BulingBuling - 《自律就是自由》 [ Discipline Equals Freedom ]

news2025/3/13 3:00:07



作者:Jocko Willink

Discipline Equals Freedom

Field Manual

By Jocko Willink




Discipline Equals Freedom (2020) is your field manual to the art of self-discipline. It uncovers what you need to do to meet your full potential – and why being disciplined sets you free.


* 寻找新方法的健身爱好者

* 喜欢心直口快拥有严厉的爱的人

* 任何寻求灵感以更努力工作的人

Who is it for?

* Fitness buffs looking for a new angle

* Fans of straight-talking tough love

* Anyone seeking inspiration to work harder


乔科-威林克曾在海豹突击队服役20年,并在伊拉克完成了几次服役。回国后,威林克成为一名海豹突击队教官,并创立了Echelon Front,这是一家领导力培训咨询公司,将海豹突击队的培训应用于企业领导力。

About the author

Jocko Willink served as a Navy SEAL for 20 years and completed several tours of duty in Iraq. After returning home, Willink became a SEAL instructor and founded Echelon Front, a leadership training consultancy that applies SEAL training to corporate leadership.

1, What’s in it for me? Push yourself to the top. [ 这本书是干什么的?让自己成为最优秀的人 ]


Are you the happiest, fittest, and most successful person you want to be? If not, why? Maybe you’re too busy to work on yourself right now? Or you don’t have the money – or motivation – to turn things around yet. Or maybe you just need to quit making excuses and do it!


That’s where these blinks come in. Tackling everything from diet and exercise to being a leader, this is your field manual to a more confident, healthy, and prosperous you. Discover what drives discipline; how action, aggression, and relentlessness get you closer to your goals; and why taking responsibility for your life is the key to setting yourself free.


    * 为什么生活中没有捷径。

    * 你的家庭健身房需要的三件设备;以及

    * 你唯一需要的武技

In these blinks, you’ll learn

* why there are no shortcuts in life;

* the three pieces of equipment you need in your home gym; and

* the only martial art you’ll ever need.

2, Discipline comes from inside you – what are you fighting for? [ 自律发自于你的内心 - 你为何奋斗? ]


People always want to know the secret to getting better, smarter, and stronger. But more than that, they want to know how to get results fast. What life hacks can they learn? What shortcut can they take on the road to success?


The answer is: nothing! Real self-improvement can’t be hurried. It needs time and tons of discipline.

自律是你对抗你脑海中那个小声说 "明天再做 "的武器。你一定熟悉这个声音。它哄骗你回到沙发上,而不是洗完碗。有时,自律可能会击退懒惰,但它从何而来?根据退役的美国海豹突击队队员和作家乔科-威林克的说法,它来自于内心--你只需要找到你的驱动力。

Discipline is your weapon in the fight against that little voice in your head that says, “Do it tomorrow.” You know the one. It coaxes you back to the couch instead of finishing the dishes. Now, discipline may repel laziness, but where does it come from? According to author and retired US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink, it comes from within – you just need to search for what drives you.


The key message here is: Discipline comes from inside you – what are you fighting for?


Jocko knew from a young age that he was preparing for war, and he knew he’d eventually have to confront his enemy. He didn’t know when or how, but he knew he’d need to be mentally and physically prepared to win. This drove him to mercilessly train himself and his men for battle. He didn’t allow excuses to stop them. And when he and his men were called into action, they fought hard and won.


Today, his military tours are over, and he’s back in the civilian world. What drives him now are the memories of his fellow soldiers that never made it back home. He makes every second of his day count to honor their sacrifice. And to make the most of every moment, you just need to find what drives you.


How? Well, the first step is to stop making excuses. Only you have power over yourself. So if you want to wake up early, do it. If you want to work out every day, do it. With a little bit of mind control, you can do anything.

