InfluxDB 笔记

news2024/9/20 22:39:45





A measurement acts as a container for tags, fields, and timestamps.


补充描述数据的信息,如示例中的locationscientist描述了该数据的采集地和采集人。这两个称为Tag Key,具体的值则称为Tag Value,文本类型。


用于表示实际的数据,包括Field KeyField Value,前者描述数据的含义,后者记录具体的值,通常为数字。


Series Key是共享同一 Measurement、Tag set 和 Field Key 的点的集合。例如:
Series包括给定 Series Key 的时间戳和 Field Value。从示例数据中,这里有一个 Series Key 和相应的 Series:

# series key
census,location=klamath,scientist=anderson bees

# series
2019-08-18T00:00:00Z 23
2019-08-18T00:06:00Z 28 


一个数据点包括 Series Key、Field Value 和时间戳。例如,样本数据中的单个点如下所示:

2019-08-18T00:00:00Z census ants 30 portland mullen

Write Path

我们从数据的写入路径来一探 InfluxDB 的结构。



// WritePointsRequest represents a request to write point data to the cluster.
type WritePointsRequest struct {
	Database        string
	RetentionPolicy string
	Points          []models.Point

Database 指明了相应的数据库,RetentionPolicy 指明了保留策略(可以理解为数据的有效期,详情可以看官方文档的解释,这里略),Points 则表示要请求写入的数据点数组,我们来看一下它的结构:

// point is the default implementation of Point.
type point struct {
	time time.Time

	// text encoding of measurement and tags
	// key must always be stored sorted by tags, if the original line was not sorted,
	// we need to resort it
	key []byte

	// text encoding of field data
	fields []byte

	// text encoding of timestamp
	ts []byte

	// cached version of parsed fields from data
	cachedFields map[string]interface{}

	// cached version of parsed name from key
	cachedName string

	// cached version of parsed tags
	cachedTags Tags

	it fieldIterator

里面出现了很多第一节中介绍过的概念。唯一有所出入的是 fields,这里并没有向第一节里说的那样一个点一个 field tag,而是都集中在一个 point 对象里。

那么这个 request 由谁来处理呢?系统会构造一个 PointsWriter 对象来负责写入,这个类型本身的结构并不重要,重点是它处理如何写数据:

// MapShards maps the points contained in wp to a ShardMapping.  If a point
// maps to a shard group or shard that does not currently exist, it will be
// created before returning the mapping.
func (w *PointsWriter) MapShards(wp *WritePointsRequest) (*ShardMapping, error) {
	. . .
	for _, p := range wp.Points {
		// Either the point is outside the scope of the RP, or we already have
		// a suitable shard group for the point.
		if p.Time().Before(min) || list.Covers(p.Time()) {

		// No shard groups overlap with the point's time, so we will create
		// a new shard group for this point.
		sg, err := w.MetaClient.CreateShardGroup(wp.Database, wp.RetentionPolicy, p.Time())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if sg == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("nil shard group")

	mapping := NewShardMapping(len(wp.Points))
	for _, p := range wp.Points {
		sg := list.ShardGroupAt(p.Time())
		if sg == nil {
			// We didn't create a shard group because the point was outside the
			// scope of the RP.
			mapping.Dropped = append(mapping.Dropped, p)

		sh := sg.ShardFor(p)      // 获取该点在该Group中的Shard
		mapping.MapPoint(&sh, p)  // 点映射到对应的Shard

	return mapping, nil

这里省略了一部分不重要的代码。这个函数将每个 Point 映射到相应的 Shard 中,遍历每一个点。如果当前点的时间戳小于保留策略范围的最小值(即当前点已过期)或已存在覆盖该时间范围的 Shard Group,那么就 continue,否则创建新的 ShardGroup,保存到 list 中。

创建完需要的 ShardGroup 后,重新遍历所有点,获取每个点对应的 ShardGroup 和具体的 Shard,将该点映射到该 Shard。


// WritePoints writes the data to the underlying storage. consistencyLevel and user are only used for clustered scenarios
func (w *PointsWriter) WritePoints(
	ctx context.Context,
	database, retentionPolicy string,
	consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel,
	user meta.User,
	points []models.Point,
) error {
	return w.WritePointsPrivileged(ctx, database, retentionPolicy, consistencyLevel, points)

