Halcon 3D加快表面匹配速度

news2025/2/24 0:44:20


  • gen_box_object_model_3d 创建一个代表盒子的 3D 物体模型
  • write_surface_model — 将表面模型写入文件
  • read_surface_model — 将表面模型读取
  • prepare_object_model_3d - 为某个操作准备三维对象模型
  • select_points_object_model_3d - 对 3D 物体模型的属性应用阈值。
  • set_surface_model_param - 设置曲面模型的参数和属性。
  • 示例
  • [Halcon 3D表面匹配](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45672157/article/details/143465086)

gen_box_object_model_3d 创建一个代表盒子的 3D 物体模型

gen_box_object_model_3d( : : Pose, LengthX, LengthY, LengthZ : ObjectModel3D)
### Pose (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数/整数数组
- **描述**: 描述盒子位置和方向的姿态。姿态的原点位于盒子的中心。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个包含姿态的数组。每个姿态描述了盒子的位置和方向,其原点位于盒子的中心。

### LengthX (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数数组
- **描述**: 盒子沿x轴的长度。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个实数数组,包含盒子沿x轴的长度。每个长度对应一个盒子。

### LengthY (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数数组
- **描述**: 盒子沿y轴的长度。
- **元素数量**: LengthY 的元素数量等于 LengthX 的元素数量。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个实数数组,包含盒子沿y轴的长度。每个长度对应一个盒子。

### LengthZ (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数数组
- **描述**: 盒子沿z轴的长度。
- **元素数量**: LengthZ 的元素数量等于 LengthX 的元素数量。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个实数数组,包含盒子沿z轴的长度。每个长度对应一个盒子。

### ObjectModel3D (输出控制)
- **类型**: 整数数组
- **描述**: 生成的3D对象模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数数组,表示生成的3D对象模型的句柄。通过这些句柄,可以访问和操作生成的3D对象模型。

write_surface_model — 将表面模型写入文件

write_surface_model( : : SurfaceModelID, FileName : )
### SurfaceModelID (输入控制)
- **类型**: 整数
- **描述**: 表面模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数,表示表面模型的句柄。通过这个句柄,可以访问和操作表面模型。

### FileName (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串
- **描述**: 文件名。
- **文件扩展名**: .sfm
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定保存表面模型的文件名。文件扩展名应为 `.sfm`,表示表面模型文件。

read_surface_model — 将表面模型读取

read_surface_model( : : FileName : SurfaceModelID)
### FileName (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串
- **描述**: SFM 文件的名称。
- **文件扩展名**: .sfm
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定要读取的 SFM 文件的名称。文件扩展名应为 `.sfm`,表示表面模型文件。

### SurfaceModelID (输出控制)
- **类型**: 整数
- **描述**: 读取的表面模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数,表示读取的表面模型的句柄。通过这个句柄,可以访问和操作读取的表面模型。

prepare_object_model_3d - 为某个操作准备三维对象模型

prepare_object_model_3d( : : ObjectModel3D, Purpose, OverwriteData, GenParamName, GenParamValue : )
### ObjectModel3D (输入控制)
- **类型**: 整数数组
- **描述**: 3D对象模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数数组,表示一个或多个3D对象模型的句柄。通过这些句柄,可以访问和操作这些3D对象模型。

### Purpose (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串
- **描述**: 3D对象模型的用途。
- **默认值**: 'shape_based_matching_3d'
- **建议值**:
  - 'shape_based_matching_3d': 基于形状的3D匹配。
  - 'segmentation': 分割。
  - 'distance_computation': 距离计算。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定3D对象模型的用途。不同的用途会影响数据的处理和存储方式。

### OverwriteData (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串
- **描述**: 指定是否覆盖已存在的数据。
- **默认值**: 'true'
- **可选值**:
  - 'false': 不覆盖。
  - 'true': 覆盖。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定是否覆盖已存在的数据。如果设置为'true',则覆盖已存在的数据;如果设置为'false',则保留已存在的数据。

