
news2025/2/24 0:55:12

2.1 计算轮廓上所有点到最小外接矩4个顶点距离。
D1 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[0]) * (Rows - RowC[0]) + (Cols - ColC[0]) * (Cols - ColC[0]))
D2 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[1]) * (Rows - RowC[1]) + (Cols - ColC[1]) * (Cols - ColC[1]))
D3 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[2]) * (Rows - RowC[2]) + (Cols - ColC[2]) * (Cols - ColC[2]))
D4 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[3]) * (Rows - RowC[3]) + (Cols - ColC[3]) * (Cols - ColC[3]))
2.2 通过min2比较所有的数组,并返回最小值数组。
DistCorner := min2(min2(D1,D2),min2(D3,D4))
2.3 计算金属轮廓上面的点到最小外接矩轮廓上面的点距离
dist_rectangle2_contour_points_xld (RectangleEdge, 0, Row[I], Column[I], Phi[I], Length1[I], Length2[I], Dist)
2.4 通过if (DistCorner[J] > 7.0 and Dist[J] > 1.0),屏蔽矩形顶点附近七个像素以内的所有像素点,并且金属轮廓上面的点到最小外接矩轮廓上面的点距离大于1的判定NG。

  • RectangleOK := true
  • for J := 0 to |Dist| - 1 by 1
  •     if (DistCorner[J] > 7.0 and Dist[J] > 1.0)
  •         RectangleOK := false
  •         break
  •     endif
  • endfor
* This example program shows how fit_rectangle2_contour_xld can be used to
* detect manufacturing errors of punched holes in a metal part.  The errors
* show up as small protrusions of the metal into the hole.  They can be detected
* by fitting rectangles to the edges of the hole robustly (i.e., with outlier
* suppression) and the calculating the distances of the edges to the rectangle
* sides using dist_rectangle2_contour_points_xld.  Since the corners of the
* holes are slightly rounded, some extra processing must be performed to
* disregard the corners in the check for errors.
dev_update_off ()
read_image (Image, 'punched_holes')
get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_display (Image)
* Since the metal part is backlit, the processing speed can be increased
* significantly by constructing a ROI for the subpixel-precise edge extraction
* that is as small as possible.  This can easily be achieved by thresholding and
* morphology.
fast_threshold (Image, Region, 128, 255, 10)
boundary (Region, Border, 'inner')
dilation_rectangle1 (Border, EdgeROI, 7, 7)
reduce_domain (Image, EdgeROI, ImageReduced)
* Perform the edge extraction.
edges_sub_pix (ImageReduced, Edges, 'canny', 1.7, 40, 120)
* Remove edge fragments that are too short.
select_shape_xld (Edges, RectangleEdges, 'contlength', 'and', 500, 100000)
* Fit rectangles to the holes' edges using the outlier suppression of Tukey.
fit_rectangle2_contour_xld (RectangleEdges, 'tukey', -1, 0, 0, 3, 2, Row, Column, Phi, Length1, Length2, PointOrder)
* Create rectangles with the fitted parameters for visualization purposes.
gen_rectangle2_contour_xld (Rectangles, Row, Column, Phi, Length1, Length2)
dev_set_color ('yellow')
dev_display (Rectangles)
* Check whether the holes are OK.
count_obj (RectangleEdges, Number)
for I := 0 to Number - 1 by 1
    select_obj (RectangleEdges, RectangleEdge, I + 1)
    * Get the contour's coordinates.
    get_contour_xld (RectangleEdge, Rows, Cols)
    * Create a rectangle with the appropriate rectangle parameters.
    gen_rectangle2_contour_xld (Rect, Row[I], Column[I], Phi[I], Length1[I], Length2[I])
    * Get the coordinates of the rectangle's corners.
    get_contour_xld (Rect, RowC, ColC)
    * Calculate the distances of all the contour points to the four corners of the
    * rectangle.
    D1 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[0]) * (Rows - RowC[0]) + (Cols - ColC[0]) * (Cols - ColC[0]))
    D2 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[1]) * (Rows - RowC[1]) + (Cols - ColC[1]) * (Cols - ColC[1]))
    D3 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[2]) * (Rows - RowC[2]) + (Cols - ColC[2]) * (Cols - ColC[2]))
    D4 := sqrt((Rows - RowC[3]) * (Rows - RowC[3]) + (Cols - ColC[3]) * (Cols - ColC[3]))
    * The distance of the contour points to the corners of the rectangle is given
    * by the minimum of the four distances.  This distance is used to exclude
    * contour points that are too close to the corners from the check for errors.
    DistCorner := min2(min2(D1,D2),min2(D3,D4))
    * Calculate the distances of the contour points of the rectangle.
    dist_rectangle2_contour_points_xld (RectangleEdge, 0, Row[I], Column[I], Phi[I], Length1[I], Length2[I], Dist)
    * Check whether the hole is OK by examining the distances of the contour
    * points to the rectangle.  A hole is OK if all points that lie more than seven
    * pixels from the corners have a distance of less than one pixel to the fitted
    * rectangle.  To do so, we could use the following code:
*     RectangleOK := true
*     for J := 0 to |Dist| - 1 by 1
*         if (DistCorner[J] > 7.0 and Dist[J] > 1.0)
*             RectangleOK := false
*             break
*         endif
*     endfor
    * A much faster way to do this in HDevelop is to generate a mask that
    * contains 0 for all points that should not be taken into account and 1
    * otherwise.  To do so, we subtract the minimum distance of 7.0 from the
    * distances to the corners and take the maximum of 0.0 and the resulting
    * values.  This sets all the distances that are too close to the corners to 0.
    * To set all other values to 1, we can simply take the sign of the values.
    Mask := sgn(max2(DistCorner - 7.0,0.0))
    * We can now multiply the distances to the rectangle with the mask and
    * check whether the maximum distance is smaller than the maximum allowed
    * distance of 1.0.
    RectangleOK := max(Dist * Mask) <= 1.0
    * Display whether the hole is OK.
    if (RectangleOK)
        dev_set_color ('green')
        get_string_extents (WindowHandle, 'OK', Ascent, Descent, Width, Height)
        set_tposition (WindowHandle, Row[I] - Height / 2, Column[I] - Width / 2)
        write_string (WindowHandle, 'OK')
        dev_set_color ('red')
        get_string_extents (WindowHandle, 'Not OK', Ascent, Descent, Width, Height)
        set_tposition (WindowHandle, Row[I] - Height / 2, Column[I] - Width / 2)
        write_string (WindowHandle, 'Not OK')








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