news2024/9/25 13:16:22


  • 前言
    • OptimizePath
      • piecewise_jerk_problem
      • 二次规划问题标准形式
      • 定义优化变量
      • 定义目标函数
      • 设计约束
      • Optimize
        • FormulateProblem计算QP系数矩阵
          • CalculateKernel二次项系数P矩阵
          • CalculateOffset一次项系数向量q
          • CalculateAffineConstraint约束项系数A的矩阵\upper_bound\lower_bound
        • SolverDefaultSettings 设定OSQP求解参数
  • Else
  • 参考




stage_config: {
  enabled: true
  task_type: PATH_DECIDER
  task_type: SPEED_DECIDER
  task_type: RSS_DECIDER







// PiecewiseJerkPathOptimizerConfig

message PiecewiseJerkPathOptimizerConfig {
  optional PiecewiseJerkPathWeights default_path_config = 1;
  optional PiecewiseJerkPathWeights lane_change_path_config = 2;
  optional double path_reference_l_weight = 3 [default = 0.0];

message PiecewiseJerkPathWeights {
  optional double l_weight = 1 [default = 1.0];
  optional double dl_weight = 2 [default = 100.0];
  optional double ddl_weight = 3 [default = 1000.0];
  optional double dddl_weight = 4 [default = 10000.0];


default_task_config: {
  piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer_config {
    default_path_config {
      l_weight: 1.0
      dl_weight: 20.0
      ddl_weight: 1000.0
      dddl_weight: 50000.0
    lane_change_path_config {
      l_weight: 1.0
      dl_weight: 5.0
      ddl_weight: 800.0
      dddl_weight: 30000.0



  • const SpeedData& speed_data,
  • const ReferenceLine& reference_line,
  • const common::TrajectoryPoint& init_point,
  • const bool path_reusable,
  • PathData* const final_path_data

OptimizePath函数得到最优的路径,信息包括 o p t _ l , o p t _ d l , o p t _ d d l opt\_l,opt\_dl,opt\_ddl opt_l,opt_dl,opt_ddl。在Process函数中最终结果保存到了task基类的变量reference_line_info_中。


common::Status PiecewiseJerkPathOptimizer::Process(
    const SpeedData& speed_data, const ReferenceLine& reference_line,
    const common::TrajectoryPoint& init_point, const bool path_reusable,
    PathData* const final_path_data) {
  // skip piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer if reused path
  if (FLAGS_enable_skip_path_tasks && path_reusable) {
    return Status::OK();
  ADEBUG << "Plan at the starting point: x = " << init_point.path_point().x()
         << ", y = " << init_point.path_point().y()
         << ", and angle = " << init_point.path_point().theta();
  common::TrajectoryPoint planning_start_point = init_point;
  if (FLAGS_use_front_axe_center_in_path_planning) {
    planning_start_point =
  // ADC起始点转化到frener坐标系
  const auto init_frenet_state =

  // Choose lane_change_path_config for lane-change cases
  // Otherwise, choose default_path_config for normal path planning
  const auto& config = reference_line_info_->IsChangeLanePath()
                           ? config_.piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer_config()
                           : config_.piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer_config()
  // 根据选择的配置生成权重矩阵
  std::array<double, 5> w = {
      config.dl_weight() *
          std::fmax(init_frenet_state.first[1] * init_frenet_state.first[1],
      config.ddl_weight(), config.dddl_weight(), 0.0};
  // 获取路径边界
  const auto& path_boundaries =
  ADEBUG << "There are " << path_boundaries.size() << " path boundaries.";
  // 获取上一周期规划的path,做为此周期的参考path
  const auto& reference_path_data = reference_line_info_->path_data();
  // 遍历每个路径
  std::vector<PathData> candidate_path_data;
  for (const auto& path_boundary : path_boundaries) {
    size_t path_boundary_size = path_boundary.boundary().size();

    // if the path_boundary is normal, it is possible to have less than 2 points
    // skip path boundary of this kind
    if (path_boundary.label().find("regular") != std::string::npos &&
        path_boundary_size < 2) {

    int max_iter = 4000;
    // lower max_iter for regular/self/
    if (path_boundary.label().find("self") != std::string::npos) {
      max_iter = 4000;

    CHECK_GT(path_boundary_size, 1U);

    std::vector<double> opt_l;
    std::vector<double> opt_dl;
    std::vector<double> opt_ddl;
    // 终止状态 l,dl,ddl = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
    std::array<double, 3> end_state = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    // 判断是否处于pull over scenario,如果处于pull over scenario,调整end_state
    if (!FLAGS_enable_force_pull_over_open_space_parking_test) {
      // pull over scenario
      // set end lateral to be at the desired pull over destination
      const auto& pull_over_status =
      if (pull_over_status.has_position() &&
          pull_over_status.position().has_x() &&
          pull_over_status.position().has_y() &&
          path_boundary.label().find("pullover") != std::string::npos) {
        common::SLPoint pull_over_sl;
        reference_line.XYToSL(pull_over_status.position(), &pull_over_sl);
        end_state[0] = pull_over_sl.l();

    // TODO(all): double-check this;
    // final_path_data might carry info from upper stream
    // 读取上一周期的 path_data
    PathData path_data = *final_path_data;

