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Everybody Writes

Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

By Ann Handley


《Everybody Writes》(2014年)为你提供了关于如何创造优秀内容的宝贵建议,从使用正确的语法到制作有吸引力的帖子、推文和电子邮件。仅仅通过几条简单的规则,这些提示将帮助你更好地了解如何使用正确的词语来保持客户的回头率。


Everybody Writes (2014) gives you invaluable advice on how to create great content, from using correct grammar to crafting engaging posts, tweets and emails. With just a handful of simple rules, these blinks will help you gain a better understanding of how to use the right words to keep customers coming back for more.


* 需要改善其书面交流的企业高管

* 负责内容制作的营销专家

* 负责协调网页设计和内容的项目经理

Who is it for?

* Business executives who need to improve their written communication

* Marketing professionals responsible for content generation

* Project managers coordinating web design and content



About the author

Cited in Forbes as the most-influential woman in social media, Ann Handley is a columnist for Entrepreneur magazine and the chief content officer of MarketingProfs. She is also the co-author of the bestselling book, Content Rules.

© [Ann Handley: Everybody Writes] copyright [2014], John Wiley & Sons [Inc. or Ltd. as applicable] Used by permission of John Wiley & Sons [Inc. or Ltd. as applicable] and shall not be made available to any unauthorized third parties.

1, What’s in it for me? Learn why being able to write well is more important now than ever before.

[ 这本书讲了什么?知道为什么能够写好文章比以前更重要 ]


We live in the age of the smartphone, the viral video and social media. When a picture says more than a thousand words, who really needs to write anymore?


Yet writing well is now more important than ever. No matter how technologically brilliant or beautiful your company website or blog may be, if what you’ve written is dreadful, no one will stick around to read a word.


To write well, you need to dedicate time and attention to your craft. These blinks provide some handy hints and simple rules to help you not only improve your daily writing but also win customers with your words. And who knows? Perhaps you’ll become the Shakespeare of our digital age!


    * 为什么 "丑陋的初稿 "并不是绝望的理由。

    * 为什么写得少比写得多好;以及

    * 为什么你的 "关于我们 "网页不是真正关于你,而是关于你的客户。

In these blinks, you’ll discover

* why an “ugly first draft” is no reason for despair;

* why writing less is better than writing more; and

* why your “About Us” webpage isn’t really about you, but about your client.

2, If you’ve a message you want to get out to the world, you need to know how to write it well. 



Do baffling text messages make you LOL? IMHO, we might all agree that #writingisadyingart.


But the opposite is in fact true. Today, writing well is a skill you cannot do without.


We write every day. Whether typing out an email, commenting on a blog or posting on Facebook, with the internet, words have become both personal and company currency.


This is why you need to pay particular attention to how you use your words.


On a homepage, for example, a company has a great opportunity to find customers and present itself in an interesting way. But if a company treats the words on its website as an afterthought, its success is threatened.


Companies that fill their websites with jargon or unclear language will find plenty of customers simply turning away.


Given that writing is so important, how can you make sure your scribbles are up to scratch? Can anyone write, or are some people just naturally gifted wordsmiths?


The good news is that we can all write well, if we follow a few simple rules.


Before you even put pen to paper, start by identifying your goal. What’s the point of your text, and how can you find data to prove that point? Once you know what you need, go find your data.


Say you have to write an article about a restaurant opening. First, think about who is going to read the article: who is the audience? In this case, people who like to eat out, perhaps families or couples. Then search for your data: specific details about the restaurant and the menu, and importantly, the date when it will open. Now you’re ready to write!

3, Your first draft will be ugly; embrace it! Then take the time to edit it, paying attention to word choice. 

[ 你的初稿将是丑陋的;这很正常!然后花时间来编辑它,字斟句酌 ]


So the first step to writing is defining your goals. Curiously, many writers don’t get past this first step.


Why? Because starting to write is incredibly hard!


The reason so many of us suffer from writer’s block is because we expect too much of ourselves from the start. You just can’t grab a pen and compose a masterpiece; it’s just unrealistic.


Writing is a process. You begin with something rough, and polish it as you go.


So don’t be intimidated by TUFD, or the ugly first draft. It’s merely the lump of dirty marble from which your masterpiece will be eventually revealed!


Let’s say you have to write a film review and you don’t know where to start. The movie addressed a complex subject, and you’re afraid you won’t be able to perfectly address every element.

当你开始时,只要尽可能地记下你的想法,知道你的文字中会有空白,你可以在那里写下 "插入例子 "或 "需要添加更多"。一旦你这样做了,你就会开始感觉到你第一稿的优点和缺点,以及你接下来需要做什么。

As you start, just note down your ideas as best you can, knowing that there will be gaps in your text, where you can write “insert example” or “need to add more.” Once you do this, you’ll start to get a feeling of the strengths and weaknesses of your very first draft, and what you need to do next.


So what is the next step? Once you have an ugly first draft, what sort of editing needs to happen?


There are two approaches you can take when editing your drafts.


With developmental editing, you take a broad view. You look for words which may be misunderstood or phrases which distort the general idea of your text. This is an important process, as sometimes you may contradict yourself or choose words which could mislead the reader.


With line editing, however, you hone in on more specific aspects of your text. You comb through every line and delete words that don’t fit or that are redundant or cliched.

4, To keep a reader, you need to grab him early. Get to the point, and quickly.

[ 要留住一个读者,你需要尽早打动他,迅速进入主题 ]


The most important part of any sentence is how it starts. Mess this up and there’s a slim chance your reader will read on.


So how do you start a text with a bang?


To grab the attention of as many people as possible, be sure to place the most important or striking words or ideas at the start of each sentence.