变得更好、更健康、更强大需要努力。是的,这很有压力 - 但生活是有压力的。这没关系。人类是为了承受难以置信的压力而存在的。想想历史上所有打过史诗般的战争的士兵。乔科做到了,这就是他如何度过他在伊拉克的旅程。如果在他之前的战士能够忍受可怕的情况,如在第一次世界大战的索姆河战役或内战的盖茨堡战役中面对死亡,那么他也可以。

Becoming better, fitter, and stronger takes work. Yes, it’s stressful – But life is stressful. And that’s OK. Humans were made to withstand incredible stress. Think of all the soldiers that fought the epic wars throughout history. Jocko did, which is how he got through his tours in Iraq. If warriors before him had been able to endure horrific situations like facing death in the First World War’s Battle of the Somme, or the Civil War’s Battle of Gettysburg, then so could he.


That’s discipline – getting some perspective, conquering what you can control, accepting what you can’t, and then getting on with it.

3, Make aggression your default mode. [ 让主动进攻成为你的默认模式 ]


Discipline not only arms you against laziness, but it fuels you to succeed. It gives you purpose and clarity. You know why you’re choosing to wake up at 6:30 a.m. instead of hitting that tempting snooze button. That commitment to meet your goal every day should take the shape of aggression.


Of course, that doesn’t mean you should be openly hostile for no reason or confrontational all the time. Aggression is the fire that ignites you to go after what you want. It’s a fighting attitude to use everything you have to outmaneuver and outperform your opponent. When you’re aggressive, you’re proactive – you don’t wait for your enemies to attack first.


Aggression isn't a bad thing; it's a character trait that drives you to win.


The key message here is: Make aggression your default mode.


Now, you may think you’re born with this internal aggression, but when it comes to the debate on nurture versus nature, Jocko believes that neither matters. You ultimately become who you are based on your choices.


Do you choose to work hard to become your version of success? Or will you wait for luck to dictate the person you become? See? It’s about choices.


And if you think that your circumstances dictate your future, that’s not true. Jocko worked with people from all walks of life in the military. He met Ivy League grads and former gangbangers, kids from good families and kids with no families at all. He can attest that there are success stories and failures in every category of life. Nature and nurture doesn’t write your life story. You do.


Look, it’s easy to sit on the sidelines and do nothing, but discipline uses fear of failure to force you onto the front line to fight. Jocko disagrees with the sentiment that it’s OK to fail. He thinks you should be so scared of failure that you avoid it at all costs. This is the fear that keeps you thinking, striving, and pushing to be better. It’s the fear that motivates you to stay at the gym longer or put in more time at the office so you don’t lose – ever.


Along with failure, you should fear mediocrity. Specifically, fear waking up in ten days, or ten years, realizing that you’ve watched your life go by without making an impact on the world. That’s a truly scary thought that you should battle against every single day.

4, Focusing on the wrong things is stopping you from being the person you could be. [ 专注于错误的事情会阻止你成为你可以成为的人 ]


You only have one life to live – and one shot at making it matter. This comes with a lot of stress, but adopting a few good habits will keep you moving toward the best version of yourself.


You need to eliminate anything that stalls your progress, like dwelling on mistakes. They’re bound to happen. Everyone makes them. And though it’s easy to dwell on those mistakes, the past can’t be changed. Regret just stops progress. The only productive purpose for regret is to teach a lesson on what to do differently next time. That’s it. So let regret fuel you to learn from the past, but not live in it.


The present is the only thing that's certain. You’ll make the most impact by turning your focus on positive action now.


The key message here is: Focusing on the wrong things is stopping you from being the person you could be.

自律促使你走向成功。但究竟什么是成功?它是你想要实现的目标。一旦你想通了,就不要忽视它。永远不要!  不要被短期目标牵着鼻子走,这些目标是由即时的满足感(如一时的荣耀)所推动的;这些目标只会拖累你的长期进展。要坚持不懈,使你的长期目标在你的脑海中扎根。让它占据你的思想。把它告诉其他人,把它写下来,做任何事情都不要忘记它。但最重要的是,现在就采取行动,使之成为现实。现在就开始!