    // updated cost function for path reference
    std::vector<double> path_reference_l(path_boundary_size, 0.0);
    bool is_valid_path_reference = false;
    size_t path_reference_size = reference_path_data.path_reference().size();
    // 判断是否是regular
    if (path_boundary.label().find("regular") != std::string::npos &&
        reference_path_data.is_valid_path_reference()) {
      ADEBUG << "path label is: " << path_boundary.label();
      // when path reference is ready
      for (size_t i = 0; i < path_reference_size; ++i) {
        common::SLPoint path_reference_sl;
        path_reference_l[i] = path_reference_sl.l();
      // 更新end_state
      end_state[0] = path_reference_l.back();
      is_valid_path_reference = true;
    // 设置约束参数
    const auto& veh_param =
    const double lat_acc_bound =
        std::tan(veh_param.max_steer_angle() / veh_param.steer_ratio()) /
    std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> ddl_bounds;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < path_boundary_size; ++i) {
      double s = static_cast<double>(i) * path_boundary.delta_s() +
      double kappa = reference_line.GetNearestReferencePoint(s).kappa();
      ddl_bounds.emplace_back(-lat_acc_bound - kappa, lat_acc_bound - kappa);
    // 优化算法
    bool res_opt = OptimizePath(
        init_frenet_state, end_state, std::move(path_reference_l),
        path_reference_size, path_boundary.delta_s(), is_valid_path_reference,
        path_boundary.boundary(), ddl_bounds, w, max_iter, &opt_l, &opt_dl,
    // 如果成功将值保存到candidate_path_data
    if (res_opt) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < path_boundary_size; i += 4) {
        ADEBUG << "for s[" << static_cast<double>(i) * path_boundary.delta_s()
               << "], l = " << opt_l[i] << ", dl = " << opt_dl[i];
      auto frenet_frame_path =
          ToPiecewiseJerkPath(opt_l, opt_dl, opt_ddl, path_boundary.delta_s(),

      if (FLAGS_use_front_axe_center_in_path_planning) {
        auto discretized_path = DiscretizedPath(
  // 失败则返回错误码,成功则保存路径点
  if (candidate_path_data.empty()) {
    return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR,
                  "Path Optimizer failed to generate path");
  return Status::OK();


    // 设置约束参数
    const auto& veh_param =
    const double lat_acc_bound =
        std::tan(veh_param.max_steer_angle() / veh_param.steer_ratio()) /
    std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> ddl_bounds;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < path_boundary_size; ++i) {
      double s = static_cast<double>(i) * path_boundary.delta_s() +
      double kappa = reference_line.GetNearestReferencePoint(s).kappa();
      ddl_bounds.emplace_back(-lat_acc_bound - kappa, lat_acc_bound - kappa);

在这部分,我们主要关注lat_acc_boundddl_bounds两个参量。lat_acc_bound是根据车辆运动学关系计算最大曲率, α max ⁡ \alpha_{\max} αmax是最大轮胎转向角(代码中应该是方向盘转角 δ \delta δ除以转向传动比): κ max ⁡ = tan ⁡ ( α max ⁡ ) L {\kappa _{\max }} = \frac{{\tan ({\alpha _{\max }})}}{L} κmax=Ltan(αmax)

l ¨ \ddot l l¨的约束来源于这篇论文——Werling M, Ziegler J, Kammel S, et al. Optimal trajectory generation for dynamic street scenarios in a frenet frame[C]//2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2010: 987-993.): d 2 l d s 2 = − ( κ r e f ′ l + κ r e f l ′ ) t a n ( θ − θ r e f ) + ( 1 − κ r e f l ) c o s 2 ( θ − θ r e f ) [ ( κ ( 1 − κ r e f l ) c o s ( θ − θ r e f ) − κ r e f ] \frac{d^2l}{ds^2}=-(\kappa_{ref}^{\prime}l+\kappa_{ref}l^{\prime})tan(\theta-\theta_{ref})+\frac{(1-\kappa_{ref}l)}{cos^2(\theta-\theta_{ref})}[\frac{(\kappa(1-\kappa_{ref}l)}{cos(\theta-\theta_{ref})}-\kappa_{ref}] ds2d2l=(κrefl+κrefl)tan(θθref)+cos2(θθref)(1κrefl)[cos(θθref)(κ(1κrefl)κref]但我们无法直接将其应用于约束的设计(约束函数为一次)之中,对此需要对其进行简化。

假设1:参考线规划: θ − θ r e f = Δ θ ≈ 0 \theta - {\theta _{ref}} = \Delta \theta \approx 0 θθref=Δθ0,即航向角几乎为0.
假设2:规划的曲率数值上很小,所以两个曲率相乘近乎为0. 0 < κ r e f < κ ≪ 1 → κ r e f κ ≈ 0 0{\rm{ }} < {\kappa _{ref}} < \kappa \ll 1 \to {\kappa _{ref}}\kappa {\rm{ }} \approx {\rm{ }}0 0<κref<κ1κrefκ0依据上述假设,我们将上述关系简化为: d 2 l d s 2 = κ − κ r e f \frac{{{d^2}l}}{{d{s^2}}} = \kappa - {\kappa _{ref}} ds2d2l=κκref

根据车辆运动学关系计算最大曲率 κ max ⁡ {\kappa _{\max }} κmax,最后得到 l ¨ \ddot l l¨的约束范围:
− κ max ⁡ − κ r e f < l ¨ i < κ max ⁡ − κ r e f - {\kappa _{\max }} - {\kappa _{ref}} < {\ddot l_i} < {\kappa _{\max }} - {\kappa _{ref}} κmaxκref<l¨i<κmaxκref


路径优化算法在《Optimal Vehicle Path Planning Using Quadratic Optimization for Baidu Apollo Open Platform 》这篇论文中也有详细介绍,不过有些地方有些变化。


2).设置变量   a.权重   b.D方向距离、速度加速度边界   c.最大转角速度   d.jerk bound
3).优化算法 4).获取结果


bool PiecewiseJerkPathOptimizer::OptimizePath(
    const std::pair<std::array<double, 3>, std::array<double, 3>>& init_state,
    const std::array<double, 3>& end_state,
    std::vector<double> path_reference_l_ref, const size_t path_reference_size,
    const double delta_s, const bool is_valid_path_reference,
    const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& lat_boundaries,
    const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& ddl_bounds,
    const std::array<double, 5>& w, const int max_iter, std::vector<double>* x,
    std::vector<double>* dx, std::vector<double>* ddx) {
init_state – path start point
end_state – path end point
path_reference_l_ref – a vector with default value 0.0
path_reference_size – length of learning model output
delta_s – path point spatial distance
is_valid_path_reference – whether using learning model output or not
lat_boundaries – path boundaries
ddl_bounds – constrains
w – weighting scales
max_iter – optimization max interations
ptr_x – optimization result of x
ptr_dx – optimization result of dx
ptr_ddx – optimization result of ddx

init_state初始状态点,end_state终末状态点,path_reference_l_ref参考线上各点的 l l l值,delta_s s s s方向的采样间隔。


