05-09 周四 vLLM的部署和实践

news2024/10/5 12:43:25
05-09 周四 vLLM能够做什么事情


 GitHub项目 vllm-project


 官方网站上解释了Fast、和flexible and easy to use的原因。





 【LLM】vLLM部署与int8量化-CSDN博客👍👍文章中讲述了关于Decoding methods的许多的内容,具体包括Greedy Search, Beam Search, Sampling, Top-K sampling, Tpo-P(nucleus) ,其对应于代码中的SamplingParams
 大模型推理部署:LLM 七种推理服务框架总结_大模型推理框架-CSDN博客👍👍👍文章主要是描述了七种推理框架,并且提供了一个vLLM离线推理的模型。vllm,TGI,CTranslate2, OpenLLM, Ray Server, MLC LLM, Deep Speed
基于vllm,探索产业级llm的部署 - jsxyhelu - 博客园使用了魔搭社区,并作为在线服务,同时使用Meta-Llama进行交互的实例。
Quickstart — vLLM👍👍👍👍👍官网介绍,详细的介绍了offline Batched Inference, OpenAI-Comatible Server、Using OpenAI Chat API with vLLM


  • PagedAttention
  • memory sharing
    • 当用单个 prompt 产出多个不同的序列时,可以共享计算量和显存
  • Continuous batching


  • vLLM通过PagedAttention机制,可以高效地管理大语言模型的keys和values,显著提高吞吐量,高吞吐量服务。
  • memory sharing机制可以实现不同样本间的显存共享,进一步提升吞吐量。
  • vLLM兼容主流的预训练模型,可以不修改模型结构就获得显著的加速效果,与OpenAPI兼容。
  • 整体来说,vLLM是目前加速大模型推理的最先进解决方案之一,可以达到其他框架的24倍吞吐量提升。





pip install vllm





注,上图中显示了推理时的一些常用性能评估指标。 位于博客 大模型推理部署:LLM 七种推理服务框架总结_大模型推理框架-CSDN博客



from vllm import LLM

llm = LLM(model=...)  # Name or path of your model
output = llm.generate("Hello, my name is")


from vllm import LLM

prompts = ["Hello, my name is", "The capital of France is"]  # Sample prompts.
llm = LLM(model="lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3")  # Create an LLM.
outputs = llm.generate(prompts)  # Generate texts from the prompts.


prompt: 提示,促进,引起,激发

 在离线推理,使用offline Batched Inference,

from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams
import torch

# device = torch.device('cuda:2')
llm = LLM(model="../Llama-2-7B-Chat-fp16", gpu_memory_utilization=0.7)
# llm.to(device)

prompts = [
    "Hello, my name is",
    "The president of the United States is",
    "The capital of France is",
    "The future of AI is",
    "One way to crack a password",
    "I know unsensored swear words such as"
sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.8, top_p=0.95)






# pip install vllm
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams

prompts = [
    "Funniest joke ever:",
    "The capital of France is",
    "The future of AI is",
sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.95, top_p=0.95, max_tokens=200)
llm = LLM(model="huggyllama/llama-13b")
outputs = llm.generate(prompts, sampling_params)

for output in outputs:
    prompt = output.prompt
    generated_text = output.outputs[0].text
    print(f"Prompt: {prompt!r}, Generated text: {generated_text!r}")






#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-

@author: songquanheng
@file: __init__.py.py
@time: 2022/12/14 15:26
@desc: 使用vllm测试

# pip install vllm
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams

prompts = [
    "Funniest joke ever:",
    "The capital of France is",
    "The future of AI is",
sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.95, top_p=0.95, max_tokens=200)
llm = LLM(model="/mnt/model/gpt2-large")
outputs = llm.generate(prompts, sampling_params)

for output in outputs:
    prompt = output.prompt
    generated_text = output.outputs[0].text
    print(f"Prompt: {prompt!r}, Generated text: {generated_text!r}")


