迷你无人车 Navigation 导航(3)
修改 URDF 文件
添加 transmission 标签,定义关节的驱动
<transmission name="right_rear_joint_trans">
<joint name="right_rear_joint">
<actuator name="right_rear_joint_motor">
<transmission name="front_steer_right_joint_trans">
<joint name="front_steer_right_joint">
<actuator name="front_steer_right_joint_motor">
注意位置控制关节中 limit
的设置,一开始均设置为 0,无法进行位置控制
<joint name="front_steer_right_joint" type="revolute">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.17 -0.21 0.102" />
<parent link="base_link" />
<child link="front_steer_right_link" />
<axis xyz="0 0 1" /> <!-- charge steer direction default is 0 0 1-->
<limit lower="-0.69" upper="0.69" effort="2.0" velocity="1.0" />
配置 ros_control 插件
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="libgazebo_ros_control.so">
<!-- <robotSimType>steer_bot_hardware_gazebo/SteerBotHardwareGazebo</robotSimType>
<legacyModeNS>false</legacyModeNS> -->
配置 yaml 文件
在该文件中添加各关节控制器类型(速度控制/位置控制),以及控制器的 PID 系数
type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
publish_rate: 50
# Velocity Controllers ----速度控制器---------------------
type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
joint: left_rear_joint
pid: {p: 1.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0}
type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
joint: right_rear_joint
pid: {p: 1.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0}
type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
joint: front_left_wheel_joint
pid: {p: 1.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0}
type: effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
joint: front_right_wheel_joint
pid: {p: 1.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0}
# Position Controllers ---位置控制器-----------------------
joint: front_steer_left_joint
type: effort_controllers/JointPositionController
pid: {p: 0.5, i: 0.0, d: 0.0}
joint: front_steer_right_joint
type: effort_controllers/JointPositionController
pid: {p: 0.5, i: 0.0, d: 0.0}
配置 launch 文件
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arg name="x" default="0.0"/>
<arg name="y" default="0.0"/>
<arg name="z" default="0.0" />
<arg name="roll" default="0.0"/>
<arg name="pitch" default="0.0"/>
<arg name="yaw" default="0.0"/>
<arg name="controllers" default="joint_state_controller
left_rear_wheel_velocity_controller right_rear_wheel_velocity_controller
left_front_wheel_velocity_controller right_front_wheel_velocity_controller
left_steering_hinge_position_controller right_steering_hinge_position_controller"/>
<!-- Gazebo -->
<!--Load the surrounding environment into Gazebo-->
<include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch" >
<arg name="world_name" value="$(find neor_mini)/worlds/cooneo_office.world"/>
<!-- Load the robot description -->
<param name="robot_description" command="cat $(find neor_mini)/urdf/neor_mini_gazebo_sensors.urdf"/>
<!-- Load ros_controllers configuration parameters -->
<!-- <rosparam file="$(find steer_mini_gazebo)/mini_control/config/ctrl_ackermann_steering_controller.yaml" command="load" /> -->
<!-- <rosparam file="$(find steer_mini_gazebo)/mini_control/config/ctrl_gains.yaml" command="load" /> -->
<rosparam file="$(find steer_mini_gazebo)/mini_control/config/ctrl_joint_state_publisher.yaml" command="load" />
<!-- <rosparam file="$(find steer_mini_gazebo)/mini_control/config/ctrl_steer_bot_hardware_gazebo.yaml" command="load" /> -->