### GenParamName (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串/实数/整数数组
- **描述**: 通用参数的名称。
- **默认值**: []
- **可选值**:
  - 'distance_to': 距离到。
  - 'max_area_holes': 最大面积孔洞。
  - 'max_distance': 最大距离。
  - 'method': 方法。
  - 'sampling_dist_abs': 采样距离绝对值。
  - 'sampling_dist_rel': 采样距离相对值。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定通用参数的名称。通过这些参数,可以进一步控制3D对象模型的处理过程。

### GenParamValue (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串/实数/整数数组
- **描述**: 通用参数的值。
- **默认值**: []
- **建议值**:
  - 0, 1, 100, 'auto', 'triangles', 'points', 'primitive', 'kd-tree', 'voxel', 'linear', 0.01, 0.03
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定通用参数的值。通过这些值,可以进一步控制3D对象模型的处理过程。

select_points_object_model_3d - 对 3D 物体模型的属性应用阈值。

select_points_object_model_3d( : : ObjectModel3D, Attrib, MinValue, MaxValue : ObjectModel3DThresholded)
### ObjectModel3D (输入控制)
- **类型**: 整数数组
- **描述**: 3D对象模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数数组,表示一个或多个3D对象模型的句柄。通过这些句柄,可以访问和操作这些3D对象模型。

### Attrib (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串数组
- **描述**: 应用阈值的属性。
- **默认值**: 'point_coord_z'
- **可选值**:
  - 'mapping_col': 映射列。
  - 'mapping_row': 映射行。
  - 'neighbor_distance': 邻居距离。
  - 'num_neighbors': 邻居数量。
  - 'num_neighbors_fast': 快速计算的邻居数量。
  - 'point_coord_x': 点的X坐标。
  - 'point_coord_y': 点的Y坐标。
  - 'point_coord_z': 点的Z坐标。
  - 'point_normal_x': 点法线的X分量。
  - 'point_normal_y': 点法线的Y分量。
  - 'point_normal_z': 点法线的Z分量。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定应用阈值的属性。通过这些属性,可以筛选出符合条件的3D对象模型。

### MinValue (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数/整数数组
- **描述**: 属性指定的最小值。
- **默认值**: 0.5
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定属性指定的最小值。通过这个值,可以筛选出符合最小值条件的3D对象模型。

### MaxValue (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数/整数数组
- **描述**: 属性指定的最大值。
- **默认值**: 1.0
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定属性指定的最大值。通过这个值,可以筛选出符合最大值条件的3D对象模型。

### ObjectModel3DThresholded (输出控制)
- **类型**: 整数数组
- **描述**: 减少的3D对象模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数数组,表示减少的3D对象模型的句柄。通过这些句柄,可以访问和操作减少后的3D对象模型。

set_surface_model_param - 设置曲面模型的参数和属性。

set_surface_model_param( : : SurfaceModelID, GenParamName, GenParamValue : )
### SurfaceModelID (输入控制)
- **类型**: 整数
- **描述**: 表面模型的句柄。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数是一个整数,表示表面模型的句柄。通过这个句柄,可以访问和操作表面模型。

### GenParamName (输入控制)
- **类型**: 字符串
- **描述**: 参数的名称。
- **默认值**: 'camera_parameter'
- **可选值**:
  - 'camera_parameter': 相机参数。
  - 'camera_pose': 相机姿态。
  - 'clear_cameras': 清除相机。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定要设置的参数的名称。通过这些名称,可以设置或查询表面模型的相机参数或姿态。

