
news2025/2/25 3:36:57



One-Step Diffusion Distillation via Deep Equilibrium Models


Diffusion models excel at producing high-quality samples but naively require hundreds of iterations, prompting multiple attempts to distill the generation process into a faster network. However, many existing approaches suffer from a variety of challenges: the process for distillation training can be complex, often requiring multiple training stages, and the resulting models perform poorly when utilized in single-step generative applications. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective means of distilling diffusion models directly from initial noise to the resulting image. Of particular importance to our approach is to leverage a new Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) model as the distilled architecture: the Generative Equilibrium Transformer (GET). Our method enables fully offline training with just noise/image pairs from the diffusion model while achieving superior performance compared to existing one-step methods on comparable training budgets. 

SAiD: Speech-driven Blendshape Facial Animation with Diffusion


Speech-driven 3D facial animation is challenging due to the scarcity of large-scale visual-audio datasets despite extensive research. Most prior works, typically focused on learning regression models on a small dataset using the method of least squares, encounter difficulties generating diverse lip movements from speech and require substantial effort in refining the generated outputs. To address these issues, we propose a speech-driven 3D facial animation with a diffusion model (SAiD), a lightweight Transformer-based U-Net with a cross-modality alignment bias between audio and visual to enhance lip synchronization. Moreover, we introduce BlendVOCA, a benchmark dataset of pairs of speech audio and parameters of a blendshape facial model, to address the scarcity of public resources.

Fixed Point Diffusion Models


We introduce the Fixed Point Diffusion Model (FPDM), a novel approach to image generation that integrates the concept of fixed point solving into the framework of diffusion-based generative modeling. Our approach embeds an implicit fixed point solving layer into the denoising network of a diffusion model, transforming the diffusion process into a sequence of closely-related fixed point problems. Combined with a new stochastic training method, this approach significantly reduces model size, reduces memory usage, and accelerates training. Moreover, it enables the development of two new techniques to improve sampling efficiency: reallocating computation across timesteps and reusing fixed point solutions between timesteps. 

VideoCrafter2: Overcoming Data Limitations for High-Quality Video Diffusion Models


Text-to-video generation aims to produce a video based on a given prompt. Recently, several commercial video models have been able to generate plausible videos with minimal noise, excellent details, and high aesthetic scores. However, these models rely on large-scale, well-filtered, high-quality videos that are not accessible to the community. Many existing research works, which train models using the low-quality WebVid-10M dataset, struggle to generate high-quality videos because the models are optimized to fit WebVid-10M. In this work, we explore the training scheme of video models extended from Stable Diffusion and investigate the feasibility of leveraging low-quality videos and synthesized high-quality images to obtain a high-quality video model. 

Compose and Conquer: Diffusion-Based 3D Depth Aware Composable Image Synthesis


Addressing the limitations of text as a source of accurate layout representation in text-conditional diffusion models, many works incorporate additional signals to condition certain attributes within a generated image. Although successful, previous works do not account for the specific localization of said attributes extended into the three dimensional plane. In this context, we present a conditional diffusion model that integrates control over three-dimensional object placement with disentangled representations of global stylistic semantics from multiple exemplar images.

Consistent3D: Towards Consistent High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Deterministic Sampling Prior


Score distillation sampling (SDS) and its variants have greatly boosted the development of text-to-3D generation, but are vulnerable to geometry collapse and poor textures yet. To solve this issue, we first deeply analyze the SDS and find that its distillation sampling process indeed corresponds to the trajectory sampling of a stochastic differential equation (SDE): SDS samples along an SDE trajectory to yield a less noisy sample which then serves as a guidance to optimize a 3D model. However, the randomness in SDE sampling often leads to a diverse and unpredictable sample which is not always less noisy, and thus is not a consistently correct guidance, explaining the vulnerability of SDS.





恭贺丰果管道入围2024中国管道十大品牌 丰果(中国)有限公司 丰果管道品牌创立于1999年,是国内最早从事PPR家装管道生产的品牌之一,在业内有着良好的口碑和市场美誉度,在全国的头部装企更是有相当高的市场占有率。2023…

java数据结构与算法刷题-----LeetCode209. 长度最小的子数组

java数据结构与算法刷题目录(剑指Offer、LeetCode、ACM)-----主目录-----持续更新(进不去说明我没写完):https://blog.csdn.net/grd_java/article/details/123063846 解题思路 代码:时间复杂度O(n).空间复杂度O(1) class Solution {public in…


接上:MyBatisPlus学习笔记一: MyBatisPlus学习笔记一-CSDN博客 1、条件构造器 MyBatisPlus支持各种复杂的where条件,可以满足日常开发的所有需求。 1.1、集成体系 1.2、实例 查询 lambda查询 更新 1.3、总结 2、自定义sql 我们可以利用MyB…


很多人在做自媒体上传视频的时候不知道该如何去消除视频里的人声或背景音乐,其实解决办法很简单,我们使用3个软件进行演示 第一个:智优影 快速入口:AI音视频画质修复工具 - 智优影https://www.onezlzyy.com/ 这是一个非常专业的…


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【论文阅读】ControlNet、文章作者 github 上的 discussions

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POKT Network (POKT) :进军百亿美元市场规模的人工智能推理市场

POKT Network(又称 Pocket Network)是一个去中心化的物理基础设施网络(DePIN),它能够协调并激励对任何开放数据源的访问,最初专注于向应用程序和服务提供商提供区块链数据。 自 2020 年主网上线以来&#x…

图像分割实战-系列教程15:deeplabV3+ VOC分割实战3-------网络结构1

🍁🍁🍁图像分割实战-系列教程 总目录 有任何问题欢迎在下面留言 本篇文章的代码运行界面均在Pycharm中进行 本篇文章配套的代码资源已经上传 本项目的网络结构在network文件夹中,主要在modeling.py和_deeplab.py中: mo…


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最长上升子序列模型就像它的名字一样,用来从区间中找出最长上升的子序列。它主要用来处理区间中的挑选问题,可以处理上升序列也可以处理下降序列,原序列本身的顺序并不重要。 模型 895. 最长上升子序列(活动 - AcWing&#xff0…