<rosparam file="$(find steer_mini_gazebo)/mini_control/config/my_controller.yaml" command="load"/>
<!-- Spawn the controllers -->
<!-- <node pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" name="controller_spawner" args="joint_state_publisher ackermann_steering_controller" output="screen" respawn="false" /> -->
<node pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" name="controller_spawner" output="screen" respawn="false"
ns="/steer_neor_mini" args="$(arg controllers)"/>
<!-- Launch the robot state publisher -->
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher">
<param name="publish_frequency" value="50.0"/>
<remap from="/joint_states" to="/steer_neor_mini/joint_states"/>
<!-- Launch a rqt steering GUI for publishing to /steer_bot/steer_drive_controller/cmd_vel -->
<!-- <node pkg="rqt_robot_steering" type="rqt_robot_steering" name="rqt_robot_steering" > -->
<!-- <param name="default_topic" value="ackermann_steering_controller/cmd_vel"/> default velocity control topic name -->
<!-- <param name="default_vx_max" value="1.0"/> linear velocity max value m/s -->
<!-- <param name="default_vx_min" value="-1.0"/> linear velocity min value m/s -->
<!-- <param name="default_vw_max" value="0.69"/> angular velocity max value rad/s (adaptor for urdf joint limit) -->
<!-- <param name="default_vw_min" value="-0.69"/> angular velocity min value rad/s (adaptor for urdf joint limit) -->
<!-- </node> -->
<!-- Start the Gazebo node and configure the location and posture of the accident when the model is loaded -->
<node name="spawn_vehicle" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-urdf -param robot_description -model neor_mini -gazebo_namespace /gazebo
-x $(arg x) -y $(arg y) -z $(arg z)
-R $(arg roll) -P $(arg pitch) -Y $(arg yaw)"
respawn="false" output="screen" />
<!-- ******************************************************************************************************************************************* -->
<node name="laser_to_base_link" pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" args="0.0 0.0 0.135 0 0 0 base_link laser_link 40 " />
<node name="imu_to_base_link" pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" args="-0.10 0.0 0.02 0 0 0 base_link imu_link 40 " />
<node name="camera_to_base_link" pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" args="0.12 0.0 0.12 0 0 0 base_link camera_link 40 " />
💡 注意各文件中命名空间的一致性
#include <cmd_to_neor/wheelparams.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include "myTools.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
ros::Publisher pub_vel_left_rear_wheel;
ros::Publisher pub_vel_right_rear_wheel;
ros::Publisher pub_vel_left_front_wheel;
ros::Publisher pub_vel_right_front_wheel;
ros::Publisher pub_pos_left_steering_hinge;
ros::Publisher pub_pos_right_steering_hinge;
cmd_to_neor::wheelparams w_params;
AidTool::Ptr aidtool;
Matrix<double, 8, 3> coff_mat; // 机器人模型参数矩阵
Matrix<double, 3, 1> xyw; // 机器人Vx, Vy, W向量
Matrix<double, 8, 1> p_xyw;
// 机器人长的一半
const double half_len = 0.3492 / 2;
// 机器人宽的一半
const double half_wid = 0.36 / 2;
const double WHELL_DIA = 0.0625;
const double REDUCER_RATIO = 1.0;
mutex mut;
void computeWheelVel_pivotSteer();
void computeWheelVel_ackermannSteer(double linear_vel, double front, double rear);
double computeAckermannRatio(double vel);
std_msgs::Float64 vel_left_rear_wheel;
std_msgs::Float64 vel_right_rear_wheel;
std_msgs::Float64 vel_left_front_wheel;
