
news2025/1/12 1:37:05


  What is the top priority of Essay's writing?There is no doubt that it must be subject review or topic review.Essay writing in any form is based on correct topic review.I will share with you how to review topics accurately and efficiently.


  In this article,the editor will use the most concise language to systematically tell you how to accurately and efficiently review the topic to lay the foundation for your high score essay!


  Skill first


  Before we begin to examine the topic,we will first introduce a general technique,that is,to draw the key points.Take the following essay as an example:

  Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects of adult life.How in your view can individuals best learn to manage their money?

  这是一个经典的隐形"discuss"题。写这篇小essay前,强烈建议将自己认为重要的几个关键词划上,提醒自己,这里需要讨论(How)每个个体(individuals)如何高效(best learn)学习理财,确保自己接下来的每个观点都不会跑偏,比如,你不会想写出公司如何学习理财,或者你自己如何理财,因为题目给的范围是每个个体,以及高效学习。

  This is a classic invisible"discussion"question.Before writing this little essay,it is strongly recommended that you mark several key words that you think are important to remind yourself that here we need to discuss how each individual can learn to manage money efficiently,to ensure that each of their views will not deviate.For example,you will not want to write how the company learns to manage money,or how you manage money,because the topic is given to each individual and efficient learning.


  Understand sentence meaning


  After the key points are drawn,the next step is to carefully examine the topic.We take the class work of a media major student as an example.

  Does the media always control our preceptions of crimes?


  This is a very concise title,but the word"always"contains profound meaning,which adds some information to the title.To deconstruct the problem(i.e.examine the problem),we need to first explain the situation introduced by the topic,that is,the media will always be able to manipulate our perception of crime,reinterpret it,and give one or two examples.

  Crime often accounts for more media stories than any other kind of news.These stories tend to focus on unusual andviolent crimes,although these are a small minority of all crimes.For example,Harper&Hogue(2016)find that in the UK sex offenses were 2%of all crimes but 20%of all media stories about crime.In Canada,Crocker found that half of media stories were about violent crimes even though these were only 7%of all crimes.

  John Howard,2019


  The above example first illustrates the fact that crime accounts for the vast majority of media content;Then,in the form of induction and enumeration,the situations of Britain and Canada are cited respectively,indicating that the actual number of crimes is different from the number of crimes created by the media.We can think that it answers the question well and gives convincing data.


  Decompose the problem


  The structure of the above examples is very simple,but many times the title of an essay often implies multiple problems.Next,take a more common essay title with background description as an example to show you the steps to examine the topic.

  Discuss the factors that give rise to tariff and evaluate how much of a problem this is for multinational companies.Give examples of what a firm can do to minimize the problem?


  This is a standard essay title.By highlighting,we determined that the title actually contains three sub titles:


  1.Discuss the causes of tariff


  2.Assess the impact of tariffs on transnational corporations.


  3.Give an example of how the company can minimize the impact.


  For each sub title,we can further break it down into the following contents for discussion.


  1.Discuss the causes of tariff


  ·Define tariffs


  ·List and describe what causes the government to set tariffs


  2.Assess the impact of tariffs on transnational corporations


  ·Defining transnational corporations


  ·Answer whether tariffs have an impact on transnational corporations


  ·If so,how much?


  ·How serious is the impact?Is there any data support?


  3.Give an example of how the company can minimize the impact


  ·Answer what methods can be used to avoid the impact of tariffs


  ·Describe method 1 in detail,and list examples of successful application of this method in company 1


  ·Method 2 is described in detail,and examples of successful application of this method in Company 2 are listed


  ·Summarize the above two methods and give operable suggestions





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