  PiecewiseJerkPathProblem piecewise_jerk_problem(kNumKnots, delta_s,
├── piecewise_jerk_path_problem.cc
├── piecewise_jerk_path_problem.h
├── piecewise_jerk_problem.cc
├── piecewise_jerk_problem.h
├── piecewise_jerk_speed_problem.cc
└── piecewise_jerk_speed_problem.h





二次规划问题的标准形式为: m i n i m i z e 1 2 x T P x + q T x s u b j e c t t o l ≤ A x ≤ u \begin{array}{lllllllllllllll}{{\rm{minimize}}}&{\frac{1}{2}{x^T}Px + {q^T}x}\\{{\rm{subject to}}}&{l \le Ax \le u}\end{array} minimizesubjectto21xTPx+qTxlAxu    where x ∈ R n x \in {{\bf{R}}^n} xRn is the optimization variable. The objective function is defined by a positive semidefinite matrix P ∈ S + n P \in {\bf{S}}_ + ^n PS+nand vector q ∈ R n q \in {{\bf{R}}^n} qRn . The linear constraints are defined by matrix A ∈ R m × n A \in {{\bf{R}}^{m \times n}} ARm×n and vectors l l l and u u u so that l i ∈ R ∪ { − ∞ } {l_i} \in {\bf{R}} \cup \{ - \infty \} liR{} and ‘ u i ∈ R ∪ { + ∞ } {`u_i} \in {\bf{R}} \cup \{ + \infty \} uiR{+} for all i ∈ { 1 , … , m } i \in \{ 1, \ldots ,m{\rm{\} }} i{1,,m} .
    二次规划优化问题为二次型,其约束为线性型。 x x x是要优化的变量,是一个 n n n维的向量。 p p p是二次项系数,是正定矩阵。 q q q是一次项系数,是 n n n维向量。 A A A是一个 m m mx n n n的矩阵, A A A为约束函数的一次项系数, m m m为约束函数的个数。 l l l u u u分别为约束函数的下边界和上边界。



在这里插入图片描述    路径规划一般是在Frenet坐标系中进行的。 s s s为沿着参考线的方向, l l l为垂直于坐标系的方向。在这里插入图片描述    如图所示,将障碍物分别投影到SL坐标系上。在 s s s方向上,以间隔 Δ s \Delta s Δs作为一个间隔点,从 s 0 s_0 s0, s 1 s_1 s1, s 2 s_2 s2一直到 s n − 1 s_{n-1} sn1,构成了规划的路径。选取每个间隔点的 l l l作为优化的变量,同时也将 l ˙ \dot l l˙ l ¨ \ddot l l¨也作为优化变量。
在这里插入图片描述    如此,就构成了优化变量 x x x x x x有三个部分组成:从 l 0 l_0 l0, l 1 l_1 l1, l 2 l_2 l2 l n − 1 l_{n-1} ln1,从 l ˙ 0 \dot l_0 l˙0, l ˙ 1 \dot l_1 l˙1, l ˙ 2 \dot l_2 l˙2 l ˙ n − 1 \dot l_{n-1} l˙n1,从 l ¨ 0 \ddot l_0 l¨0, l ¨ 1 \ddot l_1 l¨1, l ¨ 2 \ddot l_2 l¨2 l ¨ n − 1 \ddot l_{n-1} l¨n1.在这里插入图片描述



  • 确保安全、礼貌的驾驶,尽可能贴近车道中心线行驶 ∣ l i ∣ ↓ \left| {{l_i}} \right| \downarrow li
  • 确保舒适的体感,尽可能降低横向速度/加速度/加加速度 ∣ l ˙ i ∣ ↓ \left| {{{\dot l}_i}} \right| \downarrow l˙i ∣ l ¨ i ∣ ↓ \left| {{{\ddot l}_i}} \right| \downarrow l¨i ∣ l ′ ′ ′ i → i + 1 ∣ ↓ \left| {{{l'''}_{i \to i + 1}}} \right| \downarrow l′′′ii+1
  • 确保终点接近参考终点(这个往往用在靠边停车场景之中国): l e n d = l r e f {l_{end}} = {l_{ref}} lend=lref


m i n f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w l − r e f ( l i − l i − r e f ) 2 + w l l i 2 + w d l l i ˙ 2 + w d d l l ¨ i 2 + w d d d l l ( 3 ) i 2 + w e n d − l ( l n − 1 − l e n d − l ) 2 + w e n d − d l ( l n − 1 ˙ − l e n d − d l ) 2 + w e n d − d d l ( l n − 1 ¨ − l e n d − d d l ) 2 \begin{aligned} & minf=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{l-ref}(l_i-l_{i-ref})^2+w_l{l_i}^2+w_{dl}\dot{l_i}^2+w_{ddl}\ddot{l}_i^2+w_{dddl}{{l}^{(3)}}_i^2 \\ & +w_{end-l}(l_{n-1}-l_{end-l})^2+w_{end-dl}(\dot{l_{n-1}}-l_{end-dl})^2+w_{end-ddl}(\ddot{l_{n-1}}-l_{end-ddl})^2\end{aligned} minf=i=0n1wlref(liliref)2+wlli2+wdlli˙2+wddll¨i2+wdddll(3)i2+wendl(ln1lendl)2+wenddl(ln1˙lenddl)2+wendddl(ln1¨lendddl)2