Discipline drives you to success. But what exactly is success? It’s what you want to achieve. Once you’ve figured it out, don’t lose sight of it. Ever! And don’t get sidetracked with short-term goals that are fueled by instant gratification like momentary glory; these just slow down your long-term progress. Be relentless so your long-term aim becomes embedded in your mind. Let it take over your thoughts. Tell other people about it, write it down, do whatever it takes to not forget it. But most of all, take action to make it happen – now!


Don’t hesitate. In fact, banish hesitation from your life. The scariest moment when deciding to do something is between the time you’re waiting to do it and when you’re actually doing it. The battle is won or lost in that short timeframe. That hesitation stops you from moving forward. You can only win by acting before hesitation takes hold and hands your opportunity to your competitors.

我们的想法是永远向前推进,不要让任何东西阻止你,尤其是恐惧。你每天都会面临许多次的恐惧。但你打算怎么做?退出并逃避?还是选择承受巨大的冲击、痛苦和压力?不,你应该主导! 选择成为拥有最宽阔肩膀的人,与你一起扛起所有其他。成为首先拔枪的人,就像在战斗情况下。先拔枪的士兵会给团体带来优势。在战争中,它可以分散敌人的注意力或确定他们的位置。对你来说,就是做一个不怕站着打仗的领导者!

The idea is to always push forward without letting anything stop you, especially fear. You’re faced with fear many times a day. But what are you going to do? Quit and run away? Or will you choose to absorb the most impact, pain, and stress? No, you should lead! Choose to be the person with the broadest shoulders to carry others with you. Be the person who draws first, like in combat situations. The soldier who draws first gives the group an advantage. In war, it can distract the enemy or identify where they’re located. For you, it’s being the leader who’s not afraid to stand and fight!

5, Conquer your mornings, and you’ll conquer the competition. [ 战胜你的早晨,你就能赢得竞争 ]


Now that we’ve covered what it means to have discipline, let’s put it into action. There are two crucial everyday habits that everyone should start ASAP: a rigorous exercise routine and good sleeping habits.


First off, if you’re not exercising regularly, you should be. Exercise pumps up your natural endorphins and testosterone levels while giving your immune system a boost. Additionally, it makes you smarter by improving blood flow to the brain and releasing chemicals that help you think.

如果你很难寻找时间来锻炼,你只是在找借口。如果你需要时间,你一定有。事实上,你可以通过早起腾出更多时间。非常早。比如,黎明前的时间。在军事领域,那么早起床被称为 "准备战斗"。

If you struggle to find time to work out, you’re just making excuses. If you need the time, find it. In fact, you can make more time by getting up early. Very early. Like, predawn early. In the military world, getting up that early is known as standing to.


The key message here is: Conquer your mornings, and you’ll conquer the competition.


Armies around the world have been disciplined to wake up extremely early every day. This isn’t to punish them, but to give them an advantage over their enemies. If their enemy attacks, they’ll be ready to fight back. In World War I, troops were expected to be up by first light, standing in the trenches with guns loaded.

所以,不要找借口! 如果他们能做到,你也可以。开始将你的闹钟设置为早上4:30,并在双休日去健身房锻炼。这么早起床让你在心理上比你的竞争对手更有优势。当他们还在睡梦中时,你知道自己正在征服一天中的第一场胜利,这让你感到更强大、更自信。

So no excuses! If they can do it, so can you. Start setting your alarm for 4:30 a.m. and hit the gym on the double. Getting up this early gives you a psychological edge over your competitors. It makes you feel stronger and more confident to know you're conquering your first wins of the day while they’re still asleep.

但谁愿意那么早起床呢?这是很累人的!  的确辛苦,但这是可能的......只要有纪律性。这只是意味着要足够早地睡觉,也许比平时早就可以。大多数成年人只需要7个小时的睡眠,所以如果你晚上10点睡觉,你应该在早上5点醒来时已经休息好了。

But who wants to wake up that early? It’s exhausting! True, but it’s possible . . . with discipline. It just means getting to bed early enough – maybe earlier than usual. Most adults need just seven hours of sleep, so if you go to bed at 10:00 p.m. you should wake up well-rested at 5:00 a.m.


