
news2024/10/7 11:25:11



  The first semester is coming to an end.In order to help more British students finish Paper successfully,increase their understanding of English Paper writing and get high marks.The editor of this article shares the ideas and essence of British paper writing to help you improve the quality of paper.


  1.Start with the paper topic:


  Generally,the school teacher will ask you to choose one of several questions to answer,or ask you to answer a specific question in a specific way.


  If it is a question of multiple choices,it is recommended that you first write well,followed by what you are interested in.


  How to define writing?


  You are familiar with this topic


  This topic has a wealth of available literature


  Why do you recommend the interesting ones next?


  Many students chose a few topics based on their current interests,but later found that they could not find literature,and their understanding of this topic was fragmented.Later,they could not continue to write,and then chose a topic that was good to write.This kind of time cost is very high,and it is very energy consuming.


  You can choose whatever you want!


  You should grasp the key to the problem,and don't waste words and time on irrelevant content.


  2.Make a paper writing outline

  选好题目,开始查阅文献资料,除了老师给的reading list之外,推荐看一下其他与你话题相近的过往其他学者的文章。在初步的文献查阅和思考筛选之后,这时你应该会形成一个基本的知识框架,把大点列出来,把小点填充进去,据此列出你的提纲。

  Select the topic and start to consult the literature.In addition to the reading list given by the teacher,I recommend you to read the articles of other past scholars who are similar to your topic.After preliminary literature review and screening,you should form a basic knowledge framework,list the big points and fill in the small points,and then list your outline accordingly.


  3.Send your outline to your teacher and ask for advice from TA.


  A good teacher will definitely give you advice on how to dig deep into the topic and help you grasp the direction of your views.As long as the general direction is OK and the language is good,60 points will be guaranteed.


  The teacher who grades your paper is your teacher.You know that!


  Revise the outline according to the suggestions given by the teacher,and then start writing the main part of the article.


  4.Notes for writing the main part of the article:


  Don't waste words and time on irrelevant content,and don't use meaningless phrases and phrases.


  Be straightforward,discuss problems,give opinions,give examples,and explain.


  Good paper is modified,good paper is modified,and good paper is modified!!!Say important things three times!


  Your ideas should be organized,focused and coherent.


  The key is to express your views clearly.You need to explain and discuss important views in Paper.Don't be afraid to discuss ideas.For most Papers,good teachers would like you to discuss problems!(Although it will be troublesome,it can get high scores)


  Use examples to help you explain and clearly express your views.More in-depth discussion can make the article more interesting to read.A good example(with analysis)is better than a few general examples,but you should also control the number of words in the example.


  If you have a lot of important content to talk about,you must not put it in a sentence.This is a common problem for many Chinese students to write Paper.You need to spend enough time and space to explain them as clearly as possible.If necessary,explain it again in a different way.


  Conclusion is used to answer the questions of the article.Don't waste space on the specific content you have said in the text,and don't discuss new content.


  Studying American English at a British university is considered a grammatical error.Adjust the input method on your computer to British English!!(Note that Chinese students generally think this is not a problem,but for British professors,it will affect their scores.)


  If you quote a scholar,you must use the original sentence.However,you should use as few references as possible.If you use them,you must ensure their relevance;Compared with quotation,it is better to summarize the words of scholars in your own words.


  Some teachers will hate stupid errors,so when you hand in an article,make sure your name,email,course name,and paper title are correct,which will affect the teacher's impression of your article.


  Finally,imagine that you,as a reader,read your own articles.Whether the paper is clear and easy to read,and whether you have answered the questions of the paper clearly.




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