对每个点设计二次的目标函数并对代价值进行求和,式中的 w l , w d l , w d d l , w d d d l {w_l},{w_{dl}},{w_{ddl}},{w_{dddl}} wl,wdl,wddl,wdddl都是对于优化变量的权重,以及偏移终点的权重 w e n d − l , w e n d − d l , w e n d − d d l , w e n d − d d d l {w_{end - l}},{w_{end - dl}},{w_{end - ddl}},{w_{end - dddl}} wendl,wenddl,wendddl,wenddddl

ps:三阶导的求解方式为: l ′ ′ i + 1 − l ′ ′ i Δ s \frac{{{{l''}_{i + 1}} - {{l''}_i}}}{{\Delta s}} Δsl′′i+1l′′i
( l i ′ ′ ′ ) 2 = ( l i ′ ′ − l i − 1 ′ ′ Δ s ) 2 = ( l i ′ ′ ) 2 + ( l i − 1 ′ ′ ) 2 − 2 ⋅ l i ′ ′ ⋅ l i − 1 ′ ′ Δ s 2 \left(l_i^{\prime\prime\prime}\right)^2=\left(\frac{l_i^{\prime\prime}-l_{i-1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s}\right)^2=\frac{\left(l_i^{\prime\prime}\right)^2+\left(l_{i-1}^{\prime\prime}\right)^2-2\cdot l_i^{\prime\prime}\cdot l_{i-1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s^2} (li′′′)2=(Δsli′′li1′′)2=Δs2(li′′)2+(li1′′)22li′′li1′′

min ⁡ f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w l l i 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w l − r e f ( l i − l i − r e f ) 2 + w e n d − l ( l n − 1 − l e n d − d l ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d l l i ′ 2 + w e n d − d l ( l n − 1 ′ − l e n d − d l ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d d l l i ′ ′ 2 + w e n d − d d l ( l n − 1 ′ ′ − l e n d − d d l ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d d d l l i ′ ′ ′ 2 \begin{aligned} \min f =& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{w_l}{l_i}^2 +\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} {{w_{l - ref}}} {({l_i} - {l_{i - ref}})^2} + {w_{end - l}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}} - {l_{end - dl}})^2}\\ +& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{w_{dl}}{ {{l_i}^{\prime}}^2} + {w_{end - dl}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}}^{\prime} - {l_{end - dl}})^2}\\ +& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} {w_{ddl}}{{l_i}^{\prime\prime}}^2 +{w_{end - ddl}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}}^{\prime\prime} - {l_{end - ddl}})^2}\\ +& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} {w_{dddl}}{{l_i}^{\prime\prime\prime}}^2 \end{aligned} minf=+++i=0n1wlli2+i=0n1wlref(liliref)2+wendl(ln1lenddl)2i=0n1wdlli2+wenddl(ln1lenddl)2i=0n1wddlli′′2+wendddl(ln1′′lendddl)2i=0n1wdddlli′′′2

∑ i = 1 n − 1 ( l i ′ ′ ′ ) 2 = ( l 1 ′ ′ − l 0 ′ ′ Δ s ) 2 + ( l 2 ′ ′ − l 1 ′ ′ Δ s ) 2 + ⋯ + ( l n − 2 ′ ′ − l n − 3 ′ ′ Δ s ) 2 + ( l n − 1 ′ ′ − l n − 2 ′ ′ Δ s ) 2 = ( l 0 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 + 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 1 n − 2 ( l i ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 + ( l n − 1 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 − 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 0 n − 2 l i ′ ′ ⋅ l i + 1 ′ ′ Δ s 2 \begin{aligned} \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}}^{\color{red}{n-1}}(l_i^{\prime\prime\prime})^2& =\left(\frac{l_{1}^{\prime\prime}-l_{0}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s}\right)^2+\left(\frac{l_{2}^{\prime\prime}-l_{1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s}\right)^2+\cdots+\left(\frac{l_{n-2}^{\prime\prime}-l_{n-3}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s}\right)^2+\left(\frac{l_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}-l_{n-2}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s}\right)^2 \\ &=\frac{\left(l_0^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}+{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=1}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{\left(l_i^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}+\frac{\left(l_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}-{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{l_i^{\prime\prime}\cdot l_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s^2} \end{aligned} i=1n1(li′′′)2=(Δsl1′′l0′′)2+(Δsl2′′l1′′)2++(Δsln2′′ln3′′)2+(Δsln1′′ln2′′)2=Δs2(l0′′)2+2i=1n2Δs2(li′′)2+Δs2(ln1′′)22i=0n2Δs2li′′li+1′′

min ⁡ f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w l l i 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w l − r e f ( l i − l i − r e f ) 2 + w e n d − l ( l n − 1 − l e n d − d l ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d l l i ′ 2 + w e n d − d l ( l n − 1 ′ − l e n d − d l ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d d l l i ′ ′ 2 + w e n d − d d l ( l n − 1 ′ ′ − l e n d − d d l ) 2 + w d d d l ⋅ [ ( l 0 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 + 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 1 n − 2 ( l i ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 + ( l n − 1 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ s 2 − 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 0 n − 2 l i ′ ′ ⋅ l i + 1 ′ ′ Δ s 2 ] \begin{aligned} \min f =& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{w_l}{l_i}^2 +\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} {{w_{l - ref}}} {({l_i} - {l_{i - ref}})^2} + {w_{end - l}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}} - {l_{end - dl}})^2}\\ +& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{w_{dl}}{ {{l_i}^{\prime}}^2} + {w_{end - dl}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}}^{\prime} - {l_{end - dl}})^2}\\ +& \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} {w_{ddl}}{{l_i}^{\prime\prime}}^2 +{w_{end - ddl}}{( {{l_{n - 1}}}^{\prime\prime} - {l_{end - ddl}})^2}\\ +& {w_{dddl}}\cdot[\frac{\left(l_0^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}+{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=1}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{\left(l_i^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}+\frac{\left(l_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta s^2}-{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{l_i^{\prime\prime}\cdot l_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta s^2}] \end{aligned} minf=+++i=0n1wlli2+i=0n1wlref(liliref)2+wendl(ln1lenddl)2i=0n1wdlli2+wenddl(ln1lenddl)2i=0n1wddlli′′2+wendddl(ln1′′lendddl)2wdddl[Δs2(l0′′)2+2i=1n2Δs2(li′′)2+Δs2(ln1′′)22i=0n2Δs2li′′li+1′′]