And if you've gotten used to sleeping longer, then improve the quality of your sleep by getting more exercise, which makes your body tired enough to sleep well, and sleep less.


Another key to good sleep is turning off electronic devices way before shut-eye. Scientists believe the blue light they emit tricks your body into thinking it's the middle of the day, which makes it harder to fall asleep. So, read a book instead. It’ll be more relaxing than a YouTube video and will make you smarter in the process.

6, Commit to exercise, and build a home gym. [ 投身锻炼,并建立一个家庭健身房 ]

要成为最好的自己,定期锻炼是百分之百的必要条件。但什么是非常好的锻炼?什么都可以! 所有的运动都是同样有价值的。

Regular exercise is 100 percent essential to becoming the best version of yourself. But what’s the very best workout? Anything! All exercise is equally valuable.


What matters is that you’re doing something, whether that’s stretching, walking, lifting weights, swimming, or playing a game of basketball. Exercise doesn't need to be complicated or proven by some science-driven methodology. You just need to move your body.


Whatever you choose to do, though, it's a good idea to track your progress. Make a note of how far you ran each day, or how heavy your weights were each session. Not only will tracking let you see your progress, it will also help you build goals into your regime.


The key message here is: Commit to exercise, and build a home gym.


Discipline is about not accepting excuses, right? Well, with a home gym, you won’t have any. Find a small space or corner in your home – like a spare room, office, backyard, or garage – it’s a convenient workout space you can’t avoid.

如果你认为家庭健身房太贵,再想想--你只需要几样东西就可以开始了。首先,安装一个引体向上杆。你可以用这个简单的设备做俯卧撑、引体向上、深蹲和腹部运动;它可以让你的整个身体得到锻炼 另一件相对便宜的设备是体操环。你可以把它们安装在任何一面墙上,做环形下蹲、环形俯卧撑和L型坐。初学者家庭健身房的最后一件设备是一个带有杠铃和砝码的深蹲架。有了橡胶缓冲板而不是铁板,你就可以执行动态举重。这些设备提供了一个有效的家庭健身房,你可以在今后的锻炼中不断增加。

If you think a home gym is too expensive, think again – you only need a few things to get started. First, install a pull-up bar. You can do push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and ab exercises with this simple rig; it gives your entire body a workout! Another piece of relatively cheap equipment are gymnastic rings. You can mount them to any wall and do ring dips, ring push-ups, and L-sits. The last piece of equipment for the beginner’s home gym is a squat rack with a barbell and weights. And with rubber bumper plates instead of iron ones, you can execute dynamic lifts. This setup delivers an effective home gym that you can add to as your workouts advance in the future.


If you stick to your exercise routine every day, you'll see results – and the occasional injury. But that’s not an excuse to skip your workout sessions. Injuries happen, so work around them. Switch your focus to exercises you can do safely. If you injure your knee, concentrate on your upper body for a while. If you pull your shoulder, work your core and legs until the shoulder gets better.


And if your injuries keep you at home and you simply need to rest, that’s fine. Do what your body needs you to do. But keep going after something. Don’t stop. If you can’t work out, then use the time to build on another skill. Remember, if you don’t, your enemies will.

7, Start your martial arts discipline with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. [ 从巴西柔术开始你的武术修炼 ]


You never know when you might find yourself in danger. It happens even though nobody likes to think it will. But just being strong isn’t enough protection in threatening situations. That’s why Jocko recommends training in the ancient self-defense practice of martial arts.


The fundamental principles of martial arts have never changed and never will, but they evolve with new techniques and moves all the time. Martial arts can be explained in three broad categories: grappling, which uses leverage and holds to dominate your opponent; striking, which uses any body part – like punches, kicks, and headbutts – to defeat your enemy; and martial arts with weapons, which involve, well, weapons. Think sticks, knives, and firearms.


