select now();
select current_timestamp;
select current_time;
select current_date;
SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE 时间字段 >= current_date AND 时间字段 < current_date + 1;
SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE 时间字段 >= current_date - 1 AND 时间字段 < current_date;
SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE 时间字段 >= current_date - interval '1 month' AND 时间字段 <= current_date;
5、按日, 周, 月, 季度, 年统计数据
select date_trunc('DAY', 时间字段) as statisticTime, 分组字段, count(0) from 表名 GROUP BY date_trunc('DAY', 时间字段), 分组字段
日: DAY; 周: WEEK; 月: MONTH; 季度: QUARTER; 年: YEAR
6、 查询昨天、上周、上月、上年的日期
select to_char( now() - interval '1 day','yyyy-mm-dd');
select to_char( now() - interval '1 week','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss');
select to_char( now() - interval '1 month','yyyy-mm-dd');
select to_char( now() - interval '1 year','yyyy-mm-dd');
select date_trunc('year', now())
select date_trunc('month', now())
select date_trunc('day', now())
select date_trunc('hour', now())
select date_trunc('minute', now())
select date_trunc('second', now())
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 seconds '
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 minutes'
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 hours'
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 day'
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 7 day'
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 month'
select * from 表名 where timestamp_start >= current_timestamp - interval ' 1 year'
9、从时间戳中提取 年月日时分秒、周
select date_part('year', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('month', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('day', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('hour', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('minute', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('second', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')
select date_part('week', timestamp '2024-02-16 12:38:40')