主车必须在道路边界内,同时不能和障碍物有碰撞 l i ∈ ( l min ⁡ i , l max ⁡ i ) {l_i} \in (l_{\min }^i,l_{\max }^i) li(lmini,lmaxi)

上文已经推导过 l ¨ \ddot l l¨的约束范围,接着推导三阶导的范围:

还得满足曲率变化率的要求(即规划处的路径能使方向盘在最大角速度下能够及时的转过来): d 3 l d s 3 = d d 2 t d l 2 d t ⋅ d t d s \frac{{{d^3}l}}{{d{s^3}}} = \frac{{d\frac{{{d^2}t}}{{d{l^2}}}}}{{dt}} \cdot \frac{{dt}}{{ds}} ds3d3l=dtddl2d2tdsdt主路行驶中,实际车轮转角很小 α → 0 α→0 α0,近似有 t a n α ≈ α tan α ≈ α tanαα,从而有: d 2 l d s 2 ≈ κ − κ r e f = tan ⁡ ( α max ⁡ ) L − κ r e f ≈ α L − κ r e f \frac{{{d^2}l}}{{d{s^2}}} \approx \kappa - {\kappa _{ref}} = \frac{{\tan ({\alpha _{\max }})}}{L} - {\kappa _{ref}} \approx \frac{\alpha }{L} - {\kappa _{ref}} ds2d2lκκref=Ltan(αmax)κrefLακref同时假设,在一个周期内规划的路径上车辆的速度是恒定的 v = d s d t v = \frac{{ds}}{{dt}} v=dtds代入三阶导公式得到三阶导的边界 d 3 l d s 3 = α ′ L v < α ′ max ⁡ L v \frac{{{d^3}l}}{{d{s^3}}} = \frac{{\alpha '}}{{Lv}} < \frac{{{{\alpha '}_{\max }}}}{{Lv}} ds3d3l=Lvα<Lvαmax

l i ′ ∈ ( l m i n i ′ ( S ) , l m a x i ′ ( S ) ) , l i ′ ′ ∈ ( l m i n i ′ ′ ( S ) , l m a x i ′ ′ ( S ) ) , l i ′ ′ ′ ∈ ( l m i n i ′ ′ ′ ( S ) , l m a x i ′ ′ ′ ( S ) ) l_{i}^{\prime}\in\left(l_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime}(S),l_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime}(S)\right)\text{,}l_{i}^{\prime\prime}\in\left(l_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime}(S),l_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime}(S)\right)\text{,}l_{i}^{\prime\prime\prime}\in\left(l_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime\prime}(S),l_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime\prime}(S)\right) li(lmini(S),lmaxi(S)),li′′(lmini′′(S),lmaxi′′(S)),li′′′(lmini′′′(S),lmaxi′′′(S))

l i + 1 ′ ′ = l i ′ ′ + ∫ 0 Δ s l i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ d s = l i ′ ′ + l i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ s l i + 1 ′ = l i ′ + ∫ 0 Δ s l ′ ′ ( s ) d s = l i ′ + l i ′ ′ ∗ Δ s + 1 2 ∗ l i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ s 2 = l i ′ + 1 2 ∗ l i ′ ′ ∗ Δ s + 1 2 ∗ l i + 1 ′ ′ ∗ Δ s l i + 1 = l i + ∫ 0 Δ s l ′ ( s ) d s = l i + l i ′ ∗ Δ s + 1 2 ∗ l i ′ ′ ∗ Δ s 2 + 1 6 ∗ l i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ s 3 = l i + l i ′ ∗ Δ s + 1 3 ∗ l i ′ ′ ∗ Δ s 2 + 1 6 ∗ l i + 1 ′ ′ ∗ Δ s 2 \begin{aligned} l_{i+1}^{\prime\prime} &=l_i''+\int_0^{\Delta s}l_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}ds=l_i''+l_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta s \\ l_{i+1}^{\prime} &=l_i^{\prime}+\int_0^{\Delta s}\boldsymbol{l''}(s)ds=l_i^{\prime}+l_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s+\frac12*l_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta s^2 \\ &= l_i^{\prime}+\frac12*l_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s+\frac12*l_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s\\ l_{i+1} &=l_i+\int_0^{\Delta s}\boldsymbol{l'}(s)ds \\ &=l_i+l_i^{\prime}*\Delta s+\frac12*l_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s^2+\frac16*l_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta s^3\\ &=l_i+l_i^{\prime}*\Delta s+\frac13*l_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s^2+\frac16*l_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}*\Delta s^2 \end{aligned} li+1′′li+1li+1=li′′+0Δslii+1′′′ds=li′′+lii+1′′′Δs=li+0Δsl′′(s)ds=li+li′′Δs+21lii+1′′′Δs2=li+21li′′Δs+21li+1′′Δs=li+0Δsl(s)ds=li+liΔs+21li′′Δs2+61lii+1′′′Δs3=li+liΔs+31li′′Δs2+61li+1′′Δs2
l 0 = l i n i t , l ˙ 0 = l i n i t , l ¨ 0 = l i n i t l_0=l_{init},\dot l_0=l_{init},\ddot l_0=l_{init} l0=linit,l˙0=linit,l¨0=linit