### GenParamValue (输入控制)
- **类型**: 实数/字符串/整数数组
- **描述**: 参数的值。
- **解释**:
  - 这个参数指定参数的值。根据参数名称,可以设置或查询相应的相机参数、姿态或清除相机。



  • create_surface_model (ObjectModel3DModel, 0.03, ‘train_3d_edges’, ‘true’, SurfaceModel)train_3d_edges训练3D边缘增加识别精确度
  • select_points_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DScene, ‘point_coord_z’, 0.1, 0.73, SceneWithoutBackground)移除背景增加匹配速度
  • find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, ‘false’, [‘num_matches’,‘pose_ref_sub_sampling’], [3,20], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)pose_ref_sub_sampling增加查找速度
  • set_surface_model_param (SurfaceModel, ‘camera_parameter’, CameraParam)
  • set_surface_model_param (SurfaceModel, ‘camera_pose’, CameraPose) 条件相机
dev_update_off ()
* Parameters of the 2D camera.
* 设置相机参数
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.003, -22215.7, 1e-6, 1e-6, 629.3, 486.95, 1280, 960, CameraParam)
get_cam_par_data (CameraParam, 'image_width', Width)
get_cam_par_data (CameraParam, 'image_height', Height)
* The camera is located in the origin of the 3D sensor.
create_pose (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', CameraPose)
* Matching parameters.
* 最小匹配得分参数
MinScore := 0.2
* Visualization parameters.
* 创建位姿
create_pose (-0.075, -0.56, 4.4, 308, 6, 335, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', VisPose)
VisParamNames := ['color','color_0','alpha','alpha_0']
VisParamValues := ['red','white',0.5,1]
WidthW1 := 400
LineLength := 32
VisRowNextStep := 300
VisInstructions[0] := 'Rotate: Left button'
VisInstructions[1] := 'Zoom:   Shift + left button'
VisInstructions[2] := 'Move:   Ctrl  + left button'
* Prepare windows.
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window_fit_size (0, WidthW1 + 10, Width, Height, 640, 480, WindowHandle2)
get_window_extents (WindowHandle2, Row, Column, WidthW2, HeightW2)
dev_open_window (0, 0, WidthW1, HeightW2, 'white', WindowHandle1)
set_display_font (WindowHandle1, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
set_display_font (WindowHandle2, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
* Read image of the scene.
SceneIdx := 4
* 读取图片
read_image (Image, 'boxes/cardboard_boxes_02')
* Display first message and the image of the scene.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'This example demonstrates edge-supported surface-based matching. The goal is to find cardboard boxes in 3D scans of the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
dev_display (Image)
* Create a 3D model of a box.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
gen_box_object_model_3d ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0.103, 0.082, 0.05, ObjectModel3DBox)
* 平面三角化,加快匹配速度,获取包含三角剖分表面的3D对象模型的句柄ObjectModel3DModel
triangulate_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DBox, 'greedy', [], [], ObjectModel3DModel, Information)
* 清除3D模型
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DBox)
* Prepare a model for edge-supported surface-based matching.
FileName := 'box_edge_supported.sfm'
file_exists (FileName, FileExists)
if (not FileExists)
    * 如果文件不存在 创建表面匹配模版
    dev_disp_text ('Creating new surface model.\nThis might take some minutes...', 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
    create_surface_model (ObjectModel3DModel, 0.03, 'train_3d_edges', 'true', SurfaceModel)
    * 将模版写入
    write_surface_model (SurfaceModel, FileName)
    dev_disp_text ('Reading pre-created surface model...', 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
    * 读取表面模型
    read_surface_model (FileName, SurfaceModel)
* Create a 3D model of a box for surface-based matching without edge support.
* * 在没有边缘支持的情况下,为基于表面的匹配创建一个盒子的三维模型。
create_surface_model (ObjectModel3DModel, 0.03, [], [], SurfaceModelWithoutEdgeSupport)
* Read the 3D object model of the search scene and prepare it for display.
* 读取搜索场景的 3D 物体模型并准备显示。
read_image (ImageXYZ, 'boxes/cardboard_boxes_xyz_02')
decompose3 (ImageXYZ, XScene, YScene, ZScene)
* 将点云转换为3D模型
xyz_to_object_model_3d (XScene, YScene, ZScene, ObjectModel3DScene)
* 准备3D
prepare_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DScene, 'segmentation', 'true', [], [])
* 获取3D模型参数
get_object_model_3d_params (ObjectModel3DScene, 'center', VisRotationCenter)
* Display search scene.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
Text := 'First, let\'s have a look at the 3D data of the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', VisRowNextStep, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
dev_disp_text ('Press Run (F5) to continue', 'window', 'bottom', 'right', 'black', [], [])
stop ()
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'In the 3D data, the two boxes appear as planar parts that lie clearly above the ground plane.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, ObjectModel3DScene, [], VisPose, [], [], '3D scene', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
* Show results of surface-based matching without edge support.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'Objects with a planar surface are sometimes found incorrectly if no edge information is used. Especially, if the surface of the object in the search scene is fragmented, e.g., because of reflections on the surface.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Perform surface-based matching without edge support.
** 执行基于表面的匹配,无需边缘支持。
find_surface_model (SurfaceModelWithoutEdgeSupport, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', 'num_matches', 1, Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
* Display results.
* 显示匹配结果
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [ObjectModel3DScene,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, VisParamNames, VisParamValues, 'Without edge support, a wrong match is found.', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Show results of edge-supported surface-based matching.

