32
float a[4] = {1,2,3,4};
float32x4_t b = vld1q_f32(a);//{1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000}
Load a single lane from memory
从内存中加载到向量指定位置,下面的例子中,将从 src
加载向量,且从 src[2]
开始导入 prt
加载向量的值,即 c[0:lane] = src[0:lane], c[lane:end] = ptr[0:lane]
- vld1q_lane_s32
int32_t ptr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int32x4_t src{0, 1, 2, 3};
const int lane = 2;
int32x4_t c = vld1q_lane_s32(ptr, src, lane);//c{0 1 1 3}
Load all lanes of vector with same value from memory
- vld1q_dup_s32
const int32_t a{10};
int32x4_t b = vld1q_dup_s32(&a); //{10 10 10 10}
Store a single vector or lane
Store a single vector into memory
int32x4_t a{0,1,2,3};
int32_t ptr[4];
vst1q_s32(ptr, a);//ptr{0 1 2 3}
Store a lane of a vector into memory
- vst1q_lane_s32
int32x4_t a{0,1,2,3};
int32_t a0, a1;
vst1q_lane_s32(&a0, a, 0);// 0
vst1q_lane_s32(&a1, a, 3);// 3
Loads of an N-element structure
Load N-element structure from memory
- vld2q_f32
float32_t ptr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
float32x4x2_t a = vld2q_f32(ptr);
// a.val[0] = {0.000000 2.000000 4.000000 6.000000}
// a.val[1] = {1.000000 3.000000 5.000000 7.000000}
Load all lanes of N-element structure with same value from memory
即 a[0, :] = ptr[0], a[1, :] = ptr[1]
- vld2_dup_f32
float32_t ptr[] = {0, 1};
float32x2x2_t a = vld2_dup_f32(ptr);
// a.val[0] = {0.000000 0.000000}
// a.val[1] = {0.000000 0.000000}
Load a single lane of N-element structure from memory
即 c[:, lane] = ptr
,也就是把 src 中的第 lane 列替换为 ptr 中的值
float32_t ptr[] = {10, 20};
float32x4x2_t src = {
float32x4_t{1, 1, 1, 1},
float32x4_t{2, 2, 2, 2}};
float32x4x2_t c = vld2q_lane_f32(ptr, src, 1);
// c.val[0] = {1.000000 10.000000 1.000000 1.000000}
// c.val[1] = {2.000000 20.000000 2.000000 2.000000}
Store N-element structure to memory
- vst2q_s32
int32_t ptr[8];
int32x4x2_t val{
vst2q_s32(ptr, val);
//ptr = {0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 }
Store a single lane of N-element structure to memory
int32_t ptr[2];
int32x4x2_t val{
const int lane = 2;
vst2q_lane_s32(ptr, val, lane);
// ptr = {2 6}
Extract lanes from a vector and put into a register
- vgetq_lane_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, 2, 3};
const int lane = 2;
float32_t b = vgetq_lane_f32(a, lane);
Load a single lane of a vector from a literal
- vsetq_lane_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, 2, 3};
float32_t new_val = 10;
const int lane = 2;
float32x4_t b = vsetq_lane_f32(new_val, a, lane);//c{0.000000 1.000000 10.000000 3.000000}
Initialize a vector from a literal bit pattern
从一个 uint64_t 变量中创建向量,
uint64_t a = 0x0000000100000002;
int32x2_t b = vcreate_s32(a);//{2 1}
Set all lanes to same value
Load all lanes of vector to the same literal value
- vdupq_n_f32
float32x4_t a = vdupq_n_f32(10);//{10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000}
- vmovq_n_f32
float32x4_t a = vmovq_n_f32(10);//{10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000}
Load all lanes of the vector to the value of a lane of a vector
从 a
- vdupq_lane_f32
float32x2_t a{0, 1};
const int lane = 1;
float32x4_t b = vdupq_lane_f32(a, lane);//{1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000}
Combining vectors 合并向量
将两个 64bit 向量合并成一个 128bit 的向量
- vcombine_f32
float32x2_t low{0, 1};
float32x2_t high{2, 3};
float32x4_t c = vcombine_f32(low, high);
Splitting vectors 分解向量
- vget_high_f32
float32x4_t a{0,1,2,3};
float32x2_t b = vget_high_f32(a);//{2.000000 3.000000}
- vget_high_f32
float32x4_t a{0,1,2,3};
float32x2_t b = vget_high_f32(a);
float32x2_t c = vget_low_f32(a);//{0.000000 1.000000}
Converting vectors 向量类型转换
- vcvt_s32_f32
float32x2_t a{1, 2};
int32x2_t b = vcvt_s32_f32(a);//{1 2}
Table look up 查表
- vtbl2_s8
int8x8x2_t a{
int8x8_t b{0,1,2,3,12,13,14,15};
int8x8_t c = vtbl2_s8(a, b);//{0 1 3 5 10 12 14 16}
- vtbx1_s8
int8x8_t a{0,1,3,5,7,9,11,13};
int8x8_t b{2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16};
int8x8_t c{0,1,2,3,12,13,14,15};
int8x8_t d = vtbx1_s8(a,b,c);//{2 4 6 8 7 9 11 13 }
Operations with a scalar value
Vector multiply accumulate with scalar
即 d = a + (b * c[lane])
- vmla_lane_f32
float32x2_t a{1, 2};
float32x2_t b{1, 2};
float32x2_t c{2, 4};
const int lane = 0;
float32x2_t d = vmla_lane_f32(a, b, c, lane);//{3.000000 6.000000}