// modules/planning/tasks/optimizers/piecewise_jerk_path/piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer.cc
  bool success = piecewise_jerk_problem.Optimize(max_iter);



bool PiecewiseJerkProblem::Optimize(const int max_iter) {
  // 构造二次规划问题,计算QP系数矩阵
  OSQPData* data = FormulateProblem();
  // 设定OSQP求解参数
  OSQPSettings* settings = SolverDefaultSettings();
  settings->max_iter = max_iter;
  // 构造OSQP求解器
  OSQPWorkspace* osqp_work = nullptr;
  osqp_work = osqp_setup(data, settings);
  // osqp_setup(&osqp_work, data, settings);

  // 获取优化值
  auto status = osqp_work->info->status_val;

  if (status < 0 || (status != 1 && status != 2)) {
    AERROR << "failed optimization status:\t" << osqp_work->info->status;
    return false;
  } else if (osqp_work->solution == nullptr) {
    AERROR << "The solution from OSQP is nullptr";
    return false;

  // extract primal results
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_knots_; ++i) {
    x_.at(i) = osqp_work->solution->x[i] / scale_factor_[0];
    dx_.at(i) = osqp_work->solution->x[i + num_of_knots_] / scale_factor_[1];
    ddx_.at(i) =
        osqp_work->solution->x[i + 2 * num_of_knots_] / scale_factor_[2];

  // Cleanup
  return true;


OSQPData* PiecewiseJerkProblem::FormulateProblem() {
  // calculate kernel
  std::vector<c_float> P_data;
  std::vector<c_int> P_indices;
  std::vector<c_int> P_indptr;
  // 二次项系数P的矩阵
  CalculateKernel(&P_data, &P_indices, &P_indptr);

  // calculate affine constraints
  std::vector<c_float> A_data;
  std::vector<c_int> A_indices;
  std::vector<c_int> A_indptr;
  std::vector<c_float> lower_bounds;
  std::vector<c_float> upper_bounds;
  // 约束项系数A的矩阵
  CalculateAffineConstraint(&A_data, &A_indices, &A_indptr, &lower_bounds,

  // calculate offset
  std::vector<c_float> q;
  // 一次项系数q的向量

  OSQPData* data = reinterpret_cast<OSQPData*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPData)));
  CHECK_EQ(lower_bounds.size(), upper_bounds.size());

  size_t kernel_dim = 3 * num_of_knots_;
  size_t num_affine_constraint = lower_bounds.size();

  data->n = kernel_dim;
  data->m = num_affine_constraint;
  data->P = csc_matrix(kernel_dim, kernel_dim, P_data.size(), CopyData(P_data),
                       CopyData(P_indices), CopyData(P_indptr));
  data->q = CopyData(q);
  data->A =
      csc_matrix(num_affine_constraint, kernel_dim, A_data.size(),
                 CopyData(A_data), CopyData(A_indices), CopyData(A_indptr));
  data->l = CopyData(lower_bounds);
  data->u = CopyData(upper_bounds);
  return data;

FormulateProblem 这个函数用于构造最优化问题具体矩阵。首先构造出P矩阵即代价函数,然后构造A矩阵即约束矩阵以及上下边界lower_bounds和upper_bounds,最后构建一次项q向量。构造完后将矩阵都存储进OSQPData这个结构体里,以便后续直接调用osqp库进行求解。



void PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem::CalculateKernel(std::vector<c_float>* P_data,
                                                std::vector<c_int>* P_indices,
                                                std::vector<c_int>* P_indptr) {
  const int n = static_cast<int>(num_of_knots_); // 待平滑的点数
  const int kNumParam = 3 * n;  // 待平滑的点数
  const int kNumValue = 4 * n - 1; // 非零元素的数目
  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<c_int, c_float>>> columns; // 创建一个二维数组columns,用于存储每个变量对应的非零元素的索引和值
  int value_index = 0;

  // x(i)^2 * (w_x + w_x_ref[i]), w_x_ref might be a uniform value for all x(i)
  // or piecewise values for different x(i)
  for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    columns[i].emplace_back(i, (weight_x_ + weight_x_ref_vec_[i]) /
                                   (scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[0]));
  // x(n-1)^2 * (w_x + w_x_ref[n-1] + w_end_x)
  columns[n - 1].emplace_back(
      n - 1, (weight_x_ + weight_x_ref_vec_[n - 1] + weight_end_state_[0]) /
                 (scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[0]));

  // x(i)'^2 * w_dx
  for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    columns[n + i].emplace_back(
        n + i, weight_dx_ / (scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[1]));
  // x(n-1)'^2 * (w_dx + w_end_dx)
  columns[2 * n - 1].emplace_back(2 * n - 1,
                                  (weight_dx_ + weight_end_state_[1]) /
                                      (scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[1]));

  auto delta_s_square = delta_s_ * delta_s_;
  // x(i)''^2 * (w_ddx + 2 * w_dddx / delta_s^2)
  columns[2 * n].emplace_back(2 * n,
                              (weight_ddx_ + weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square) /
                                  (scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));
  for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    columns[2 * n + i].emplace_back(
        2 * n + i, (weight_ddx_ + 2.0 * weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square) /
                       (scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));
  columns[3 * n - 1].emplace_back(
      3 * n - 1,
      (weight_ddx_ + weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square + weight_end_state_[2]) /
          (scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));

  // -2 * w_dddx / delta_s^2 * x(i)'' * x(i + 1)''
  for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    columns[2 * n + i].emplace_back(2 * n + i + 1,
                                    (-2.0 * weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square) /
                                        (scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));

  CHECK_EQ(value_index, num_of_nonzeros);

  int ind_p = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_of_variables; ++i) {
    for (const auto& row_data_pair : columns[i]) {
      P_data->push_back(row_data_pair.second * 2.0);