The key message here is: Start your martial arts discipline with Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


The primary goal of self-defense is to run away, but that’s not possible if your attacker has a hold of you. When that happens, expect to be grappled to the ground. That’s where Brazilian jiu-jitsu helps. It’s an advanced form of grappling that focuses on self-defense from the ground so you can free yourself and escape.


Another great thing about Brazilian jiu-jitsu is that it’s the most complex of the martial arts and never gets old. There’s an infinite number of moves to learn beyond the fundamentals, with the bonus of stimulating your mind as you develop and improve your skills.


Of course, repelling an opponent in a controlled environment is different than facing a real-life threat. That’s why Jocko’s first line of defense is to always maintain situational awareness. That means you’re assessing people and surroundings wherever you go, and always thinking of contingencies – like locating the closest escape route or cover – to protect yourself if needed.


While maintaining situational awareness is a good step, nothing can guarantee you’ll never face an immediate threat. If you do, Jocko directs you to ACT!


First, if you can run away, do it! If not, use your training to attack first and fast. As soon as you see an opportunity to run, take it.

如果涉及枪支,尽快趴下!  趴在地上,如果可能的话,打电话给警察。听一下枪声,如果是快速射击,寻找结实的掩护物躲在后面,直到枪声平息,然后逃跑--这可能是你唯一的机会。如果是慢速的单次射击,乔科建议我们 "立即跑,继续跑"。

If guns are involved, get down ASAP! Stay on the ground and call the police if possible. Listen to the gunshots. If it's rapid-fire, look for substantial cover to hide behind until there’s a lull in the shooting, and then run – it could be your only chance. If it’s single shots at a slow pace, Jocko advises us to “run immediately and keep running.”

8, Your body is not adapted to digest grains properly. [ 你的身体并不擅长消化谷物 ]


Food is fuel for your body. If you want to become stronger and faster, you need to give your body the right fuel. But many of us rely on empty calories like doughnuts and cookies to get us through the day. You might think of them as food, but they’re not. They’re simply sugar delivery systems.


So, what should you be eating for optimal fuel? Let’s look to our human past to understand how to eat in the present. Our prehistoric ancestors thrived on a diet of vegetables and meat, with limited fruit.


Today, we clog our bodies with grain-based foods such as pasta, bread, and rice. Unfortunately, the human machine never adapted to processing grains. We’ve only been eating them for the last ten thousand years; our prehistoric ancestors never touched them.


The key message here is: Your body is not adapted to digest grains properly.


This means that whenever you eat grains, they turn into simple sugar after being processed. And everyone knows that eating a lot of sugar isn’t healthy. In short, grains should be avoided altogether.


Instead, embrace your inner caveperson with meals based on grass-fed beef, free-range poultry, and wild-caught fish – as well as vegetables, nuts, roots, and small amounts of fruit. Stay away from grains, potatoes, refined sugars, salt, and legumes. Whereas the typical Western diet tends to be high in carbohydrates and low in fat, eating like our ancestors means flipping today’s diet on its head. Limit carbohydrates and eat plenty of fat, followed by lots of protein.


The key is to eat a caveman diet 100 percent of the time. The popular 80/20 rule of eating healthily 80 percent of the time and unhealthily the other 20 percent is like playing with fire. Bad foods, especially sugars, are addictive. Giving yourself permission to eat them 20 percent of the time is like being a recovering heroin addict who’s allowed heroin from time to time. The temptation is too strong, and it just isn’t worth it.


Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t have an occasional, reasonable treat. But don’t use it as an excuse to start mainlining sugar. When Jocko wants to treat himself, for example, he dips a small chunk of dark chocolate into coconut oil or tops a bowl of whipped cream with chopped nuts. These might sound like modest rewards, but when you’re following a clean diet, these treats can be deceivingly decadent.

9, Final summary [ 最后的总结 ]


The key message in these blinks:


There’s no shortcut to a better you. Stop making excuses about why you’re not eating right, exercising, or meeting your goals. Nothing in your life will work unless you do, so take action to be the person you want – today. No matter what kind of upbringing you’ve had, you have the ability to absorb stress, toil relentlessly, and conquer your competition at every turn.