// WritePointsPrivileged writes the data to the underlying storage, consistencyLevel is only used for clustered scenarios
func (w *PointsWriter) WritePointsPrivileged(
	ctx context.Context,
	database, retentionPolicy string,
	consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel,
	points []models.Point,
) error {
	. . .
	shardMappings, err := w.MapShards(&WritePointsRequest{Database: database, RetentionPolicy: retentionPolicy, Points: points})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Write each shard in it's own goroutine and return as soon as one fails.
	ch := make(chan error, len(shardMappings.Points))
	for shardID, points := range shardMappings.Points {
		go func(shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string, points []models.Point) {
			err := w.writeToShard(ctx, shard, database, retentionPolicy, points)
			if err == nil {
			} else {
			if err == tsdb.ErrShardDeletion {
				err = tsdb.PartialWriteError{Reason: fmt.Sprintf("shard %d is pending deletion", shard.ID), Dropped: len(points)}
			ch <- err
		}(shardMappings.Shards[shardID], database, retentionPolicy, points)
	. . .
	return err

上面两个函数用于写数据,第一个函数实际上是对第二个函数的包装。可以看到,该函数先获取所有点的 ShardMapping,然后为每个 Shard 开启一个协程,Shard 间并行写入。


// writeToShards writes points to a shard.
func (w *PointsWriter) writeToShard(ctx context.Context, shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string, points []models.Point) error {
	err := w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(ctx, shard.ID, points)
	if err == nil {
		return nil

	// Except tsdb.ErrShardNotFound no error can be handled here
	if err != tsdb.ErrShardNotFound {
		return err

	// If we've written to shard that should exist on the current node, but the store has
	// not actually created this shard, tell it to create it and retry the write
	if err = w.TSDBStore.CreateShard(ctx, database, retentionPolicy, shard.ID, true); err != nil {
		w.Logger.Warn("Write failed creating shard", zap.Uint64("shard", shard.ID), zap.Error(err))
		return err

	if err = w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(ctx, shard.ID, points); err != nil {
		w.Logger.Info("Write failed", zap.Uint64("shard", shard.ID), zap.Error(err))
		return err

	return nil

这个函数简单来说,就是尝试往 Shard 中写入,如果当前节点相应的 Shard 还未分配,那么就先分配,再重新插入。继续前进:

// WriteToShard writes a list of points to a shard identified by its ID.
func (s *Store) WriteToShard(ctx context.Context, shardID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
	. . .
	sh := s.shards[shardID]
	. . .
	return sh.WritePoints(ctx, points)


// Shard represents a self-contained time series database. An inverted index of
// the measurement and tag data is kept along with the raw time series data.
// Data can be split across many shards. The query engine in TSDB is responsible
// for combining the output of many shards into a single query result.
type Shard struct {
	path    string
	walPath string
	id      uint64

	database        string
	retentionPolicy string

	sfile   *SeriesFile
	options EngineOptions

	mu      sync.RWMutex
	_engine Engine
	index   Index
	enabled bool

	stats *ShardMetrics

	baseLogger *zap.Logger
	logger     *zap.Logger

	metricUpdater *ticker

	EnableOnOpen bool

	// CompactionDisabled specifies the shard should not schedule compactions.
	// This option is intended for offline tooling.
	CompactionDisabled bool

继续看在 Shard 上写入数据:

// WritePoints will write the raw data points and any new metadata to the index in the shard.
func (s *Shard) WritePoints(ctx context.Context, points []models.Point) (rErr error) {
	. . .
	engine, err := s.engineNoLock()
	. . .
	points, fieldsToCreate, err := s.validateSeriesAndFields(points)
	. . .

	// add any new fields and keep track of what needs to be saved
	if err := s.createFieldsAndMeasurements(fieldsToCreate); err != nil {
		return err

	// Write to the engine.
	if err := engine.WritePoints(ctx, points); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("engine: %s", err)

	return writeError

中间的validateSeriesAndFields较长,这里就不贴源码了,简单讲一下该函数的功能。它首先遍历所有点,检查它们的 Tag 是否包含 “time”字段、Measurement 和所有 Tag 的字符是否为合理的 unicode,保留所有合法的点,并创建丢失的 Field等,总体上是在做完整性检查的工作,不展开讲,我们直接看engine.writePoints