由于二次规划问题中P、A矩阵是稀疏的,为方便储存Apollo采用的是稀疏矩阵存储格式CSC(Compressed Sparse Column Format)。P_dataP_indicesP_indptr都是稀疏矩阵的参数,稀疏矩阵的具体形式可以看这篇博文【规划】Apollo QSQP接口详解。(稀疏矩阵这种形式确实不是很直观。)


  data->P = csc_matrix(kernel_dim, kernel_dim, P_data.size(), CopyData(P_data),
                       CopyData(P_indices), CopyData(P_indptr));

下面是 P P P矩阵
P = 2 ⋅ [ w l + w l − r e f 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ w l + w l − r e f 0 0 ⋯ 0 w l + w l − r e f + w e n d − l w d l 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ w d l 0 0 ⋯ 0 w d l + w e n d − d l w d d l + w d d d l Δ s 2 0 ⋯ ⋯ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d l Δ s 2 w d d l + 2 ⋅ w d d d l Δ s 2 ⋮ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d l Δ s 2 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ w d d l + 2 ⋅ w d d d l Δ s 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d l Δ s 2 w d d l + w d d d l Δ s 2 + w e n d − d d l ] P=2\cdot\left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_l} + {w_{l - ref}}}&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}&{{w_l} + {w_{l - ref}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{{w_l} + {w_{l - ref}} + {w_{end - l}}}\end{array}}}&{}&{}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_{dl}}}&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}&{{w_{dl}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{{w_{dl}} + {w_{end - dl}}}\end{array}}&{}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_{ddl}} + \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}&0& \cdots & \cdots &0\\{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}&{{w_{ddl}} + 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}&{}&{}& \vdots \\0&{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &{{w_{ddl}} + 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}}}&{{w_{ddl}} + \frac{{{w_{dddl}}}}{{\Delta {s^2}}} + {w_{end - ddl}}}\end{array}}\end{array}} \right] P=2 wl+wlref000wl+wlref000wl+wlref+wendlwdl000wdl000wdl+wenddlwddl+Δs2wdddl2Δs2wdddl000wddl+2Δs2wdddl2Δs2wdddl0wddl+2Δs2wdddl2Δs2wdddl00wddl+Δs2wdddl+wendddl

void PiecewiseJerkPathProblem::CalculateOffset(std::vector<c_float>* q) {
  const int n = static_cast<int>(num_of_knots_);
  const int kNumParam = 3 * n;
  q->resize(kNumParam, 0.0);

  if (has_x_ref_) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      q->at(i) += -2.0 * weight_x_ref_vec_.at(i) * x_ref_[i] / scale_factor_[0];

  if (has_end_state_ref_) {
    q->at(n - 1) +=
        -2.0 * weight_end_state_[0] * end_state_ref_[0] / scale_factor_[0];
    q->at(2 * n - 1) +=
        -2.0 * weight_end_state_[1] * end_state_ref_[1] / scale_factor_[1];
    q->at(3 * n - 1) +=
        -2.0 * weight_end_state_[2] * end_state_ref_[2] / scale_factor_[2];

一次项系数向量 q q q如下
q = [ − 2 ⋅ w l − r e f ⋅ l 0 − r e f ⋮ − 2 ⋅ w l − r e f ⋅ l ( n − 2 ) − r e f − 2 ⋅ w l − r e f ⋅ l ( n − 1 ) − r e f − 2 ⋅ w e n d − l ⋅ l e n d − l 0 ⋮ 0 − 2 ⋅ w e n d − d l ⋅ l e n d − d l 0 ⋮ 0 − 2 ⋅ w e n d − d d l ⋅ l e n d − d d l ] q = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 2 \cdot {w_{l - ref}} \cdot {l_{0 - ref}}}\\ \vdots \\{ - 2 \cdot {w_{l - ref}} \cdot {l_{(n - 2) - ref}}}\\{ - 2 \cdot {w_{l - ref}} \cdot {l_{(n - 1) - ref}} - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - l}} \cdot {l_{end - l}}}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{ - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - dl}} \cdot {l_{end - dl}}}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{ - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - ddl}} \cdot {l_{end - ddl}}}\end{array}} \right] q= 2wlrefl0ref2wlrefl(n2)ref2wlrefl(n1)ref2wendllendl002wenddllenddl002wendddllendddl

void PiecewiseJerkProblem::CalculateAffineConstraint(
    std::vector<c_float>* A_data, std::vector<c_int>* A_indices,
    std::vector<c_int>* A_indptr, std::vector<c_float>* lower_bounds,
    std::vector<c_float>* upper_bounds) {
  // 3N params bounds on x, x', x''
  // 3(N-1) constraints on x, x', x''
  // 3 constraints on x_init_
  const int n = static_cast<int>(num_of_knots_);
  const int num_of_variables = 3 * n;
  const int num_of_constraints = num_of_variables + 3 * (n - 1) + 3;

  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<c_int, c_float>>> variables(

  int constraint_index = 0;
  // set x, x', x'' bounds
  for (int i = 0; i < num_of_variables; ++i) {
    if (i < n) {
      variables[i].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
      lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          x_bounds_[i].first * scale_factor_[0];
      upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          x_bounds_[i].second * scale_factor_[0];
    } else if (i < 2 * n) {
      variables[i].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);

      lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          dx_bounds_[i - n].first * scale_factor_[1];
      upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          dx_bounds_[i - n].second * scale_factor_[1];
    } else {
      variables[i].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
      lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          ddx_bounds_[i - 2 * n].first * scale_factor_[2];
      upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
          ddx_bounds_[i - 2 * n].second * scale_factor_[2];
  CHECK_EQ(constraint_index, num_of_variables);

  // x(i->i+1)''' = (x(i+1)'' - x(i)'') / delta_s
  for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++i) {
    variables[2 * n + i].emplace_back(constraint_index, -1.0);
    variables[2 * n + i + 1].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
    lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
        dddx_bound_.first * delta_s_ * scale_factor_[2];
    upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) =
        dddx_bound_.second * delta_s_ * scale_factor_[2];