* 显示边缘支持的模版匹配结果
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
*在这种情况下,使用 3D 边缘(绿色显示)有助于找到正确的匹配。请注意,'num_matched/'已设置为 1,因此只找到一个方框。
Text := 'In those cases, the use of 3D edges (displayed in green) helps to find the correct match. Note that \'num_matches\' has been set to 1, therefore only one box is found.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
*'要使用基于边缘支持的曲面匹配,请在创建曲面模型时将通用参数 ('train_3d_edges/')设置为 ('true/')。
Text := 'To use edge-supported surface-based matching, create the surface model with the generic parameter \'train_3d_edges\' set to \'true\'.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Perform edge-supported surface-based matching.
find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', 'num_matches', 1, Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
* Extract edges for visualization.
* 提取边缘场景
get_object_model_3d_params (ObjectModel3DScene, 'diameter_axis_aligned_bounding_box', Diameter)
edges_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DScene, 0.01 * Diameter, [], [], ObjectModel3DEdges)
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
VisParamValues[0] := 'forest green'
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [ObjectModel3DScene,ObjectModel3DEdges,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1'], [VisParamValues,'green'], 'With edge support, the match is found correctly.', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Show results of edge-supported surface-based matching when searching for multiple matches.
* 显示匹配结果
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'If we search for more than one match, the second box is found as well.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
Text := 'Note that additional matches may also be found in the corners of the 3D scene. The top plane of the box fits perfectly to the background plane of the scene and two of the top plane\'s edges match the 3D edges of the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Perform edge-supported surface-based matching.
** 执行边缘支持的曲面匹配。
find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', 'num_matches', 5, Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [ObjectModel3DScene,ObjectModel3DEdges,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1','color_4'], [VisParamValues,'green','red'], 'The boundaries of the scene lead to additional matches.', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* * 如果三维对象模型具有映射信息,则演示如何移除场景边界上的边缘。
* Show how to remove edges at the boundary of the scene if the 3D object model has mapping information.dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
*********************************** 我们可以消除源于场景边界的三维边缘(红色显示),以避免场景角落出现额外的匹配。
Text := 'We can eliminate the 3D edges stemming from the boundary of the scene (displayed in red) to avoid the additional matches in the corners of the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Eliminate 3D edges at the boundary of the scene.
Border := 50
* 将点云图片转换为图像
object_model_3d_to_xyz (XEdges, YEdges, ZEdges, ObjectModel3DEdges, 'from_xyz_map', [], [])
get_image_size (XEdges, WidthMapping, HeightMapping)
select_points_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DEdges, ['mapping_row','mapping_col'], [Border,Border], [HeightMapping - Border,WidthMapping - Border], ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBorder)
* Display results.
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBorder,ObjectModel3DEdges], [], VisPose, ['color_0','color_1'], ['green','red'], 'Scene edges with removed edges at the boundary', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
* Show results of edge-supported surface-based matching when using manipulated 3D edges.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
* 如果没有场景边界的边缘,在场景的角落里就找不到额外的匹配点。
Text := 'Without the edges at the boundary of the scene, no additional matches are found in the corners of the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
*您可以以任何方式修改 3D 边缘。要使用修改后的边缘,必须将它们作为 find_surface_model 运算符的通用参数 ('3d_edges/')的值。
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
Text := 'You can modify the 3D edges in any way. To use modified edges, they must be given as value of the generic parameter \'3d_edges\' of the operator find_surface_model.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Perform edge-supported surface-based matching.