std_msgs::Float64 vel_right_front_wheel;
std_msgs::Float64 pos_left_steering_hinge;
std_msgs::Float64 pos_right_steering_hinge;
double toRealVel(const double vel){
return vel / (M_PI * WHELL_DIA) * REDUCER_RATIO;
double toReaPos(const double pos){
return pos * 180 / M_PI * REDUCER_RATIO;
void robot_callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr &msg)
memset(&w_params, 0, sizeof(w_params));
doublelinear_vel = msg->linear.x;
double front_angle = msg->angular.z;
computeWheelVel_ackermannSteer(linear_vel, front_angle, 0);
vel_left_rear_wheel.data = toRealVel(w_params.lb_v);
vel_right_rear_wheel.data = toRealVel(w_params.rb_v);
vel_left_front_wheel.data = toRealVel(w_params.lf_v);
vel_right_front_wheel.data = toRealVel(w_params.rf_v);
pos_left_steering_hinge.data = w_params.lf_p;
pos_right_steering_hinge.data = w_params.rf_p;
cout << "lr_v:" << vel_left_rear_wheel.data << ";rr_v:" << vel_right_rear_wheel.data << \
";lf_v:" << vel_left_front_wheel.data << ";rf_v:" << vel_right_front_wheel.data << endl;
cout << "lf_p:" << pos_left_steering_hinge.data << ";rf_p:" << pos_right_steering_hinge.data << endl;
cout << "--------------" << endl;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mut);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
coff_mat << 1, 0, -half_wid,
0, 1, half_len,
1, 0, -half_wid,
0, 1, -half_len,
1, 0, half_wid,
0, 1, -half_len,
1, 0, half_wid,
0, 1, half_len;
const string vel_left_rear_wheel_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/left_rear_wheel_velocity_controller/command";
const string vel_right_rear_wheel_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/right_rear_wheel_velocity_controller/command";
const string vel_left_front_wheel_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/left_front_wheel_velocity_controller/command";
const string vel_right_front_wheel_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/right_front_wheel_velocity_controller/command";
const string pos_left_steering_hinge_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/left_steering_hinge_position_controller/command";
const string pos_right_steering_hinge_topic = "/steer_neor_mini/right_steering_hinge_position_controller/command";
aidtool = make_shared<AidTool>();
ros::init(argc, argv, "cmd_to_neor");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
pub_vel_left_rear_wheel = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(vel_left_rear_wheel_topic, 1);
pub_vel_right_rear_wheel = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(vel_right_rear_wheel_topic, 1);
pub_vel_left_front_wheel = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(vel_left_front_wheel_topic, 1);
pub_vel_right_front_wheel = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(vel_right_front_wheel_topic, 1);
pub_pos_left_steering_hinge = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(pos_left_steering_hinge_topic, 1);
pub_pos_right_steering_hinge = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>(pos_right_steering_hinge_topic, 1);
ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/cmd_vel", 1, robot_callback);
return 0;
void computeWheelVel_pivotSteer()
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mut);
// 左前
if (p_xyw(0, 0) == 0)
if (p_xyw(1, 0) > 0)
w_params.lf_p = M_PI_2;
else if (p_xyw(1, 0) < 0)
w_params.lf_p = -M_PI_2;
w_params.lf_p = 0;
w_params.lf_p = atan(p_xyw(1, 0) / p_xyw(0, 0));
if (p_xyw(0, 0) == 0.0 && p_xyw(1, 0) == 0.0)