The first sentence shapes the first impression the reader will get of your text; it should entice them to continue reading. Aim to place the reader into the center of the story, and immediately!


Let’s look at the first sentence of a text published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


“According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, released in 2006 by the U.S. Department of Education, 30 million adults struggle with basic reading tasks.”


Now, did that sentence grab you? Were you engaged, and eager to read more?


Let’s try again.


“Thirty million adults struggle with reading, according to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy report, released in 2006 by the U.S. Department of Education.”


Much better!


Often when crafting a sentence, we give too much background before getting to the point. This is called a running start, and it must be avoided.


Background information is useful, but most of the time it's used to pad a long introductory paragraph. The problem is, the reader doesn’t appreciate this; they want to get directly to the point.


Let’s say you have to write an article about using YouTube to market a business. You could start with a rambling text on the growing importance of social media over the past few years. Or, you could get to the point, stating in one concise sentence that while companies have succeeded in reaching customers via social networks, only a small fraction have explored the possibilities of YouTube.

5, Don’t just post to Facebook when it’s convenient for you. Post when your fans are paying attention. 

[ 不要只在你方便的时候在Facebook上发布信息,在你的粉丝关注的时候发布 ]


You can’t be a successful company without a Facebook page; yet just having a Facebook page doesn’t mean you’ll be successful.


If you want to boost sales via Facebook, you have to already know your potential buyers, as it’s easier to grab new customers if you tailor your posts and ads to a particular audience.


The vast amount of available demographic information, such as gender, income and ethnicity, coupled with behavioral information, such as how people react to certain topics and pictures, make it easier to effectively address a particular target group.

Prep Obsessed是一家校园饰品精品店,于2013年4月开始使用Facebook。创始人每天投资40美元在Facebook广告和分析他们的追随者。在9个月内,该公司收集了超过55,000名粉丝和积极参与的受众,而每个人的获取成本不到10美分!"。

Prep Obsessed, a preppy accessory boutique, began using Facebook in April 2013. The founders invested $40 a day on Facebook ads and in analyzing their followers. In nine months, the company collected more than 55,000 fans and an actively engaged audience, with a cost of acquisition of less than 10 cents per person!


Timing is also vital. Be sure to post when your audience is online, not just when your business is open.

人们在周五、周末或晚上花在Facebook上的时间最多--也就是说,当 "正常 "工作日结束的时候。因此,如果你在这个时间段发帖或写博客,你可以接触到大部分的受众。

People spend the most time on Facebook on Fridays, on the weekend or in the evenings – that is, when the “normal” business day is over. Therefore, you can reach the majority of your audience if you post or blog during this time.


Furthermore, you can use the information you have about your followers to promote your company image by using specific language that will draw them in.

例如,Prep Obsessed将他们的帖子发给女士们(而不是女孩或少女),暗示绅士风度和精致。这加强了公司作为一个优雅品牌的形象。

For example, Prep Obsessed addresses their posts to ladies (not girls or chicks, for example) suggesting gentility and refinement. This reinforces the company image of being a classy brand.


So the next time your company posts something on Facebook, think of a unique or specific greeting to make your post stand out above the flood of other Facebook posts!

6, The best “About Us” page is not about your company but about your relationship to the visitor.

[ 最好的 "关于我们 "页面不是关于你的公司,而是关于你与访问者的关系 ]

一个公司的 "关于我们 "页面往往充满了陈规陋习和自以为是的事实。然而,你的公司页面不一定要遵循这种有缺陷的模式。

A company’s “About Us” page is often chock-full of stereotypes and self-serving facts. Yet your company’s page doesn’t have to follow this flawed model.

在你的 "关于我们 "页面上,你应该始终准确地解释你为你的客户做了什么。

On your “About Us” page, you should always explain exactly what you do for your customers.


Sure, the page can include the who’s who of your company, but subconsciously, your readers really want to know who is actually providing the services behind the flashy design and 800-number, to see whether they will become a potential customer.

例如,玩具公司Toys "R" Us的 "关于我们" 的页面就欠缺有用的信息。它呈现了大量的文字,设计毫无新意,更不用说无聊的图片。

For example, the “About Us” page for toy company Toys “R” Us is lacking. It presents a lot of text with an uninspired design, not to mention boring pictures.


Coca-Cola, on the other hand, does things differently. The company refers to its history, displays a variety of lively images and shows up-to-date reports about its community and so on. All this makes  the page appear lively, fun and relevant.


Be sure to show your company’s human side. Although your text should use a tone that suits your company’s image, with the aid of videos, photos or pull quotes, you can make your page more active and show that your employees are real people!

7, Final summary [ 最后总结 ]


你是一个作家,不能只想而要多写! 重要的是,你的文字会会对你的读者和你的客户造成或好或坏的影响。好消息是,任何人都能写好文章,并通过遵循少数规则吸引读者。

The key message in this book:

You are a writer, and you write more than you think! Importantly, your words affect your readers and your customers, for better or worse. The good news is, anyone can write well and draw in readers by following a handful of rules.



Actionable advice:

Begin your writing life now.


Don’t wait to start practising your writing skills. Whenever you post on Facebook or Twitter, or send an email to a customer, take the opportunity to hone your writing skills.


Kick the school essay habit.


Forget that five-paragraph essay you learned in high school. These conventional writing methods are not only boring to write but also they’re boring to read.

建议进一步阅读:安妮-拉莫特的《鸟》(Bird by Bird)

Suggested further reading: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott


Told from the personal perspective of author Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird is a guide toward becoming a better writer and improving your life along the way. Lamott’s distinctive approach, honesty and personal anecdotes make this book a must for writers or anyone who wants to become one.




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