
news2024/12/26 11:52:38

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Supported Hardware

The main targets of micro-ROS are mid-range 32-bits microcontroller families. Usually, the minimum requirements for running micro-ROS in an embedded platform are memory constraints. Since memory usage in micro-ROS is a complex matter we provide a complete article describing it and a tutorial on how to tune the memory consuption in the micro-ROS middleware.

In general micro-ROS will need MCUs that have tens of kilobytes of RAM memory and communication peripherals that enable the micro-ROS Client to Agent communication.

The micro-ROS hardware support is divided into two categories:

  • Officially supported boards
  • Community supported boards

Officially supported boards

The officially supported boards are those which have been carried out or tested officially, and to which LTS is guaranteed.


STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M4 STM32L4
  • RAM: 128 kB
  • Flash: 1 MB
  • Peripherals: Bluetooth, low-power RF module, 802.11 b/g/n, NFC, 2 digital microphone, temperature/humidity sensor, 3 axis IMU, ToF sensor...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

RTOSes:Zephyr    #这个开发板支持Zephyr的RTOS系统

External tools:Zephyr build system 

Supported transports: USB, UART, Ethernet UDP

Olimex LTD STM32-E407

 Key features:

  • MCU: STM32F407ZGT6 Cortex-M4F
  • RAM: 196 kB
  • Flash: 1 MB
  • Peripherals: USB OTG, Ethernet, SD Card slot, SPI, CAN, I2C...


  • Official website
  • Schematics
  • User Manual

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: Zephyr, FreeRTOS, NuttX
  • External tools: Zephyr build system

 Supported transports: USB (Z, N), UART (Z, F, N), Ethernet UDP (F, N)
Note: Only RTOS initials used for convenience.


Renesas EK RA6M5 and e2studio

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex M-33 core @ 200 MHz
  • RAM: 512 kB
  • Flash: up to 2 MB
  • Peripherals: Ethernet, SCI, SPI, I2C, I2S, UART, USB, SDIO, CAN, GPIO, ADC/DAC, PWM​​​​

 Supported platforms:

RTOSes:FreeRTOS,ThreadX and Bare-metal


 Supported transports: UDP, UART, USB-CDC

Espressif ESP32

 Key features:

  • MCU: ultra-low power dual-core Xtensa LX6
  • RAM: 520 kB
  • Flash: 4 MB
  • Peripherals: Ethernet MAC, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR, BLE, SPI, I2C, I2S, UART, SDIO, CAN, GPIO, ADC/DAC, PWM
  • Datashee

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: FreeRTOS
  • External tools: ESP-IDF

 Supported transports: UART, WiFi UDP, Ethernet UDP

Arduino Portenta H7

 Key features:

  • MCU: Dual-core Arm Cortex-M7 and Cortex-M4
  • RAM: 8 MB
  • Flash: 16 MB
  • Peripherals: USB HS, Ethernet, WiFi/BT...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, WiFi UDP

Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

 Key features:

  • MCU: Dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+
  • RAM: 264 kB
  • Flash: up to 16 MB
  • Peripherals: I2C, SPI, PIO...


  • Official website
  • micro-ROS support package

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Raspberry Pi Pico SDK

 Supported transports: USB, UART


 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M7 STM32F746ZGT6
  • RAM: 320 kB
  • Flash: 1024 kB
  • Peripherals: 3-axis IMU, Dynamixel ports, SPI, I2C...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, UART

Teensy 3.2

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M4 MK20DX256VLH7
  • RAM: 64 kB
  • Flash: 256 kB
  • Peripherals: USB, SPI, I2C, CAN, I2S...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, UART

Teensy 4.0/4.1

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M7 iMXRT1062
  • RAM: 1024 kB
  • Flash: 2048 kB
  • Peripherals: USB, PWM, SPI, I2C, CAN, I2S, SDIO,...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, UART, Ethernet UDP (4.1)

Crazyflie 2.1 Drone

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M4 STM32F405
  • RAM: 192 kB
  • Flash: 1 MB
  • Peripherals: 3 axis IMU, pressure sensor, SPI, I2C, UART, nRF51822 radio...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: FreeRTOS
  • External tools: –

 Supported transports: Custom Radio Link

STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M4 STM32L4
  • RAM: 128 kB
  • Flash: 1 MB
  • Peripherals: Bluetooth, low-power RF module, 802.11 b/g/n, NFC, 2 digital microphone, temperature/humidity sensor, 3 axis IMU, ToF sensor...


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: Zephyr
  • External tools: Zephyr build system

 Supported transports: USB, UART, Ethernet UDP

Olimex LTD STM32-E407

 Key features:

  • MCU: STM32F407ZGT6 Cortex-M4F
  • RAM: 196 kB
  • Flash: 1 MB
  • Peripherals: USB OTG, Ethernet, SD Card slot, SPI, CAN, I2C...


  • Official website
  • Schematics
  • User Manual

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: Zephyr, FreeRTOS, NuttX
  • External tools: Zephyr build system

 Supported transports: USB (Z, N), UART (Z, F, N), Ethernet UDP (F, N)
Note: Only RTOS initials used for convenience.

Community supported boards

The micro-ROS community supported boards are contributions of micro-ROS’ users and community, and are not guaranteed to be officially supported.

Arduino Due

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M3 AT91SAM3X8E
  • RAM: 96 kB
  • Flash: 512 kB


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, UART

Arduino Zero

 Key features:

  • MCU: ARM Cortex-M0+ ATSAMD21G18
  • RAM: 32 kB
  • Flash: 256 kB


  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: –
  • External tools: Arduino

 Supported transports: USB, UART



  • Official website

 Supported platforms:

  • RTOSes: FreeRTOS
  • External tools: STM32CubeMX

 Supported transports: UART






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