w_params.lf_v = 0.0;
else if (p_xyw(0, 0) == 0)
w_params.lf_v = p_xyw(1, 0) / sin(w_params.lf_p);
w_params.lf_v = p_xyw(0, 0) / cos(w_params.lf_p);
// 左后
if (p_xyw(2, 0) == 0)
if (p_xyw(3, 0) > 0)
w_params.lb_p = M_PI_2;
else if (p_xyw(3, 0) < 0)
w_params.lb_p = -M_PI_2;
w_params.lb_p = 0;
w_params.lb_p = atan(p_xyw(3, 0) / p_xyw(2, 0));
if (p_xyw(2, 0) == 0.0 && p_xyw(3, 0) == 0.0)
w_params.lb_v = 0.0;
else if (p_xyw(2, 0) == 0)
w_params.lb_v = p_xyw(3, 0) / sin(w_params.lb_p);
w_params.lb_v = p_xyw(2, 0) / cos(w_params.lb_p);
// 右后
if (p_xyw(4, 0) == 0)
if (p_xyw(5, 0) > 0)
w_params.rb_p = M_PI_2;
else if (p_xyw(5, 0) < 0)
w_params.rb_p = -M_PI_2;
w_params.rb_p = 0;
w_params.rb_p = atan(p_xyw(5, 0) / p_xyw(4, 0));
if (p_xyw(4, 0) == 0.0 && p_xyw(5, 0) == 0.0)
w_params.rb_v = 0.0;
else if (p_xyw(4, 0) == 0)
w_params.rb_v = p_xyw(5, 0) / sin(w_params.rb_p);
w_params.rb_v = p_xyw(4, 0) / cos(w_params.rb_p);
// 右前
if (p_xyw(6, 0) == 0)
if (p_xyw(7, 0) > 0)
w_params.rf_p = M_PI_2;
else if (p_xyw(7, 0) < 0)
w_params.rf_p = -M_PI_2;
w_params.rf_p = 0;
w_params.rf_p = atan(p_xyw(7, 0) / p_xyw(6, 0));
if (p_xyw(6, 0) == 0.0 && p_xyw(7, 0) == 0.0)
w_params.rf_v = 0.0;
else if (p_xyw(6, 0) == 0)
w_params.rf_v = p_xyw(7, 0) / sin(w_params.rf_p);
w_params.rf_v = p_xyw(6, 0) / cos(w_params.rf_p);
void computeWheelVel_ackermannSteer(double linear_vel, double front, double rear)
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mut);
// cout << "front_angle: " << aidtool->rad2deg(front) << "\t rear_angle: " << aidtool->rad2deg(rear) << endl;
double d_vertical = 0.0, l_up = half_len;
if (front != 0)
d_vertical = 2 * half_len * cos(front) * cos(rear) / sin(front - rear);
l_up = 2 * half_len * sin(front) * cos(rear) / sin(front - rear);
// cout << "d_vertical: " << d_vertical << "\tl_up: " << l_up << endl;
w_params.lf_p = atan(2 * half_len * sin(front) * cos(rear) / (2 * half_len * cos(front) * cos(rear) - half_wid * sin(front - rear)));
w_params.rf_p = atan(2 * half_len * sin(front) * cos(rear) / (2 * half_len * cos(front) * cos(rear) + half_wid * sin(front - rear)));
w_params.lb_p = atan(2 * half_len * cos(front) * sin(rear) / (2 * half_len * cos(front) * cos(rear) - half_wid * sin(front - rear)));
w_params.rb_p = atan(2 * half_len * cos(front) * sin(rear) / (2 * half_len * cos(front) * cos(rear) + half_wid * sin(front - rear)));
double Rc = sqrt(pow(half_len - l_up, 2) + pow(d_vertical, 2));
if (Rc == 0)
w_params.lf_v = linear_vel;
w_params.rf_v = linear_vel;
w_params.lb_v = linear_vel;
w_params.rb_v = linear_vel;
double Rlf = sqrt(pow(l_up, 2) + pow(d_vertical - half_wid, 2));
double Rrf = sqrt(pow(l_up, 2) + pow(d_vertical + half_wid, 2));
double Rlr = sqrt(pow(2 * half_len - l_up, 2) + pow(d_vertical - half_wid, 2));
double Rrr = sqrt(pow(2 * half_len - l_up, 2) + pow(d_vertical + half_wid, 2));
double angular_vel = linear_vel / Rc;
w_params.lf_v = angular_vel * Rlf;
w_params.rf_v = angular_vel * Rrf;
w_params.lb_v = angular_vel * Rlr;
w_params.rb_v = angular_vel * Rrr;
double computeAckermannRatio(double vel)
double corner_stiffness = -100000.0;
double mass = 250;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mut);
double ratio = 1 - 4 * half_len * corner_stiffness / (2 * half_len * corner_stiffness - mass * pow(vel, 2));
return ratio;
完整的话题组织如下,可以通过 Logitech 手柄控制 Gazebo 中的迷你无人车以阿克曼转向方式运动
下一步计划修改 URDF 模型进行四轮转向和原地转向控制
探究–gazebo里 关节是如何动起来的____实现默认插件joint控制