Actionable advice:


Power nap with your feet up.


Taking a power nap, even if it's just for ten minutes, will boost your energy. You can make your nap even more effective by sleeping with your feet raised above your heart. This takes the stress off your circulatory system while helping distribute the blood that has pooled in your legs. So, if you’re napping in a chair, put your feet on the desk. Or if you’re in your bedroom, try lying on the floor with your feet on your bed.




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文章目录 1、项目搭建1、创建项目1.2 配置项目1.2.1 更换icon1.2.2 更换项目名称1.2.1 配置项目别名 1.3 代码规范1.3.1 集成editorconfig配置1.3.2 使用prettier工具 1.4 项目结构1.5 对css进行重置1.6 注入router1.7 定义TS组件的规范1.8 创建代码片段1.9 二级路由和懒加载1.…

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每天一分钟,知晓天下事! 2024年2月17日 星期六 农历正月初八 1、 中疾控:我国自主研发的猴痘mRNA疫苗即将进入临床试验。 2、 2024年度总票房破100亿元,其中春节档已突破70亿元。 3、 国产大飞机首次国外亮相,C919已抵…


有部分同学和朋友问到过我相关问题。利用周末我就浅浅地谈谈我对web前端开发的理解和体会,仅仅能浅浅谈谈,高手请自己主动跳过本篇文章。 毕竟我如今经验并非非常足,连project师都算不上,更不用说大牛了。今天也不谈技术。技术非…


2.14日学习打卡 目录: 2.14日学习打卡Zookeeper概念一. 集中式到分布式单机架构集群架构什么是分布式三者区别 二. CAP定理分区容错性一致性可用性一致性和可用性的矛盾一致性和可用性如何选择 三. 什么是Zookeeper分布式架构Zookeeper从何而来Zookeeper介绍 四. 应用场景数据发…

Android 车载应用开发之SystemUI 详解

一、SystemUI SystemUI全称System User Interface,直译过来就是系统级用户交互界面,在 Android 系统中由SystemUI负责统一管理整个系统层的 UI,它是一个系统级应用程序(APK),源码在/frameworks/base/packages/目录下,而不是在/packages/目录下,这也说明了SystemUI这个…


不懂的一些东西 (const TcpConnectionPtr&)作为形参啥意思:接收一个常量引用,函数内部不允许修改该指针所指向的对象。 优势 1.网络层与业务层分离:通过网络层传来的id,设计一个map存储id以及对印的业务处理器&…


一、前端绕过原理 通俗解释,我们将写有恶意代码的php后缀文件上传到网页,网页中的javascript代码会先对文件的后缀名进行检测,若检测到上传文件的后缀名为非法,则会进行alert警告。若想上传php后缀的文件,就要想办法对…

windows一开机一直循环:No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the machine解决方法

一、长按F12 二、选择Settiings/General/Boot Sequence 三、选择UEFI模式, 四、选择下方APPLY 五、退出:


目录 前言 1.Spring框架中的单例bean是线程安全的吗? 2.什么是AOP? 3.你们项目中有没有使用到AOP? 4.Spring中的事务是如何实现的? 5.Spring中事务失效的场景有哪些? 6.Spring的bean的生命周期。 7.Spring中的循环引用 8.构造方法…


tar -c: 建立压缩档案-x:解压-t:查看内容-r:向压缩归档文件末尾追加文件-u:更新原压缩包中的文件 ------------------------------------------ 这五个是独立的命令,压缩解压都要用到其中一个,可以和别的…


循环神经网络 循环神经网络(RNN)是一种在序列数据上表现出色的人工神经网络。相比于传统前馈神经网络,RNN更加适合处理时间序列数据,如音频信号、自然语言和股票价格等。本文将介绍RNN的基本数学原理、使用PyTorch和Scikit-Learn…


【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。 联系信箱:feixiaoxing 163.com】 对于一般的图像项目来说,图像处理只是工作当中的一部分。在整个项目处理的过程中有很多的内容需要处理,比如说了解需求、评…