* 发现模版
find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', ['num_matches','3d_edges'], [5,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBorder], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [ObjectModel3DScene,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBorder,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1'], [VisParamValues,'green'], 'Matching result with cropped edges', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Show how to remove the background plane from the scene.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'An even better way to avoid matches in the background plane is to completely remove the background plane from the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
Text := 'This is sometimes not possible, but if it is, you should do it!'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Remove the background plane from the scene.
* 移除背景
select_points_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DScene, 'point_coord_z', 0.1, 0.73, SceneWithoutBackground)
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [SceneWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DScene], [], VisPose, ['color_0','color_1','alpha_1'], ['white','red',0.5], 'Scene and removed background', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
dev_clear_window ()
* Show results of edge-supported surface-based matching when using a scene without the background plane.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'Without the background plane of the scene, no additional matches are found in the corners of the scene. Furthermore, the matching is significantly faster if the background has been removed from the scene.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
dev_disp_text ('Determining speedup...', 'window', 200, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Determine speedup.
Num := 5
count_seconds (S1)
for I := 1 to Num by 1
    find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', 'num_matches', 3, Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
count_seconds (S2)
TimeWithBackground := (S2 - S1) / real(Num) * 1000.0
count_seconds (S1)
for I := 1 to Num by 1
    find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, SceneWithoutBackground, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', 'num_matches', 3, Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
count_seconds (S2)
TimeNoBackground := (S2 - S1) / real(Num) * 1000.0
Text[0] := 'Runtime:'
Text[1] := '  With background:    ' + TimeWithBackground$'4.0f' + ' ms'
Text[2] := '  Without background: ' + TimeNoBackground$'4.0f' + ' ms'
dev_disp_text (Text, 'window', 250, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* 显示匹配结果
* Display results.
edges_object_model_3d (SceneWithoutBackground, 0.01 * Diameter, [], [], ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBackground)
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [SceneWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1'], [VisParamValues,'green'], 'Matching result in scene with removed background', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Speedup edge-supported surface-based matching by reducing the number of points used for pose refinement.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
Text := 'Further speedup is possible, if the points in the search scene are dense compared to the size of the object, i.e., if the pose refinement has to use a large number of points.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
*可以通过增加通用参数 \'pose_ref_sub_sampling(')来减少用于姿态细化的点数。'
Text := 'The number of points used for the pose refinement can be reduced by increasing the generic parameter \'pose_ref_sub_sampling\'. '
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 150, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
dev_disp_text ('Determining speedup...', 'window', 270, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Determine speedup.
Num := 5
count_seconds (S1)
for I := 1 to Num by 1
    find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, ObjectModel3DScene, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', ['num_matches','pose_ref_sub_sampling'], [3,20], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
count_seconds (S2)
