
news2025/1/6 20:28:07



  For most students,writing assignment is like a nightmare,which is daunting.Indeed,writing assignment is a big project,which requires efforts.But don't worry too much.In this paper,I mainly discuss the format and writing skills of Canadian English Assignment,hoping to enlighten you.


  Canadian Assignment Format

  加拿大Assignment格式与其他国家Assignment格式相似,一般使用12号的Times New Roman字体,使用双倍行距和左对齐,段落之间不需要空行,页面边距为一英寸。

  The format of Assignment in Canada is similar to that in other countries.Generally,12 point Times New Roman font is used,with double line spacing and left Assignment.There is no need for blank lines between paragraphs,and the page margin is one inch.


  In most cases,assignment needs to be marked with consecutive page numbers,sometimes starting from the cover and sometimes starting from the body,depending on the specific format rules.


  The main body of English Assignment is generally composed of three parts,namely,introduction,main body and conclusion.The introduction and conclusion generally take up one paragraph each,and the main body is about 3-5 paragraphs.


  As for the reference part,the common document formats abroad include MLA format,APA format,Chicago format,etc.MLA format is more common in liberal arts assignments,while APA format is more common in science and engineering assignments.The citation format and labeling rules of different formats are different.Students should follow the format standards to label according to the requirements of schools or professors.


  Canadian Assignment Writing Skills


  The assignment writing skills can start with the following seven main steps:topic,relevant research,construction of the assignment outline,writing of the assignment introduction,writing of the assignment subject,writing of the assignment end,and checking and polishing.


  Select the appropriate topic and determine the assignment topic


  When you write Assignment,you may write with a given topic,or you may be lucky enough to choose your own topic.If your assignment topic is given by others,you have to think about how to start from this topic,whether to elaborate the topic summary or select a specific topic for analysis?Try to narrow the scope of writing.If you choose your own topic,you can start from your own interests.Canadian history,sports,parliament,culture,art,geography,official language,etc.are all good choices.


  Conduct investigation and research according to the content of the topic


  After selecting the topic,you should conduct research and investigation in this subject area.It should be noted that you must focus on the limited scope of your topic.During the investigation,you can also collect some arguments to enrich the assignment content.You can search for keywords on the website,or ask the tutor for advice.When referring to assignment literature or data,be sure to match the theme.


  Check the Assignment repeatedly to ensure the quality


  Before formally writing the assignment,it is necessary to make an outline of the assignment content.Write the assignment topic on the paper,and then brainstorm.Write the arguments and arguments in an orderly way on the paper.There should be a certain gap between each argument,so that you can supplement or delete them later.Compared with the outline,you can check whether the argument is related to the theme,and also ensure that your assignment is more logical.


  Summarize the general content of Assignment


  Many students are confused about the Assignment summary and do not know how to proceed.In fact,the function of assignment summary is to roughly introduce the assignment content,research background,etc.before the assignment subject,so as to attract readers'interest.Therefore,the first sentence must be carefully considered.The assignment summary mainly includes:literature reference,theme research background,introduction of terms appearing in Assignment,elaboration of the importance and necessity of research,and elaboration of the assignment research field.


  Write the assignment subject


  The main body of Assignment is the argument part,which is carried out according to the structure of argument+argument.Start with a brief and concise argument to show your position and opinion,and then attach arguments to support Assignment and make Assignment more persuasive.Arguments can include direct references,historical facts,actual examples,specific data,pictures,etc.In the process of argumentation,we can properly carry out the reverse argumentation,that is,we can use the views contrary to our own to prove their mistakes,so as to prove the correctness of our arguments.


  Sort out and summarize the full text


  At the end of Assignment,it is necessary to sort out and summarize the contents of Assignment,summarize the above arguments,and never put forward new arguments.Reiterate the importance and necessity of Assignment,discuss the analysis and discovery in Assignment,and look forward to the fields that can be explored in the future.The end of the assignment is as important as the assignment body,and the"tiger head and snake tail"assignment is not recommended.


  Check the Assignment repeatedly to ensure the quality


  Many students feel that everything is all right after completing the above six steps.This idea is totally wrong!After the assignment is written,the assignment should be checked and polished to ensure that there is no risk.Check whether the argument sequence of the paragraphs is correct,and put the most persuasive arguments at the front in descending order.Check whether the assignment format is correct.Some tutors have different requirements for the assignment format.Ensure that the assignment format is corresponding.Check whether the assignment words and grammar are correct.Read the full text thoroughly to ensure that the sentences are fluent and the language is correct.Check whether the number of Assignment words meets the requirements,but note that the Assignment cannot be written in order to gather the number of words.Be sure to ensure the preciseness and refinement of the Assignment.





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