  // x(i+1)' - x(i)' - 0.5 * delta_s * x(i)'' - 0.5 * delta_s * x(i+1)'' = 0
  for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++i) {
    variables[n + i].emplace_back(constraint_index, -1.0 * scale_factor_[2]);
    variables[n + i + 1].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0 * scale_factor_[2]);
    variables[2 * n + i].emplace_back(constraint_index,
                                      -0.5 * delta_s_ * scale_factor_[1]);
    variables[2 * n + i + 1].emplace_back(constraint_index,
                                          -0.5 * delta_s_ * scale_factor_[1]);
    lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) = 0.0;
    upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) = 0.0;

  // x(i+1) - x(i) - delta_s * x(i)'
  // - 1/3 * delta_s^2 * x(i)'' - 1/6 * delta_s^2 * x(i+1)''
  auto delta_s_sq_ = delta_s_ * delta_s_;
  for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++i) {
                              -1.0 * scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[2]);
    variables[i + 1].emplace_back(constraint_index,
                                  1.0 * scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[2]);
    variables[n + i].emplace_back(
        constraint_index, -delta_s_ * scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[2]);
    variables[2 * n + i].emplace_back(
        -delta_s_sq_ / 3.0 * scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[1]);
    variables[2 * n + i + 1].emplace_back(
        -delta_s_sq_ / 6.0 * scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[1]);

    lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) = 0.0;
    upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) = 0.0;

  // constrain on x_init
  variables[0].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
  lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[0] * scale_factor_[0];
  upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[0] * scale_factor_[0];

  variables[n].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
  lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[1] * scale_factor_[1];
  upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[1] * scale_factor_[1];

  variables[2 * n].emplace_back(constraint_index, 1.0);
  lower_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[2] * scale_factor_[2];
  upper_bounds->at(constraint_index) = x_init_[2] * scale_factor_[2];

  CHECK_EQ(constraint_index, num_of_constraints);

  int ind_p = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_of_variables; ++i) {
    for (const auto& variable_nz : variables[i]) {
      // coefficient

      // constraint index
  // We indeed need this line because of
  // https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/osqp/blob/master/src/cs.c#L255

l b = [ l l b [ 0 ] ⋮ l l b [ n − 1 ] l ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋮ l ′ l b [ n − 1 ] l ′ ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋮ l ′ ′ l b [ n − 1 ] l ′ ′ ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋅ Δ s ⋮ l ′ ′ ′ l b [ n − 2 ] ⋅ Δ s 0 ⋮ 0 l i n i t l ′ i n i t l ′ ′ i n i t ] , u b = [ l u b [ 0 ] ⋮ l u b [ n − 1 ] l ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋮ l ′ u b [ n − 1 ] l ′ ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋮ l ′ ′ u b [ n − 1 ] l ′ ′ ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋅ Δ s ⋮ l ′ ′ ′ u b [ n − 2 ] ⋅ Δ s 0 ⋮ 0 l i n i t l ′ i n i t l ′ ′ i n i t ] lb = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{l_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{l_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l'}_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{l'}_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l''}_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{l''}_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l'''}_{lb}}[0] \cdot \Delta s}\\ \vdots \\{{{l'''}_{lb}}[n - 2] \cdot \Delta s}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{{l_{init}}}\\{{{l'}_{init}}}\\{{{l''}_{init}}}\end{array}} \right],ub = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{l_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{l_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l'}_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{l'}_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l''}_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{l''}_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{l'''}_{ub}}[0] \cdot \Delta s}\\ \vdots \\{{{l'''}_{ub}}[n - 2] \cdot \Delta s}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{{l_{init}}}\\{{{l'}_{init}}}\\{{{l''}_{init}}}\end{array}} \right] lb= llb[0]llb[n1]llb[0]llb[n1]l′′lb[0]l′′lb[n1]l′′′lb[0]Δsl′′′lb[n2]Δs00linitlinitl′′init ,ub= lub[0]lub[n1]lub[0]lub[n1]l′′ub[0]l′′ub[n1]l′′′ub[0]Δsl′′′ub[n2]Δs00linitlinitl′′init


A = [ 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − Δ s 2 − Δ s 2 ⋱ ⋱ − Δ s 2 − Δ s 2 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − Δ s ⋱ − Δ s − Δ s 2 3 − Δ s 2 6 ⋱ ⋱ − Δ s 2 3 − Δ s 2 6 1 1 1 ] A = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}&{}&{}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}&{}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \frac{{\Delta s}}{2}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta s}}{2}}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - \frac{{\Delta s}}{2}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta s}}{2}}\end{array}}\\{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \Delta s}&{}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots &{}&{}\\{}&{}&{ - \Delta s}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \frac{{\Delta {s^2}}}{3}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {s^2}}}{6}}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {s^2}}}{3}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {s^2}}}{6}}\end{array}}\\{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{}&{}&{}&{}\\1&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{}&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\\1&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}\end{array}} \right] A= 1000000111111100000011111ΔsΔs11000000111112Δs2Δs2Δs2Δs3Δs26Δs23Δs26Δs21

SolverDefaultSettings 设定OSQP求解参数

OSQPSettings* PiecewiseJerkProblem::SolverDefaultSettings() {
  // Define Solver default settings
  OSQPSettings* settings =
  settings->polish = true;
  settings->verbose = FLAGS_enable_osqp_debug;
  settings->scaled_termination = true;
  return settings;





[1] Apollo 6.0 QP(二次规划)算法解析
[2] Apollo星火计划学习笔记——Apollo路径规划算法原理与实践
[3] 分段加加速度路径优化
[4] Apollo 6.0的EM Planner (2):路径规划的二次规划QP过程
[5] 【规划】Apollo QSQP接口详解




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