TimeWithBackgroundPoseRefSubSampling := (S2 - S1) / real(Num) * 1000.0
count_seconds (S1)
for I := 1 to Num by 1
    find_surface_model (SurfaceModel, SceneWithoutBackground, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', ['num_matches','pose_ref_sub_sampling'], [3,20], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
count_seconds (S2)
TimeNoBackgroundPoseRefSubSampling := (S2 - S1) / real(Num) * 1000.0
Text[0] := 'Runtime:'
Text[1] := '  pose_ref_sub_sampling = 2 (default):'
Text[2] := '    With background:    ' + TimeWithBackground$'4.0f' + ' ms'
Text[3] := '    Without background: ' + TimeNoBackground$'4.0f' + ' ms'
Text[4] := '  pose_ref_sub_sampling = 20:'
Text[5] := '    With background:    ' + TimeWithBackgroundPoseRefSubSampling$'4.0f' + ' ms'
Text[6] := '    Without background: ' + TimeNoBackgroundPoseRefSubSampling$'4.0f' + ' ms'
dev_disp_text (Text, 'window', 300, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [SceneWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1'], [VisParamValues,'green'], 'Matching result in scene with pose_ref_sub_sampling = 20', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Show results of edge-supported surface-based matching with use of image edges.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_clear_window ()
*您甚至可以使用图像数据来改进匹配结果。如果场景的 3D 边缘模糊或扭曲,这一点尤其有用。图像边缘通常更清晰,从而提高了匹配的准确性。
Text := 'You can even use image data to improve the matching results. This is especially helpful if the 3D edges from the scene are blurry or distorted. The typically better defined image edges improve the matching accuracy.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
Text := 'To use image edges, use the operator find_surface_model_image.'
wrap_text (Text, LineLength, TextWrapped)
dev_disp_text (TextWrapped, 'window', 200, 'left', 'black', 'box', 'false')
* Perform edge-supported surface-based matching.
set_surface_model_param (SurfaceModel, 'camera_parameter', CameraParam)
set_surface_model_param (SurfaceModel, 'camera_pose', CameraPose)
find_surface_model_image (Image, SurfaceModel, SceneWithoutBackground, 0.05, 0.1, MinScore, 'false', ['num_matches','pose_ref_sub_sampling'], [5,20], Pose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResult)
* Display results.
rigid_trans_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DModel, Pose, ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Get gray values from image.
object_model_3d_to_xyz (X, Y, Z, SceneWithoutBackground, 'from_xyz_map', [], [])
get_domain (Z, Domain)
get_region_points (Domain, Rows, Columns)
get_grayval (Image, Rows, Columns, AttribValues)
* Set the gray values as attributes of the 3D object model.
set_object_model_3d_attrib_mod (SceneWithoutBackground, '&gray', 'points', AttribValues)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle2, [SceneWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DRigidTrans], [], VisPose, [VisParamNames,'color_1','color_attrib_0'], [VisParamValues,'green','&gray'], 'Matching result with 2D and 3D edge support', [], VisInstructions, VisPose)
clear_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DRigidTrans)
* Display results on image.
set_window_param (WindowHandle2, 'flush', 'false')
dev_set_lut ('cubic_root')
dev_set_line_width (3)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_display (Image)
dev_disp_text ('Matching results projected into the image', 'window', 'top', 'left', 'black', [], [])
gen_empty_obj (AllContours)
for Index := 0 to |Score| - 1 by 1
    CurrPose := Pose[7 * Index:7 * Index + 6]
    project_object_model_3d (Contours, ObjectModel3DModel, CameraParam, CurrPose, [], [])
    concat_obj (AllContours, Contours, AllContours)
dev_display (AllContours)
dev_set_line_width (1)
flush_buffer (WindowHandle2)
set_window_param (WindowHandle2, 'flush', 'true')
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
dev_disp_text ('      End of program      ', 'window', 'bottom', 'right', 'black', [], [])
clear_object_model_3d ([ObjectModel3DModel,ObjectModel3DScene,ObjectModel3DEdges,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBorder,SceneWithoutBackground,ObjectModel3DEdgesWithoutBackground])
clear_surface_model ([SurfaceModel,SurfaceModelWithoutEdgeSupport])
stop ()
dev_set_lut ('default')

Halcon 3D表面匹配




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