// WritePoints writes metadata and point data into the engine.
// It returns an error if new points are added to an existing key.
func (e *Engine) WritePoints(ctx context.Context, points []models.Point) error {
	values := make(map[string][]Value, len(points))
	var (
		keyBuf    []byte
		baseLen   int
		seriesErr error

	for _, p := range points {
		keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:0], p.Key()...)
		keyBuf = append(keyBuf, keyFieldSeparator...)  //分隔符:#~#
		baseLen = len(keyBuf)
		iter := p.FieldIterator()
		t := p.Time().UnixNano()
		for iter.Next() {
			// Skip fields name "time", they are illegal
			if bytes.Equal(iter.FieldKey(), timeBytes) {
			// 构造我们第一节讲过的Series Key,注意一个Field Key对应一个Series Key
			keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:baseLen], iter.FieldKey()...)
			// 检查当前插入数据的类型是否与同一Series的不一致
			if e.seriesTypeMap != nil {
				// Fast-path check to see if the field for the series already exists.
				if v, ok := e.seriesTypeMap.Get(keyBuf); !ok {
					if typ, err := e.Type(keyBuf); err != nil {
						// Field type is unknown, we can try to add it.
					} else if typ != iter.Type() {
						// Existing type is different from what was passed in, we need to drop
						// this write and refresh the series type map.
						seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
						e.seriesTypeMap.Insert(keyBuf, int(typ))

					// Doesn't exist, so try to insert
					vv, ok := e.seriesTypeMap.Insert(keyBuf, int(iter.Type()))

					// We didn't insert and the type that exists isn't what we tried to insert, so
					// we have a conflict and must drop this field/series.
					if !ok || vv != int(iter.Type()) {
						seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
				} else if v != int(iter.Type()) {
					// The series already exists, but with a different type.  This is also a type conflict
					// and we need to drop this field/series.
					seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
			var v Value
			// 此处省略的代码为根据具体类型构造v
			// 将v追加到对应的Series中
			values[string(keyBuf)] = append(values[string(keyBuf)], v)

	// first try to write to the cache
	if err := e.Cache.WriteMulti(values); err != nil {
	L	return err

	if e.WALEnabled {
		if _, err := e.WAL.WriteMulti(ctx, values); err != nil {
			return err
	return seriesErr




我们知道,InfluxDB 采用了类似 LSM-Tree 的结构,在内存和磁盘上都有相应的组件。


这个相当于 memtable,是 InfluxDB 用于内存中的数据结构。Cache 以 TSM 文件的形式定期写入磁盘。

type Cache struct {
	// Due to a bug in atomic  size needs to be the first word in the struct, as
	// that's the only place where you're guaranteed to be 64-bit aligned on a
	// 32 bit system. See:
	size         uint64
	snapshotSize uint64

	mu      sync.RWMutex
	store   storer  // 实际存放数据的结构
	maxSize uint64

	// snapshots are the cache objects that are currently being written to tsm files
	// they're kept in memory while flushing so they can be queried along with the cache.
	// they are read only and should never be modified
	snapshot     *Cache
	snapshotting bool

	// This number is the number of pending or failed WriteSnaphot attempts since the last successful one.
	snapshotAttempts int

	stats         *cacheMetrics
	lastWriteTime time.Time

	// A one time synchronization used to initial the cache with a store.  Since the store can allocate a
	// large amount memory across shards, we lazily create it.
	initialize       atomic.Value
	initializedCount uint32

初始化一个 Cache:

// init initializes the cache and allocates the underlying store.  Once initialized,
// the store re-used until Freed.
func (c *Cache) init() {
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.initializedCount, 0, 1) {
	}, _ = newring(ringShards)

newring 返回一个 ring 对象,该对象的结构为哈希环,具体细节先不展开,总之写入到 Cache 中的数据实际上就保存到了这里。



// Compactor merges multiple TSM files into new files or
// writes a Cache into 1 or more TSM files.
type Compactor struct {
	Dir  string
	Size int

	FileStore interface {
		NextGeneration() int
		TSMReader(path string) *TSMReader

	// RateLimit is the limit for disk writes for all concurrent compactions.
	RateLimit limiter.Rate

	formatFileName FormatFileNameFunc
	parseFileName  ParseFileNameFunc

	mu                 sync.RWMutex
	snapshotsEnabled   bool
	compactionsEnabled bool

	// lastSnapshotDuration is the amount of time the last snapshot took to complete.
	lastSnapshotDuration time.Duration

	snapshotLatencies *latencies

	// The channel to signal that any in progress snapshots should be aborted.
	snapshotsInterrupt chan struct{}
	// The channel to signal that any in progress level compactions should be aborted.
	compactionsInterrupt chan struct{}

	files map[string]struct{}







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