(vit2) yuzailiang@ubuntu:~/vllm_test$ python vllm_test.py 
INFO 05-09 09:34:57 llm_engine.py:73] Initializing an LLM engine with config: model='/mnt/model/gpt2-large', tokenizer='/mnt/model/gpt2-large', tokenizer_mode=auto, revision=None, tokenizer_revision=None, trust_remote_code=False, dtype=torch.float16, max_seq_len=1024, download_dir=None, load_format=auto, tensor_parallel_size=1, quantization=None, enforce_eager=False, seed=0)
/mnt/model/gpt2-large/INFO 05-09 09:35:40 llm_engine.py:223] # GPU blocks: 10913, # CPU blocks: 1456
INFO 05-09 09:35:50 model_runner.py:394] Capturing the model for CUDA graphs. This may lead to unexpected consequences if the model is not static. To run the model in eager mode, set 'enforce_eager=True' or use '--enforce-eager' in the CLI.
INFO 05-09 09:36:19 model_runner.py:437] Graph capturing finished in 28 secs.
Processed prompts: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:02<00:00,  1.07it/s]
Prompt: 'Funniest joke ever:', Generated text: " How to keep your offspring safe from the man who finally solved the mystery of Buggies\n\nIn the mean time, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have pledged to help spread awareness and get the word out about the problem.\n\n\nBut what about the male victims?\n\n\nChristopher Parker, from London, has come out after his birthday.\n\n\nHe said: 'It was just a normal day... but then, not a second later, I was groped, cursed at, warned not to use the train again and not to go on any other public transport.\n\n\n'I went to the local library where I looked for people who have had similar experiences, but to no avail.'\n\n'Male victims? All it took was a look - and it was terrible for me to see.'\n\n\nTransport bosses say they are already planning to tighten up security on and off the underground to try and deter people from hijacking older, unattended kids.\n\n\nMike Gerl"
Prompt: 'The capital of France is', Generated text: " currently undergoing a major history shift, and one of the top natural history destinations in the world. Europe is now home to many more internationally famous museums and monuments. The Upper Plaza, founded in 1846, boasts more than 10,000 works of art—including the most famous painting in the world, the Sistine Chapel, and the Mona Lisa, as well as more than 13,000 statues of lesser known, but still unforgettable, artists. Luxury designer Louis Vuitton, whose brand was founded in Paris in 1857, is the largest clothing and jewelry designer in the world. In addition to doing business in many of the world's major cities, Louis Vuitton has offices in France, Russia, Argentina, and Mexico. This is just one of many inspirational celebrities that have made Paris their home.\n\nTake a stroll through the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe by tube or your own private elevator and see the incredible feats of artists, scientists, and inventors all over"
Prompt: 'The future of AI is', Generated text: ' now way ahead of it with financial services, not just in other industries but also in a wide array of applications."\n\nThe key drivers in the evolution of AI will be commercial and geopolitical trends, according to Bivens. For example, in the future many of the payments transactions will be made between governments and corporations. "Commercialization will drive AI at a higher level. The money-transfer industry could be AI-targeted. In some cases, you\'re not going to know what the application is for until you\'re thinking about it," he said.'



python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --model lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3


curl http://localhost:8000/v1/completions \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "model": "lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3",
        "prompt": "San Francisco is a",
        "max_tokens": 7,
        "temperature": 0


 在官网上Quickstart — vLLM,可以更加具体的看到一些使用的例子




(vit2) yuzailiang@ubuntu:/mnt/model/gpt2-large$ python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --model /mnt/model/gpt2-large/
INFO 05-09 11:21:04 api_server.py:719] args: Namespace(allow_credentials=False, allowed_headers=['*'], allowed_methods=['*'], allowed_origins=['*'], block_size=16, chat_template=None, disable_log_requests=False, disable_log_stats=False, download_dir=None, dtype='auto', enforce_eager=False, engine_use_ray=False, gpu_memory_utilization=0.9, host=None, load_format='auto', max_context_len_to_capture=8192, max_log_len=None, max_model_len=None, max_num_batched_tokens=None, max_num_seqs=256, max_paddings=256, max_parallel_loading_workers=None, model='/mnt/model/gpt2-large/', pipeline_parallel_size=1, port=8000, quantization=None, response_role='assistant', revision=None, seed=0, served_model_name=None, swap_space=4, tensor_parallel_size=1, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_mode='auto', tokenizer_revision=None, trust_remote_code=False, worker_use_ray=False)
INFO 05-09 11:21:04 llm_engine.py:73] Initializing an LLM engine with config: model='/mnt/model/gpt2-large/', tokenizer='/mnt/model/gpt2-large/', tokenizer_mode=auto, revision=None, tokenizer_revision=None, trust_remote_code=False, dtype=torch.float16, max_seq_len=1024, download_dir=None, load_format=auto, tensor_parallel_size=1, quantization=None, enforce_eager=False, seed=0)
INFO 05-09 11:21:16 llm_engine.py:223] # GPU blocks: 10913, # CPU blocks: 1456
INFO 05-09 11:21:27 model_runner.py:394] Capturing the model for CUDA graphs. This may lead to unexpected consequences if the model is not static. To run the model in eager mode, set 'enforce_eager=True' or use '--enforce-eager' in the CLI.
INFO 05-09 11:21:58 model_runner.py:437] Graph capturing finished in 31 secs.
WARNING 05-09 11:21:58 api_server.py:115] No chat template provided. Chat API will not work.
INFO:     Started server process [17663]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)





        "prompt": "San Francisco is a",
        "temperature": 0
    "id": "cmpl-3dc95c24b94846a19de837deebc856af",
    "object": "text_completion",
    "created": 1917432,
    "model": "/mnt/model/gpt2-large/",
    "choices": [
                "index": 0,
                "text": " city of many different cultures, and the diversity of the people who live here is",
                "logprobs": null,
                "finish_reason": "length"
    "usage": {
        "prompt_tokens": 4,
        "total_tokens": 20,
        "completion_tokens": 16


 本文整理了vLLM的优点,主要是Paged Attention,并具有Continuous batch的特点,文章主要是包含了vLLM安装,并包含离线推理和在线服务的描述。






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