Vector multiply by scalar
- vmulq_n_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, 2, 3};
float32_t b = 2;
float32x4_t c = vmulq_n_f32(a, b);//{0.000000 2.000000 4.000000 6.000000}
Vector multiply subtract with scalar
即 d = a - (b * c)
float32x2_t a{1, 2};
float32x2_t b{1, 2};
float32_t c = 2.0f;
float32x2_t d = vmls_n_f32(a, b, c);//{-1.000000 -2.000000}
Vector extract 向量提取
用下面例子说明,想将 a 和 b 合并成一个向量,然后从 lane
int16x4_t a{0,2,4,6};
int16x4_t b{1,3,5,7};
// a:b => {0,2,4,6,1,3,5,6} => get starts index 3 => {6 1 3 5}
const int lane = 3;
int16x4_t c = vext_s16(a, b, lane);//{6 1 3 5}
Reverse vector elements (swap endianness)
- vrev64q_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, 2, 3};
float32x4_t b = vrev64q_f32(a);//{1.000000 0.000000 3.000000 2.000000}
Other single operand arithmetic
Absolute: vabs{q}_type. Vd[i] = |Va[i]|
- vabsq_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, -2, -3};
float32x4_t b = vabsq_f32(a);//{0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000}
Negate: vneg{q}_type. Vd[i] = - Va[i]
- vnegq_f32
float32x4_t a{0, 1, -2, -3};
float32x4_t b = vnegq_f32(a);//{-0.000000 -1.000000 2.000000 3.000000
Count leading sign bits
最高位后,连续与最高位相同的 bit 值的个数
- vcls_s8
int8x8_t a{0b00000001, 0b00110000};
int8x8_t b = vcls_s8(a);
printf("%d %d\n", b[0], b[1]);//{6 1}
Count leading zeros
最高位开始,连续 0 的个数
- vclz_s8
int8x8_t a{0b00000001, 0b01110000};
int8x8_t b = vclz_s8(a);
printf("%d %d\n", b[0], b[1]);//{7 1}
Count number of set bits
计算 bit 为 1 的个数
- vcnt_s8
int8x8_t a{0b00000001, 0b01110000};
int8x8_t b = vcnt_s8(a);
printf("%d %d\n", b[0], b[1]);//{1 3}
Reciprocal estimate
- vrecpe_f32
float32x2_t a{1, 3};
float32x2_t b = vrecpe_f32(a);//{0.998047 0.333008}
Reciprocal square root estimate
即 b = 1 / sqrt(a)
- vrsqrte_f32
float32x2_t a{1, 4};
float32x2_t b = vrsqrte_f32(a);//{0.998047 0.499023}
Logical operations 逻辑操作
Bitwise not
- vmvn_s32
int32x2_t a{0x0000ffff, 0x0000000};
int32x2_t b = vmvn_s32(a);
printf("%x %x\n", b[0], b[1]); //{ffff0000 ffffffff}
Bitwise and
- vand_s32
int32x2_t a{0x00000ff0, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t b{0x0000ffff, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t c = vand_s32(a, b);//{ff0 ff}
Bitwise or
- vorr_s32
int32x2_t a{0x00000ff0, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t b{0x0000ffff, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t c = vorr_s32(a, b);//{ffff ff}
Bitwise exclusive or (EOR or XOR)
- veor_s32
int32x2_t a{0x00000ff0, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t b{0x0000ffff, 0x00000ff};
int32x2_t c = veor_s32(a, b);//{f00f 0}
Bit Clear
似乎是 c = a & !b
- vbic_s32
int32x2_t a{0x7fffffff, 0x000000ff};
int32x2_t b{0x0000ffff, 0x7fffffff};
int32x2_t c = vbic_s32(a, b);//{7fff0000 f0}
Bitwise OR complement
即 c = a || !b
- vorn_s32
int32x2_t a{0x7fffffff, 0x000000ff};
int32x2_t b{0x0000ffff, 0x7fffffff};
int32x2_t c = vorn_s32(a, b);//{ffffffff 800000ff}
Transposition operations
Transpose elements
- vtrn_s32
int32x2_t a{0, 1};
int32x2_t b{2, 3};
int32x2x2_t c = vtrn_s32(a, b);
0 2
1 3
Interleave elements
- vzip_s8
int8x8_t a{0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14};
int8x8_t b{1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15};
int8x8x2_t c = vzip_s8(a, b);
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
De-Interleave elements
- vuzp_s8
int8x8_t a{0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14};
int8x8_t b{1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15};
int8x8x2_t c = vuzp_s8(a, b);
0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Vector reinterpret cast operations
在某些情况下,你可能想把一个向量视为具有不同的类型,而不改变它的值。NEON 提供了一组函数来执行这种类型的转换。
,指定转换在128位向量上进行。如果它不存在,转换将在64位向量上进行。- dsttype,即目标类型
- srctype,即源数据类型
以 vreinterpretq_s8_f32
int16x4_t a{0, 1, 2, 3};
uint16x4_t b = vreinterpret_u16_s16(a);//{0 1 2 3}
本文介绍 NEON intrinsics 的基本使用概念和基本使用方式,并且列举了海量的 NEON 函数的使用示例,旨在帮助入门 NEON 不再困难。后面还将列举一些 NEON 指令的实际使用例子,帮助大家理解 NEON 在实际应用场景中是如何被使用的。
- Learn the architecture - Optimizing C code with Neon intrinsics
- Learn the architecture - Neon programmers’ guide
- NEON码农指导 Chapter 1 : Introduction
- ARM Compiler toolchain Compiler Reference Version 5.03
- ARM NEON for C++ Developers
- neon-guide