全球最受欢迎的DAWFL Studio 中文破解版强悍来袭

news2024/10/5 16:31:14

1997年是一个「古老」的年代,那时人们还在用「猫」上网,微信、QQ的江湖被ICQ统治,音乐编辑领域 Cool Edit 如日中天。这一年 ,FL Studio 的前身 FruityLoops 在比利时问世,26年来,FL已成长为全球最受欢迎的DAW之一。一款小众软件如何做到风靡全球?近日,FL Studio对Image-line团队全球市场负责人Kim进行了独家专访,为你一一揭密。

FL Studio 21中文破解版是一款功能强大的编曲软件,也就是众所熟知的水果软件,它可以编曲、剪辑、录音、混音,让您的计算机成为全功能录音室,除此之外,这款软件功能非常强大,为用户提供了许多音频处理工具,包含了编排,录制,编辑,混音和掌握专业品质音乐所需的一切,支持多音轨录音时间拉伸和音高移动原始音频编辑,同时具有6种布局风格外加3个用户自定义面板管理音轨、多推子选择和调整、混音器的音轨群组、多点触摸支持、每个音轨10个效果插槽,旨在带给用户个性化的工作需求。

 FL Studio 21是一款非常流行的数字音频工作站软件,它可以帮助音乐制作人和音乐爱好者创作出高质量的音乐作品。在FL Studio 21中,有许多插件可以帮助用户实现各种音乐效果,例如合成器、鼓机、效果器等等。

FL Studio 中文破解版链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19ifG2X6bbJyVHUK7pKZVhw提取码: 2wva (你懂的版本)

FL Studio 中文版且行且珍惜!

 FL Studio Win 版:https://souurl.cn/hoBqmF
FL Studio Mac 版:https://souurl.cn/oZzEjM

 FL Studio更新日志


RC 4

  • 17147 Fixes saving error when Fruity dB Meter is in the project

RC 3

  • 17137 Crash when playback loops while recording audio to the playlist
  • 17138 Patcher: freeze when selecting presets for a plugin


Bug fixes

  • 17093 Browser stops showing search results when dropping a sample on a playlist track header
  • 16986 "Convert target to events in the current pattern" doesn't work for 3rd party plugin parameters
  • 17103 Crash when recording audio clips into the playlist



  • FL Studio Mobile updated to v4.4.8 (https://support.image-line.com/redirect/flstudiomobile_changelog)

Bug fixes

  • 17099 Sakura: overlapping notes are not always stopped
  • 17098 Sawer: clicks when limiting polyphony
  • 17086 ZGE Visualizer: crash when using "Enable Internal controllers"
  • 17064 Tempo automation will trigger errors in the Sounds panel
  • 17060 Crash when recording two channels with identical names
  • 17047 Wrapper: crash when opening a project with a bridged plugin
  • 17044 Patcherizing a MIDI Out instrument track's channel adds many invalid undo entries
  • 17043 Empty window when the internet connection is lost during mastering
  • 17032 Crash when previewing in the browser
  • 17030 Tools > Sounds does nothing when the browser is hidden
  • 17027 Automation channel: convert to event button removes all other events in the current pattern
  • 17024 Project data folder in the browser doesn't work after a project is renamed
  • 17019 Audio recording can create empty undo entries if no mixer track is armed
  • 17018 No undo for changing color of audio and automation clip channels in the picker panel
  • 17016 FLEX: some presets don't load all their samples
  • 17014 Maximus: slopes wont work while linear phase is enabled
  • 17013 Maximus: linear mode and oversampling can change the cut frequencies
  • 17010 Sytrus: crash when the main tab is selected after locking harmonics on another tab
  • 17001 FLEX: packs downloaded through the FL Studio browser aren't updated
  • 16996 When a project is saved to a drive with low free space, some data is lost
  • 16989 Replacing a MIDI Out instrument track doesn't assign a mixer track
  • 16983 Crash when the mastering window is opened
  • 16980 Browser search in the selected folder doesn't work properly when showing columns
  • 16979 Crash when loading a project and searching in the browser when showing columns
  • 16976 The audio clip menu doesn't show when the slice tool is selected
  • 16975 Patterns inserted before another are 1 tick long when added to the playlist
  • 16972 Drumaxx: crash when undoing the renaming of a pad
  • 16970 Replacing the generator for a MIDI Out instrument track adds invalid undo entries
  • 16962 Crash in the in-app shop
  • 16960 ZGE Visualizer: crash when removing items in an image list
  • 16930 Resaving a zipped project as a new zipped project shows the "multiple samples" warning
  • 16908 Audio clips for extracted stems don't have the correct length
  • 16903 Love Philter: some envelope points move more than they should when multiple points are selected
  • 16900 The color and icon of folders revert to their defaults when searching in the browser
  • 16899 Notes copied from one channel to another are affected by the piano roll of the wrong channel
  • 16895 Pressing Alt+F8 in the browser doesn't work when the Sounds tab is open
  • 16892 The preview panel in the browser is still visible when no item is selected
  • 16884 Pasting clipboard audio into sampler channels doesn't work when there's a project folder
  • 16870 FPC: crash when the import of a monolithic-mode DirectWave preset is canceled
  • 16867 FPC: freeze when importing monolithic-mode DirectWave presets
  • 16862 Can't paste audio from the clipboard in the window of an empty channel
  • 16850 The MIDI import window isn't shown when holding Alt while clicking on File > Import > MIDI file
  • 16849 The first track of a format 1 MIDI file can't be imported
  • 16842 No undo for the "Open in (new) audio editor" and "One-click audio recording" toolbar buttons
  • 16839 Uploading rendered files to SoundCloud fails when the title is empty
  • 16595 Morphine: Vorbis compressed WAV, WavPack, Ogg and FLAC files aren't opened
  • 16008 "Cut self" in channel settings doesn't work when notes are triggered on a parent layer channel
  • 15702 Maxx plugins don't show custom presets and folders in the user data folder
  • 15359 Patcher: From and To nodes reset to their default positions after reopening the plugin window
  • 13803 Maxx plugins don't close the Preset window after selecting preset
  • 13175 Undo of deleting a layer channel's child channels doesn't add them back
  • 12382 A black rectangle is visible while cloning tracks
  • 12364 Patcher: native generator plugins show an audio input node when they don't have any audio inputs
  • 12251 No * in front of preset names when changing a control after the plugin window is hidden
  • 11723 Shift + Left or Right arrow doesn't move clips and notes enough across time signature changes
  • 10192 Maxx plugins do not pass key press while detached
  • 8925 Wrapper: the song position reported to plugins is not updated while playing if the latency changes





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